is 18/6 better than 24 hours light?


Well-Known Member
Every time i grow it gets better and better for me, i switched from floros to a 400 watt hps and 3 100 hps lamps for side lkighting and i cant beleive the difference. I also suppercropped mine this time and lst. Wow oh wow is all i can say. Oh and i cut clones this time around to

Brick Top

New Member
When plants grow during the day, while lights are on they are multitasking, they are taking in the light rays and processing them for growth and to produce resin/THC and to store up energy for night so less of their overall energy goes to actual growth. At night, in the dark, they only do one thing and that is grow.

Plants grow much more efficiently in the dark hours but of course can only do that for so long because they are relying totally on stored up energy they took in during the day so it is not like you can increase the dark hours and get a bigger better plant. But they use their stored energy more efficiently in the night or dark hours and almost all of it goes towards growth and very little to anything else.

So a 24/0 time cycle actually works against you. For some reason some people say it works better but that goes against how plants work, how their mechanisms work, how they function, how they actually grow.


Well-Known Member
makes since to me brick top. thats the way i was thinking atleast, but what do i know i'm reading,asking questions and learning as i go.

Brick Top

New Member
makes since to me brick top. thats the way i was thinking atleast, but what do i know i'm reading,asking questions and learning as i go.

My family has a nursery, trees and bushes, not plants or taking care of kids, and my brother in law, my sister and my niece all have degrees in botany. I was sent an email a while back from a friend who grows and it said what I did but in a long form and I asked them if it was true and they said yep, its true.

I posted what I got in the email in another thread about 24/0 lighting and someone jumped on me about plagiarizing because they had read the same thing before here and I hadn’t credited the person for their work or rewrote it in my own words. I have no idea who the original author was and it was to formally written and advanced for most any herb site member to have written so most certainly it was plagiarized to begin with but to avoid being complained to again I gave a very short version of what it said and what was confirmed by three family members with botany degrees.


Well-Known Member
nice. im switching i did switch for like a week and i could have sworn that they started lifting weights at night while i was asleep. they got f-ing huge, and not even large spaces between the nodes, just least over the rim of a 5 gallon bucket and
they went crazy. i love it. if i didnt grow them sideways and tie em down they would be 3 feet strait up right now. now i just put em into flower a week ago and if they are 3 feet now. come on realistically. how big will they get. are they gonna be bushes or what or is it an exageration. they just fill in thats all?

