WWIII began today


Well-Known Member
This is nonsense. What day and age do we live in??? Grow up man. I dont believe for a second you have the intelligence to join the army or any other organised institute at that. Wheres FDD at then???


Well-Known Member
oh yeah me again all you dirty jew lovers i have been to the middleeast many times, mostly to kill towl heads i love it 23 close quarter combat kills under my belt, afgani iragi hopfully jews next maybe tryingto master kush??? who knows go seals
and then you get banned off the internet. probably killing babies anyways. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Lol you ask these questions assuming the rest of the world is just like the US.........things are different in different places I assume your anti-Semitic attitude is not welcome anywhere here
Dude Semitic people aren't just Jewish. It's just jewish propaganda. I have nothing against jews or christians or muslims. I do hate zionists however, they are scumbags. :cuss:


New Member
ok im sorry most of my clients are jewish i here what they say about everyone else in the world they think every religeon is a joke except thears?? they belong to jewish only country clubs that YOU cant join if you are black asian or white or any non jewish religeon also look at all those wall street jews berney maddoff stole 50 billion, goldman sachs, lehman brothers ceo sold one of his 13 mansions worth 14 million to his wife for a buck what the FUCK is that the poor poor jew
I used to work on quite a few golf courses as a contractor, and more than a couple "jewish" courses. At each of those courses I asked if i could play a round after work. the answer was always yes and on at least two occasions i was told if i wanted to join i could, even though I was not jewish. I think they just don't want people like you sitting next to them at the 19th hole. One of the main reasons why there are alot of Jewish courses and clubs is because in the past they were outlawed from joining gentile clubs...wasps. You can't have it both ways genius.
It's quite obvious that you have more than a few deep insecurities. See someone about that won't you?

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
If the US lets them tap into the "arsenal"...we have "conventional" weaponry which can penetrate. So far we have PUBLICLY said no.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ha the holy war has begun,this was prophesized many year ago by wise and noble profits. The race for mass conformity is underway. The world will be as it was in the begining of "time",one desolate and lonely place. We as humans will be the ultimate destruction to our species. We are done.

Dont forget to duck under your desk when the bomb drops:lol:


Well-Known Member
If the US lets them tap into the "arsenal"...we have "conventional" weaponry which can penetrate. So far we have PUBLICLY said no.

out. :blsmoke:
So do they but they can't get aircraft within 100 miles of the site. Remember the Russians have been selling them hardware like we have been giving it to Israel.