Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!


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Forgot to put the comment in with my post!

Which is.... Budding in progress!!

The main cola is from my talest plant of my two main. The other one (the PERFECT one) is taking her time but I'm not holding it against her. I have a very good feeling about her! In fact, yesterday I burnt a couple of the tips with the CFL bulbs and I was really pissed!!! Cause otherwise that plant is perfect! I should name her... but in the meantime, here's pictures of the -other- plant!


Active Member
This is what I wake up in the morning to! It's just a shame that it's too bright in that closet to just hang out and watch them be! lol



Active Member
I really wonder how potent this weed can possibly become. I mean... this is an -extremely- low budget grow!!! I hear about monster yields out of closet grow and it does look like my two already tall plants might explode in growth at any moment now (gulp!!). But seriously though... will it be worth it? Will we get high off this very simple and humble grow?
I've also been fantasizing about the provenience of the seeds which are my boyfriend's bag seeds and he doesn't know from which strain they came from. So I dunno... at some spots in the plants you can see that it looks like an indica, but it also looks kinda like a sativa!! How to know for sure?


Active Member
Thank you Chronik! The plants are growing skinnier and I'm just affraid that I'll have more sticks and leaves then actual harvest on the plant! It's becoming obvious that we need more lights in there. So we'll put in these shops lights in there (t5 I think they call them). We have the grow light tubes for it already so we'll just lean it upright against the wall and I'll have to maybe rotate the plants everyonce in a while.

So here is this morning's picture report! It's always exciting when the lights turn on in the closet! As you can see, in just a few days the plants have gheined (spelling?) some height! On the last pics, you'll see that the hairs have been flattened on one side!! yeah... I opened the closet door and first thing I see is the cola of my "perfect" plant, kissing one of the CFL!!!

Shit happens when you party naked!



Active Member
Other then those two plants that I'm growing for a harvest, I have 3 other girls in 4" pots that I'm keeping in with the bigger ones. I don't have any other free closet to veg them unfortunatly so they're flowering like crazy along side my two main plants. I know that they will probably not be smokeable but they sure give me a hint of what to expect in the future as they are much more advance. One of the 3 is actually quite impressive. It started to swell. Here are some pics of her.



Well-Known Member
nice... theyre looking great, if you LST'd your plants you would beable to get more light to your main colas, and side lighting for your bottom budz would be great


Active Member
I just looked over your grow-journal and it's really awesome man!! And I definitely like more and more your idea of tying down the plants. So what do you use to tie them? I'd be worried about damaging the stem over a certain period of time.

I woke up this morning and sure enough, my "Perfect" plant was kissing the CFL light bulb again!!! So my advice to everyone is, don't call any of your plants "Perfect"! It will just bloody jinx it!!! lol I hope that the damage that my main cola took in the past couple of days is not permanent!!! :( Now I pushed them back further away from the bulbs so that the side shoots are getting more light as well. This comming weekend we'll add the shop lights and I'll see about bending them a little.

PICTURE REPORT (Oh you know chicks with cameras, right?)

Plant A, a.k.a the Perfect Plant, is not so perfect anymore! The main cola was slowing roasting agaisnt the CFL light bulb again this morning.

Close up of the damage. Can this be undone?

Plant "B"

BTW, these two plants are at least a week and a half into flowering.

And again, one of the 4" pot female giving me a hint of what to expect in the near future. She's a week ahead of my two main plants!



Well-Known Member
i use Twine i got from work, u can use yarn or anything thick enough not to cut through your stem( so that means no thread or fishing line), and dont worry about stressing your stem by bending it, just bend till u can feel tension

and there isnt a way to undo burning but buds will continue growing, soon enough u wont even notice the slightly burned portion on ur bud, just put ur hand inbetween the bulb and your plant, if the back of your hand feels hot then move thee light a bit further away

and yeah, haha ladies love their cams, it will serve you well for your grow, once your done u can look back and see what ur plants look like each stage of growth :weed:

ur doing a good job from what i can see so far, but the more light you can add the better, just means a bigger yeild for you in the end


Active Member
Oh wow! I've been looking back at the pictures of the plants a week and a half ago and it's amazing just how much has changed since!! How long does flowering last on average?


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! I've been looking back at the pictures of the plants a week and a half ago and it's amazing just how much has changed since!! How long does flowering last on average?
yeah marijuana grows like.. well.. like a weed lol as long as you provide the basics you'll have a nice healthy plant
the average flowering period is 8 weeks but i can be anywhere from 6-12 weeks, best way to check is with a magnefying scope to see the trics


Active Member
Thank you Nomorefuckingsprayedweed!! The plants are 2 1/2 months old! I know eh! I was pretty sceptic about CFL's too and I'm very pleased with the results so far!

Chronik, again thank you for the feedback!! :D Omg!! 12 weeks!!? XD Can you immagine what a monster of a plant that would be!!? Hopefully these plants are average! :)
Out of interest how long did you veg for? I too am doing my first grow and I'm using cfls, although I just have one big 250watt one, what is the name of the black fixture wire thing that you plug the bulbs into called, and also the 'Y' shaped white light thingys that allow you connect two bulbs from one fixture, I looked for em but couldn't find em and the people in the shop didn't know what I meant? Thanks