What about moonlight?


Active Member
Just curious if anyone knows if moonlight is actually beneficial to the plants, especially during the flowering stage. If so, is there some kind of artificial moonlight that could be used in an indoor set up?


Well-Known Member
why, you want as much light as possible in the day and during veg and complete darkness during the night when flowering


Active Member
But in nature a plant is not in complete darkness. And I've read from various sources that plants grown outdoors are superior to those grown indoors.


Well-Known Member
yea they are but its not b/c of moon light. outdoor plant are bigger b/c the unlimited room for roots, and the long veg time.


Well-Known Member
But in nature a plant is not in complete darkness. And I've read from various sources that plants grown outdoors are superior to those grown indoors.
They are better grown outdoors than indoors, but it's not because of the moonlight. You're getting your cause and affects mixed up.

Another classic example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.


Well-Known Member
great guys, after reading this thread i went out an bought a light bulb and painted it the color of the moon, Will posts pics of how this artificial moon technique plays out


Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
I've heard that during flowering plants must have ABSOLUTE darkness, but surely this can't be right if outdoor plants get moonlight and grow just fine.


Well-Known Member
Everynight, I pull down my pants and MOON my plants for 5 minutes. This seems to work just fine.


Well-Known Member
what i meant is that if your plant is in complete darkness during lights off time, dose it not begin to flower a little sooner that if it was getting light


Well-Known Member
Honestly I Have seen direct proof that they don't need complete darkness, they just need a MOSTLY dark time. A week light like moolight or a little bleeding light from a far away source won't disturb the flowering cycle or cause hermies per say.

Of course it's best to try to offer COMPLETE darkness for piece of mind+optimal results ...


Active Member
I've heard that during flowering plants must have ABSOLUTE darkness, but surely this can't be right if outdoor plants get moonlight and grow just fine.

That's my point. A plant in nature gets plenty of light from the moon and keeps right on flowering.

I found several articles of the internet that explain various theories about the effect of the moon on plants in general. Most talk about the gravitational force exerted upon the Earth at various phases of the moon and how they effect many aspects of the plants behavior. Some have mentioned the light from the moon as well. Here's a quote from an article by Marion Owen, co-author of the book "Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul". In it, she says:

"How is sowing, transplanting and harvesting linked to phases of the moon? One theory is that during the light (waxing) of the Moon, sap is thought to flow more strongly, filling plants with vitality and energy, favoring the planting and harvesting of crops that mature above ground."

Yes, it's a theory. But to think the moon has no effect seems impossible to me.


Active Member
I have purchased a 24hr light system to try on my plants from seed to harvest (Hydro). It just doesnt make sense that the moon has nothing to do with the full growth of a plant. It would make sense that it would be better for the plant being that we are creating nature inside. I am sure they dont go out and cover every plant with commercial growing.

The light has 8 small moonlights built in. I will post pics!!


Active Member
Honestly I Have seen direct proof that they don't need complete darkness, they just need a MOSTLY dark time. A week light like moolight or a little bleeding light from a far away source won't disturb the flowering cycle or cause hermies per say.

Of course it's best to try to offer COMPLETE darkness for piece of mind+optimal results ...
Yeah, i have 2 plants flowering in my closet that has blankets blocking the light that is vegging seeds a foot away....and i dont have the sides sealed to my "flowering" area....but, my plants are the shit and are looking amazing...

So, whatev


Well-Known Member
moonlight slows growth. during full moons, the growth is slowed the most. plants grow best outside mainly because of the SUN, which is more powerful than any indoor lights, and do not decrease in strength farther from the source as indoor lighting does. Greenhouses which can block light completely do much better than outdoor plants. plus, outdoors plants are vegged for 3-5 months before flowering. many variables are different outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm thinking:
Moonlight has a very low intensity (intensity depends on area)...when people talk about light leaking and causing hermies, I pretty much guarantee that the light is brighter than moonlight, and that's why it causes a problem. If you have a situation where you are purposely or accidentally mimicking moonlight, then I bet you won't have any hermies. As for it helping your plants out...maybe...but I doubt it will be in any noticeable way.


Well-Known Member
Plants natch would proliferate in a 100% dark nite, but mother nature doesn't do that so plants adapt. moonlight (being so weak) doesn'treally affect plants, but a bright light closer up shocks the plants into thinking it's daytime and starts to try to go into daytime grow cycle. so a little weak light (like a light leak from a shelf next door) won't hurt them, just keep it dim or use a 'green' light, apparently this color does nothing to plants, so if need be you could 'check' on your dark plants with a green tinted flashlite.