Jiffy Peat Pellet Cubes for seedlings..


Well-Known Member
after some excellent help from all of u, I found a few mistakes i was making, first off i think my pucks were too dry, I put about a half a cup of water in the tray so that the pucks would suck up what they need and get rid of what they dont, this also adds humidity, which is a key factor during this period. on top of that i think i was planting too deeply, and instead of "digging out" a hole I "poked" a hole which compresses soil..and we all know thats a no-no also. and ontop of that i let my taproots grow too long for my medium, I only let this set of seeds grow a little shorter than 1/4" and then planted. I will check back tomorrow for any more advice and to give u guys another progress report..thx again 4 all the help!

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
I've put my jiffy pots in water and nuked them for about 20 seconds. The pucks suck the water up quickly and expand to full capacity.

Oddly enough, every time I've ever used Jiffy Pots I've had problems with whitefly. One thread in another website forum suggested that whitefly eggs might lay dormant in the peat moss used for jiffy pots. I've never seen factual verification of such a phenomenon, but it almost makes sense. However, I know nothing of whitefly eggs or their possible ability to lay dormant until I decide to grow something, so who knows.


Well-Known Member
VV hooked me up with some really good advice and I followed everything to the 'tee' and well..instead of typing to death I'll just show u some pics...excuse the quality I only have my DVcamcorder to take pics with and my hands arent too steady bcuz Im under the weather right now.



Well-Known Member
is it ok to have the white above soil like that?

I didnt do anything special to it, I just placed it in the hole, didnt cover it with soil and they just sprung up like that...

and should i put light on them now or shou;d i wait till they drop the shells?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps. I think it may have made a difference in my case. I am using hydro with coco coir as the medium and I do an EC reading on my nute tanks every day, so any effect it had on ph would have been minimized. I did have plants 6' tall so I am having a little trouble believing I had stunted growth but maybe I did. By the way I'm not using them now, I like the Rapid Rooters. 50 for $17.00 in my area including a tray. Refill plugs at $12.00. They are ready to plant in without doing any thing. I'll try and post a pic I have of them.

i have about 4 trays of these rapid rooter clonesandthey are tha shit baby!!

light and airy and bag of refill plugs mean reuse the trays....


Well-Known Member
I agree but spitton had already spent the cash for the peet. Good going man. Yes light them gently for a few days, give a little air every now and again. Looks like your on your way. I did post that pic.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to show everyone how much growing has occurred in a couple hours, so a quick pic update before I go to sleep...

notice the setup, I have them in a rubbermaid box aligned with mylar on all sides. Instead of the mirror I originally had, Im using the rubbermaid lid aligned with mylar. I cut the hole out on the side for a fan and I have my CFL's resting about 2" above the top of the dome.. I have the fan set on the lowest setting so its a very gentle breeze but i still have a few question tho:

do I have too much light on my plants?
do i need to take the dome off?
I have 2 more CFL's I was gonna put in there (that would bring total lumens up to 7200 from 4800 currently) should I wait?
how do they look so far?



Well-Known Member
^^couldnt sleep for some reason so i got up and checked on my plants..it looked as if the fan was drying the pellets out, so i put the dome back on..hopefully someone responds to my q's up there soon..^^


Well-Known Member
they grow so much in so little time...now the first set of leaves are just as large as the cotyl's! I've decided to start a Grow journal to document my grow, I look forward to having the same amount of support that I recieved from everyone on this thread, heres the last pics for this thread, then everything else will be in my GJ.

My Best 2:




Active Member
Hi, I'm trying to get my first seed growing but I am clueless.

I'm using the same puck jiffy cube thing as in the pictures of this thread.

I was told I could just stick the seed in the jiffy, but now I am thinking I should have wet the seed first or used a paper towel first?

I dumped the puck into a tea cup of water and let it swell and then had excess water drip off it for 30 mins or so before poking a hole n dropped the seed in which I then covered.

Did I fu*k up or should it still work?

Any help much appreciated!


Active Member
People that use jiffy pellets, do you start seeds in paper towels first, or just start seeds directly in wet pellets? I would think starting in paper towels would be ideal, then plant the taproot down in the jiffy pellet. Thoughts?


Active Member
People that use jiffy pellets, do you start seeds in paper towels first, or just start seeds directly in wet pellets? I would think starting in paper towels would be ideal, then plant the taproot down in the jiffy pellet. Thoughts?

I just started growing again... I germinated 30 seeds and have planted 20 over the past three days ( as they break open). All i have planted ( except the ones planted this morning) have broke the soil and are looking healthy! About 2 hours ago i started my "Jiffy Greenhouse" with the #7 peat pellets and i will give a status update as soon as somthing happens


Well-Known Member
People that use jiffy pellets, do you start seeds in paper towels first, or just start seeds directly in wet pellets? I would think starting in paper towels would be ideal, then plant the taproot down in the jiffy pellet. Thoughts?
hey bud, sorry i took so long to answer but this is a really good question.

first off make sure u have some jiffy cubes ready to go

the method that ive found works the best is to pre-soak the seeds til they drop, then put them in paper towels for a few days or until you see a taproot, then u should plant them in the peat cubes

the peat cubes have holes in them already, but u should take a needle and make it just a tiny bit deeper and then plant the seed..

thats the best way to do it:bigjoint:

Sampson jr III

Active Member
i used 9 jiffy pelettes and only 1 sprouted....idk what i did wrong but the one that sproted is very healthy right now but i trans;planted it into some organic miracle grow with perlite mixed aboyt 20% and i havent seen much growth at all.....i have the seedling under a 15 watt sunlight floro tube (18 inch) and also 2 42 watt CFL at 2700 lumens each.......i saved the last 3 pellets so i can try them after a little more experience.

i dont know what i did wrong....maybe over watered but most likely from the way i planted the germed seeds in the pellets.....i made a hole with a penicil in each one and tried some different depths....i probably went too deep....also, when i start the new ones do you think i should keep the green house lid on it????


Well-Known Member
i used 9 jiffy pelettes and only 1 sprouted....idk what i did wrong but the one that sproted is very healthy right now but i trans;planted it into some organic miracle grow with perlite mixed aboyt 20% and i havent seen much growth at all.....i have the seedling under a 15 watt sunlight floro tube (18 inch) and also 2 42 watt CFL at 2700 lumens each.......i saved the last 3 pellets so i can try them after a little more experience.

i dont know what i did wrong....maybe over watered but most likely from the way i planted the germed seeds in the pellets.....i made a hole with a penicil in each one and tried some different depths....i probably went too deep....also, when i start the new ones do you think i should keep the green house lid on it????
9 times outta 10 you did something wrong with the seed, either before or during germination. like u mentioned its really easy to over water and bury too deep, but with a lil practice you will get it.

just make sure that you dont water unless the cube dries out, or u will run the risk of over watering or dampening the seed.

you always wanna keep the lid on the mini greenhouse to retain moisture, and so the cubes dont dry out too fast

also before u plant the seed, make sure the tap root is a decent length so you know the seed is viable

and by all means be careful while planting not too put too much stress on the tap root. this is the most vulnerable time of their life:blsmoke:

Sampson jr III

Active Member
9 times outta 10 you did something wrong with the seed, either before or during germination. like u mentioned its really easy to over water and bury too deep, but with a lil practice you will get it.

just make sure that you dont water unless the cube dries out, or u will run the risk of over watering or dampening the seed.

you always wanna keep the lid on the mini greenhouse to retain moisture, and so the cubes dont dry out too fast

also before u plant the seed, make sure the tap root is a decent length so you know the seed is viable

and by all means be careful while planting not too put too much stress on the tap root. this is the most vulnerable time of their life:blsmoke:
i'll keep these thoughts in mind.
thanks oodles bro.:peace::leaf: