Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow


Well-Known Member
Yah man great job I cant wait to get to the point you are at! I wonder about how much yeild you will get any guesses guys?

James T Kirk

Active Member
Great Job...If Mr. Spock saw those buds he would say, "Fascinating"! And Dr. McCoy would use them in Sickbay for your back pain! I look foward to your harvesting updates.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Oh my god guys, I cut off that bud last night and I warmed it next to my PS3. It was perfectly crisp in the morning, and I was pleased to see that this relatively small bud yielded 2.5 grams dry. I smoked a tiny bit of it before breakfast...bongsmilie and I WAS FLYING!!!!!!!!!

It has a magnificent and overpowering aroma of citrus and spice and anise, tickling the nose and leaving me sneezing more than a few times! The taste is immediately sugary sweet in the roof of the mouth, and as it goes down the back of your throat, shifts to accentuate the strong spice aftertones. The high onsets rapidly, leaving the body light and tingling, but the head feeling clear. This is one of the most wonderful herb experiences I've ever had, I am so happy :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome man ! I cant beleieve thats bagseed! I can only hope mine turns out that good! You only dried for one night and didnt cure it and it still smoked that good?

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2060811]Damn, there lookin really good, i cant believe this journal is almost over haha, i remember when it all started, you've done a job man, i cant wait to see your next grow, there almost done, lookin tasty too :weed:

when its all cured and done, it will help with the bac pain ;)[/quote]

I know, I can't believe it's almost over either! My back pain is just gone now, like a distant memory--couldn't have done it without you man! :)

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Great Job...If Mr. Spock saw those buds he would say, "Fascinating"! And Dr. McCoy would use them in Sickbay for your back pain! I look foward to your harvesting updates.
McCoy would be gettin high as fuck off this shit by the time I got there. Daaaamn, I wish I could share it with you all!! Thanks for watchin man!!


Well-Known Member
It has a magnificent and overpowering aroma of citrus and spice and anise, tickling the nose and leaving me sneezing more than a few times!
OK, you had me till "anise" .... :spew: :lol:

The high onsets rapidly, leaving the body light and tingling, but the head feeling clear.
That is exactly what I need for the neuropathy: strong body high with as clear a head as possible. My friend developed his own strain that does just that and is doing a "seed grow" for me, so hopefully my next round will be from his work and then I'll have less pain and more focus.

This is one of the most wonderful herb experiences I've ever had, I am so happy :bigjoint:
I'm so happy for you! :clap: And this being from bagseed gives me a little more hope for my own endeavor.... I'm definitely going to reread this journal from the beginning at least once. ;)

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Thats awesome man ! I cant beleieve thats bagseed! I can only hope mine turns out that good! You only dried for one night and didnt cure it and it still smoked that good?
I can't believe it's bagseed either!! Your grow is coming along awesome, I have high hopes! :bigjoint: I was surprised at how good the smoke was just getting warmed on the PS3 exhaust ports; I did a rapid cure of the bud by wrapping it in tin foil, and setting it in the oven at 150 degrees for a few minutes. This helped evenly redistribute a lot of the inside moisture to the surface of the bud. It still had a "green" flavor to it, due to the chlorophyll in the leaves not getting completely broken down, so I can only imagine how good it will taste when dried and cured properly!

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
oo and your buds look awesome cant wait to here how that sativa with the purple leaves turns out
Thanks for watching surf, I'm most excited about that sativa too!! The buds are so dense, and just bursting with crystals now! Strangely, even though I had the seed, it's been a very long time since I've had a purple sativa, so this is going to be a nice treat :)

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
OK, you had me till "anise" .... :spew: :lol:

That is exactly what I need for the neuropathy: strong body high with as clear a head as possible. My friend developed his own strain that does just that and is doing a "seed grow" for me, so hopefully my next round will be from his work and then I'll have less pain and more focus.

I'm so happy for you! :clap: And this being from bagseed gives me a little more hope for my own endeavor.... I'm definitely going to reread this journal from the beginning at least once. ;)
I'm glad you're enjoying my grow Kat, and thanks for your support! :) Haha, I have a feeling the anise aftertaste is at least partly due to the rapid drying and curing, so it still retains that minty green, licorice taste. Its still very pleasant though, I doubt you'd gag ;-)

I'm delighted that bagseed has produced such great results; it's a testament to the power of nuture! Do you have a journal going? Keep watching, I'm going to do a final report of all the lessons I've learned from this experience at the end! Hopefully we can make the next grow even better :)


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you're enjoying my grow Kat, and thanks for your support! :) Haha, I have a feeling the anise aftertaste is at least partly due to the rapid drying and curing, so it still retains that minty green, licorice taste. Its still very pleasant though, I doubt you'd gag ;-)

I'm delighted that bagseed has produced such great results; it's a testament to the power of nuture! Do you have a journal going? Keep watching, I'm going to do a final report of all the lessons I've learned from this experience at the end! Hopefully we can make the next grow even better :)
Hey, I've received a myriad of support just from reading RUI grow journals such as yours; the least I can do is give some kudos here and there. And thanks back atcha ;)

If the taste of anise were present, I'd gag. No bout-a-doubt it. :lol:

I lean more toward nature than nurture in humans and many animals when it comes to behaviors, personality characteristics, etc., but do fully believe in nurture when it comes to plants. :)

I've got the very beginning of a grow journal at Three or four taproots are ready to go into my AG tonight or tomorrow, so I'm literally at the very beginning. :p

And each grow will indeed improve until the inevitable day comes when there will be a highly coveted "Katatawnic" strain out there one day, you just wait! (I'm feeling quite humble tonight, eh?) :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member

I lean more toward nature than nurture in humans and many animals when it comes to certain behaviors, personality characteristics, etc. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So you got Indicas & Sativas together. You going to chop them seperately as they mature, I'll assume. You can cut those top buds and let the bottom ones grow up a bit. After you take the top colas, just add back some bloom nute and let them bloom.


Well-Known Member
Looking crazy good, I didn't know there where purple sativas?! that's pretty sweet! I can't wait to see your harvest