i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass


Well-Known Member
That'll teach ya.;)Folks are gonna think you're a crackhead, running around with burnt fingers.I'd do the same thing...remember when wood burning was popular?A few burnt fingers cured me of ever wanting to try that hobby.:blsmoke:
dropped a red hot marble on the back of my hand. i took a pic but it's really gross.


Well-Known Member
flush that wound with 91%rubbin alcohol and sea salt mix. that will get it healed within 3days. the salt it cannot be regular salt bc sea salt contians vital nutrients and minerals that will boost the plasma and platelets to fuse into new skin at a faster rate then neosporin. trust me,the human body is like a marijuana plant. sea salt is great,plus it has tons of natural iron. irons natural magnetic property will coax the platelets together properly and leave a minimalistic scar. at best the scar should be no bigger then a bb once fully healed. this method will cause more pain but it will get you healed quicker. remember no pain no gain:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, and salt in a burn feels absolutely MARVELOUS....:roll::lol:
flush that wound with 91%rubbin alcohol and sea salt mix. that will get it healed within 3days. the salt it cannot be regular salt bc sea salt contians vital nutrients and minerals that will boost the plasma and platelets to fuse into new skin at a faster rate then neosporin. trust me,the human body is like a marijuana plant. sea salt is great,plus it has tons of natural iron. irons natural magnetic property will coax the platelets together properly and leave a minimalistic scar. at best the scar should be no bigger then a bb once fully healed. this method will cause more pain but it will get you healed quicker. remember no pain no gain:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2075425]did you eat the scab?[/quote]

it peeled off with the bandaid. it was all slimy. i threw it away. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

srry, you kno . . bongsmilie

i always pick at my scabs, i like them to scar instead of heal for some reason, kinda like battle scars, or a badge of honor :D


Well-Known Member
i must say im a fan of the smaller one on the top of the multi bowl photo

its so..cute?

the very top one, on the left? i like that one as well. it has a tiny bowl on it with a tiny hole. just big enough for a couple hits of hash. it's hard to find a good hash pipe. they need tiny holes or the hash falls thru. i like little bowls as well because i only need 3 or 4 tokes and i'm good. :eyesmoke:

i like the fat strawberry one as well. it has a nice feel. i need to steady my roll a little though. they are kinda sloppy. my mouthpieces are all crocked as well. each one gets a little better though.


New Member
the very top one, on the left? i like that one as well. it has a tiny bowl on it with a tiny hole. just big enough for a couple hits of hash. it's hard to find a good hash pipe. they need tiny holes or the hash falls thru. i like little bowls as well because i only need 3 or 4 tokes and i'm good. :eyesmoke:

i like the fat strawberry one as well. it has a nice feel. i need to steady my roll a little though. they are kinda sloppy. my mouthpieces are all crocked as well. each one gets a little better though.
i agree, the mouth peice is cruicial! try maybe pressing it inwards? itll act as an "ashcatcher" and keep things from pulling through as much too!

id try and find a video of a "how to" but i feel like someone probably has, and my internet is being "fucky"

as for the top bowl - yea it looks ILL for hash/keif/oil or whatever you'd like to smoke through it.


Well-Known Member
nice, I have been wanting to start blowing glass lately too.

did you get a kiln yet that is the major thing holding me back