Really confused


New Member
here is the pics of the gear i use.
one shows the cheap plastic prop with the clear lid(humidity dome).
one shows a dry jiffys and shows how they fit in the prop nicely(room for 20 jiffys).
the pic of the swollen jiffy shows you how i prep them soak them in warm water untill fully soaked then just squeeze the excess water out and shape it how it looks in the pic.
and one pic just shows what kind of weight you want the jiffy to be once prepped.
if i am planting maybe 10 seeds then i will weigh each jiffy to 38g to give consistency with the moisture level you can give them a light misting of water after 12 hrs and that will do untill they sprout.
once this is done just make a small 5mm deep hole in the top of your prepped jiffys and just simply drop the seeds in there holes straight out the packet cover them slightly with some peat from the jiffy put them in the prop put the lid on and keep in a drawer in TOTAL DARKNESS make sure the temps are 21-23* and you are most definately going to get 100% germ rate within 70-85 hrs.
i have done over 60+ seeds for various people just to get their sprouts started and never had one not soon as you see the peat cracking at the top of the pellet and life coming(any whiteness from the embrio/seed)then remove them from the dark and start your 18/6. NO LIGHT UNTILL THEN ONLY A QUICK CHECK ON PROGRESS.
i may do 6 seeds shortly for a friend and when i do i will show you the sprout as it cracks the jiffy surface.



New Member
I have just seen a little tap root develop out of both of my seeds (roughly 3-4mm). Have just placed under light still in their jiffy pellets. Started to give them 18:6 lighting just now. My light is about 1.5 - 2" above the jiffy pellets. does all this sound ok to you guys?
using a propogator will never give you this greif dont fuck about with paper towels and them put them in jiffys.
just go with what i tell you and is guaranteed.
no one is going to buy seeds for plants or vegatables and germinate them in paper towels then attempt to plant them in soil and expect it to work.


Active Member
using a propogator will never give you this greif dont fuck about with paper towels and them put them in jiffys.
just go with what i tell you and is guaranteed.
no one is going to buy seeds for plants or vegatables and germinate them in paper towels then attempt to plant them in soil and expect it to work.

Hey man,

Thanks a lot for the replies. I did what you sed and its 2 days later. Got 3 sprouts and have placed 2" under a 200w light, making sure they are moist. I was told to give them 24:0 lighting for the first 2 weeks. Hope this isn't wrong.

Brick Top

New Member
I was told to give them 24:0 lighting for the first 2 weeks. Hope this isn't wrong.

You will get varied opinions on a 24/0 light cycle for any period of time.

When the sun is shining or lights are on a plant will be multitasking. It will use part of the energy it takes in to grow above ground stem/foliage and part to grow roots and part to draw in and transfer moisture and nutes and part to process the moisture and nutes and part for storage of energy.

When it has a period of darkness, like in an 18/6 light cycle, almost all the energy goes to growth of roots and stem/foliage so it uses the stored energy more efficiently and you get increased growth over that of a 24/0 light cycle.

I have never been a fan of a 24/0 light cycle for any period of time. Most people I have known who have tried it and a number of people on various herb growing sites where I have read messages about how they used said they saw no appreciable increase in growth using a 24/0 light cycle over an 18/6 light cycle and some have said they got better faster growth out of an 18/6 light cycle but still some people swear by a 24/0 light cycle.

Still it goes against how a plant works in its most efficient manner so I do not see how a plant could benefit by it but do whatever you feel the most comfortable with.

Pot plants are rather tough and versatile and while optimal conditions are preferable, if someone can create them, they will still not only survive but do well in less than optimal conditions as long as the conditions are not horrible.

Sampson jr III

Active Member
Hey people,

Ok so following on from earlier, my seed has cracked and I can see a little bit of white within the shell, however no taproot has emergered. The seed is resting on a jiffy pellet in a propagator. As it has cracked, does this mean it is ready for light?

you can give it light whenever you can germinate them in the pellet under light and it will start growing withing a day or 2. fast as hell too in the right conditions....


New Member
you can give them 24/0 light if you want but 18/6 is a better option its more like natural conditions.
there is not many places on the planet with 24hrs of light but it will work for you i just like to keep it natural and give my plants a sleep at night.
as i said 24/0 works but i wouldent start with 24/0 for a few weeks then switch to 18/6 later just choose one or the other but many experienced grower will say 18/6 is best and thats what i go with.


New Member
when theyre in the pellets they can germinate under the light....keep the green house lid on if so!.bongsmilie
yes but there still in the dark planted in the jiffy(under soil) and yes keep the plastic cover on but just cover the plastic lid with a piece of card or something just to prevent any light leakage untill the seeds sprout then off with the cover and full light.
i just put my prop in a dark drawer 21*-23* and 70-85hrs they sprout and then i just put them under the light then.
all methods will work done correctly but seeds need dark to germinate.
wrapped in a paper towel(dark).
soaked in water in a jar in a cupboard(dark).
or planted straight into soil and covered over(dark).
burried in a jiffy(dark).


Active Member
Hey guys i have a problem, two of my seedlings green stems have got thinner. they are yet to crack off the seed casing. I have put a see through plastic lid over them to maintain a bit of humidity and temps. Not sure whats causing the problem they were fine yday. the pH and everything is fine, I think it could be the temps of the light (2" away from jiffy), but if i move them any further away i'm sure stretching will occur. Got a fan on the go but it dries the pellets right out. Any ideas?!?!?


New Member
is your fan to strong????? (just a very light breeze for seedlings if any).
remove the prop lid and let the sprout breathe immediately.
dont try and remove the seed shell it will fall off of its own accord.
and i take it its not extremely damp/wet (the humidity dome will cause this.remove it).
and what wattage and kind of lamp have you got on them????.
are your temps ok????
if you can get some pics that would be a real help.


Active Member
is your fan to strong????? (just a very light breeze for seedlings if any).
remove the prop lid and let the sprout breathe immediately.
dont try and remove the seed shell it will fall off of its own accord.
and i take it its not extremely damp/wet (the humidity dome will cause this.remove it).
and what wattage and kind of lamp have you got on them????.
are your temps ok????
if you can get some pics that would be a real help.
Hey im using a 200w envirolite (3-4" above top of jiffy. I had it lower but the temps got too high) and temps around 80 F. Got a fan blowing upward towards the light to maintain this temp otherwise temps above 90. Theres no actual breeze going over the seeds, so i dont dry them out. I will try to attach pics tonight. The jiffy have been sprayed once in morning and once in the evening. This keeps it moist.


New Member
situation sounds good.
just maintain a nice moisture level in the jiffy(not to wet).
look forward to seeing your pics.
i will get mine to you when i decide to germ some more seeds.


Active Member
Here are the pics as promised. of the healthy plant and one of the unhealthy ones, the current setup (showing light distance from jiffys) and the distance and position of the fan from the setup.

Can you give me feedback on all pictures. Is my light too far from the plant? Is the fan positioned ok? And obviously, what is up with the ill plant?

Appreciate your time people, am learning loads.



Active Member
Here are the pics as promised. of the healthy plant and one of the unhealthy ones, the current setup (showing light distance from jiffys) and the distance and position of the fan from the setup.

Can you give me feedback on all pictures. Is my light too far from the plant? Is the fan positioned ok? And obviously, what is up with the ill plant?

Appreciate your time people, am learning loads.

can u see the brown underneath the bottom cotyledon ? Is that something to be worried about


New Member
the one in the middle(pic 3) is your only healthy sprout keep it going.
the other 2 look like they might not make it but keep them and see.
its hard to see your light height but 3-4" sounds ok dependent on its heat output but you can measure the heat coming from it by placing your hand 1" above the top of the sprout and if the back of your hand gets warm then move the light a bit higher untill you feel comfortable with it(light height judging will come from experience after a while).
the fan is fine.
as for the ill sprouts this could be down to poor germination if you have treated them all the same then they should all be looking the same.
were all 3 the same seeds(good/reliable)????????.
and as for the brown under the cotlydon dont worry about that cotlydons are not true leaves(they are seed leaves) and will fall of soon naturally.


Active Member
the one in the middle(pic 3) is your only healthy sprout keep it going.
the other 2 look like they might not make it but keep them and see.
its hard to see your light height but 3-4" sounds ok dependent on its heat output but you can measure the heat coming from it by placing your hand 1" above the top of the sprout and if the back of your hand gets warm then move the light a bit higher untill you feel comfortable with it(light height judging will come from experience after a while).
the fan is fine.
as for the ill sprouts this could be down to poor germination if you have treated them all the same then they should all be looking the same.
were all 3 the same seeds(good/reliable)????????.
and as for the brown under the cotlydon dont worry about that cotlydons are not true leaves(they are seed leaves) and will fall of soon naturally.

Yeah you might be right there. I germinated one in middle using paper towel and other two in jiffy pellet. Think i put them under light too early. They are dead now. Gunna focus on the middle one. Temps around 80-82 with current light height and fan blowing. My hand doesnt get warm when placing under light. So for future, do i wait until the seedling looks like the healthy one in the photos before placing under light. Also am growing in hydro, when do u think i need to transplant?


New Member
no lift the jiffys out in to the light when they look like this.
i have used a piece of plastic in the jiffy shown just to give you an idea when to take it out of the dark.
the piece of plastic looks like what you will see when it is first starting to sprout(the stem)then when you give it light at this stage it will start lifting up straight and in a few days it will look like your good sprout is at the moment.
the jiffy/s go under the light long before you see any leaves/cotlydons.
have you grown before because if its a first dont go hydro its far more costly and a lot harder.
if you were growing in soil then you could start with a 4" pot at the moment and put about 1.5inch of medium/soil in the bottom of the pot the place your jiffy in the pot nice an centrall and pour the soil round the outsides untill the pots full and the sprout stem is just protuding the soil and that would be your first transplant done but i dont know anything about hydro transplanting or hydro growing i just know its costly more hassle need twice the equiptment and a lot harder and it wont improve your weed growth/harvest amounts/strength or be any quicker.



Active Member

IAhh those pics make it so much clearer. Im sure I did it part right, maybe just gave it light too early.
yeah im a first time grower. I already ordered the hydro and read its a lot easier to do for first time growers.Ive just invested in the whole hyrdo setup using the oxy pot (deep water culture) and therfore have no money left for supplies. I was told its really easy to use and you get a better yield than in soil.

I have another question too. Just preparing in advance. I have been given IONIC Nutrient Solution (Boost, Bloom Hard Water and Hydro Grow HW). Does anyone have any experience with these? Could you tell me what strengths to use and when? Im finding it real hard to extract the info I need. ( I heard you need to use 1/2 strength for first few weeks?!?).

Thanks a lot guys