3 weeks into flowering, found male balls hidden!! help


Active Member
So my plant is doing just fine about 3 weeks into flowering right now.. yesterday i found these male balls starting to appear on the lower half of the plant.

I cut them all off that i could see, but i missed one i guess, and this morning i woke up and the bottom of the plant was covered in pollon!!! What should i do??? How can i prevent more coming, and also is all of it ruined?


Well-Known Member
kill the male quickly, if it had balls on it why did u keep it (even if its a hermi)?
They might be gone if it pollinated, maybe give them a few weeks and see whats the go, or u could turn them into food or something


Well-Known Member
spray her down with water to nuetralize the pollen and be more diligent in removing them. They can open overnight but not usually-did u miss these before going into flowering? and One sac is not going to cover ur whole plant in pollen. maybe a leaf or 2 underneath it. something aint right


Active Member
sorry guys was at work.. thanx for the responses, just sprayed her down..
Ya its the only plant i have right now so didnt want to just kill it haha.. and ya it didnt cover the whole thing, think i exagerated a little cuz i was worrying lol, but definately a lot of that crap came out..
i heard from someone that the bud tastes gross from hermis, is that true?


Well-Known Member
what do you mean bud from hermie? no bud comes off hermie you make hash out of males takes a lot of them


Well-Known Member
sorry guys was at work.. thanx for the responses, just sprayed her down..
Ya its the only plant i have right now so didnt want to just kill it haha.. and ya it didnt cover the whole thing, think i exagerated a little cuz i was worrying lol, but definately a lot of that crap came out..
i heard from someone that the bud tastes gross from hermis, is that true?
Ingore what that other guy wrote. A true hermaphrodite has almost equal parts of male flowers to female flowers. An interesexed plant has primarliy femlae flowers with the some < 15% or so male flowers. A true hermie weed, which inevietablly almost always get pretty seeded, is ok at best. Looks real green and gets the job done-like a high grade reg. Have a gal now that was chopped that at 3 weeks picked off 30-40 male flowers and than again at 6 weeks another 40-50. Apparaently missed quite a few as well as there a a dozen or so dried and dead male flowers that dispersed their pollen. Only found 4 seeds so far and they are on the same bud. Been the same strain of mj too for a while now. The smoke is awesome (bagseed) and she reached her full potential. You must be vigilant in picking them off- at first they will be on the internodes on mainly the secondary branches right where a female pistillate calyx would be as on the other branches. Than they will appear at the node at the bud site, tucked nicely behind the bud. yes you will have to pry back the buds in week 5 to see them and pluck em. Other than that, a very thorough misting every 10 days or so and zero air cirulation going through the bottom to top of plant should see you reaching full potential all other things like nutes and light being in range.