Growing mushrooms is more profitable then weed!

Mushrooms and Pot are both Schedule 1. Does this mean that penalties for cultivation are similar?

Say my house got raided, and they found my grow (less than 10 plants). Would I be any WORSE OFF if i had a 10 gallon tank with a few cakes in it?
Mushrooms and Pot are both Schedule 1. Does this mean that penalties for cultivation are similar?

Say my house got raided, and they found my grow (less than 10 plants). Would I be any WORSE OFF if i had a 10 gallon tank with a few cakes in it?

Mushrooms are a lot worse then weed. I've had to call the ambulance for my friend before when he ate too much shrooms. I dont know anyone who has been to the hospital for weed.

Mushrooms are a lot worse then weed. I've had to call the ambulance for my friend before when he ate too much shrooms. I dont know anyone who has been to the hospital for weed.


Not what I was asking. I'm asking about the PENALTIES for cultivating. The pot penalties are already pretty damn strict, and theyre both schedule 1. If a cop came into a house that had 9 pot plants and 9 shroom cakes, which is going to be the great concern, if any?

Im not asking what the effects are, or what happens if you eat too much. You eat 15 aspirins, it'll be your last fuckin headache. As with any drug, common sense should be applied when selecting a dose size.

I'm merely asking, how much more fucked would i be if they found shrooms and weed growing, instead of just weed?
Not what I was asking. I'm asking about the PENALTIES for cultivating. The pot penalties are already pretty damn strict, and theyre both schedule 1. If a cop came into a house that had 9 pot plants and 9 shroom cakes, which is going to be the great concern, if any?

Im not asking what the effects are, or what happens if you eat too much. You eat 15 aspirins, it'll be your last fuckin headache. As with any drug, common sense should be applied when selecting a dose size.

I'm merely asking, how much more fucked would i be if they found shrooms and weed growing, instead of just weed?

Im sorry if my answer wasn't clear enough. The perception of the drug has the biggest effect on how you will be charged as every state has different local law. Growing shrooms is a lot worse then growing weed. In a lot of places in the USA its a Class 3 felony.

Do a little research, check your local laws.

You really don't know what your talking about do you? You buy a specific type of spore syringe with a specific type of mushroom and only that mushroom grows not other ones...
I have gone picking too and it is really easy to id the correct one, in my 2 years of picking I have never picked a bad one.

BCTrippin is absolutely correct. Growing mushrooms indoors requires clean room techniques and the process is very susceptable to contaminants. The problem here is that, say a crop gets partially contaminated with the common green mold. Experience tells us that the entire crop is contaminated and needs to be trashed. But someone who is growing boomers for profit just wont do that. They are going to try and pick out the moldy parts and salvage anything that isn't visibly contaminated. And then sell it. And someone will eat it, maybe you. You might get a little sick, probably not. But some molds and fungus's can cause lifelong problems that are incurable and cannot be diagnosed.
Mushrooms are a lot worse then weed. I've had to call the ambulance for my friend before when he ate too much shrooms. I dont know anyone who has been to the hospital for weed.


I'm sure some of your fellow dipshits have called 911 after smoking weed too. Shrooms are NOT poisonous.

Source: The National Institute For Occupational Safety And Heath (NIOSH) in the US Psilocybin (641) is rated less toxic than Aspirin (199) and Nicotine (21).

I'm merely asking, how much more fucked would i be if they found shrooms and weed growing, instead of just weed?[/quote]

Without going into the legal aspect, an issue to consider in this scenario is that it will much more difficult to maintain the sanitary working conditions neccesary to grow shrooms in the same building as a weed grow room. All that soil and pot and moisture will create a lot of mold and mildew pores in the air and even if you manage to achieve a clean innoculation, the weed will very likely cause an outbreak in your spawning chambers.

Maybe do one, break down and clean, then do the other.

Be careful though, when people freak out and start calling 911 cause there trippin hard on your shrooms, the cops are gonna get involved.
I'm sure some of your fellow dipshits have called 911 after smoking weed too. Shrooms are NOT poisonous.

Source: The National Institute For Occupational Safety And Heath (NIOSH) in the US Psilocybin (641) is rated less toxic than Aspirin (199) and Nicotine (21).

Dipshits?...:roll: Where did I say mushrooms were poisonous? :wall:

No, no one has had to go to the hospital for weed. And up in BC we got some Killer weed. My friend, the one I had to call the ambulance for, ate too many mushrooms and started going nuts, I finally got him to calm down, I asked him if he wanted me to call an ambulance and he wanted to go. They had to strap him down and give him anti-psychotic pills at the hospital till he finally came out of it.

No one said shrooms are poisonous, but they have a MUCH worse effect then weed. People dont lose it on weed, it happens on mushrooms. Theres a lot more shroom related deaths then weed related fact I dont think there are any deaths caused directly by weed.

Those ratings are kinda stupid anyway. Its based on amounts ingested. When your eating mushrooms your eating higher doses then the "more toxic" aspirin so it doesnt really matter how toxic they say it is.

Then theres the whole issue of people being allergic to shrooms. People dont know they are allergic till they eat some and end up dead or near death in the hospital. And the issue of people picking bad shrooms, or growing bad shrooms. Theres a Lot more things that can go wrong with shrooms compared to weed.

I'm merely asking, how much more fucked would i be if they found shrooms and weed growing, instead of just weed?

Without going into the legal aspect, an issue to consider in this scenario is that it will much more difficult to maintain the sanitary working conditions neccesary to grow shrooms in the same building as a weed grow room. All that soil and pot and moisture will create a lot of mold and mildew pores in the air and even if you manage to achieve a clean innoculation, the weed will very likely cause an outbreak in your spawning chambers.

Maybe do one, break down and clean, then do the other.

Be careful though, when people freak out and start calling 911 cause there trippin hard on your shrooms, the cops are gonna get involved.

I wouldnt grow them in my actual grow room. And I dont sell... everything I grow, I eat or smoke. I just dont know if im willing to take the risk on it. Say I get caught growing weed, and my sentence is 6 months. If they found shrooms growing, and it only added, say, another 2 or 3 months to my sentence, then yeah, i'd say its worth it. But if a 6 month sentence becomes an 18 month sentence... well fuck that.
wow,you guys may know alot about my growing cannabis,but as far as mycolgy is concerned,im a fuckin GENIUS!! its EXTREMELY easy,and doesnt require too much sterile procedure..of course the occasional jar may get contamed,but its rare if you have your technique on point..i use WBS(wild bird seed) and inoculate with a karo lc(liquid culture) which skips using spores....then I spawn to coco coir/cofee grounds....let this incubate in my Tit incubator....then simply case and place in my 3-7 days,I have alot of pins,which grow to mature size in only a matter of days!! is banging. Its like the RIU of shrooms. I've read everything about growing them and I know i could do it with great success... the only thing holding me back is the risk of getting caught. Couple pot plants, worst case scenario im doing a few months in county. Probably ARD and probation, though. Shrooms... I'm doin time in state. Fuck that.
I smoked some of my super dank home grown weed one night and a buddy stopped by. I asked him if he would like some bong hits and he said "Nope, I've got some shrooms here in my pocket." He downed the shrooms. About an hour later, he was in a panic, running all over the house yelling ... "Call me an ambulance! Call me an ambulance!"

I was really stoned ... so I said: "Uhhh ... OK, man ... like, you're an ambulance." :eyesmoke:

I don't know. I just believe that the police, prosecutors, judges, guards, parole boards and others view the two drugs in different ways. I don't think that eating mushrooms is morally wrong, but I do believe that most of the mushrooms manufactured in clandestine labs end up in the hands of seriously addicted people. It takes a special kind of person to do that kind of work.

I used to hang with a guy who moved large quantities of shrooms. And he always sold poundage to the same few guys who lived in dope houses.

Seriously addicted people? Addicted to what? Theres nothing addictive about shrooms. In fact most people need some downtime for R&R after some serious tripping.

I don't think the debate here is about IF someone could pull it off or how much harder it is to grow shrooms than marijuana. Growing shrooms is just like everything else you want to partake in. You do your research, get proper supplies, and with experience if could be done easily. Just like comparing a newb to a veteran marijuana grower.

Now talking about how profitable it is compared to growing pot is the topic. I'd say it's a lot cheaper to produce large quantities of shrooms than pot. Getting rid of large quantities is a different story. Like other people have stated, i've always heard the penalties involving shrooms are a lot more harsh. I've always heard it was a felony to possess em. Most definitely to grow em im sure. As for all the talk about kids calling 911 and what not. That's their problem. Cops arent gonna launch an all out investigation of the origin because kids freak out. Naturally if your name gets dropped often as being a dealer or a grower, then they might look into it. Theres no difference there between pot though. You always have to know who you get involved with in any aspect of anything. If a kid dies in a tripping related accident, thats a different story. They will start asking where they came from. People will start talking too, to get their own name cleared. How many of you have known someone who died in a tripping related story though?
the accident scenario is something to think about. Also getting rid off large quantaties can be harder then the herb. But if you do have a buyer lined up then it is more profitable then weed using the same amount of space.
Manowar what are you talking about? People do not get addicted to shrooms, if you take mushrooms two days in a row the effect is diminished and after 3 or 4 days you just don't trip.
Seriously addicted people? Addicted to what? Theres nothing addictive about shrooms. In fact most people need some downtime for R&R after some serious tripping.

I don't think the debate here is about IF someone could pull it off or how much harder it is to grow shrooms than marijuana. Growing shrooms is just like everything else you want to partake in. You do your research, get proper supplies, and with experience if could be done easily. Just like comparing a newb to a veteran marijuana grower.

Now talking about how profitable it is compared to growing pot is the topic. I'd say it's a lot cheaper to produce large quantities of shrooms than pot. Getting rid of large quantities is a different story. Like other people have stated, i've always heard the penalties involving shrooms are a lot more harsh. I've always heard it was a felony to possess em. Most definitely to grow em im sure. As for all the talk about kids calling 911 and what not. That's their problem. Cops arent gonna launch an all out investigation of the origin because kids freak out. Naturally if your name gets dropped often as being a dealer or a grower, then they might look into it. Theres no difference there between pot though. You always have to know who you get involved with in any aspect of anything. If a kid dies in a tripping related accident, thats a different story. They will start asking where they came from. People will start talking too, to get their own name cleared. How many of you have known someone who died in a tripping related story though?

Well first off, anything can be addicting. You can be addicted to orange juice. I know people who have been addicted to mushrooms, the guy would smoke them every day till he ended up in the hospital.

People get addicted to the "escape from reality"

Im sorry but Theres a HUGE difference between shrooms and pot. You cant even begin to compare. You dont have vivid hallucinations on weed. Shrooms fuck you up, weed makes you lazy and hungry.

I smoked some of my super dank home grown weed one night and a buddy stopped by. I asked him if he would like some bong hits and he said "Nope, I've got some shrooms here in my pocket." He downed the shrooms. About an hour later, he was in a panic, running all over the house yelling ... "Call me an ambulance! Call me an ambulance!"

This happened to me. Its not fun. Its kinda scarey when some Moron can't handle his shrooms. Shrooms are NOT for everyone, If you dont feel comfortable before you eat them, or if you have even the slightest feeling that you wont be able to handle it then DONT DO IT!!!!! Shrooms can be Very Intense, if your not ready you will end up in the hospital.

It IS a problem when people go to the hospital on mushrooms. When they are laying there tripping out in the hospital they dont know who they are talking too, and they dont really care. It would be pretty easy for a cop to ask for some names.

Then theres the fact that theres about 1000x more Pot growers then Mushroom growers, its a LOT easier to investigate shut down mushroom operations then weed operations.

In most places in the USA even possession of Shrooms is a class 3 Felony which could mean up to 5 years in jail for a $150 000 fine.

Definitely not worth it if you ask me.
