Growing Northern Lights


Active Member
i'm going to start growing northern lights. im growing it indoors and i'm going to move it outdoors once it warms up. any tips for me? anything will help. thank you:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
just a question . did you read or search anything on this forum before asking this ?


Active Member
My plethora of questions (you asked for this to happen, haha):

1. What seed bank did you get the NL seeds from? if you ordered them from a seed bank, that is.
2. What soil do you plan on using?
3. What type of lights do you plan on using?
4. How many lights?
5. How big is your grow area?
6. How big do you want to grow your plants?
7. When are you going to move them outside?
8. What lighting regime do you plan to use indoors?
9. Have you ever grown before?
10. What nutrients do you plan on using? If any.