Louisiana Grower and Flight Transport


Well-Known Member
Hey Im new to this state moved down here from up north. This is going to be my first outdoor grow so Im just looking for any advice. Last summer was my first summer here and I realized we have like a rainy season so I was wondering how that affects the grow. Ive done some research and it doesnt look like I have to worry too much about possible fly overs just because of the very low amounts of indoor and outdoor operations busted. Plus acording to the news last year in my parish they only performed one fly over looking for outdoor grows in August last year. Right now I have 20 clones going and then I have another additional 15 seeds started off in soil in my veg room. Then I have another 10 seeds in the paper towel now waiting for them to germinate, I'm hoping 8 out of the ten germinate. All of them are Violator Kush. I'm hoping for around 40-50 lbs. It would be great to get more and I know its possible but I want to have somwhat high expectations for my first outdoor and not very high expectations. So hoping for 40-50 lbs is reasonable right? The price for weed down here isnt anything like Im use to though. Its pretty damn cheap down here compared to where I use to live. Obviously due to being alot closer to Mexico. So Im gonna have to fly this back north. Which is something I have never done. Does anyone have experiance with this? I will be completeing my flying next month and have a private pilot license. Now I know at the airport I fly at there isnt someone there 24/7. Actually most times there is nobody there. I have been there plenty of times by myself watching the videos while a plane has landed and refueled and taken off. So my question is is there frequent checks of planes at regional airports? I have never seen one but I surely cant ask my flight instructor this. Any input would be great on either subject. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey Im new to this state moved down here from up north. This is going to be my first outdoor grow so Im just looking for any advice. Last summer was my first summer here and I realized we have like a rainy season so I was wondering how that affects the grow. Ive done some research and it doesnt look like I have to worry too much about possible fly overs just because of the very low amounts of indoor and outdoor operations busted. Plus acording to the news last year in my parish they only performed one fly over looking for outdoor grows in August last year. Right now I have 20 clones going and then I have another additional 15 seeds started off in soil in my veg room. Then I have another 10 seeds in the paper towel now waiting for them to germinate, I'm hoping 8 out of the ten germinate. All of them are Violator Kush. I'm hoping for around 40-50 lbs. It would be great to get more and I know its possible but I want to have somwhat high expectations for my first outdoor and not very high expectations. So hoping for 40-50 lbs is reasonable right? The price for weed down here isnt anything like Im use to though. Its pretty damn cheap down here compared to where I use to live. Obviously due to being alot closer to Mexico. So Im gonna have to fly this back north. Which is something I have never done. Does anyone have experiance with this? I will be completeing my flying next month and have a private pilot license. Now I know at the airport I fly at there isnt someone there 24/7. Actually most times there is nobody there. I have been there plenty of times by myself watching the videos while a plane has landed and refueled and taken off. So my question is is there frequent checks of planes at regional airports? I have never seen one but I surely cant ask my flight instructor this. Any input would be great on either subject. Thanks
A) spread them out, no plots
B) plant on mounds to reduce possible root rot.
C) pick mostly open areas, checking amount of light it receives throughout the day.
G) Drive, a normal ca, not a luxury rental.
H) drive only days
I) never speed, up, or down
J) never more than 5 mph over.
K Don't smoke while driving..

Good luck *s*


Well-Known Member
Really? I would have to drive alittle over 900 miles. Takes about 14 hours going 70 mph. Being in northern US with a southern US license plate can be a problem as well. Back where I use to live we had I-80 running through the town. I-80 is a interstate that goes across the country(I dont know where you live so you may already no this or may not). The state cops would sit on the highway looking for outta state plates and then pull them over for such thing as using no turn signal or following to closely. The plane Im getting has a 1265 mile range on full fuel capacity with a full load. It has 6 seats so I can take the back four out and use for cargo.


Well-Known Member
im not a 100% sure on this but my buddy used to work at a small airport and to my recollection people would just taxi to their hanger or chain it up and no one messed with them. if you were loading duffel bags it would just look like luggage, no different than the 500 other private plane that are in and out all day. The only thing im not too sure on is if those planes were locally flown and maybe they check out of state planes a little more thoroughly. well you should know pretty soon here (how many times have they checked your plane) take a test flight a state away and get the feel of it from there.


Well-Known Member
Alright first of all, dont make your plot 900 miles away from you. Look for something more near.

I have always thought about flying stuff into an isolated spot when I get my private license,which im working on now. I guess the biggest challange from what I have observed would be getting the supplies on the plane without people thinking why the fuck im loading 200 pounds of soil onto the plane, and 10 pounds of pot off.

But yeah find a nice location next to a lake, land on the lake (although your gonna have to be flying a float plane).

But also you have to consider the costs of flying, and ill tell ya taking these lessons, it isnt cheap!!! at all!!! But yeah you could stake out a major pot crop in the middle of wilderness if you could get there by flying.


Well-Known Member
No Im not planting 900 miles away. Im planting somewhere around me. Im bringing it 900 for resale. The cost of flying lesson at the place Im doing is 7200 for 40 hours fly time which includes with instructor and solo's, and then ground school and test. Most schools you pay less then that but they then get you with the airplane rentals for your fly time and gasoline and also having to buy the headset. This place takes the 7200 and it covers everything except the physical.


Well-Known Member
Really? I would have to drive alittle over 900 miles. Takes about 14 hours going 70 mph. Being in northern US with a southern US license plate can be a problem as well. Back where I use to live we had I-80 running through the town. I-80 is a interstate that goes across the country(I dont know where you live so you may already no this or may not). The state cops would sit on the highway looking for outta state plates and then pull them over for such thing as using no turn signal or following to closely. The plane Im getting has a 1265 mile range on full fuel capacity with a full load. It has 6 seats so I can take the back four out and use for cargo.
Ah, You hadn't stated it is your plane, thought commercial flight...Be careful though, LEO does look at planes as well, be stealthy when loading...By that i mean, use container type that sticks out...as something else...Fresh fruit is always god, or fresh shripm coming from L. would be a good dodge.


Active Member
I am in Lafayette and I may be able to help you . E-mail me back here or at my Yahoo mail. A face to face will be neccessary and we will have to smoke together to qualify. Trust no one untill you have " partaken" with them. I have nationwide contacts and your venture may be of interest to me. My personal E-mail is [email protected]. I will provide you with pics and other info later. Peace.SP


Well-Known Member
Uhmmm I highly doubt Ill ever meet you. What pics have I posted on this website so far? Lets think I have of course some weed growing....then there is the whole poppy grow journal I have going which shows a poppy that was just cut with opium coming out....tea being made out of dried pods.....oh then there is a great little pic of the AK47. So lets see.....That would be manufactureing a controlled substance 2 times(weed and opium) and then of course being in possession of an AK. Sure lets meet!!!!!

How does this whole thread seem shady?? I asked questions. I didnt ask any personal questions or want to know any detailed info. That comment kinda pissed me off. So geez Kingding2385 settle down and just give me your phone number, date of birth, ssn, mothers maiden name, and I will check you out to see if you qualify....I promise


Well-Known Member
this is not cool,.. you shouldn't be advertising your master plan to import 50 pounds of cannabis. Thats bad news never know who's watching over.


Well-Known Member
Ha import...no.....Distribute....YES! Ill be the first to admit I am only growing weed for one reason and that is to sell. I dont smoke weed at all. I dont like the taste or effect of it. I could care less who is watching this website. Ive posted enough shit on here to do the damage if Im tracked down. But any ways I will tell you my master plan since its so cool. Im going to fly out of Shrevport LA this upcoming Friday at 1:30 PM and then fly up to Carbondal Illinois were Im going to meet This guy(my friend) Tom Saint. We are going to unload the weed and bring it to his house at 503 S. Elk St. We should be there no later then6:30PM on Friday night.


Well-Known Member
No sorry I dont like it which I know sounds crazy. I have tried alot of drugs and I have to say weed messes me up unlike the others. I get truelly stoned. I mean I just sit there.


Well-Known Member
forty to fifty pounds

LOL. for a first timer try for 2 ounce per plant

Your not going to nail a pound and a bit per plant, being your first outdoor and all. :)


Well-Known Member
Yep I agree I am terrible on first time grows........And 2 oz's a plant are you serious??? Id piss on the fire and call it a night on growing if I got 2 oz's on a plant outside. I would literally never be around marijuana again due to my shame of only getting 56 grams off a plant.



Well-Known Member
Nice plant but I hate to burst your imaginary bubble. But you are not going to obtain your goal of fifty pounds. You do not know how to protect against rain??? fuck a grower that yields an eighth per.... burning the shit out of his plants with nutes.. HAS the sense to throw a poly greenhouse or roof OVER IT. You lack general knowledge. Asking stupid questions...:)