Is there a better after surgery drug out there?


Well-Known Member
So I got my appendix removed yesterday and they had me taking 5mg of morphine every 2 hours. Well now I am home and I just smoked 2 bowls. My pain isn't gone but it is dull and I can take it much better. I am getting hungry which is good because I haven't been in 2 days and in 3 days all I have eaten was 3/4 cup of chicken broth. It is also getting late so I am going to be able to sleep like a baby.

I don't see how the vicoden I got an Rx for is going to be any better.


Well-Known Member
Try making brownies with the ganja. It takes care of the physical pain better than smoking, at least it does for me!


Well-Known Member
If morphine's not killing your pain, then nothing will... I would take a double dose and see how that goes. Otherwise, you can ask for Oxycontin, but your Dr. probably won't prescribe them.


Well-Known Member
vikes suck, i had my apendix out awhile ago,and i recently had knee surgury. took some morphine pills to help with the pain. vikes only work for the first two days of takin them then they stop working. thats where maryj comes in, thats the best pain reliever. nothing like weed for pain relief.

also morphine is an opiet and the body will build up a tolerance in a quick rate of time


Well-Known Member
vikes suck, i had my apendix out awhile ago,and i recently had knee surgury. took some morphine pills to help with the pain. vikes only work for the first two days of takin them then they stop working. thats where maryj comes in, thats the best pain reliever. nothing like weed for pain relief.

also morphine is an opiet and the body will build up a tolerance in a quick rate of time
Vicodin is a opiate as well. Morphine is simply a stronger concentration without the acetaminophen.


Well-Known Member
vikes are just codene aka tylanol,they put a mild seditive in there to help ease the pain,bc the body heals faster when its at rest. vikes have no,zippo,nada opiet properties,i know my meds:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
vikes are just codene aka tylanol,they put a mild seditive in there to help ease the pain,bc the body heals faster when its at rest. vikes have no,zippo,nada opiet properties,i know my meds:bigjoint:
Vicodins are NOT just tylenol, nor are they codeine. I know my drugs! I was studying to be a pharmacist before I switched grad programs.

I can assure you that Vicodins are NOT tylenol with a sedative. Vicodins are HYDROCODONE with acetaminophen. Trust me. Look it up if you want to, but Vicodins are the standard OPIATE painkiller prescribed for surgeries.


Well-Known Member
Vicodins are NOT just tylenol, nor are they codeine. I know my drugs! I was studying to be a pharmacist before I switched grad programs.

I can assure you that Vicodins are NOT tylenol with a sedative. Vicodins are HYDROCODONE with acetaminophen. Trust me. Look it up if you want to, but Vicodins are the standard OPIATE painkiller prescribed for surgeries.

touche, i was just sayin what there like. i know it contains what it contains. vikes just suck. nothing like maryj for painrelief


New Member
weed and vicodin or weed and morphine u should be good bro unless ur in a hell of alot of pain.. i cant imagine this will take all of ur pain away but it will certainly ease it


Well-Known Member
Vicodin is Hydrocodeine which is an opiate

how it works is when you take the pill it is absorb into your bloodstream and then once it gets to the brain 10% of the Hydrocodeine is converted into morphine by the brain through a chemical process, so Vikes are Codeine aka morpheine