SOG growers wanted !!!


New Member
I like trim Can i come over?? Nice legs !! and some real nice buds big guy..
thanks, nno and thanks:blsmoke:

GB post 616 Had me crying!!! you really do have bugs number dont you? In fact when Mr ATHORITI!!! gets his Elmer Fudd silver star only the true growers will know who is behind the badge.
hey you....dont encourage him. i just got his hippie ass settled down.
and besides i promised to use my power for good:finger:
PS I thought you had bigger boobs too Bugs
i think i'm an a cup

mybadbro!i ddintknowsiwasinyourspaceandall!seeidontgetyowritingsbecaueiamnotahiphoprecordproduceryoyoyo!
iguessigotsconfusedwhenyoustartedouttalkkingboiutallthosegramsabdpoundageitreallygotmewacked!! Crakceiswack!! youreallygotmedownmanwhenyoustartedtalkignboutajobashitfguctthat!!thishoimiedontworkjfoirnooneyoyoyo!!!
:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o damn man....damn

If you need any further clarification please read the first post of the thread there you will find the rules of MY thread and stupid people need not apply.

Prove me wrong and show us your educated other wize there are some high school kids in the areogarden section that are looking for role models

did i mention.....damn


Well-Known Member
besides i promised to use my power for good:finger:
Bugs i mean Barney I can see this going sideways already. Your going to be the one that went off to collage got edumacated and when you come back to town things just are not the same.. Were you ever the hall monitor? Not alot of people sat next to him at lunch. LOL Oh my oh my

Hmmm I know what a infraction is I got one for a flattering remark about your mom Remember? A referral it might actually be a comment to the mods that you might know what your talking about but i doubt it. Where is it at or whereis it comming from.


Well-Known Member
you click on myrollitup then .....nononononono i mean your profile, then on the right side it says show
all it, scroll down to the bottom and viola there it r
Found it I have no refferals. Just the infraction I must be a bad apple.


Well-Known Member
Hey Barney Those are some really great pics of your harvest You might have it down. Weed Baron you might be...


New Member
Found it I have no refferals. Just the infraction I must be a bad apple.
its killin me not knowing.

Hey Barney Those are some really great pics of your harvest You might have it down. Weed Baron you might be...
i can say with all seriousness. yup i got it. i am in a state (finally after an ENTIRE year) of perpetual the jars, in the dryer in oh hell you full dammit:eyesmoke: so fuckin happy these days man, just wish they'd hurry up with my athoritie


Well-Known Member
its killin me not knowing.

i can say with all seriousness. yup i got it. i am in a state (finally after an ENTIRE year) of perpetual the jars, in the dryer in oh hell you full dammit:eyesmoke: so fuckin happy these days man, just wish they'd hurry up with my athoritie
I am really impressed and i mean that! Ok back to our normal programing

Barny WTF are you going to do with ATHORITIE? You will just be the kid that gets "kick me" put on his back You will have to leave these threads from just all the hazing you will get mostly from the regulars here. can you handle the heat.



Well-Known Member
Thats a bad idea! you have to keep it very simple. What if you got a long tub like my tray here

Which is about 6 in tall and put your tray set up just above that? That tray is pretty big and would work as a rez keeping your height down.

2 of those might work using ebb and flow...hrrmm... I need to upload some pics so everyone can get a better idea of what I've got to work with. You guys are making me think which is a good thing!


New Member
I am really impressed and i mean that! Ok back to our normal programing
thanks man.:finger:
Barny WTF are you going to do with ATHORITIE?
make people like gypsy RESPECT IT!!!!!
You will just be the kid that gets "kick me" put on his back You will have to leave these threads from just all the hazing you will get mostly from the regulars here.
i'm a good tattler
can you handle the heat.
see it nancy's:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
2 of those might work using ebb and flow...hrrmm... I need to upload some pics so everyone can get a better idea of what I've got to work with. You guys are making me think which is a good thing!
Its cheap and it will keep you low to grow :bigjoint:


Active Member
couple more pics for you, how much longer you think these got, and can i get an opinion on the best way to dry. my mothers dont seem to be doing so well and i dont really know whats wrong. if you can see from the shitty picture let me know.



Well-Known Member
spark tooo high to think bout what u saying...sorry if i upset ya life of posting or ya precious ebb and flow page lol,so anyway i think i may have a mg it better to foliar feed with epsom salt or to mix in with nutes?..and whats the ratio of epsom salt to be added?


Well-Known Member anyway i think i may have a mg it better to foliar feed with epsom salt or to mix in with nutes?..and whats the ratio of epsom salt to be added?
I have no idea about that man... I use a complete hydro fertilizer and have never had a deficiency...


Have you got some pots for your trays yet?


Well-Known Member
have you got some pots for your trays yet?
yeah,i got the pots (45 pots in 3x6),now i gotta get all those damn rocks out now,but i was reading on here to use 1/4 teaspoon/quart of epsom salt and can use as a foliar 30 min. Every 2-3 hrs a good feeding schedule?? All is going to be perfect today (as perfect as i can get it)...another thing,my night time temps drop to like 61f-62f from 75-77f during i put a very small heater in there and at night now itll have the night temps a little higher than day (80-82f) this should be ok right??


Active Member
I want to start a Ebb n Flow Sog, A friend of mine has a HydroFarm Mega Garden, but all it contains is the tank and top tray. i need help finding all of the fitting and attachments for the ebb n flow system. i do have the pump though. Also could anyone tell me exactly how this thing works. does the water just fill the top tray and the plants absorb the water from below or what? Thanks