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HORMONES Vs Co2 - Hormones cheaper potentially yeild same !
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Plant Hormone an endogenous regulator. To be a hormone, a chemical must be produced within the plant, transported from a site of production to a site of action, and be active in small amounts. PGR`s are man made plant hormones.
Probably the best known of the plant hormones. It's produced by the plants tips and is responsible for the plant growth. The problem with GA3, is that most growth is in the form of "stretching" which isn't always diserable, so except for seeds and clones.
GA3 has some other uses as well. You can intiate male fowers on a female plant but using high doses every day for several days. You can also induce female flowers earlier and yield bigger flowers with micro doesing.
The gibberellins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, and more than 75 have been isolated, to date. Rather than giving each a specific name, the compounds are numberedfor example, GA1, GA2, and so on. Gibberellic acid three (GA3) is the most widespread and most thoroughly studied. The gibberellins are especially abundant in seeds and young shoots where they control stem elongation by stimulating both cell division and elongation (auxin stimulates only cell elongation). The gibberellins are carried by the xylem and phloem. Numerous effects have been cataloged that involve about 15 or fewer of the gibberellic acids. The greater number with no known effects apparently are precursors to the active ones.
I know there has been experimentation with GA3 sprayed on genetically dwarf plants stimulates elongation of the dwarf plants to normal heights. Normal-height plants sprayed with GA3 become giants. like addicott study on next post.
I Found a botinist that germinationg 2000yr old exstinct SEEDS into plants with this hormone.
although the results of gibberellic acid (GA3) applications vary depending on many factors, including the type of plants its applied to. In one study of persimmon yield (1) it was found that applications of 15 to 30 PPM increased yields by 50% to 400%. In another study (2) it was even found that if gibberellic acid is applied to a plant the next generation of the plant would also benefit from faster flowering and increased height. In another study of walnut trees it was found that applications of gibbarellic acid (GA3) increased growth by 567% (3).
1) Increasing Persimmon Yields With Gibberellic Acid [www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm]
2) Generations Living with Gibberellic Acid [www.sidwell.edu/us/science/vlb5/Independent_Research_Projects/cgraham/]
3) Gibberellic Acid for Fruit Set and Seed Germination [www.crfg.org/tidbits/gibberellic.html]
A study on persimmons 1 increased yield by at least 50%. This was done with a foliar spray of 15 to 30 ppm when the plants where at full bloom.
1) http://www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm
retail names:
Gibberellic Acid (GA3),
Functions of Gibberellins
Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each depending on the type of gibberellin present as well as the species of plant. Some of the physiological processes stimulated by gibberellins are outlined below (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and elongation.
Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days.
Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination.
Stimulates enzyme production (a-amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed reserves.
Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression).
Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development.
Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits.
Recipes FOR GA3 - folia spray with penotrator i would suggest or paste
( this is a studied recipe so I figure we should stick to it)
PPM 50 - GA mg 125 Water 2400ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 200 - GA mg 125 Water 600ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 800 - GA mg 125 Water 160ml Purpose = blossom set
PPM 2000 - GA mg 125 Water 60ml Purpose = Seed germ
1%paste - GA mg 125 Water 5ml Purpose = growth promoter
Too much youll turn your girl into boys or hermi`s
Careful shit is nasty
Although GA is not listed as a "poison", the following precautions should be observed: Flush with water any GA that may get into the eye. Avoid skin contact if possible. If skin contact is suspected, wash with soap and water. Do not re-enter an area after spraying until the GA spray is fully dry. Avoid ingestion of GA.
Premature flowering. If a plant is sufficiently developed, premature flowering may be induced by direct application of GA to young plants. This action is not sustained and treatment may have to be repeated. Formation of male flowers is generally promoted by concentrations of 10 to 200 ppm., female flowers by concentrations of 200 to 300 ppm. Concentrations of more than 600 ppm markedly suppresses initiation of both male and female flowers.
Increased growth. GA applied near the terminal bud of trees may increase the rate of growth by stimulating more or less constant growth during the season. In a Department of Agriculture experiment, the GA was applied as a 1% paste in a band around the terminal bud of trees. Treatment was repeated three times during the summer. Walnut tee growth was 8.5 ft. for treated trees, 1.5 ft. for untreated trees
another : Fruit trees.....
A spray of GA3 (gibberellic acid) at a concentration of 1530 ppm at full bloom significantly increased yields (by 50400%). In young trees (45 years old), a narrow (23 mm) girdling at the time of sprouting, together with GA3, gave best results.
--- When seeds absorb water, the hormone gibberellin (gibberellic acid-A, GAA) appears in the embryo and activates the metabolism to initiate sprouting. GAA has been widely tested in applications to hemp. When applied to cannabis at a rate of 100 ppm in water for 2 months, GAA increases the thickness and internodal length of the stock. The terminal nodes are weak, branching is suppressed, and the roots develop poorly. Germination is stimulated by GAA, but leaf growth and the production of chlorophyll and cannabinoids are reduced proportionately. GAA treatment does not hasten the generative development of hemp, but does promote plant growth. The stem diameter increases about 250% over control plants, and the fresh weight of the stem increases 300%. Treated plants have a higher ratio of bark:wood. The number of fibers increases up to 100%. According to G. Davidyan, the greatest effect is achieved with 0.005-0.01% GAA applied before the buds form. R. Herich tested the histological reactions of hemp by soaking the seeds in 5 ppm GAA for 24 hours with these results: "The plants showed the following differences from untreated controls: decrease of stem thickness, less lignification, decreased bark development especially in lower parts of stems, decrease in number of secondary bast fibers, increase in number and size of primary bast fibers, and increased differentiation of parenchymatous pith tissue".
(63)C.K. Atal also described the effect of GAA on hemp: "Gibberellin-treated plants showed a greater number of fibers as compared to controls. The individual fibers were larger in diameter, more lignified, and up to 10 times as long as the fibers from the untreated plants."
(64)F. Yanishevskii studied the effect of GAA on the nitrogen metabolism of hemp: "Stem lengthening took place mainly by cell extension. Net weight even decreased somewhat. Chlorophyll concentration decreased noticeably... Plants treated with GAA contained less N than controls. GAA exerted a considerable influence on the N metabolism of hemp plants: in treated plants the amount of protein N decreased 2-fold, but, in contrast, the soluble forms of N increased markedly. Treatment with GAA had almost no effect on the content of N fractions of cell components (nuclei, plastids). Nucleic acid content decreased mainly owing to decrease in the amount of RNA. Accumulation of soluble forms of N under the influence of GAA would indicate that the introduction of nitrogenous fertilizers (as recommended by Witter and Bucovac) would hardly make up for the unfavorable effect of GAA on the N metabolism of hemp."
(65)N. Yakushkina and L. Chuikova also tested the action of GAA and Indole-Acetic Acid (IAA, auxin) on hemp: "GAA intensified the growth of the plants, the average dry weight per plant, the photosynthesis rate, the sugar content (especially of the stem) and that of total N, and the respiration rate, but decreased the content of chlorophyll in the leaves. The separate application of IAA (find auxin ) caused a decrease in the growth and yield of the plants, and a considerable increase in the chlorophyll content, but decreased the photosynthesis rate. The simultaneous application of GAA and IAA was accompanied by the highest increase in yield, but this addition of IAA did not exert any substantial influence on the physiological processes.
" (66 )GAA also increases the length of the growing season. GAA will inhibit the formation of flowers on Cannabis; it must not be used during the flowering phase of growth. GAA will accelerate the onset
of budding by about 7 days. Treatment of plants with 25 mg GAA/liter results in 80% of the plants being male. Female hemp usually undergoes sex reversal to a male expression, but few of the male plants produce female flowers. Thus, G. Davidyan and S. Kutuzova reported: "Gibberellin causes the formation of male flowers, containing fertile pollen, on genetically female plants."
(67)V. Khryanin treated dioecious hemp with GAA (25 mg/liter) and produced monoecious feminized staminate hemp from the common pistillate form: "Gibberellin, as a hormone of the plant organism, probably depresses genes which participate in the formation of flowers which have been repressed. "Thus GAA can be used by breeders to develop monoecious cannabis from dioecious forms. Preliminary tests are necessary to determine the most effective concentration and best timing for each cultivar.
The effect of GAA is removed by abscisic acid (ABA), which will initiate flowering. Treatment of plants with ABA (10 mg/liter) results in all plants being female or bisexual. The ABA can be overcome by increasing the concentration of GAA.
Gibberellin is extracted from cucumber seeds, fresh cantelope seeds, dried corn kernels, and from pencil rod, lupine, and pinto beans. Soak 200 grams of powdered seeds in 110 ml of a mixture of acetone (10 parts), isopropyl alcohol (5 p), ethanol (2 p), and water (5 p). Filter the mush and rinse it with 20 ml acetone and 20 ml isopropyl alcohol. Combine the rinse and the mother liquor, then evaporate the solvent. Dissolve the gum in alkaline water for experimental use.
Brassinolide is a naturally occuring plant steroid; it is normally found in plants. In fact, it was first discovered HORMONE in plants. Brassinolide has been found to be an important element for plant growth. Foliar spray about every three weeks with a final spray just as change the lights for flowering. It will increase a plants resistance to stress (cold, drought, too high a salt content), it helps the plant locate light, it strengthens a plants resistance to disease. It will also stimulate a plant to grow it's overall root mass. The overall effect is that the plant will be much healthier, stronger and thus the yield will be better. Estimate that the effect is about a 50% better yield than the untreated plants.
A study concluded that Brassinolide increased the growth of the primary root by 90%.
Another study concluded that a 0.0001 PPM application for 8 hours has the best results for the creation of some roots.
This is actually a growth inhibitor. It is sold in Hydro stores in pre-made solutions under various brand names. The idea is that it will stop the plant growth when it's time to start flowering. Not only does this control the final height (useful if you have a low ceiling problem), but also the plant will start to allocate it's growth resources into bud growth sooner. . The growth is halted (actually, some growth still occurs). the effect you see is that bud size that were usually about 5 weeks old are now bud size at 3 weeks. This gives you larger early buds and as you know, you can only build from there. The hit the plants with the Benzylaminopurine and the bud growth takes off.
Abscisic acid - ESSENTIALLY STOPS GROWTH also inhibitor.
Abscisic acid (ABA), despite its name, does not initiate abscission (shedding) , although in the 1960s when it was named botanists thought that it did. It is synthesized in plastids from carotenoids and diffuses in all directions through vascular tissues and parenchyma. Its principal effect is inhibition of cell growth. ABA increases in developing seeds and promotes dormancy. If leaves experience water stress, ABA amounts increase immediately, causing the stomata to close.
Functions of Abscisic Acid
The following are some of the phyysiological responses known to be associated with abscisic acid (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates the closure of stomata (water stress brings about an increase in ABA synthesis).
Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect on roots or may even promote growth of roots.
Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins.
Inhibits the affect of gibberellins on stimulating de novo synthesis of a-amylase.
Has some effect on induction and maintanance of dormancy.
Induces gene transcription especially for proteinase inhibitors in response to wounding which may explain an apparent role in pathogen defense
Jasmonic acid/Salicylic acid
Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.
jasmonic acid. Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.
Leaf trichomes protect plants from attack by insect herbivores and are often induced following damage. Hormonal regulation of this plant induction response has not been previously studied. In a series of experiments, we addressed the effects of artificial damage, jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and gibberellin on induction of trichomes in Arabidopsis. Artificial damage and jasmonic acid caused significant increases in trichome production of leaves. The jar1-1 mutant exhibited normal trichome induction following treatment with jasmonic acid, suggesting that adenylation of jasmonic acid is not necessary. Salicylic acid had a negative effect on trichome production and consistently reduced the effect of jasmonic acid, suggesting negative cross-talk between the jasmonate and salicylate-dependent defense pathways. Interestingly, the effect of salicylic acid persisted in the nim1-1 mutant, suggesting that the Npr1/Nim1 gene is not downstream of salicylic acid in the negative regulation of trichome production. Last, we found that gibberellin and jasmonic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of trichomes, suggesting important interactions between these two compounds.
On the cellular level, auxin is essential for cell growth, affecting both cell division and cellular expansion. Depending on the specific tissue, auxin may promote axial elongation (as in shoots), lateral expansion (as in root swelling), or isodiametric expansion (as in fruit growth). In some cases (coleoptile growth) auxin-promoted cellular expansion occurs in the absence of cell division. In other cases, auxin-promoted cell division and cell expansion may be closely sequenced within the same tissue (root initiation, fruit growth). In a living plant it appears that auxins and other plant hormones nearly always interact to determine patterns of plant development.
An auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was the first plant hormone identified. It is manufactured primarily in the shoot tips (in leaf primordia and young leaves), in embryos, and in parts of developing flowers and seeds. Its transport from cell to cell through the parenchyma surrounding the vascular tissues requires the expenditure of ATP energy. IAA moves in one direction onlythat is, the movement is polar and, in this case, downward. Such downward movement in shoots is said to be basipetal movement, and in roots it is acropetal.
Auxins alone or in combination with other hormones are responsible for many aspects of plant growth. IAA in particular:
Activates the differentiation of vascular tissue in the shoot apex and in calluses; initiates division of the vascular cambium in the spring; promotes growth of vascular tissue in healing of wounds.
Activates cellular elongation by increasing the plasticity of the cell wall.
Maintains apical dominance indirectly by stimulating the production of ethylene, which directly inhibits lateral bud growth.
Activates a gene required for making a protein necessary for growth and other genes for the synthesis of wall materials made and secreted by dictyosomes.
Promotes initiation and growth of adventitious roots in cuttings.
Promotes the growth of many fruits (from auxin produced by the developing seeds).
Suppresses the abscission (separation from the plant) of fruits and leaves (lowered production of auxin in the leaf is correlated with formation of the abscission layer).
Inhibits most flowering (but promotes flowering of pineapples).
Activates tropic responses.
Controls aging and senescence, dormancy of seeds.
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) - rooting
IBA is a plant hormone in the auxin family and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products.
For use as such, it should be dissolved in about 75% (or purer) alcohol (as IBA does not dissolve in water), until a concentration from between 10,000 ppm to 50,000 ppm is achieved - this solution should then be diluted to the required concentration using distilled water. The solution should be kept in a cool, dark place for best results.
This compound had been thought to be strictly synthetic; however, it was reported that the compound was isolated from leaves and seeds of maize and other species.
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most abundant naturally occurring auxin. Plants produce active IAA both by de novo synthesis and by releasing IAA from conjugates. This review emphasizes recent genetic experiments and complementary biochemical analyses that are beginning to unravel the complexities of IAA biosynthesis in plants. Multiple pathways exist for de novo IAA synthesis in plants, and a number of plant enzymes can liberate IAA from conjugates. This multiplicity has contributed to the current situation in which no pathway of IAA biosynthesis in plants has been unequivocally established. Genetic and biochemical experiments have demonstrated both tryptophan-dependent and tryptophan-independent routes of IAA biosynthesis. The recent application of precise and sensitive methods for quantitation of IAA and its metabolites to plant mutants disrupted in various aspects of IAA regulation is beginning to elucidate the multiple pathways that control IAA levels in the plant.
WILLOW WATER form of indolebutyric acid (IBA) " growing tips of willows contain high concentrations of IBA.........."
In the fifth century B.C., the Greek physician, Hippocrates, wrote that chewing bark of a willow tree could relieve pain and fever. (No wonder squirrels dont get headaches.) In 1829, the effective ingredient, salicin, was successfully isolated from willow bark. Toward the end of the 19th century, The Bayer Company in Germany trademarked a stable form of acetylsalicylic acid, calling it aspirin, the a from acetyl, spir from Spiraea (the salicin they used came from meadowsweet, Spiraea ulmaria, subsequently renamed Filpendula ulmaria), and in, a common ending in drug nomenclature.
In the 20th century, over one trillion aspirin, the first medicine created by techniques of modern chemistry, were consumed globally to regulate blood vessel elasticity, reduce fevers and aches, prevent cardiovascular ailments, affect blood clotting, or ease inflammation.
Native Americans and early settlers used willow bark for toothaches and applied it to the source of other pains. But they also recognized that you can actually grow a whole new tree by taking a stem and sticking it in moist soil. The hormones in willows cause rapid rooting, and they discovered these same hormones could induce rooting in other plants, too.
Willow waterTo harness this power, they made a tonic called willow water by collecting willow twigs, trimming the leaves, immersing the stems in a pail of water, and pouring the water on newly planted trees, shrubs, and bedding plants. Commercial rooting preparations contain a synthetic form of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and growing tips of willows contain high concentrations of IBA, depending on the quantity used and length of time you soak them. Any willow (Salix) tree or shrub species will work.
Another discovery: In the January, 2004 issue of The Avant Gardener, a monthly newsletter to which you can subscribe for $24/year at Horticultural Data Processors, Box 489, New York, N.Y. 10028, editor Thomas Powell notes that gardeners reported all sorts of plants growing remarkably better when given regular doses of tiny amounts of aspirin (1 part to 10,000 parts water; larger doses actually proved toxic), and that The Agricultural Research Service is investigating the reasons behind aspirins beneficial effects.
Plants make salicylic acid to trigger natural defenses against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Aspirin thus is an activator of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR). However, plants often dont produce the acid quickly enough to prevent injury when attacked by a microbe. Spraying aspirin on the plants speeds up the SAR response. Tests have shown this works on many crops, producing better plants using less pesticide. It also makes it possible to successfully grow many fine heirloom varieties which were discarded because they lacked disease resistance. Powell says.
Scientists first encountered the SAR phenomenon in the 1930s. After encountering a pathogen, plants use salicylic acid as a key regulator of SAR and expression of defense genes. Only recently have companies begun marketing salicylic acid and similar compounds as a way to activate SAR in cropstomato, spinach, lettuce, and tobacco among them, according to Powell.
ARS scientists are studying plants defenses, such as antimicrobial materials like the protein chitinase which degrades the cell walls of fungi, and nuclease enzymes which break up the ribonucleic acid of viruses. Theyre also testing aspirin and other SAR activators which could be effective against non-microbial pests such as aphids and root-knot nematodes, Powell says. This may be the most important research of the century. Stimulating SAR defenses with aspirin or other activator compounds could result in increased food production and the elimination of synthetic pesticides.
He recommends we experiment by spraying some plants with a 1:10,000 solution (3 aspirins dissolved in 4 gallons of water), leaving other plants unsprayed. Tests have shown that the SAR activation lasts for weeks to months. (Sort of homeopathic heart attack prevention for your plants.)
Make your own willow water:
by gathering about two cups of pencil-thin willow branches cut to 1-3 inch lengths. Steep twigs in a half-gallon of boiling water overnight. Refrigerated liquid kept in a jar with a tight-fitting lid will remain effective up to two months. (Label jar so you wont confuse it with your homemade moonshine.) Overnight, soak cuttings you wish to root. Or water soil into which you have planted your cuttings with the willow water. Two applications should be sufficient. Some cuttings root directly in a jar of willow water. Make a fresh batch for each use. You can also use lukewarm water and let twigs soak for 24-48 hours.
Ilene Sternberg is a freelance writer and amateur gardener with a certificate of merit in ornamental plants from Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania and a former garden guide at Winterthur in Delaware.
1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA),
The effects of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) applied at various levels and times on yield, seed index, protein and oil content and fatty acid compositions of cotton plants seeds were studied. NAA increased the seed yield/plant and the seed, protein, and oil yields/ha compared to the control. A level of 20 ppm proved best for yield. Most NAA treatments significantly increased the seed index, but only slight increases in seed protein content were recorded.
Retail product:
LA FEMME active: NAA
1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA), Indole-3-acetic Acid (IAA), Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA), Indole-3-Propionic Acid (IPA), (+)-cis,trans-Abscisic Acid (ABA)
Synthetic auxins are extensively used as herbicides, the most widely known being 2,4-D and the notorious 2,4,5-T, which were used in a 1:1 combination as Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and sprayed over the Vietnam forests as a defoliant.
Synthetic Auxins
Chemists have synthesized several inexpensive compounds similar in structure to IAA. Synthetic auxins, like naphthalene acetic acid, of NAA, are used extensively to promote root formation on stem and leaf cuttings. Gardeners often spray auxins on tomato plants to increase the number of fruits on each plant. When NAA is sprayed on young fruits of apple and olive trees, some of the fruits drop off so that the remaining fruits grow larger. When NAA is sprayed directly on maturing fruits, such as apples, pears and citrus fruits, several weeks before they are ready to be picked; NAA prevents the fruits from dropping off the trees before they are mature. The fact that auxins can have opposite effects, causing fruit to drop or preventing fruit from dropping, illustrates an important point. The effects of a hormone on a plant often depend on the stage of the plant's development.
NAA is used to prevent the undesirable sprouting of stems from the base of ornamental trees. As previously discussed, stems contain a lateral bud at the base of each leaf. IN many stems, these buds fail to sprout as long as the plant's shoot tip is still intact. The inhibition of lateral buds by the presence of the shoot tip is called apical dominance. If the shoot tip of a plant is removed, the lateral buds begin to grow. If IAA or NAA is applied to the cut tip of the stem, the lateral buds remain dormant. This adaptation is manipulated to cultivate beautiful ornamental trees. NAA is used commercially to prevent buds from sprouting on potatoes during storage.
Another important synthetic auxin is 2,4-D, which is an herbicide, or weed killer. It selectively kills dicots, such as dandelions and pigweed, without injuring monocots, such as lawn grasses and cereal crops. Given our major dependence on cereals for food; 2,4-D has been of great value to agriculture. A mixture of 2, 4-D and another auxin, called Agent Orange, was used to destroy foliage in the jungles of Vietnam. A non-auxin contaminant in Agent Orange has caused severe health problems in many people who were exposed to it.
Functions of Auxin
The following are some of the responses that auxin is known to cause (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates cell elongation
Stimulates cell division in the cambium and, in combination with cytokinins in tissue culture
Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem
Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue culture
Mediates the tropistic response of bending in response to gravity and light
The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds
Delays leaf senescence
Can inhibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission
Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants
Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem transport
Delays fruit ripening
Promotes flowering in Bromeliads
Stimulates growth of flower parts
Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers
Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations
Boric acid, also called boracic acid or orthoboric acid or Acidum Boricum, is a weak acid often used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, in nuclear power plants to control the fission rate of uranium, and as a precursor of other chemical compounds. It exists in the form of colorless crystals or a white powder and dissolves in water. This is also inhibitor But be f@#ked if Im putting this near my plants..... Nuclear, control fusion...... We will steer clear of this to start till ive got more studies reviewed. Still part of Auxin family..
ORGANS are the relating factor:
Growth and division of plant cells together result in growth of tissue, and specific tissue growth contributes to the development of plant organs. Growth of cells contributes to the plant's size, but uneven localized growth produces bending, turning and directionalization of organs- for example, stems turning toward light sources (phototropism), roots growing in response to gravity (gravitropism), ETC
Organization of the plant
As auxins contribute to organ shaping, they are also fundamentally required for proper development of the plant itself. Without hormonal regulation and organization, plants would be merely proliferating heaps of similar cells. Auxin employment begins in the embryo of the plant, where directional distribution of auxin ushers in subsequent growth and development of primary growth poles, then forms buds of future organs. Throughout the plant's life, auxin helps the plant maintain the polarity of growth and recognize where it has its branches (or any organ) connected.
A number of other effects of auxin are described. (Indoleacetic acid was called heteroauxin in the older literature. The hypothetical auxin a and auxin b have never been isolated and are now generally considered invalid.)
Antiauxin (synonyms: auxin inhibitor, auxin competitor, auxin antagonist). A compound which competitively inhibits (in the biochemical sense) the action of auxin.
Continued research on auxin has made it apparent that auxin physiology is much more complicated than it first seemed. Auxin appears to be present in all living parts of the plant, mature as well as immature. The amounts present are effected by at least three general processes: auxin production, auxin transport, and auxin inactivation. Many of the early investigations did not recognise the existence of these three processes and their results must be re-evaluated. For example, many studies of auxin transport did not take into account the probability of considerable auxin inactivation during the course of transport. Auxin is produced principally in young tissues, but can also be produced by mature tissues. The amino acid tryptophan, a common constituent of proteins, is the precursor of auxin, but the precise chemical steps of its conversion to auxin are not yet settled. The transport of auxin can be through the parenchyma, as it is in the oat coleoptile, but in more mature tissues transport is largely in the phloem. In the coleoptile transport is correlated with the streaming of protoplasm. Auxin inactivation is accomplished by an oxidative enzyme which can function either in the dark or under the influence of light. Mature tissues have relatively high auxin-inactivating capacities. In addition to these general processes other factors, still obscure, also influence the auxin in tissues. The interaction of these processes and factors determines the level of auxin which is available to influence growth and morphogenesis
for MORE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxins
Named because of their discovered role in cell division (cytokinesis), the cytokinins have a molecular structure similar to adenine. Naturally occurring zeatin, isolated first from corn ( Zea mays), is the most active of the cytokinins. Cytokinins are found in sites of active cell division in plantsfor example, in root tips, seeds, fruits, and leaves. They are transported in the xylem and work in the presence of auxin to promote cell division. Differing cytokinin:auxin ratios change the nature of organogenesis. If kinetin is high and auxin low, shoots are formed; if kinetin is low and auxin high, roots are formed. Lateral bud development, which is retarded by auxin, is promoted by cytokinins. Cytokinins also delay the senescence of leaves and promote the expansion of cotyledons.
There are two types of cytokinins: adenine-type cytokinins represented by kinetin, zeatin and 6-benzylaminopurine (mentioned), as well as phenylurea-type cytokinins like diphenylurea or thidiazuron (TDZ). The adenine-type cytokinins are synthesised in stems, leaves and roots, which is the major site.Cambiumand possibly other actively dividing tissues are also sites of cytokinin biosynthesis.There is no evidence that the phenylurea cytokinins occur naturally in plant tissues. Cytokinins are involved in both local and long distance signalling, the latter of which involves the same in planta transport mechanism as used for transport of purines and nucleosides.
retail names:
6-Furfurylaminopurine (Kinetin), Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, trans-Zeatin, Thidiazuron (TDZ), Zeatin Riboside
Cytokinin Functions
A list of some of the known physiological effects caused by cytokinins are listed below. The response will vary depending on the type of cytokinin and plant species (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates cell division.
Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud formation) in tissue culture.
Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical dominance.
Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell enlargement.
May enhance stomatal opening in some species.
Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis.
Effects are Latrial growth giving it thicker and stronger stems, healthier and larger leaves (more surface area to capture light) at 300 ppm. Plant will have more branches, foliar spray of 2000ppm. The advantage is that you don't need to pinch of the plants growing tip (thus decreasing the gibberrelins), the plant stays healthy and doesn't stop growing to repair the tip. But dosent gain hieght.
Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide , the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.
6-Benzylaminopurine, benzyl adenine or BAP is a first-generation synthetic cytokinin which elicits plant growth and development responses, setting blossoms and stimulating fruit richness by stimulating cell division. It is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and increases post-harvest life of green vegetables.
6-benzylaminopurine was first synthetized and tested in the laboratories of plant physiologist Folke K. Skoog.
retail names:
6-(y,y-dimethylallylamino)purine (2ip). 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BA, BA, BAP), 2-carboxylphenyl 3-phenyIpropane 1,3-dione (CPD),
Ethylene is a simple gaseous hydrocarbon produced from an amino acid and appears in most plant tissues in large amounts when they are stressed. It diffuses from its site of origin into the air and affects surrounding plants as well. Large amounts ordinarily are produced by roots, senescing flowers, ripening fruits, and the apical meristem of shoots. Auxin increases ethylene production, as does ethylene itselfsmall amounts of ethylene initiate copious production of still more. Ethylene stimulates the ripening of fruit and initiates abscission of fruits and leaves. (this is really intresting could be whats in LAFEMME ) In monoecious plants (those with separate male and female flowers borne on the same plant), gibberellins and ethylene concentrations determine the sex of the flowers: Flower buds exposed to high concentrations of ethylene produce carpellate flowers, while gibberellins induce staminate ones.
WIKIPEDIA DEF:Ethylene is produced at a faster rate in rapidly growing and dividing cells, especially in darkness. New growth and newly-germinated seedlings produce more ethylene than can escape the plant, which leads to elevated amounts of ethylene, inhibiting leaf expansion. As the new shoot is exposed to light, reactions by photochrome in the plant's cells produce a signal for ethylene production to decrease, allowing leaf expansion. Ethylene affects cell growth and cell shape; when a growing shoot hits an obstacle while underground, ethylene production greatly increases, preventing cell elongation and causing the stem to swell. The resulting thicker stem can exert more pressure against the object impeding its path to the surface. If the shoot does not reach the surface and the ethylene stimulus becomes prolonged, it affects the stems natural geotropic response, which is to grow upright, allowing it to grow around an object. Studies seem to indicate that ethylene affects stem diameter and height: When stems of trees are subjected to wind, causing lateral stress, greater ethylene production occurs, resulting in thicker, more sturdy tree trunks and branches. Ethylene affects fruit-ripening: Normally, when the seeds are mature, ethylene production increases and builds-up within the fruit, resulting in a climacteric event just before seed dispersal. The nuclear protein ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2) is regulated by ethylene production, and, in turn, regulates other hormones including ABA and stress hormones
The hormone ethylene is responsible for the ripening of fruits. Unlike the other four classes of plant hormones, ethylene is a gas at room temperature. Ethylene gas diffuses easily through the air from one plant to another. The saying "One bad apple spoils the barrel" has its basis in the effects of ethylene gas. One rotting apple will produce ethylene gas, which stimulates nearby apples to ripen and eventually spoil because of over ripening.
Ethylene is usually applied in a solution of ethephon, a synthetic chemical that breaks down and releases ethylene gas. It is used to ripen bananas, honeydew melons and tomatoes. Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits often remain green when they are ripe. Although the fruit tastes good, consumers often will not buy them, because oranges are supposed to be orange, right? The application of ethylene to green citrus fruit causes the development of desirable citrus colors, such as orange and yellow. In some plant species, ethylene promotes abscission, which is the detachment of leaves, flowers, or fruits from a plant. Cherries and walnuts are harvested with mechanical tree shakers. Ethylene treatment increases the number of fruits that fall to the ground when the trees are shaken. Leaf abscission is also an adaptive advantage for the plant. Dead, damaged or infected leaves drop to the ground rather than shading healthy leaves or spreading disease. The plant can minimize water loss in the winter, when the water in the plant is often frozen.
Ethylene Gas C2H4
A flammable, colorless, Gas with a characteristic sweet odor
Technical Data
Mol. Wt.: 28.05
Sp. Volume: 13.8 cf/lb
Flammability Limits: 13.1-32% in Air
Toxicity: Simple asphyxiant
Compatibility: Noncorrosive
Valve outlet: CGA 350, LB CGA 170Shipping Information
DOT Name: Ethylene, Compressed
Hazard Class: 2.1
DOT No.: UN 1962
DOT Label: Flammable Gas
CAS No.: 74-85-1source: http://www.specialgas.com/ethylene.htm
Ethylene gas (C2H4) is an odorless, colorless gas that exists in
nature and is also created by man-made sources.
Not easily detectable, it exists where produce is stored. In nature, the largest producers are plant and plant products (ie. fruits, vegetables and floral products) which produce ethylene within their tissues and release it into the surrounding atmosphere. It is also a by-product of man-made processes, such as combustion.
As is often the case, the role of ethylene and its effects on produce was discovered by accident. . .( I found that too later in post)
Ethylene, also known as the 'death' or 'ripening hormone' plays a regulatory role in many processes of plant growth, development and eventually death. Fruits, vegetables and flowers contain receptors which serve as bonding sites to absorb free atmospheric ethylene molecules. The common practice of placing a tomato, avocado or banana in a paper bag to hasten ripening is an example of the action of ethylene on produce. Increased levels of ethylene contained within the bag, released by the produce itself, serves as a stimulant after reabsorption to initiate the production of more ethylene. The overall effect is to hasten ripening, aging and eventually spoilage. A refrigerator acts in much the same way. Kept closed to retain the desired temperature, it also enables an increased concentration of ethylene to accumulate. Any closed environment, such as a truck trailer, shipping container or warehouse, will have a similar effect.
source: http://www.marathonproducts.com/products/ethyover.html 27jul01
So the Closed/sealed grow room comes into play again, Considering the greater success from The SEALED room concept, then would it not be hard to pin Ethylene as a major contributing factor as well as the Co2 injected. If sealed the plant will naturally produce it and the room sealsit increasing over time you WILL HAVE A SATURATION TOWARD END OF FLOWER, HELPING WITH IT ABSCISSION AND MATURITY.
Ethylene Sensitivity Chart
VH=Very High
VL=Very Low
a.Temperature C / F>> b. Ethylene Production>> c. Ethylene Sensitivity
ie: Apple (non-chilled)a. 1.1 / 30 =TEMP b.VH = production c. H = sensitivity
Fruits & Vegetables
Apple (non-chilled) 1.1 / 30 VH H Apple (chilled) 4.4 / 40 VH H Apricot -0.5 / 31 H H Artichoke 0 / 32 VL L Asian Pear 1.1 / 34 H H Asparagus 2.2 / 36 VL M (Toughness) Avocado (California) 3.3 / 38 H H Avocado (Tropical) 10.0 / 50 H H Banana 14.4 / 58 M H Beans (Lima) 0 / 32 L M Beans (Snap/Green) 7.2 / 45 L M Belgian Endive 2.2 / 36 VL M Berries (Blackberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Blueberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Cranberry) 2.2 / 36 L L (Mold) Berries (Currants) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Dewberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Elderberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Gooseberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Loganberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Raspberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Strawberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Breadfruit 13.3 / 56 M M Broccoli 0 / 32 VL H (Yellowing) Brussel Sprouts 0 / 32 VL H Cabbage 0 / 32 VL H Cantalope 4.4 / 40 H M Cape Gooseberry 12.2 / 54 L L Carrots (Topped) 0 / 32 VL L (Bitterness) Casaba Melon 10.0 / 50 L L Cauliflower 0 / 32 VL H Celery 0 / 32 VL M Chard 0 / 32 VL H Cherimoya 12.8 / 55 VH H Cherry (Sour) -0.5 / 31 VL L (Softening) Cherry (Sweet) -1.1 / 30 VL L (Softening) Chicory 0 / 32 VL H Chinese Gooseberry 0 / 32 L H Collards 0 / 32 VL M Crenshaw Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Cucumbers 10.0 / 50 L H (Yellowing) Eggplant 10.0 / 50 L L Endive (Escarole) 0 / 32 VL M Feijoa 5.0 / 41 M L Figs 0 / 32 M L Garlic 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Ginger 13.3 / 56 VL L Grapefruit (AZ,CA,FL,TX) 13.3 / 56 VL M (Mold) Grapes -1.1 / 30 VL L (Mold) Greens (Leafy) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Guava 10 / 50 L M Honeydew 10 / 50 M H Horseradish 0 / 32 VL L Jack Fruit 13.3 / 56 M M Kale 0 / 32 VL M Kiwi Fruit 0 / 32 L H Kohlrabi 0 / 32 VL L Leeks 0 / 32 VL M Lemons 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold) Lettuce (Butterhead) 0 / 32 L M (Russet Spotting) Lettuce (Head/Iceberg) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Lime 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold Degreen) Lychee 1.7 /35 M M Mandarine 7.2 / 45 VL M Mango 13.3 / 56 M H Mangosteen 13.3 / 56 M H Mineola 3.3 / 38 L L Mushrooms 0 / 32 L M Nectarine -0.5 / 31 H H Okra 10.0 / 50 L M Olive 7.2 / 45 L M Onions (Dry) 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Onions (Green) 0 / 32 VL M Orange (CA,AZ) 7.2 / 45 VL M Orange (FL,TX) 2.2 / 36 VL M Papaya 12.2 / 54 H H Paprika 10.0 / 50 L L Parsnip 0 / 32 VL L Parsley 0 / 32 VL H Passion Fruit 12.2 / 54 VH H Peach -0.5 / 31 H H Pear (Anjou,Bartlett/Bosc) 1.1 / 30 H H Pear (Prickley) 5.0 / 41 N L Peas 0 / 32 VL M Pepper (Bell) 10.0 / 50 L L Pepper (Chile) 10.0 / 50 L L Persian Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Persimmon (Fuyu) 10.0 / 50 L H Persimmon (Hachiya) 0.5 / 41 L H Pineapple 10.0 / 50 L L Pineapple (Guava) 5.0 / 41 M L Plantain 14.4 / 58 L H Plum/Prune -0.5 / 31 M H Pomegranate 5.0 / 41 L L Potato (Processing) 10.0 / 50 VL M (Sprouting) Potato (Seed) 4.4 / 40 VL M Potato (Table) 7.2 / 45 VL M Pumpkin 12.2 / 54 L L Quince -0.5 / 31 L H Radishes 0 / 32 VL L Red Beet 2.8 / 37 VL L Rambutan 12.2 / 54 H H Rhubard 0 / 32 VL L Rutabaga 0 / 32 VL L Sapota 12.2 / 54 VH H Spinach 0 / 32 VL H Squash (Hard Skin) 12.2 / 54 L L Squash (Soft Skin) 10.0 / 50 L M Squash (Summer) 7.2 / 45 L M Squash (Zucchini) 7.2 / 45 N N Star Fruit 8.9 / 48 L L Swede (Rhutabaga) 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Corn 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Potato 13.3 / 56 VL L Tamarillo 0 / 32 L M Tangerine 7.2 / 45 VL M Taro Root 7.2 / 45 N N Tomato (Mature/Green) 13.3 / 56 VL H Tomato (Brkr/Lt Pink) 10.0 / 50 M H Tree-Tomato 3.9 / 39 H M Turnip (Roots) 0 / 32 VL L Turnip (Greens) 0 / 32 VL H Watercress 0 / 32 VL H Watermelon 10,0 / 50 L H Yam 13.3 / 56 VL L Live Plants Cut Flowers (Carnations) 0 / 32 VL H (Sleepiness) Cut Flowers (Chrysanthemums) 0 / 32 VL H Cut Flowers (Gladioli) 2.2 / 36 VL H Cut Flowers (Roses) 0 / 32 VL H (Open Sooner) Potted Plants -2.8-18.3 / 27-65 VL H Nursery Stock -1.1-4.4 / 30-40 VL H (Slower Start) Christmas Trees 0 / 32 N N Flowers Bulbs (Bulbs/ 7.2-15 / 45-59 VL H Corms/Rhizomes/Tubers)
Ethylene is a plant hormone that differs from other plant hormones in being a gas. It has the molecular structure: H2C=CH2 When fruits approach maturity, they release ethylene. Ethylene promotes the ripening of fruit. Among the many changes that ethylene causes is the destruction of chlorophyll. With the breakdown of chlorophyll, the red and/or yellow pigments in the cells of the fruit are unmasked and the fruit assumes its ripened color.
How the role of ethylene was discovered.
As is so often the case in science, the discovery of the role of ethylene was made by accident. When first harvested, lemons are often too green to be acceptable in the market. In order to hasten the development of a uniform yellow color, lemon growers used to store newly-harvested lemons in sheds kept warm with kerosene stoves. When one grower tried a more modern heating system, he found that his lemons no longer turned yellow on time. Research soon found that the important factor in the ripening process was small amounts of ethylene gas given off by the burning kerosene in the heatersm
1901 Neljubow in St. Petersburg Russia:
Coal gas = illuminating gas in cities (gas lights)
Causes triple response: dwarf stem, fat stem, agravitropism in stem in peas also leaf abscission in nearby trees
Identified ethylene from the gas as the causative agent. (OLDEST IDENTIFIED GROWTH REGULATOR)
1910 Oranges cause bananas to ripen prematurely (natural ethylene?)
1934 Ethylene is a natural product (plant hormone?)
Forgotten for many years as possible hormone....
1959 Burg & Thimann rediscover old research and begin studies showing ethylene as possible hormone
What is ethylene Synthesis:
Methionine->S-adenosylmethionine->aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid->ethylene
Pathway elucidated completely in 1979 (Adams & S. F. Yang)
ACC synthase (usually limiting enzyme in path)
Ethylene Forming Enzyme (sometimes limiting, esp fruit senescence)
Ethylene -> Ethylene oxide C2H4O -> oxalic acid HOOC-COOH -> 2 CO2
Transport:Gas generally diffuses rapidly but not under waterlogging immersion.
ACC is transported in nonpolar way
Adsorption on charcoal and KMnO4 (potassium permanganate)
Ventilation important!
Conjugation:ACC ---> Malonyl ACC--NOT STORAGE...irreversible
Pool Size:1 uL/L (= 1 ppm) is active in most responses
Stress and IAA stimulate ethylene biosynthesis at ACC synthase
Receptors: Bind Ag+ ions and CO2 as well as C2H4 and contains Cu cofactor
(IAA as we know as Rooting hormone)
Fruit Ripening
Abscission; leaf flower fruits (thinning, harvesting)
Triple Resonses
Hook Closure Maintenance
Initiates Germination in Grains
Activates dormant buds (potatoes in storage)
Stem elongation in deep-water rice
Induces Flowering in Pineapple
Promotes Female Expression in Flowers Flower and Leaf Senescence: Ag preventative (vase life)
Ethylene was used medically as a anesthetic in concentrations
significantly greater than that found in a ripening room. However, ethylene is often targeted as the reason for difficulty in breathing in ripening rooms; what can affect some people is usually either:
a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2,) levels: CO2, is produced by the ripening fruit in the room and levels increase over time, or
b) Oxygen levels: The oxygen in the room when loaded is taken in by the ripening fruit. This sometimes will make breathing in a ripening room difficult. The increased CO2, and decreased oxygen levels are the main reasons for venting the ripening room.
It will permeate through produce cardboard shipping boxes, wood and even concrete walls.
While ethylene is invaluable due to its ability to initiate the ripening process in several fruits, it can also be very harmful to many fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants by accelerating the aging process and decreasing the product quality and shelf life. The degree of damage depends upon the concentration of ethylene, length of exposure time, and product temperature. One of the following methods should be used to ensure that ethylene-sensitive produce is not exposed: a) Ethylene producing items (such as apples, avocados, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, and tomatoes) should be stored separately from ethylene-sensitive ones (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens, lettuce, etc.). Also, ethylene is emitted by engines. Propane, diesel, and gasoline powered engines all produce ethylene in amounts large enough to cause damage to the ethylene-sensitive produce items mentioned; b) Ventilate the storage area, preferably to the outside of the warehouse, on a continuous or regular basis to purge the air of any ethylene; c) Remove ethylene with ethylene absorbing filters. These have been proven in reducing and maintaining low ethylene levels. If ethylene damage is suspected, a quick and easy way to detect ethylene levels is with hand held sensor tubes. This will indicate if the above steps should be followed.
Ethylene is explosive at high temperatures. When using as directed the products of Catalytic Generators, reaching the explosive level is not possible. The explosive level is about 200 times greater than that found in ripening rooms. As a matter of fact, it would take 20 - 30 of the Easy-Ripe Generators on the highest setting in a one-load room to reach this level.
Ethylene was used historically as an important anesthetic until less flammable compounds were developed. It is a colorless gas with a sweet ether-like odor. As an anesthetic, it was used as a concentration of 85% with 15% oxygen. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon gas and quite flammable and explosive at concentrations above about 3%. Remember, a non-toxic anesthetic for humans at a concentration of 85% or higher, yet as a fruit ripening hormone, ethylene gas is effective at 0.1 to 1 ppm. One part of ethylene per million parts of air that's one cupful of ethylene gas in 62,000 gallons of air - is enough to promote the ripening process in fruits.
Using tomatoes as an example, the life of a tomato fruit begins with fertilization of the flower ovules. After fertilization, the young fruit goes through a short period of cell division which is then followed by a rapid period of growth as these cells enlarge. During the final stages of growth and development, the tomato fruit reaches its full size and is now mature. This period of growth and development, from fertilization to development of the mature fruit, requires about 45-55 days, depending on the cultivar and the season. During the growth and development period, there are many chemical and physical changes occurring that have an impact on fruit quality and ripening behavior after harvest. Ripening is the final stage of the maturation process when the fruit changes color, and develops the flavor, texture and aroma that makes up what we define as optimum eating quality. The biological agent that initiates this ripening process after the fruit is mature is naturally produced ethylene - this simple plant hormone described and understood over 40years ago. While there are other factors involved in this "triggering" of the ripening process by ethylene, it is essentially a universal ripening hormone. When this internal concentration of naturally produced ethylene increases to about 0.1 - 1.0 ppm, the ripening process is irreversibly initiated. The process may be glowed, but it cannot be reversed once it is truly under way. So, here is the key point: additional and externally applied ethylene, provided prior to the time that the naturally produced internal concentration reaches the required 0.1 - 1.0 ppm level, will trigger or initiate - "promote" if you will - this natural ripening process at an earlier time.
The additional externally applied ethylene (the "gassing" so frequently referred to in the popular press) merely accelerates the normal ripening process. Numerous studies have shown that there are no important biochemical, chemical, or physiological differences between fruit ripened where the naturally produced ethylene has been the triggering mechanism or where additionally externally applied ethylene has triggered the process in the mature but unripe fruit.
For example, tomato fruit are not and cannot be "artificially reddened" by ethylene. The normal tomato ripening process, which includes pigment changes - the loss of green chlorophyll and conversion of carotenoids into red lycopene pigments - can be accelerated and brought about earlier by externally applied ethylene, but this is a normal process. In fact, some of the components of nutritional quality, such as Vitamin C content, benefit because of the fact that the fruits will be consumed after a shorter time interval from harvest as a result of ethylene treatments and hence, the initial level will not have degraded as far as the longer, unaccelcratcd process. Ethylene is actually used commercially on only a few crops, including: (a) bananas, (b) for removing the green color from citrus fruits, (e) almost all honeydew melons, and (d) to a limited extent, with tomatoes.
Ethephon is the trade name of a plant growth regulator (basic manufacturer Rhône-Poulenc). Upon metabolism by the plant, it is converted into ethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and maturity. It is often used on wheat, coffee, tobacco, cotton and rice in order to help the plant's fruit reach maturity more quickly. In cotton, which initiates fruiting over a period of several weeks, ethephon is used to make all bolls open simultaneously in order to enhance harvest efficiency.
Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low, and any ethephon used on the plant material is converted very quickly to ethylene. Im not sure on getting the stuff yet... But plenty around.. Could this be the next CARBON type boost ??
- use of ethlyene
- real intresting read...
Thiamin or thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 and aneurine hydrochloride, is the term for a family of molecules sharing a common structural feature responsible for its activity as a vitamin. It is one of the B vitamins. Its most common form is a colorless chemical compound with a chemical formula C12H17N4OS. This form of thiamin is soluble in water, methanol, and glycerol and practically insoluble in acetone, ether, chloroform, and benzene. Another form of thiamin known as TTFD has different solubility properties and belongs to a family of molecules often referred to as fat-soluble thiamins. Thiamin decomposes if heated. Its chemical structure contains a pyrimidine ring and a thiazole ring
is one of the compounds that can be called vitamin B6, along with Pyridoxal and Pyridoxamine. It differs from pyridoxamine by the substituent at the '4' position. It is often used as 'pyridoxine hydrochloride'.
Water soluble
B vitamins
B1 (Thiamine) · B2 (Riboflavin) · B3 (Niacin, Nicotinamide) · B5 (Pantothenic acid, Dexpanthenol, Pantethine) · B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal phosphate, Pyridoxamine)
B7 (Biotin) · B9 (Folic acid, Folinic acid) · B12 (Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Methylcobalamin, Cobamamide)
C (Ascorbic acid) · Choline
Plant Hormones
By Frederick T. Addicott*,
Fullbright Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Victoria University of Wellington
Growth Hormones: Gibberellins. The gibberellins produce effects on growth, particularly cell elongation, which are very similar to the effects of auxin, but they function in situations where auxin does not promote elongation. Although physiological and biochemical knowledge of them is still fragmentary, they are growth factors which are probably hormones and hence should be included here. The chemicals derive their name from the fungus Gibberella, from which they can be obtained. Immature seeds are also very rich sources.
One of the most interesting series of experiments with the gibberellins was conducted with a dwarf corn (maize). This particular mutant dwarf had been the subject of an intensive auxin study, and its auxin physiology was found to be completely normal. That is, auxin production, transport and inactivation were identical with those of normal corn, and applications of additional auxin did not affect its growth; the plants never grew more than a few inches tall. However, weekly sprays of gibberellins stimulated the mutant to the normal rate of growth and practically normal appearance. The results of a similar experiment conducted several years earlier, which were at the time puzzling, can now be interpreted as due to gibberellins: an extract from immature bean seeds was applied to a bush variety of beans (Phaseolus); the stems then elongated in the manner characteristic of the tall varieties of beans. In other experiments, gibberellins sprayed on pasture grasses have induced abnormally rapid growth.
Another effect of gibberellins is in relation to both growth and flowering. Hyocyamus is one of the typical long-day plants. It grows as a rosette with its leaves clustered about the very short stem until it has been exposed to a period of cold followed by a period of long days. Then the stem rapidly elongates and produces flowers. It has been found that gibberellins can replace the cold treatment; sprays followed by long days stimulate stem elongation with flowering.
Wound Hormone. Following an injury to a plant, the parenchyma cells underlying the injured area are stimulated to divide and form a protective callus. Under the stimulus, cells divide which would otherwise remain intact to the death of the plant. Early experiments showed that if the injured area is washed immediately, cell division is prevented; this suggested that a hormone might be involved. Such a hormone was isolated by Bonner and English. Starting with 100 pounds of string beans they isolated a small amount of a chemical which they called traumatic acid (chemically, decene dicarboxylic acid) which is the wound hormone of beans. However, this compound does not stimulate cell division in other species. So there remain other chemicals yet to be identified as wound hormones.
Root Growth Hormones. Knowledge of root growth hormones has come largely from experiments with the culture of isolated roots. The repeated attempts to culture isolated tissues of plants were successful in 1933 with tomato roots and a culture medium consisting of sucrose, salts, and yeast extract. Yeast extract is a very complex mixture of chemicals and attention was immediately given to determination of the active components. These were soon found to be thiamin and pyridoxin which in small amounts (a few parts per million) could completely replace the yeast extract. Thus tomato roots, which in the field would live only a few months, have been kept growing in culture in a synthetic medium since soon after 1933. Thiamin and pyridoxin were first called growth factors, since their role in the intact plant was not known. However, Bonner showed that they are produced in leaves and transported downward to roots, thus establishing them as hormones.
Other experiments showed that niacin is a root growth factor, and is presumably also a root growth hormone. In various combinations thiamin, pyridoxin or niacin will support the indefinite growth of isolated roots of many species. For a few species other factors are required such as the amino acids glycine, lysine and arginine.
Although the roots of many plants will grow rapidly (at rates at least equal to the rates of roots on intact plants) and indefinitely in synthetic culture media, important problems still remain unsolved. One is the culture of isolated roots of monocotyledonous plants. In spite of numerous attempts, these have never been established in culture. Another is the development of the cambium, which has not been induced in roots of established
cultures. Further, branching of cultured roots is often abnormal. Thus the knowledge of root growth physiology is far from complete and much work lies ahead.
Experiments with root cultures brought to light an important interrelationship of vitamins and hormones. The chemicals thiamin, pyridoxin and niacin are vitamins, necessary in the diet of animals and other heterotrophs for normal growth and maintenance. In the green plant these same chemicals function in the physiological role of hormones. And within the cells of organisms they each function as a part of a vital enzyme. Thus the same chemical may function in any of three physiological roles: vitamin, hormone, enzyme.
Leaf Growth Hormone: Phyllocaline. In a search for hormones other than auxin Went performed an extensive series of grafting experiments. He worked with varieties of garden peas which differed markedly in their growth habits. The results showed, for example, that leaves of different varities differed in their ability to stimulate root growth. Similar differences among roots and buds were observed. Went postulated that these differences in growth were the result of differences in production of special hormones by the varieties. One of these postulated hormones was called phyllocaline. It is produced in cotyledons and mature leaves, and stimulates the growth of young leaves. This hormone was isolated and identified as adenine. Another property of adenine was later discovered; tissue cultures of plant callus ordinarily grow indefinitely as an undifferentiated, or at best, slightly differentiated mass of cells. In the culture medium adenine stimulates the differentiation of leafy buds.
Adenine too has multiple physiological roles: It is a vitamin B for some organisms and within cells functions as a part of several enzymes and of the energy-storing phosphate compounds. Flowering Hormone: Florigen. Flowering is influenced by many factors including mineral and carbohydrate nutrition, temperature, photoperiod, and a postulated hormone, florigen. This hormone is produced in leaves (under particular conditions) and is transported to buds where it brings about the conversion of a vegetative stem apex to a reproductive stem apex (flower bud). Numerous experiments indicate its existence, but attempts to isolate florigen have not yet been successful. For further discussion of flowering see the recent article by Sussex.
Reproductive Hormones. In the lower plants a number of hormones influencing reproductive processes have been described, as well as nutritional factors which can be called reproductive vitamins.
One of the best known examples of reproductive hormones is in a heterothallic species of a water mould, Achlya, where Raper in extensive experiments found four hormones:
Growth Factors. Experiments have demonstrated growth factor requirements for many plant parts. Many, possibly all, of these growth factors are plant hormones, but present knowledge is too fragmentary in most cases to permit positive statements.
Pollen germination and tube growth factors. Pollen of some species will germinate and grow well in artificial media; pollen of others will grow poorly or not at all. Stigmatic exudates are usually very stimulatory and presumably provide hormones required by the pollen. Chemicals which have been found to promote germination or tube growth of various species include: boric acid, manganous sulphate, ascorbic acid, aminobenzoic acid, indoleacetic acid, inositol, lactoflavin, guanine, pyridoxin, thiamin.
Growth factors of tissue and organ cultures. Since the successful establishment of root cultures, other organs and several types of tissues have been successfully cultured including embryos, shoots, and callus. Often successful culture has required the use of complex mixtures such as malt extract, young seed extracts, or coconut milk. The latter is a potent source of important growth factors; its use has enabled the culture of very small embryos, but the active chemicals in coconut milk have not been identified. Growth factors which have been identified include: ascorbic acid, adenine, biotin, indoleacetic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin. It is of interest to note that each of these is already known to have functions as a vitamin and/or hormone.
Growth Inhibiting Hormones. The discussion to this point has dealt with hormones and other factors which in the main promote growth and development. (A few of these, such as auxin, will under some conditions inhibit or retard growth.) In addition, there is now an increasing list of chemicals whose principal function appears to be the inhibition of growth. Since these chemicals are endogenous, often act at very low concentrations, and move from a site of production to a site of action, they should be considered hormones. Only seed germination inhibitors will be mentioned here; knowledge of others is very fragmentary.
Germination inhibitors act variously: (a) to prevent premature seed germination; (b) to extend the period of germination by permitting only a fraction of the seeds to germinate at any one time; and (c) to suppress germination of competing species while permitting germination of a favoured species. Evenari has described over 120 inhibitors; these are produced in fruit pulp, fruit coats, endosperm, seed coats, embryos, leaves, bulbs, and roots. Identified inhibitors include: hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, ethylene, mustard oils, aldehydes, alkaloids, essential oils, lactones, organic acids. It is of interest that an inhibitor can sometimes stimulate germination. Inhibition or stimulation may result from different concentrations, but sometimes one follows the other from the same concentration.
In a few decades the subject of plant hormones has expanded to a broad and amazingly complex field of plant physiology, at least equal in complexity to the field of animal hormones. This research received much of its initial impetus from Sachs' postulate that plant morphogenesus is regulated by specific organ-forming chemicals. Indeed, there is now much evidence on the effects of specific chemicals (or groups of chemicals). However, the impression should not remain that morphogenesis is regulated solely by such chemicals (that is, by hormones or vitamins). Temperature, light, water, mineral nutrients, foods, and other factors are also important in the development of plants and at times one or more of these factors may have a decisive influence on growth, acting either directly or through intermediate effects on plant hormones.
Growth and Plant Hormones - Plant Biology
All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will continue dividing and differentiate into cells with various roles to carry out within the organism. This is life and plants are no different. Plant growth can be determinate or indeterminate, meaning some plants will have a cycle of growth then a cessation of growth, breakdown of tissues and then death (think of a radish plant or a tomato plant) while others (think of a giant cedar tree) will grow and remain active for hundreds of years. A tomato plant is fairly predictable and is said to have determinate growth, while the cedar tree has indeterminate growing potential. Development refers to the growth and differentiation of cells into tissues, organs and organ systems. This again all begins with a single cell.
Plant Growth Regulators and Enzymes
Genetic information directs the synthesis and development of enzymes which are critical in all metabolic process within the plant. Most enzymes are proteins in some form or another, are produced in very minute quantities and are produced on sitemeaning they are not transported from one part of the organism to another. Genetic information also regulates the production of hormones, which will be addressed shortly. The major difference is that hormones are transported from one part of the plant to another as needed. Vitamins vital in the activation of enzymes and are produced in the cytoplasm and membranes of plant cells. Animals and humans utilize plants in order to provide some vitamin resources. In general, hormone and vitamin effects are similar and are difficult to distinguish in plants, and both are referred to in general as plant growth regulators.
Groups of Hormones
Plant hormones are chemical messengers that affect a plant's ability to respond to its environment. Hormones are organic compounds that are effective at very low concentration; they are usually synthesized in one part of the plant and are transported to another location. They interact with specific target tissues to cause physiological responses, such as growth or fruit ripening. Each response is often the result of two or more hormones acting together.
Because hormones stimulate or inhibit plant growth, many botanists also refer to them as plant growth regulators. Many hormones can be synthesized in the laboratory, increasing the quantity of hormones available for commercial applications. Botanists recognize five major groups of hormones: auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and abscisic acid.
Other Growth Regulators
Many growth regulators are widely used on ornamental plants. These substances do not fit into any of the five classes of hormones. For example, utility companies all over the country often apply growth retardants, chemicals that prevent plant growth, to trees in order to prevent them from interfering with overhead utility lines. If is less expensive to apply these chemicals than to prune the trees, not to mention safer for the utility workers. Also, azalea growers sometimes apply a chemical to the terminal buds rather than hand-pruning them. Scientists are still searching for a hormone to slow the growth of lawn grass so that it doesn't have to be mowed so often.
Plant movements
Plants appear immobile because they are usually rooted in one place. However, time lapse photography reveals that parts of plants frequently move. Most plants move too slowly for the passerby to notice. Plants move in response to several environmental stimuli such as: light, gravity and mechanical disturbances. These movements fall into two groups: tropisms and nastic movements.
A tropism is a plant movement that is determined by the direction of an environmental stimulus. Movement toward an environmental stimulus is called a positive tropism, and movement away from a stimulus is called a negative tropism. Each kind of tropism is named for its stimulus. For example, a plant movement in response to light coming from one particular direction is called a phototropism. The shoot tips of a plant that grow toward the light source are positively phototropic.
Phototropism, as mentioned, is illustrated by the movement of sprouts in relation to light source direction. Light causes the hormone auxin to move tot he shaded side of the shoot. The auxin causes the cells on the shaded side to elongate more than the cells on the illuminated side. As a result, the shoot bends toward the light and exhibits positive phototropism. In some plant stems, phototropism is not caused by auxin presence or movement. In these instances, light causes the production of a growth inhibitor on the illuminated side of the shoot. Negative phototropism is sometimes seen in vines that climb on flat walls where coiling tendrils have nothing to coil around. These vines have stem tips that grow away from the light, or better put, toward the wall. This brings adventitious roots or adhesive discs in contact with the wall on which they can cling and climb.
Solar tracking is the motion of leaves or flowers as the follow the suns' movement across the sky. By continuously facing toward a light source, moving or not, the plant maximizes the light available for photosynthesis.
Thigmotropism is a plant growth response to touching a solid object. Tendrils and stems of vines, such as morning glories, coil when they touch an object. Thigmotropism allows some vines to climb other plants or objects, thus increasing its chance of intercepting light for photosynthesis. It is thought that an auxin and ethylene are involved in this response.
Gravitropism is a plant growth response to gravity. A root usually grows downward and a stem usually grows upward; that is, roots are positively gravitropic and stems are negatively gravitropic. Like phototropism, gravitropism appears to be regulated by auxins. One hypothesis proposes that when a seedling is placed horizontally, auxins accumulate along the lower sides of the root and the stem. This concentration of auxins stimulates cell elongation along the lower side of the stem, and the stem grows upward. A similar concentration of auxins inhibits cell elongation in the lower side of the root, and thus the root grows downward.
Chemotropism is a plant growth response to a chemical. After a flower is pollinated, a pollen tube grows down through the stigma and style and enters the ovule through the micropyle. The growth of the pollen tube in response to chemicals produced by the ovule is an excellent example of chemotropism.
Nastic Movements
Plant movements that occur in response to environmental stimuli, but that are independent of the direction of the stimuli are called nastic movements. These movements are regulated by changes in water pressure in certain plant cells.
Growth Stimulants The B-vitamins (1 ppm solution) increase the yield of hempseed and its fat content, but somewhat suppresses the growth of leaves, stems, and seed hulls. Potassium permanganate in weak solutions stimulates the development of cannabis in all its phases. Dilute camphor also stimulates plant growth. Vitamin C (1-5 parts in 10,000 water) has the same effect. The ripening of cannabis flowers can be accelerated by addition of a tablespoon of sugar per gallon of nutrient solution. Do not use this treatment during the initial stages of the flowering cycle, because flowering will be delayed instead. Auxigro, manufactured by the Auxein Corp. (Lansing, MI; www.auxein.com; US Patent 5,840,656) contains 4-aminobutyric acid, L-glutamic acid, etc.). It increases fertilizer efficiency severalfold and improves plant growth up to 50%. Nutrient accumulation also is increased dramatically. Triacontanol is a fatty alcohol found in many plants. It increases growth rates and yields up to 25%, and increases the protein content, even during darkness when plants usually are dormant. Triacontanol seems to enhance the growth of plants without increasing their consumption of nitrogen. The simplest way to use triacontanol is to plow under a crop of alfalfa, which contains relatively large amounts of the substance. Triacontanol is extracted from sunflower seeds or alfalfa by chloroform; filter and evaporate the solution to yield crude triacontanol. The dosage is 1 ppm in water.
Carbon Dioxide
--- Plants utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide to supply their carbon. The current level of atmospheric CO2 is about 350 ppm. If the level of CO2
in a closed growing space decreases to below 200 ppm, growth will cease. Levels above 2% can be injurious to both plants and animals. When cannabis is cultivated indoors, the rate of growth and photosynthesis can be enhanced by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide to about 0.2%. The effects are most influential in the second month of growth. The rate of growth can be increased about 50% by increasing the level of CO2 to about 700 ppm. If the level is increased to 1,500 ppm during the vegetative phase, the growth rate will increase up to 80%. The number of females also increases slightly under the influence of CO2 . When extra CO2 is supplied during the flowering phase, the flowers will mature about 2 weeks sooner, and they will increase in weight about 20%. To alculate the amount of CO2 required to enrich a growroom, first select the level of CO2 you desire (assuming 300 ppm atmospheric CO2 ). Multiply the cubic feet of the grow space with the corresponding factor (given below) to determine how many cubic feet of gas are needed to raise the level for each cycle of enrichment. The cycle is repeated as the plants absorb the gas or it is vented outdoors (necessarily when the room temperature rises to 85o
F). Commercially available equipment will do this automatically. For 1,000 ppm, factor (.0007) x cubic feet to determine the requisite volume of gas. 1,100 ppm = (.000; 1,200 ppm = (.0009); 1,300 ppm = (.0010); 1,400 ppm = (.0011); 1,500 ppm = (.0012).
ref: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6612723/All-About-Hemp
A Sketch of an 8 Part Plant Hormone Theory
New Group Of Plant Hormones Discovered
ScienceDaily (Aug. 13, 2008 Scientists from the Wageningen University Laboratory of Plant Physiology and an international team of scientists have discovered a new group of plant hormones, the so-called strigolactones. This group of chemicals is known to be involved in the interaction between plants and their environment.
The scientists have now proven that strigolactones, as hormones, are also crucial for the branching of plants. The discovery will soon be published in Nature and is of great importance for innovations in agriculture. Examples include the development of cut flowers or tomato plants with more or fewer branches. These crops are of major economic and social importance worldwide.
The growth and development of plants is largely controlled by plant hormones. Plants produce these chemicals themselves, thus controlling the growth and development of roots and stems, for example. A number of plant hormones, such as auxins, giberellins and cytokinins, were discovered by scientists decades ago. Now a new group of hormones has been found: The so-called strigolactones.
Previous research by institutes including Wageningen UR has shown that strigolactones plays a major part in the interaction between plants and their environment. As plants cannot move, they commonly use their own chemicals to control the environment as best as they can.
Strigolactones are of major importance to the interaction between plants and symbiotic fungi, for example. These fungi live in a symbiotic relationship with plants, lthat is mutually beneficial. They transport minerals from the soil to the plant, while the plant gives the fungi sugars in return.
Unfortunately, the strigolactones have also been hijacked by harmful organisms: They help seeds of parasitic plants to germinate when plant roots are in the vicinity. The seedlings of the parasite attach to the root of the plant and use the plants nutrients for their own growth and reproduction. Unlike the symbiotic fungi, however, they do not give anything in return. On the contrary, the parasitism often causes the host plant to die, eventually.
The international research team consisting of French, Australian and Dutch scientists, coordinated in France, found mutants of pea that were branching without restraint. It turned out that these pea plants were not capable of producing strigolactones. When the plants were administered strigolactones, the unrestrained branching stopped. The same effect occurred in an entirely different plant, thale cress. The mutant plants also caused a significant lower germination of the parasitic plant seeds and induced less interaction with symbiotic fungi.
The scientists also showed that a specific receptor reaction for the strigolactones occurs in plants, a phenomenon that is characteristic for plant hormones. Although some previously discovered plants with unrestrained branching turned out to be producing strigolactones themselves, their receptor connection was disturbed: Strigolactones administered from the outside could not stop the uncontrolled branching.
It has also been shown that the plants are capable of transporting strigolactones internally and that the chemicals work at very low concentrations, two other typical characteristics of plant hormones.
It is expected that this new knowledge will be applied in agriculture and horticulture, for example in breeding and the development of branching regulators.
Cut flower varieties and potted plants with either more or less branching may have special ornamental value, while crops with more or less branching may be beneficial in cultivation. Tomato plants in which less branching occurs can benefit the greenhouse horticulture, for instance.
Another good read
Genes Key To Hormone Production In Plants Identified
MY 5 HORMONE PLAN ...........
Very small concentrations of these substances produce major growth changes. Concentrations of these substances usually are measured in parts per million (ppm) and in some cases parts per billion (ppb). So im still HIGHLY UNSURE of quanties and timeing - it will be trial and error.... giving about 4 plants a month to the cause.......
So Hormones are produced naturally by plants, while plant growth regulators are applied to plants by humans.
Some of the growth regulators i may be useing are synthetic compounds (e.g., IBA and Cycocel) that mimic naturally occurring plant hormones, or they may be natural hormones that were extracted from plant tissue (e.g., IAA).
I will use :
1. Forms of Auxin, it is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation IAA, IBA. The forms i will be useing: YATES Cutting powder (IAA) and or willow water... During all times of growth a germination. (NOT BUD) in minute quantities
2. Gibberellins (ga3) to break seed dormancy, and speed germination. Veg tests also...
3. NAA - for fem attributes in seed germ
And on cuttings.....
for application I will probably follow this study
6wks veg for It will increase a plants resistance to stress and will increase production of root mass.
6-8wk veg & 4th week of flowring for bud growth
+ ALL ordinary NUTES.
Here a couple of sites that sell all of them....
Biologists close in on the hormone 'florigen,' the signal that causes plants to flower....... induced flowering..........???????????......
When each hormone is produced......
Auxin would be released when a root or shoot meristematic (young) cell finds that it contains more than enough shoot derived nutrients mainly sugar, and all other environmental conditions are favorable for growth.
Cytokinin would be made when meristematic cells are bathed in more than enough nutrients of the sort normally provided by the root, mainly water and minerals and all other conditions are favorable for growth.
Gibberellin/Brassinostreroid would be made when mature cells have less than enough shoot nutrients, i.e. sugar and Oxygen to survive especially if environmental conditions are poor.
Finally Ethylene might be released when mature cells are receiving less than enough nutrients normally received from the roots, mainly minerals and water, to support life at all, thus senescence of the cell is warranted. Again this effect may be accentuated by poor environmental conditions.
Abscisic Acid might fulfill the role akin to adrenaline or cortisol in animals, signaling a need emergency action under most kinds of rapidly developing environmental stress, not just water shortages.
Complimentarily, Salicylic Acid may be the hormone released when things are running normally and no special rapid response is needed from the plant. It might be the "feel good" hormone.
Quick summary on what they are:
Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation.
Gibberellins stimulate cell division and elongation, break seed dormancy, and speed germination. The seeds of some species are difficult to germinate; you can soak them in a GA solution to get them started.
cytokinins stimulate cell division and often are included in the sterile media used for growing plants from tissue culture. If a medium's mix of growth-regulating compounds is high in cytokinins and low in auxin, the tissue culture explant (small plant part) will produce numerous shoots. On the other hand, if the mix has a high ratio of auxin to cytokinin, the explant will produce more roots. Cytokinins also are used to delay aging and death (senescence).
Ethylene is unique in that it is found only in the gaseous form. It induces ripening, causes leaves to droop (epinasty) and drop (abscission), and promotes senescence. Plants often increase ethylene production in response to stress, and ethylene often is found in high concentrations within cells at the end of a plant's life. The increased ethylene in leaf tissue in the fall is part of the reason leaves fall off trees. Ethylene also is used to ripen fruit (e.g., green bananas).
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a general plant-growth inhibitor. It induces dormancy and prevents seeds from germinating; causes abscission of leaves, fruits, and flowers; and causes stomata to close. High concentrations of ABA in guard cells during periods of drought stress probably play a role in stomatal closure.
Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are chemicals that are designed to affect plant growth and/or development. They are applied for specific purposes to affect specific plant responses right?
Although there is F@#k load of scientific information on using PGRs in the greenhouse, it is not an exact science. Achieving the best results with PGRs is a combination of art and science - science tempered with a lot of trial and error and a good understanding of plant growth and development.
Selecting and Using Plant Growth Regulators on Floricultural Crops
Authors: Original is by Joyce G. Latimer, Extension Specialist, Greenhouse Crops; Virginia Tech Publication Number 430-102, November 2001, i have summarized most of it.
Optimizing Results
Read the Label
Plant Growth Regulators for Height Control
Plant Growth Regulators for Lateral Branching
Plant Growth Regulators for Flowering Application Guidelines
Treat All Recommendations as Starting Rates for Your Own Trials
Costs of PGRs
Conclusions and Rate Recommendations
Recommended Resource
Appendix. Helpful conversions
Optimizing Results
1. For best results, PGRs should be handled as production tools, like water and fertilizer.
2. They should not be used as crutches for poor management of other cultural practices.
3. PGRs should be an integrated part of your crop production cycle.
4. They are most effective when applied at the appropriate times to regulate plant growth or development. In other words, growth retardants cannot "shrink" an overgrown plant. They must be applied before the plant is overgrown to avoid plant stretch.
1. Do you want to reduce the growth rate of the plant, improve its color and general condition (toughness)? If so, you probably want a growth retardant such as B-Nine, Cycocel, A-Rest, Bonzi, or Sumagic.
2. Do you want to increase plant branching for enhanced cutting production, or for a more bushy potted plant or hanging basket? If so, you probably want to use a branching agent or "chemical pincher" such as Atrimmec, FlorelÆ Brand Pistill (Florel), or Off-Shoot-O.
3. Do you want to enhance flower initiation or synchronize flowering? If so, you probably want to use Cycocel, Florel, NAA, GibGro, or ProGibb.
Answering these questions will indicate which type of PGR you need to use to accomplish your goal. It also will determine the most appropriate timing of the application. Then you will need to select a specific PGR in that class and determine the appropriate dosage and the appropriate application method for the selected application. THESE are many Indsutry brands which I intend on useing at some point. As well as the pure forms mentioned in thread.
Read the Label
Plant growth regulators are classified as pesticides so use with care...
Is the chemical labeled for the crop you wish to treat? Most of the PGR labels have undergone recent revisions that apply to a broad range of similar crops not specifically listed on the label, with the user taking responsibility for determining appropriate rates. This provides label permission to use the compound on these crops without the manufacturer accepting the responsibility for the rate selection.
Look for information on the effectiveness and on the side effects (phytotoxicity) of the chemical on your specific crop. B-Nine is considered to be a safe, short-term growth retardant with few phytotoxicity problems. However, it has little effect on growth of petunias and may burn treated leaves of kalanchoe. Begonias are extremely sensitive to Bonzi and Sumagic, and the label warns you to avoid overspray or drift on these crops.
Notice any label warnings regarding the PGR's effect on plant flowering. Many branching enhancers delay flowering. Florel causes flower bud abscission prior to enhancing branching; therefore, it is not recommended within six to eight weeks of Croping.
Plant Growth Regulators for Height Control or SOG
Most of the PGRs used in the greenhouse are used to regulate shoot growth of bedding plants, garden mums, and other containerized crops. These PGRs are referred to as "growth retardants." Typical growth retardants are B-Nine, Cycocel, A-Rest, Bonzi, and Sumagic . These PGRs reduce plant height by inhibiting the production of gibberellins, the primary plant hormones responsible for cell elongation. Therefore, their effects are primarily on stem, petiole and flower stalk tissues. Lesser effects are seen in reductions of leaf expansion, resulting in thicker leaves with darker green color.
Other benefits of using these PGRs in plant production include improved plant appearance by maintaining plant size and shape in proportion with the pot. Plant growth retardants also increase the stress tolerance.
Remember, growth retardants do not reduce plant size. They reduce the plant's growth rate. You must apply the growth retardant prior to the "stretch." Look for recommendations on the PGR label for time of application. These recommendations will be given in terms of plant development or plant size as opposed to production time. For example, the Sumagic label specifies that pansies should have attained a minimum height of four inches prior to application. The Bonzi label says that bedding plant plugs should be treated at the one to two true leaf stage and bedding plants (after transplanting) at two inches of new growth or when the plants reach marketable size.
Generally, growth retarding PGRs should be applied just prior to rapid shoot growth. This is usually one to two weeks after transplanting a plug, after the roots are established and as the plant resumes active growth; on pinched plants, it is after the new shoots are visible, just starting to elongate. This is where the art of plant growth regulation is most important. You must learn how your crop grows and when to intervene to obtain the desired results. Remember to note details of crop development in your records of PGR treatments. For example, due to the weather conditions, next year you may need to treat at seven days after transplanting instead of at the ten days after transplanting that you used this year. Gauge when rapid elongation will likely occur and treat to counter it.
Many growers use multiple applications of growth retardants to better control plant growth. A single application at a high rate early in the plant production cycle may be excessive if growing conditions are not as good as expected. An early application at a lower rate provides more flexibility, but the tradeoff is in the additional labor involved with a second application if it becomes necessary. Some growers improve crop uniformity by using multiple applications of lower rates to affect small corrections in plant growth.
Be careful to avoid very late applications, especially of Bonzi or Sumagic as they may delay flowering .
Plant Growth Regulators for Lateral Branching
Another group of PGRs used in floricultural crops are those that enhance branching, including Florel, Atrimmec and Off-Shoot-O . These PGRs are frequently called "chemical pinchers" because they generally inhibit the growth of the terminal shoots or enhance the growth of lateral buds, thereby increasing the development of lateral branches. They can be used to replace mechanical pinching of many crops. Often this increased branching also will reduce the overall height of the plant. The ethylene released inside the plant by Florel also inhibits internode elongation, keeping treated plants more compact than untreated plants. Florel also affects flowering (see below). If you are looking for enhanced branching, you must have sufficient growth on the plant to allow for sites of lateral development. They cannot enhance lateral branching if there are no laterals on the plant. Again, read the label for details of when to apply for optimum response.
You may need to consider combinations of PGRs. For example, if you apply Florel to enhance the branch development of 'Wave' petunias in a hanging basket, you will probably need to follow up with a treatment of a plant growth retardant like Bonzi to control the elongation of those new laterals. Always consider the side effects of treatments. As mentioned in Tables 1 and 2, some of these PGRs affect flowering which is critical to the successful production of floricultural crops.
Plant Growth Regulators for Flowering
Plant growth regulators can be used to enhance flowering (GibGro) or to remove flowers (Florel). To improve flowering, GibGro, which contains the growth promoter gibberellic acid, can be used to substitute for all or part of the chilling requirement of some woody ornamentals typically forced in the greenhouse, including azalea. [A broad use label was submitted for EPA approval in 2001 for Pro-Gibb (Valent USA) which would include camellia, hydrangea, and a variety of other floricultural crops.] Special attention must be given to the stage of flower bud development for successful treatment. In addition to overcoming dormancy, these compounds can improve flowering and/or bloom size of camellia, geranium, cyclamen, spathiphyllum, statice, and calla lily (see product labels for specific uses). Again, timing is critical since late applications, or excessive rates, may cause excessive plant stretching resulting in weak, spindly stems. Cycocel used to control stem height of hibiscus and geranium also improves early flowering.
Flower removal is especially desirable for stock plants maintained for cuttings of vegetatively propagated ornamentals, like geraniums, fuchsia, begonias, or lantana. Florel (ethephon) is the primary compound used for flower removal. Once ethephon is absorbed by the plant it is converted to gaseous ethylene, a natural plant hormone effective in many plant processes. Ethylene is the primary hormone responsible for flower senescence and fruit ripening. It is the "postharvest" hormone. With proper rates and timing, it will remove unwanted flowers from stock plants or from plugs or young bedding plants.
Flower removal diverts more energy into vegetative growth, increasing the number of laterals available for cuttings on stock plants, and promoting increased branching of plugs and finished plants, which increases fullness in hanging baskets or other containers. Early flower removal also allows synchronization of flowering of a container for a more dramatic appearance or for flowering on a specific marketing date. Since initiation and development of flowers requires time, Florel should not be used on crops within six to eight weeks of marketing.
Application Guidelines
Spray Applications. The pesticide label not only contains information on restrictions but also much information on using the product effectively. The label will identify the target tissue for that PGR - B-Nine is only effective as a foliar spray whereas Bonzi and Sumagic sprays must reach the stems or roots. When making spray applications, look at the physiological development of the plant to see that there is sufficient plant material at the correct stage of growth to make the treatment effective and to accomplish your goal. Generally, there should be sufficient foliage or stems to absorb the PGR. Uptake and effectiveness of a PGR also depend on selecting the application technique that will ensure proper coverage of the target tissue. B-Nine is not soil active and is fairly mobile in the plant. Therefore, a foliar spray application, wetting most of the foliage, will provide a fairly uniform reduction in growth of sensitive crops.
However, the triazoles, Bonzi and Sumagic, are absorbed primarily by stem tissue and then translocated upwards in the plant. Therefore, consistent and complete coverage of the stems is necessary for uniform effects. In other words, if the stem of one lateral receives an inadequate amount of spray, it will grow faster than the others, resulting in a poorly shaped plant, most noticeable in potted crops like poinsettia or chrysanthemum. The triazoles also are very "soil active" which means they may be adsorbed to particles in the media and become available to the plant through root uptake. Therefore, drenching is a very effective application method for these chemicals in crops where it is economically feasible (see How to Apply Drenches below).
The label will provide a recommended application volume for sprays or drenches, especially for chemicals that are soil active. All foliar applications of PGRs should be applied on an area basis, i.e., uniformly spray the area where the plants are located with the recommended volume of solution. Do NOT spray individual plants or spray to reach a subjective target like "spray to glistening." Since every applicator will have a slightly different definition of these goals, there will be no way of recommending appropriate rates or obtaining predictable results. For soil active PGRs, dosage equals the concentration of the solution multiplied by the volume applied in the treated area. Therefore, to improve predictability, the label-recommended spray application rates are generally set at 2 qt. finished spray per 100 sq.ft., a comfortable walking pace for applicators with hand-held sprayers.
Since Bonzi and Sumagic are soil active, precautions should be taken to avoid over-application with sprays. Spray applications require more attention to detail, because overspray material lands or drips onto the medium. Remember that dosage equals concentration times volume. Figure 1 shows the effect of Sumagic application volume on growth of vinca (Catharanthus roseus) at four weeks after treatment. A 1 ppm spray solution of Sumagic was applied at the label recommended volume of 2 qt. per 100 sq. ft., at 3 qt. per 100 sq. ft., or at twice the label rate, 4 qt. per 100 sq. ft. This high volume application was comparable to the amount of spray you might apply "to runoff." These vinca plants were effectively treated with 0, 1, 1.5, or 2 ppm Sumagic (dose = concentration x volume).
Recognizing that stem coverage is necessary for the triazoles, you may need to apply a higher than recommended volume to large or dense plants to obtain adequate coverage. In fact, the Bonzi label recommends 3 qt per 100 sq.ft. for "larger plants with a well developed canopy." Adjust the concentration you apply accordingly. This suggests the importance of record-keeping (see below).
Spray Equipment. To assure proper spray volumes, your compressed air sprayer should be equipped with a pressure gauge and regulator and you should consistently use the same nozzle for all PGR applications. Your sprayer should be calibrated by determining the output of the chemical with the selected nozzle at the selected pressure within a specified time period. Using this information, you can apply a known amount of material to a known area. Spray droplet size also affects response with smaller droplet sizes providing better coverage, but only up to a point. Mist or fog type applicators do NOT provide adequate volume for coverage of plant stems and have not been effective when used with compounds like Bonzi and Sumagic.
The way I tested was to capture your spray for a certin period.
Applying Drenches. Drenches have several advantages over sprays. Drenches generally have less effect on flower or bract size and tend to provide longer lasting growth regulation than sprays. Drenches are easier to apply uniformly than sprays because the drench volume is easily measured, and when applied to moist media, it is easy to obtain good distribution of the PGR in the media. Therefore, the resulting growth regulation is frequently more uniform. The label specifies the recommended volumes for drench applications to different size pots or types of media. Read the label. In general, 4 fl. oz. of drench solution is applied to a six-inch "azalea" pot, and that volume is adjusted up or down with pot size to obtain a volume where about 10% of the solution runs out the bottom of the pot when the media is moist.
Remember that the amount of active ingredient applied to plants using soil-active PGRs is a product of the concentration (ppm) of the solution and the volume applied. Label recommendations for drench applications give solution rates (in ppm) and volume recommendations. In some cases, drench application recommendations are given in terms of milligrams of active ingredient (mg a.i.) per pot. For Bonzi, the label provides mixing directions for mg a.i. solutions for Bonzi, or, you can use the NC State University "PGR Calculator" (See Resources below) to obtain solution directions for drench recommendations using this format.
Other methods of applying PGRs directly to the media have been developed and labeled. For example, Bonzi and A-Rest are labeled for chemigation or application through the irrigation system. These are generally limited to flood (sub-irrigation) or drip irrigation, not overhead sprinkler systems. Again, rates vary with the volumes used and method of application. Bonzi applied once by sub-irrigation requires 50% to 75% of the amount of Bonzi that is applied in a typical drench application. Read and exactly follow the label for chemigation applications.
Other Types of PGR Applications. Three other methods of providing a drench type application of soil-active PGRs on a more economical scale are being used by growers. One is media surface application sprays. These are spray applications made to the surface of the media of filled flats or pots. The treatment is applied at normal to high spray volumes, but since it is applied to the media surface it is activated by irrigation and is available to the plant in the root zone. Both Bonzi and Sumagic are labeled for this method of application. Rates are lower than used for sprays, but higher than used for drench applications.
A second method is called "sprenches" which is a high volume foliar spray that results in runoff into the media, providing a drench effect. Rates are lower than those recommended for sprays.
A third technique is called "watering in" where the PGR, A-Rest and Bonzi are currently labeled, is injected into the irrigation water and applied in each irrigation at very low rates of active ingredient.
All of these application methods use the relationship between rate and volume to provide the desired control and preferred application methods. Again, you must develop techniques that fit your production methods and your growth management preferences.
Beware of Bark. For all media applications, be aware that soil-active PGRs tend to be tied up by bark particles in the media which makes it less available to the plants. Therefore, if your media mix is high in bark you will need to compensate for this unavailability by adjusting your application rates up for any type of drench or media applications.
Growing Conditions. Look also for label recommendations on time of day or condition of the plant for optimum treatment response. Generally, a healthy, unstressed plant growing under low evaporative conditions, e.g., early in the morning or late in the afternoon, is most responsive to treatment. To maximize uptake, the chemical must remain in contact with the leaf long enough to be absorbed. This time varies for the different PGRs. Plants treated with B-Nine or Florel should not be overhead irrigated for at least 12 hours after treatment, but plants treated with Bonzi or Sumagic may be irrigated one hour after treatment. Spraying when the treatment will not dry quickly increases absorption of the active ingredients and increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Read the label for any warnings on how irrigation or environmental conditions will affect plant response to the PGR treatment.
Treat All Recommendations as Starting Rates for Your Own Trials
The multitude of variations possible in application methods, cultivar and species grown, and growing conditions make it impossible to recommend specific rates for all operations. There are a couple of general rules for using rate recommendations from other sources:
Southern growers use higher rates and more frequent applications than Northern growers. Rates for Virginia tend be closer to the Southern rates.
Outdoor applications usually require higher rates or more frequent applications than for plants grown inside the greenhouse.
Making notes on your application methods and the results of your PGR treatments will allow you to improve the consistency of your own application methods and establish rates and volumes appropriate to your production system. Note the concentration and the volume applied, the stage of development of the crop (number of leaves, approximate height, presence of flowers), and the environmental conditions under which the PGR was applied. It is always helpful to keep a few untreated plants for comparison, especially if you are new to using PGRs.
Costs of PGRs
Also consider the cost of the various plant growth regulators in developing your production program. You will need to add your labor and equipment costs to calculate the PGR application costs in your operation. You also will want to consider the costs of multiple applications vs. single applications when determining which PGR to use in a given situation.
Conclusions and Rate Recommendations
Plant growth regulators are valuable production tools that can enhance product quality and marketability while reducing labor for pinching and/or pruning and plant maintenance. They must be used with proper attention to other cultural practices, especially proper fertility and irrigation management. Plant growth regulators cannot correct poor production practices.
Plant growth regulator recommendations for a wide variety of floricultural crops are listed. These rates are label recommended rates and should be evaluated under your own growing conditions. For more information on rates for herbaceous perennials see VCE Publication 430-103, Using Plant Growth Regulators on Containerized Herbaceous Perennials.
Recommended Resource
For a ready resource on preparing PGR solutions, download the North Carolina State University Plant Growth Regulator Calculator from:
software allows growers to calculate the amounts of A-Rest, Atrimmec, B-Nine, Bonzi, Cycocel, Dazide, Downsize, Facination, Florel, Fresco, GibGro, Paczol, Piccolo, ProGibb, Sumagic, or Topflor needed to create any spray or drench solution you desire. If you enter your costs for each PGR, it will also calculate your materials cost per application as well as per plant treated. By entering plant dimensions and application rate per unit area, it will calculate the amount of active ingredient each plant received during application
Appendix. Helpful conversions.
1 gallon (gal) = 128 fluid ounces (fl oz)
1 fl oz = 30 milliliters (ml)
1 gal = 3785 ml = 3.785 liters
1 cup = 48 teaspoons
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
1 fl oz = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
1 ounce (oz) = 28.3 grams (g)
1 pound (lb) = 16 oz = 454 g
1% = 10,000 ppm
1 ppm = 1 milligram (mg) per liter
DATA SHEETS ON PGR`s (or man made hormones)
clofibric acid
2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid
α-naphthaleneacetic acid
naphthoxyacetic acid
potassium naphthenate
sodium naphthenate
calcium cyanamide
ethylene inhibitors
ethylene releasers
gibberellic acid
growth inhibitors
abscisic acid
jasmonic acid
maleic hydrazide
2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid
growth retardants
growth stimulators
unclassified plant growth regulators
lead arsenate
Here is a couple of PGR products ive been looking at.....
Dazide has numerous uses, the most important being to regulate plant size by reducing the length of internodes. A more compact plant has greater stem strength resulting in less breakage during shipping and handling. Dazide also reduces apical dominance, encouraging the development of early terminal buds that branch profusely. Treated plants have a compact growth habit and enhanced flower bud formation.
Dazide treated plants also tend to have deeper green foliage and a more developed root system. The latter provides firmer anchorage and better nutrient and moisture extracting capability. Consequently, plants are less likely to wilt and can recover more quickly from the stress of transplanting. Dazide is effective in a wide variety of ornamentals, including chrysanthemums, gardenias, azaleas, hydrangeas and poinsettias, along with petunias, marigolds and other flowering and foliage plant species. While the specific effects of Dazide vary with the situation, the results generated are very predictable and consistent, producing plants that look and sell at their best all year round.
Falgo contains gibberellic acid (GA3). Gibberellins are compounds that are naturally produced within plants to stimulate growth. Fine has developed a unique fermentation method of naturally producing GA3 and markets the compound for use in ornamental plants as falgro. Falgro has a huge variety of useful applications including elongation of peduncles in Pompom Chrysanthemums, earlier flowering and increased yield in Statice and accelerated plant growth with increased number of flowering stems in Gypsophila. Offering flexibility of use, falgro is formulated as easy to use liquid, powder and tablet formulations.
Pirouette regulates height and diameter in ornamental plants by reducing internode elongation due to inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis. Pirouette enhances the quality of bedding plants, flowering and foliage plants, bulb crops, perennials and woody ornamentals making them easier to market and more profitable to produce. Pirouette helps to produce attractive plants that are easier to handle and transport by producing more compact and sturdier plants.
Pirouette helps growers manage the marketing of plants by allowing control of growth rates to meet increasingly stringent customer led specifications.
FALGRO...... Not that expensive..... comes in large quantities and I need SFA....
Falgo contains gibberellic acid (GA3). Gibberellins are compounds that are naturally produced within plants to stimulate growth. Fine has developed a unique fermentation method of naturally producing GA3 and markets the compound for use in ornamental plants as falgro. Falgro has a huge variety of useful applications including elongation of peduncles in Pompom Chrysanthemums, earlier flowering and increased yield in Statice and accelerated plant growth with increased number of flowering stems in Gypsophila. Offering flexibility of use, falgro is formulated as easy to use liquid, powder and tablet formulations.
Hydroponic additives. 11 ways to help you plants
Additives, Hormones and Plant Growth Regulators at your local hydro store..
Here is a basic guide to producing better plants and understanding additives in order of priority.
1. Nutrients
You must use nutrients for Hydroponics.
2. Vitamins
Vitamins are our Number 2 most effective way to help a plant do well.
Vitamins for plants help a plant feel better when stressed, and keep a plant healthy.
Vitamins will help with resistance to fungal rots and insect attacks for instance.
While plants manufacture vitamins for themselves, if they have a supply of them, they can turn their energy to producing other elements they need, and thereby speed up growth.
Nutriboost is a concentrate that you add to nutrients, or spray onto the plants. 1ml per 10 litres whilst growing and for high performance, increase to 10ml per 10 litres for flowering/fruiting. 50ml $10, 100ml $15, 200ml $20 500ml $40 1litre $70 and 5litre $315.
Another vitamin additive is Superthrive, but is recommended for soil as it contains a glue to make it stick to soil, and in Hydroponics it just sticks to media and makes everything go green with super vitaminised algae!
3. Cleansing
Cleaning the water that comes through the tap and the water which is recycled from any pathogen helps keep the plants strength in growing not fighting.
Have you ever been fighting a cold, not really got sick, but just been a little slowed down. If you keep your system and root zone really clean you will see an improvement in the plants vigour.
Hydroshield cleans the water with two highly effective cleansers, Hydrogen peroxide, bonded with silver. The silver builds immunity while activates the Hydrogen peroxide to react and keep reacting with any single celled organism, such as green algae, fungal root rots, viruses, bacteria, and also removes chlorine from the water. Dose at 2ml per litre to prevent problems, or dose every 1-3 days to kill any fungal outbreak until plants are healthy again.
Hydroshield comes in 250ml $10 1litre $20 5litre $80 25litre $350
As an alternative to cleaning by sterilising, you can use a high dose of beneficial bacteria to keep nasties away. Power active and Stop wilt from Nulife are great for those not using sterlising agents like Hydroshield or Pythoff. They act like a plant tonic helping the plant by creating a biological barrier for plants root system.
4. Silica
Silica is not silicon, it is an element that cannot be put into the nutrient formula, due to instability, but it should be part of any plants nutrition.
Consider silica like a missing link between plant vitality, strength, resistance to infection, and increased harvests.
The silica helps strengthen cells, and plants are much healthier from the continual addition of silica.
Ensure you have a highly soluble form and you will begin to see effect from around 2 weeks onwards. Budlink, Silica magic or Dutch Master silica are very good forms of silica.
5. Foliar spraying
Have you looked at the way fertilisers are added in commercial operations. Usually by injection of liquid fertilisers into the overhead sprinklers.
This is partly because it is quick and easy, however, you can find research that the same liquid added to the leaves (which them runs off into the soil), instead of just the soil is around 25% more in harvest yields.
Also things such as amino acids are more difficult to absorb through the roots than through the leaves.
We have made up Amino Sprays containing high quality mineral nutrients, vitamins, organic additives such as amino acids, as well a wetting agent to assist uptake and spreading.
Ready to use, just pour into a spray bottle and spray, preferably towards the end of the day, or when artificial lighting sources are about to switch off for the night.
Amino Acid Sprays come in Grow, Flowering and Harvest formulas to ensure nutrition is improved for the particular stage of the plants life.
A 1litre is $8, and 5litres is $24.
Its an inexpensive way to increase crops without increasing your system size.
Remember that spraying should be done around twice a week in cooler months, and once per week during humid hotter months. Discontinue if any chance of mould or fungus on leaves (e.g. poorly ventilated greenhouses/ grow rooms)
6. Cell dividers
Some additves help the plants grow quicker by making their cells divide quicker.
Organic additives such as monsta bud, psychobud and megabud cause plants to grow faster in this way
Monstabud and Psychobud are the same except Psychobud is more concentrated.
Both are available in an additive to nutrient in separate formulas for grow, flower and harvest/final stages.
Megabud is used only in the fist and third week of flowering and is very high performance.
Bio Earth Sea Acids are a unique product that can be used alongside the other products for very fast plant metabolism, meaning faster growth and flowering
7. Weight Adders
Potassium is stored in the flower/fruit during the flowering process.
To add weight, products like weight plus use potassium to add weight
Weight plus 1ltr is $20 and is added at 1ml per liter
Other potassium products are Potash plus and Canna PK1314 but are not as pH stable as weight plus which is fully balanced and should not affect your pH
8. Harvest activator
Superbud is a hobby derivative similar to products used in stonefruit commercial farming.
It causes extremely rapid fruiting and flowering and makes fruit very firm immediately.
It stops ALL Growth, and plants will NOT grow more than 1 inch once added.
Do not add until the final height and size required.
Recalculating use 3ml of each part per litre, if hand watering or run to waste use 5ml per litre of each Use for 7-9 days no more and no less.
It is $165 for a litre.
9. Height Controllers
Bonza bud creates the same effect as âtipping' a plant without removing the top growth, which would eventually produce much more branches and flower/fruit points
It blocks the hormone that causes a plant to grow taller, and instead of growing , say 5cm and producing a branch it will produce less, maybe 2-3 cm thus making a plant shorter
A shorter plant has more even light from top to bottom and thus increases yield on lower branches
Bonza Bud encourages more side growth and these branches will produce extra fruiting/flowering points per plant also increasing yields
50ml $25 use at 2ml/litre for extremely stretched out plants, or 1ml/litre for normal plants to be shortened slightly
Respray to improve effect as desired or every 4 weeks.
Spray over plants until liquid runs off.
10. Rootzone accelerant
A large root zone creates a healthier plant and helps uptake
Rootzone accelerant helps roots, especially for new plants/clones to get them established
11. Feminizing products
Female products come in two varieties
Male suppressants such as la femme and feminizer, used to reduce the chances of a male as a seedling is raised
Hermaphrodite treatments such as Budwise, which make male flowers shrivel up and drop off.
Notes for Sick Plants :
Use additives carefully when plants are sick.
If any root rot, spray vitamins onto plant. Vitamins around roots will strengthen the fungus that is attacking your plant.
If mould or fungal attacks on leaves discontinue sprays
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is a water molecule with an extra atom of Oxygen attached (2H2O + O2 = 2H2O2).
H2O2 is a clear sharp smelling substance very similar in appearance to water (H2O). Like water it is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen, however H2O2 has an extra Oxygen atom in an unstable arrangement. It is this extra atom that gives H2O2 its useful properties. H2O2 has been used for many purposes including cleaning, bleaching, sterilizing, rocket fuel, animal feed treatment and in addition many miraculous claims about its health benefits have been made. This article isn't about any of these; instead it will concentrate on horticultural applications. H2O2 is of great use for both hydroponics and dirt/soilless gardening.
1. What Does Hydrogen Peroxide do?
H2O2 is an unstable molecule, when it breaks down a single oxygen atom and a molecule of water is released. This oxygen atom is extremely reactive and will attach itself to either another O- atom forming a stable Oxygen molecule or attack a nearby organic molecule. Both the stable and O- forms will increase the level of dissolved oxygen. This is the method by which H2O2 is beneficial. Pretreating the water supply with H2O2 will drive out the Chlorine many cities use to sterilize it. This will also degrade any pesticides or herbicides that might be present as well as any other organic matter. Well water can be high in methane and organic sulfates, both of which H2O2 will remove. Many disease causing organisms and spores are killed by Oxygen, the free Oxygen H2O2 releases is extremely effective at this. H2O2 will help eliminate existing infections and will help prevent future ones. It is also useful for suppressing algae growth. The free Oxygen atom will destroy dead organic material (i.e, leaves roots) in the system preventing them from rotting and spreading diseases.
2.Over Watering
Roots require Oxygen to breathe and low levels are the main cause of almost all root diseases. Both soil and hydroponic plants often fall prey to the same syndrome although it is rarely recognized as what it really is. Hydroponic crops often fail due to "root rot" and soil crops succumb to "over watering." The real cause of both these problems is a shortage of Oxygen at the root zone. In a soil system the soil consists of particles, a film of water on the particles and air spaces between the particles. When too much water is put into the soil the air spaces fill with liquid. The roots will quickly use up what Oxygen is dissolved in the water, if they haven't drunk enough of the liquid to allow air back in to the soil spaces they will stop working. In this situation roots will start dying within twenty-four hours. As the roots die the plants ability to drink water and nutrients will decrease, this will cause symptoms of nutrient deficiencies (mostly pale, slow, weak growth), and strangely they will start to wilt like they don't have enough water. It is easy to make a fatal mistake at this point and add more water.
In a Hydroponic system the cause is a more direct simple lack of oxygen in the solution, this may be from inadequate circulation and/or aeration. High reservoir temperatures also interfere with Oxygen's ability to dissolve in the water. Temperatures above 70F (20C) will eventually cause problems, 62F-65F (16C-18C) is recommended. The same symptoms will appear as with soil plants but you can also check the roots. Healthy roots should be mostly white with maybe a slight yellowish tan tinge. If they are a brownish colour with dead tips or they easily pull away there is at least the beginnings of a serious problem. An organic dirtlike rotting smell means there is already a very good chance it is too late. As roots die and rot they eat Oxygen out of the water, as Oxygen levels are even further depleted more roots die, a viscius circle may be well under way. Reduced Oxygen levels and high temperatures both encourage anaerobic bacteria and fungi. The plants may still be saved but you will have to work fast.
3. How Hydrogen Peroxide prevents root rot/overwatering.
When plants are watered with H2O2 it will break down and release Oxygen into the area around the roots. This helps stop the Oxygen from being depleted in the water filled air spaces until air can get back into them. High Oxygen levels at the roots will encourage rapid healthy root growth. In a Hydroponic system H2O2 will disperse through out the system and raise Oxygen levels as it breaks down. Strong white healthy roots with lots of fuzzy new growth will be visible. This fuzzy growth has massive surface area allowing for rapid absorption of the huge amounts of water and nutrients needed for rapid top growth. A healthy plant starts with a healthy root system.
4. How to use it.
H2O2 comes in several different strengths 3%, 5%, 8% and 35%, also sold as food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. The most economical is 35% which we recommend be diluted to three percent before using, as at this high concentration it can cause damage to skin and clothing. When working with food grade H2O2 it is very important that you clean up any spills or splashes immediately, it will damage almost anything very quickly. This is extra important with skin and clothing. Skin will be temporarily bleached pure white if not washed cleaned. Gloves are strongly recommended when working with any strong chemical.
Food grade H2O2 can be diluted to three percent by mixing it one part to eleven parts water (preferably distilled). The storage container should be opaque to prevent light from getting in and it must be able to hold some pressure. If three-liter pop bottles are available in your area they are ideal for mixing and storing H2O2. There are twelve quarter liters (250ml) in three liters, if you put in one quarter liter H2O2 and eleven quarter liters (250ml) water in the bottle it will full of three percent H2O2 and the bottle can hold the pressure that the H2O2 will generate. Three percent Hydrogen Peroxide may be added at up to three ml's per liter (2 1\2 tsp. Per gallon), but it is recommended that you start at a lower concentration and increase to full strength over a few weeks. Use every watering even on fresh cuttings. For hydroponics use every reservoir change and replace twenty-five percent (one quarter) every day. Example: In a 100L reservoir you would add three hundred ml's (3%) H2O2 when changing the nutrient. You would then add seventy-five ml's more every day.
5. Where to get it.
35% food grade: called food grade because it has no toxic impurities
Of course your local hydroponics retailer, whom you can locate over the web at www.hydromall.com. Direct order off the web (there may be shipping restrictions on high strength peroxides). H2O2 is used to bleach hair so the local hairdresser may have a source. The local feed supplier may have it in small towns. Prices range from fifteen dollars per quarter liter to eighty dollars a gallon. One gallon will treat up to fifty thousand liters of water.
3%5%, 8%
Can be found at most drugstores or pharmacies, prices start at a less than a dollar for a one hundred-ml bottle that will treat one hundred liters.
6. What to do if you already have root rot.
In Dirt:
Use peroxided water with anti-fungicide (benomyl) and a high Phosphate fertilizer (9-45-15, 10-52-10, 0-60-0) for root growth. Root booster (5-15-5) or any other product with rooting hormone dissolved in it is helpful in regrowing roots and is strongly recommended. If a plant is wilty adding Nutri-Boost may save it. Water heavily until liquid pours out the bottom of the pot. This sound like bad idea, but it flushes out stagnant dead water and replaces it with fresh highly oxygenated water. Don't let plants sit in trays full of water, the soil will absorb this water and stay too wet. Don't water again until the pot feels light and the top inch or two of the soil are dry.
In Hydro:
Change your nutrients. Add H2O2 to the system. This will add oxygen and chemically eat dead roots. If roots are badly rotted and can be pulled away by hand you should pull them off. They are already dead and will only rot, causing further problems. Add a fungicide to kill any fungus that is probably present in the rotted tissue to prevent it from spreading. Root booster will speed recovery. If plants are wilty Nutri-Boost may help save them. Increase aeration of the water, get an airpump and air stones, or more of them, for the reservoir. An air stone under every plant is usually very effective, but will require a larger air pump. Models that will do from forty to four hundred stones are available. Decrease the reservoir temperature, oxygen dissolves better in cold water and disease causing organisms reproduce slower as well. A good temperate range is 62F to 65F; anything above 70F will eventually cause a problem. It is also a good idea to remove any wilty plants from the system and put them on a separate reservoir so they don't infect plants that are still healthy.
The key to big productive plants is a big healthy root system and Hydrogen Peroxide is a great way to keep your roots healthy. It is a must to ensure the biggest best crops possible and to increase the chances of your plants thriving to harvest. Peroxide users will rarely lose plants or crops to root disease and will harvest larger and more consistent crops.
REF: http://thegardenguy.tripod.com/omma/id15.html
There are three main types of Molasses:-
Unsulphured Molasses are the finest quality, they are taken from the juice of sun-ripened Sugar Cane whihc is then clarified and concentrated.
Sulphured - These are made from green sugar that has not been matured enough, it is treated with sulphur fumes during the sugar extracting process. It then goes through a first boiling process - the Molasses from this first boil are the best as only a small amount of sugar has been removed. The process then goes into it's second boil which makes the Molasses a much darker colour, they are also not as sweet and are not distinctively flavoured.
Blackstrap - These are Molasses that have gone through the third boil. There main use is in the manufacturer of Cattle Food and Industrial Uses. Saying that these Molasses are extremely high in Iron and are also used in the health food industry.
Molasses and our plants!
Molasses is a syrupy, thick juice created by the processing of either sugar beets or the sugar cane plant. Depending on the definition used, Sweet Sorghum also qualifies as a molasses, although technically its a thickened syrup more akin to Maple Syrup than to molasses. The grade and type of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane or beet and the method of extraction. The different molasses have names like: first molasses, second molasses, unsulphured molasses, sulphured molasses, and blackstrap molasses. For gardeners the sweet syrup can work as a carbohydrate source to feed and stimulate microorganisms. And, because molasses (average NPK 1-0-5) contains potash, sulfur, and many trace minerals, it can serve as a nutritious soil amendment. Molasses is also an excellent chelating agent.
Several grades and types of molasses are produced by sugar cane processing. First the plants are harvested and stripped of their leaves, and then the sugar cane is usually crushed or mashed to extract its sugary juice. Sugar manufacturing begins by boiling cane juice until it reaches the proper consistency, it is then processed to extract sugar. This first boiling and processing produces what is called first molasses, this has the highest sugar content of the molasses because relatively little sugar has been extracted from the juice. Green (unripe) sugar cane that has been treated with sulphur fumes during sugar extraction produces sulphured molasses. The juice of sun-ripened cane which has been clarified and concentrated produces unsulphured molasses. Another boiling and sugar extraction produces second molasses which has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.
Further rounds of processing and boiling yield dark colored blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutritionally valuable of the various types of molasses. It is commonly used as a sweetner in the manufacture of cattle and other animal feeds, and is even sold as a human health supplement. Any kind of molasses will work to provide benefit for soil and growing plants, but blackstrap molasses is the best choice because it contains the greatest concentration of sulfur, iron and micronutrients from the original cane material. Dry molasses is something different still. Its not exactly just dried molasses either, its molasses sprayed on grain residue which acts as a carrier.
Molasses production is a bit different when it comes to the sugar beet. You might say birds know beets because one of our flock grew up near Canadas sugar beet capitol in Alberta. Their family worked side by side with migrant workers tending the beet fields. The work consisted of weeding and thinning by hand, culling the thinner and weaker plants to leave behind the best beets. After the growing season and several hard frosts - which increase the sugar content - the beets are harvested by machines, piled on trucks and delivered to their destination.
At harvest time, a huge pile of beets will begin to build up outside of the sugar factory that will eventually dwarf the factory itself in size. Gradually throughout the winter the pile will diminish as the whole beets are ground into a mash and then cooked. The cooking serves to reduce and clarify the beet mash, releasing huge columns of stinky (but harmless) beet steam into the air. Sometimes, if the air is cold enough, the steam will fall to the ground around the factory as snow!
As weve already learned, in the of sugar cane the consecutive rounds of sugar manufacturing produce first molasses and second molasses. With the humble sugar beet, the intermediate syrups get names like high green and low green, its only the syrup left after the final stage of sugar extraction that is called molasses. After final processing, the leftover sugar beet mash is dried then combined with the thick black colored molasses to serve as fodder for cattle. Sugar beet molasses is also used to sweeten feed for horses, sheep, chickens, etc.
Sugar beet molasses is only considered useful as an animal feed additive because it has fairly high concentrations of many salts including calcium, potassium, oxalate, and chloride. Despite the fact that its not suitable for human consumption and some consider it to be an industrial waste or industrial by-product, molasses produced from sugar beets makes a wonderful plant fertilizer. While humans may reject beet molasses due to the various extras the sugar beet brings to the table, to our plants its a different story. Sugar beet molasses is usually fairly chemical free as well, at least in our experience. Although farmers generally fertilize their fields in the spring using the various arrays of available fertilizers, weed chemicals (herbicides) are not used for this crop due to the beet plants relatively delicate nature.
There is at least one other type of molasses we are aware of, and that would be sorghum molasses. Its made from a plant known as sweet sorghum or sorghum cane in treatments somewhat similar to sugar beets and/or sugar cane processing. If our understanding is correct, sorghum molasses is more correctly called a thickened syrup rather than a by-product of sugar production. So in our eyes sorghum molasses is probably more like Maple Syrup than a true molasses.
In the distant past sorghum syrup was a common locally produced sweetener in many areas, but today it is fairly rare speciality product that could get fairly pricey compared to Molasses. Because sorghum molasses is the final product of sweet sorghum processing, and blackstrap and sugar beet molasses are simply waste by-products of sugar manufacturing, its pretty easy to understand the difference in expense between the products. The word from the birds is - there isnt any apparent advantage to justify the extra expense of using sorghum molasses as a substitute for blackstrap or sugar beet molasses in the garden. So if you find sorghum molasses, instead of using it in your garden, youll probably want to use it as an alternate sweetener on some biscuits.
Thats a quick birds eye look at the differences between the various types and grades of molasses and how they are produced. Now its time to get a peek at the whys and hows of using molasses in gardening.
Why Molasses?
The reason nutrient manufacturers have discovered molasses is the simple fact that its a great source of carbohydrates to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Carbohydrate is really just a fancy word for sugar, and molasses is the best sugar for horticultural use. Folks who have read some of our prior essays know that we are big fans of promoting and nourishing soil life, and that we attribute a good portion of our growing success to the attention we pay to building a thriving micro-herd to work in concert with plant roots to digest and assimilate nutrients. We really do buy into the old organic gardening adage - Feed the soil not the plant.
Molasses is a good, quick source of energy for the various forms of microbes and soil life in a compost pile or good living soil. As we said earlier, molasses is a carbon source that feeds the beneficial microbes that create greater natural soil fertility. But, if giving a sugar boost was the only goal, there would be lots of alternatives. We could even go with the old Milly Blunt story of using Coke on plants as a child, after all Coke would be a great source of sugar to feed microbes and it also contains phosphoric acid to provide phosphorus for strengthening roots and encouraging blooming. In our eyes though, the primary thing that makes molasses the best sugar for agricultural use is its trace minerals.
In addition to sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of potash, sulfur, and a variety of micronutrients. Because molasses is derived from plants, and because the manufacturing processes that create it remove mostly sugars, the majority of the mineral nutrients that were contained in the original sugar cane or sugar beet are still present in molasses. This is a critical factor because a balanced supply of mineral nutrients is essential for those beneficial beasties to survive and thrive. Thats one of the secrets weve discovered to really successful organic gardening, the micronutrients found in organic amendments like molasses, kelp, and alfalfa were all derived from other plant sources and are quickly and easily available to our soil and plants. This is especially important for the soil micro-herd of critters who depend on tiny amounts of those trace minerals as catalysts to make the enzymes that create biochemical transformations. That last sentence was our fancy way of saying - its actually the critters in live soil that break down organic fertilizers and feed it to our plants.
One final benefit molasses can provide to your garden is its ability to work as a chelating agent. Thats a scientific way of saying that molasses is one of those magical substances that can convert some chemical nutrients into a form thats easily available for critters and plants. Chelated minerals can be absorbed directly and remain available and stable in the soil. Rather than spend a lot of time and effort explaining the relationships between chelates and micronutrients, we are going to quote one of our favorite sources for explaining soil for scientific laymen.
Micronutrients occur, in cells as well as in soil, as part of large, complex organic molecules in chelated form. The word chelate (pronounced KEE-late) comes from the Greek word for claw, which indicates how a single nutrient ion is held in the center of the larger molecule. The finely balanced interactions between micronutrients are complex and not fully understood. We do know that balance is crucial; any micronutrient, when present in excessive amounts, will become a poison, and certain poisonous elements, such as chlorine are also essential micronutrients.
For this reason natural, organic sources of micronutrients are the best means of supplying them to the soil; they are present in balanced quantities and not liable to be over applied through error or ignorance. When used in naturally chelated form, excess micronutrients will be locked up and prevented from disrupting soil balance.
ref: http://forum.grasscity.com/general-i...ur-plants.html
Why is silica so important for your plants?
Various research projects conducted over the past 40 years (coupled with regular feedback from users of SilikaMajic) have shown that the presence of silica (SiO2) in plant tissue produces many beneficial side effects:
+ Increased stem strength and rigidity - once silica is taken up by the roots, it is deposited in the plants cell walls as a solid silica matrix equivalent to quartz. This structure produces stronger and more rigid cell walls and hence a mechanically stronger plant. This enables better leaf orientation for receiving light which in turn enhances photosynthesis and growth rates.
+ Improved healing of pruning wounds - silica enables pruning wounds to heal more quickly and neatly. This property is especially beneficial in commercial cropping of plants such as tomato and cucumber where regular pruning threatens the plant's survival.
+ Increased fruit weight - accumulation of silica in plant cells can result in higher fruit weight.
+ Increased leaf strength - improved resistance to wilting, particularly noticeable during hot weather. + Increased tolerance to high salinity - silica has been shown to reduce problems arising from nutrient toxicity (e.g. sodium, chloride) and/or imbalance.
Why silica additives are needed in hydroponics
The silica (SiO2) content in the leaves (etc.) of 'soil grown' plants ranges from 1-10% of their dry weight. This silica is potentially supplied from both the feed water and the soil:
Feed water: Natural (i.e. uncontaminated) waters commonly contain around 5 mg/L soluble silica. Hence soil grown plants potentially enjoy a feed of soluble silica each time the plant is watered.
Soil: Sand is composed largely of silica, therefore, the roots of soil grown plants are immersed in a potential "silica reservoir". Although this form of silica is very insoluble it does dissolve slowly - especially with alkaline waters.
However, plants grown in hydroponic systems without soluble silica supplements, typically contain much less silica in their cells. This occurs because, unlike soil grown plants, silica is virtually absent at the root-zone:
Recycling systems: Once the plant consumes the silica present in the make-up water, no more silica is available. Of course if either rainwater or RO (reverse osmosis) water is used, no soluble silica is present.
Inert mediums: Unlike 'soil', inert mediums are unable to yield silica.
Research shows that the absence of silica in hydroponics can cause plant health to be less than optimum.
*Note, silica cannot be included in concentrated nutrient formulations because stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline. It must therefore be added separately.
When to use Silica?
Silica should be used from seed to harvest: Consistent with predictions based on silicas general insolubility, electron microscopy and x-ray analysis both confirm that once deposited, silica can no longer be redistributed within the plant. Consequently to benefit all growing areas of the plant, silica must be present at all times in the nutrient solution.
The reactive silica in SilikaMajic is extremely stable. This ensures SilikaMajic is able to deliver all the benefits of silica. Be aware that many other silica supplements deteriorate in the bottle** such that the silica becomes unavailable to plants.
Commercial strength silica (20% silica as reactive SiO2) - 0.2ml per litre produces 40mg/L reactive silica.
Totally soluble silica - The silica is in the soluble/available form which ensures uptake by plant roots. This is a significant feature because clay products (powders) typically contain zero* silica that can be absorbed by roots.
Optimized for ALL substrates e.g. Coco-peat, soil, NFT, Rockwool, clay, perlite, etc.
Available in 250ml, 1L, 5L & 20L.
PLEASE FIND Attached a Excel spread (zipped)with
Everything is from label recommendations or successfull experiments ive read about....(except penatrator)
Here is the some interesting Chemicals/hormones/pgr that Ive not heard anyone speak much of........ From link above:
Hempseed can be induced to sprout within 12 hours if it is soaked in a solution of Mg-sulfate (0.8 % Epsom salt) or MgCl and then steamed with ether.
Treatment with a 1% solution result in damage to the seeds. Germination occurs within 10 hours when hempseed is soaked in Mn-sulfate (1.5%) plus ether treatment, or with Pb-nitrate (0.5%) without ether treatment.
Sprouting takes place within 6 hours when seeds are soaked in a solution of oxalic acid (1%) [which is a natural ethylene producer], with or without ether treatment. The germination percentage is higher in darkness than in light.
The resulting plants produced up to 88% increase in the dry weight of stems, and the plants height increased up to 26%.
The dry weight and height of the stems varied with formulas of the solutions; therefore this method can be used to improve plants in a systematic manner. Dry ether alone has no such influence; it is effective only in combination with the chemical solutions.
Treatment with carbon dioxide or ethylene before sowing influences positively the growth, budding, flowering, and ripening of hemp. Root development, seed production and total yields also are greatly increased by such treatment.
HORMONES Vs Co2 - Hormones cheaper potentially yeild same !
lets try to make this a RESEARCH THREAD.................. we can chat on the thread above..... YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE
Happy reading...............

Plant Hormone an endogenous regulator. To be a hormone, a chemical must be produced within the plant, transported from a site of production to a site of action, and be active in small amounts. PGR`s are man made plant hormones.
Probably the best known of the plant hormones. It's produced by the plants tips and is responsible for the plant growth. The problem with GA3, is that most growth is in the form of "stretching" which isn't always diserable, so except for seeds and clones.
GA3 has some other uses as well. You can intiate male fowers on a female plant but using high doses every day for several days. You can also induce female flowers earlier and yield bigger flowers with micro doesing.
The gibberellins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, and more than 75 have been isolated, to date. Rather than giving each a specific name, the compounds are numberedfor example, GA1, GA2, and so on. Gibberellic acid three (GA3) is the most widespread and most thoroughly studied. The gibberellins are especially abundant in seeds and young shoots where they control stem elongation by stimulating both cell division and elongation (auxin stimulates only cell elongation). The gibberellins are carried by the xylem and phloem. Numerous effects have been cataloged that involve about 15 or fewer of the gibberellic acids. The greater number with no known effects apparently are precursors to the active ones.
I know there has been experimentation with GA3 sprayed on genetically dwarf plants stimulates elongation of the dwarf plants to normal heights. Normal-height plants sprayed with GA3 become giants. like addicott study on next post.
I Found a botinist that germinationg 2000yr old exstinct SEEDS into plants with this hormone.
although the results of gibberellic acid (GA3) applications vary depending on many factors, including the type of plants its applied to. In one study of persimmon yield (1) it was found that applications of 15 to 30 PPM increased yields by 50% to 400%. In another study (2) it was even found that if gibberellic acid is applied to a plant the next generation of the plant would also benefit from faster flowering and increased height. In another study of walnut trees it was found that applications of gibbarellic acid (GA3) increased growth by 567% (3).
1) Increasing Persimmon Yields With Gibberellic Acid [www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm]
2) Generations Living with Gibberellic Acid [www.sidwell.edu/us/science/vlb5/Independent_Research_Projects/cgraham/]
3) Gibberellic Acid for Fruit Set and Seed Germination [www.crfg.org/tidbits/gibberellic.html]
A study on persimmons 1 increased yield by at least 50%. This was done with a foliar spray of 15 to 30 ppm when the plants where at full bloom.
1) http://www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm
retail names:
Gibberellic Acid (GA3),
Functions of Gibberellins
Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each depending on the type of gibberellin present as well as the species of plant. Some of the physiological processes stimulated by gibberellins are outlined below (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and elongation.
Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days.
Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination.
Stimulates enzyme production (a-amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed reserves.
Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression).
Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development.
Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits.
Recipes FOR GA3 - folia spray with penotrator i would suggest or paste
( this is a studied recipe so I figure we should stick to it)
PPM 50 - GA mg 125 Water 2400ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 200 - GA mg 125 Water 600ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 800 - GA mg 125 Water 160ml Purpose = blossom set
PPM 2000 - GA mg 125 Water 60ml Purpose = Seed germ
1%paste - GA mg 125 Water 5ml Purpose = growth promoter
Too much youll turn your girl into boys or hermi`s
Careful shit is nasty
Although GA is not listed as a "poison", the following precautions should be observed: Flush with water any GA that may get into the eye. Avoid skin contact if possible. If skin contact is suspected, wash with soap and water. Do not re-enter an area after spraying until the GA spray is fully dry. Avoid ingestion of GA.
Premature flowering. If a plant is sufficiently developed, premature flowering may be induced by direct application of GA to young plants. This action is not sustained and treatment may have to be repeated. Formation of male flowers is generally promoted by concentrations of 10 to 200 ppm., female flowers by concentrations of 200 to 300 ppm. Concentrations of more than 600 ppm markedly suppresses initiation of both male and female flowers.
Increased growth. GA applied near the terminal bud of trees may increase the rate of growth by stimulating more or less constant growth during the season. In a Department of Agriculture experiment, the GA was applied as a 1% paste in a band around the terminal bud of trees. Treatment was repeated three times during the summer. Walnut tee growth was 8.5 ft. for treated trees, 1.5 ft. for untreated trees
another : Fruit trees.....
A spray of GA3 (gibberellic acid) at a concentration of 1530 ppm at full bloom significantly increased yields (by 50400%). In young trees (45 years old), a narrow (23 mm) girdling at the time of sprouting, together with GA3, gave best results.
--- When seeds absorb water, the hormone gibberellin (gibberellic acid-A, GAA) appears in the embryo and activates the metabolism to initiate sprouting. GAA has been widely tested in applications to hemp. When applied to cannabis at a rate of 100 ppm in water for 2 months, GAA increases the thickness and internodal length of the stock. The terminal nodes are weak, branching is suppressed, and the roots develop poorly. Germination is stimulated by GAA, but leaf growth and the production of chlorophyll and cannabinoids are reduced proportionately. GAA treatment does not hasten the generative development of hemp, but does promote plant growth. The stem diameter increases about 250% over control plants, and the fresh weight of the stem increases 300%. Treated plants have a higher ratio of bark:wood. The number of fibers increases up to 100%. According to G. Davidyan, the greatest effect is achieved with 0.005-0.01% GAA applied before the buds form. R. Herich tested the histological reactions of hemp by soaking the seeds in 5 ppm GAA for 24 hours with these results: "The plants showed the following differences from untreated controls: decrease of stem thickness, less lignification, decreased bark development especially in lower parts of stems, decrease in number of secondary bast fibers, increase in number and size of primary bast fibers, and increased differentiation of parenchymatous pith tissue".
(63)C.K. Atal also described the effect of GAA on hemp: "Gibberellin-treated plants showed a greater number of fibers as compared to controls. The individual fibers were larger in diameter, more lignified, and up to 10 times as long as the fibers from the untreated plants."
(64)F. Yanishevskii studied the effect of GAA on the nitrogen metabolism of hemp: "Stem lengthening took place mainly by cell extension. Net weight even decreased somewhat. Chlorophyll concentration decreased noticeably... Plants treated with GAA contained less N than controls. GAA exerted a considerable influence on the N metabolism of hemp plants: in treated plants the amount of protein N decreased 2-fold, but, in contrast, the soluble forms of N increased markedly. Treatment with GAA had almost no effect on the content of N fractions of cell components (nuclei, plastids). Nucleic acid content decreased mainly owing to decrease in the amount of RNA. Accumulation of soluble forms of N under the influence of GAA would indicate that the introduction of nitrogenous fertilizers (as recommended by Witter and Bucovac) would hardly make up for the unfavorable effect of GAA on the N metabolism of hemp."
(65)N. Yakushkina and L. Chuikova also tested the action of GAA and Indole-Acetic Acid (IAA, auxin) on hemp: "GAA intensified the growth of the plants, the average dry weight per plant, the photosynthesis rate, the sugar content (especially of the stem) and that of total N, and the respiration rate, but decreased the content of chlorophyll in the leaves. The separate application of IAA (find auxin ) caused a decrease in the growth and yield of the plants, and a considerable increase in the chlorophyll content, but decreased the photosynthesis rate. The simultaneous application of GAA and IAA was accompanied by the highest increase in yield, but this addition of IAA did not exert any substantial influence on the physiological processes.
" (66 )GAA also increases the length of the growing season. GAA will inhibit the formation of flowers on Cannabis; it must not be used during the flowering phase of growth. GAA will accelerate the onset
of budding by about 7 days. Treatment of plants with 25 mg GAA/liter results in 80% of the plants being male. Female hemp usually undergoes sex reversal to a male expression, but few of the male plants produce female flowers. Thus, G. Davidyan and S. Kutuzova reported: "Gibberellin causes the formation of male flowers, containing fertile pollen, on genetically female plants."
(67)V. Khryanin treated dioecious hemp with GAA (25 mg/liter) and produced monoecious feminized staminate hemp from the common pistillate form: "Gibberellin, as a hormone of the plant organism, probably depresses genes which participate in the formation of flowers which have been repressed. "Thus GAA can be used by breeders to develop monoecious cannabis from dioecious forms. Preliminary tests are necessary to determine the most effective concentration and best timing for each cultivar.
The effect of GAA is removed by abscisic acid (ABA), which will initiate flowering. Treatment of plants with ABA (10 mg/liter) results in all plants being female or bisexual. The ABA can be overcome by increasing the concentration of GAA.
Gibberellin is extracted from cucumber seeds, fresh cantelope seeds, dried corn kernels, and from pencil rod, lupine, and pinto beans. Soak 200 grams of powdered seeds in 110 ml of a mixture of acetone (10 parts), isopropyl alcohol (5 p), ethanol (2 p), and water (5 p). Filter the mush and rinse it with 20 ml acetone and 20 ml isopropyl alcohol. Combine the rinse and the mother liquor, then evaporate the solvent. Dissolve the gum in alkaline water for experimental use.
Brassinolide is a naturally occuring plant steroid; it is normally found in plants. In fact, it was first discovered HORMONE in plants. Brassinolide has been found to be an important element for plant growth. Foliar spray about every three weeks with a final spray just as change the lights for flowering. It will increase a plants resistance to stress (cold, drought, too high a salt content), it helps the plant locate light, it strengthens a plants resistance to disease. It will also stimulate a plant to grow it's overall root mass. The overall effect is that the plant will be much healthier, stronger and thus the yield will be better. Estimate that the effect is about a 50% better yield than the untreated plants.
A study concluded that Brassinolide increased the growth of the primary root by 90%.
Another study concluded that a 0.0001 PPM application for 8 hours has the best results for the creation of some roots.
This is actually a growth inhibitor. It is sold in Hydro stores in pre-made solutions under various brand names. The idea is that it will stop the plant growth when it's time to start flowering. Not only does this control the final height (useful if you have a low ceiling problem), but also the plant will start to allocate it's growth resources into bud growth sooner. . The growth is halted (actually, some growth still occurs). the effect you see is that bud size that were usually about 5 weeks old are now bud size at 3 weeks. This gives you larger early buds and as you know, you can only build from there. The hit the plants with the Benzylaminopurine and the bud growth takes off.
Abscisic acid - ESSENTIALLY STOPS GROWTH also inhibitor.
Abscisic acid (ABA), despite its name, does not initiate abscission (shedding) , although in the 1960s when it was named botanists thought that it did. It is synthesized in plastids from carotenoids and diffuses in all directions through vascular tissues and parenchyma. Its principal effect is inhibition of cell growth. ABA increases in developing seeds and promotes dormancy. If leaves experience water stress, ABA amounts increase immediately, causing the stomata to close.
Functions of Abscisic Acid
The following are some of the phyysiological responses known to be associated with abscisic acid (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates the closure of stomata (water stress brings about an increase in ABA synthesis).
Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect on roots or may even promote growth of roots.
Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins.
Inhibits the affect of gibberellins on stimulating de novo synthesis of a-amylase.
Has some effect on induction and maintanance of dormancy.
Induces gene transcription especially for proteinase inhibitors in response to wounding which may explain an apparent role in pathogen defense
Jasmonic acid/Salicylic acid
Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.
jasmonic acid. Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.
Leaf trichomes protect plants from attack by insect herbivores and are often induced following damage. Hormonal regulation of this plant induction response has not been previously studied. In a series of experiments, we addressed the effects of artificial damage, jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and gibberellin on induction of trichomes in Arabidopsis. Artificial damage and jasmonic acid caused significant increases in trichome production of leaves. The jar1-1 mutant exhibited normal trichome induction following treatment with jasmonic acid, suggesting that adenylation of jasmonic acid is not necessary. Salicylic acid had a negative effect on trichome production and consistently reduced the effect of jasmonic acid, suggesting negative cross-talk between the jasmonate and salicylate-dependent defense pathways. Interestingly, the effect of salicylic acid persisted in the nim1-1 mutant, suggesting that the Npr1/Nim1 gene is not downstream of salicylic acid in the negative regulation of trichome production. Last, we found that gibberellin and jasmonic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of trichomes, suggesting important interactions between these two compounds.
On the cellular level, auxin is essential for cell growth, affecting both cell division and cellular expansion. Depending on the specific tissue, auxin may promote axial elongation (as in shoots), lateral expansion (as in root swelling), or isodiametric expansion (as in fruit growth). In some cases (coleoptile growth) auxin-promoted cellular expansion occurs in the absence of cell division. In other cases, auxin-promoted cell division and cell expansion may be closely sequenced within the same tissue (root initiation, fruit growth). In a living plant it appears that auxins and other plant hormones nearly always interact to determine patterns of plant development.
An auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was the first plant hormone identified. It is manufactured primarily in the shoot tips (in leaf primordia and young leaves), in embryos, and in parts of developing flowers and seeds. Its transport from cell to cell through the parenchyma surrounding the vascular tissues requires the expenditure of ATP energy. IAA moves in one direction onlythat is, the movement is polar and, in this case, downward. Such downward movement in shoots is said to be basipetal movement, and in roots it is acropetal.
Auxins alone or in combination with other hormones are responsible for many aspects of plant growth. IAA in particular:
Activates the differentiation of vascular tissue in the shoot apex and in calluses; initiates division of the vascular cambium in the spring; promotes growth of vascular tissue in healing of wounds.
Activates cellular elongation by increasing the plasticity of the cell wall.
Maintains apical dominance indirectly by stimulating the production of ethylene, which directly inhibits lateral bud growth.
Activates a gene required for making a protein necessary for growth and other genes for the synthesis of wall materials made and secreted by dictyosomes.
Promotes initiation and growth of adventitious roots in cuttings.
Promotes the growth of many fruits (from auxin produced by the developing seeds).
Suppresses the abscission (separation from the plant) of fruits and leaves (lowered production of auxin in the leaf is correlated with formation of the abscission layer).
Inhibits most flowering (but promotes flowering of pineapples).
Activates tropic responses.
Controls aging and senescence, dormancy of seeds.
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) - rooting
IBA is a plant hormone in the auxin family and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products.
For use as such, it should be dissolved in about 75% (or purer) alcohol (as IBA does not dissolve in water), until a concentration from between 10,000 ppm to 50,000 ppm is achieved - this solution should then be diluted to the required concentration using distilled water. The solution should be kept in a cool, dark place for best results.
This compound had been thought to be strictly synthetic; however, it was reported that the compound was isolated from leaves and seeds of maize and other species.
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most abundant naturally occurring auxin. Plants produce active IAA both by de novo synthesis and by releasing IAA from conjugates. This review emphasizes recent genetic experiments and complementary biochemical analyses that are beginning to unravel the complexities of IAA biosynthesis in plants. Multiple pathways exist for de novo IAA synthesis in plants, and a number of plant enzymes can liberate IAA from conjugates. This multiplicity has contributed to the current situation in which no pathway of IAA biosynthesis in plants has been unequivocally established. Genetic and biochemical experiments have demonstrated both tryptophan-dependent and tryptophan-independent routes of IAA biosynthesis. The recent application of precise and sensitive methods for quantitation of IAA and its metabolites to plant mutants disrupted in various aspects of IAA regulation is beginning to elucidate the multiple pathways that control IAA levels in the plant.
WILLOW WATER form of indolebutyric acid (IBA) " growing tips of willows contain high concentrations of IBA.........."
In the fifth century B.C., the Greek physician, Hippocrates, wrote that chewing bark of a willow tree could relieve pain and fever. (No wonder squirrels dont get headaches.) In 1829, the effective ingredient, salicin, was successfully isolated from willow bark. Toward the end of the 19th century, The Bayer Company in Germany trademarked a stable form of acetylsalicylic acid, calling it aspirin, the a from acetyl, spir from Spiraea (the salicin they used came from meadowsweet, Spiraea ulmaria, subsequently renamed Filpendula ulmaria), and in, a common ending in drug nomenclature.
In the 20th century, over one trillion aspirin, the first medicine created by techniques of modern chemistry, were consumed globally to regulate blood vessel elasticity, reduce fevers and aches, prevent cardiovascular ailments, affect blood clotting, or ease inflammation.
Native Americans and early settlers used willow bark for toothaches and applied it to the source of other pains. But they also recognized that you can actually grow a whole new tree by taking a stem and sticking it in moist soil. The hormones in willows cause rapid rooting, and they discovered these same hormones could induce rooting in other plants, too.
Willow waterTo harness this power, they made a tonic called willow water by collecting willow twigs, trimming the leaves, immersing the stems in a pail of water, and pouring the water on newly planted trees, shrubs, and bedding plants. Commercial rooting preparations contain a synthetic form of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and growing tips of willows contain high concentrations of IBA, depending on the quantity used and length of time you soak them. Any willow (Salix) tree or shrub species will work.
Another discovery: In the January, 2004 issue of The Avant Gardener, a monthly newsletter to which you can subscribe for $24/year at Horticultural Data Processors, Box 489, New York, N.Y. 10028, editor Thomas Powell notes that gardeners reported all sorts of plants growing remarkably better when given regular doses of tiny amounts of aspirin (1 part to 10,000 parts water; larger doses actually proved toxic), and that The Agricultural Research Service is investigating the reasons behind aspirins beneficial effects.
Plants make salicylic acid to trigger natural defenses against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Aspirin thus is an activator of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR). However, plants often dont produce the acid quickly enough to prevent injury when attacked by a microbe. Spraying aspirin on the plants speeds up the SAR response. Tests have shown this works on many crops, producing better plants using less pesticide. It also makes it possible to successfully grow many fine heirloom varieties which were discarded because they lacked disease resistance. Powell says.
Scientists first encountered the SAR phenomenon in the 1930s. After encountering a pathogen, plants use salicylic acid as a key regulator of SAR and expression of defense genes. Only recently have companies begun marketing salicylic acid and similar compounds as a way to activate SAR in cropstomato, spinach, lettuce, and tobacco among them, according to Powell.
ARS scientists are studying plants defenses, such as antimicrobial materials like the protein chitinase which degrades the cell walls of fungi, and nuclease enzymes which break up the ribonucleic acid of viruses. Theyre also testing aspirin and other SAR activators which could be effective against non-microbial pests such as aphids and root-knot nematodes, Powell says. This may be the most important research of the century. Stimulating SAR defenses with aspirin or other activator compounds could result in increased food production and the elimination of synthetic pesticides.
He recommends we experiment by spraying some plants with a 1:10,000 solution (3 aspirins dissolved in 4 gallons of water), leaving other plants unsprayed. Tests have shown that the SAR activation lasts for weeks to months. (Sort of homeopathic heart attack prevention for your plants.)
Make your own willow water:
by gathering about two cups of pencil-thin willow branches cut to 1-3 inch lengths. Steep twigs in a half-gallon of boiling water overnight. Refrigerated liquid kept in a jar with a tight-fitting lid will remain effective up to two months. (Label jar so you wont confuse it with your homemade moonshine.) Overnight, soak cuttings you wish to root. Or water soil into which you have planted your cuttings with the willow water. Two applications should be sufficient. Some cuttings root directly in a jar of willow water. Make a fresh batch for each use. You can also use lukewarm water and let twigs soak for 24-48 hours.
Ilene Sternberg is a freelance writer and amateur gardener with a certificate of merit in ornamental plants from Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania and a former garden guide at Winterthur in Delaware.
1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA),
The effects of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) applied at various levels and times on yield, seed index, protein and oil content and fatty acid compositions of cotton plants seeds were studied. NAA increased the seed yield/plant and the seed, protein, and oil yields/ha compared to the control. A level of 20 ppm proved best for yield. Most NAA treatments significantly increased the seed index, but only slight increases in seed protein content were recorded.
Retail product:
LA FEMME active: NAA
1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA), Indole-3-acetic Acid (IAA), Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA), Indole-3-Propionic Acid (IPA), (+)-cis,trans-Abscisic Acid (ABA)
Synthetic auxins are extensively used as herbicides, the most widely known being 2,4-D and the notorious 2,4,5-T, which were used in a 1:1 combination as Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and sprayed over the Vietnam forests as a defoliant.
Synthetic Auxins
Chemists have synthesized several inexpensive compounds similar in structure to IAA. Synthetic auxins, like naphthalene acetic acid, of NAA, are used extensively to promote root formation on stem and leaf cuttings. Gardeners often spray auxins on tomato plants to increase the number of fruits on each plant. When NAA is sprayed on young fruits of apple and olive trees, some of the fruits drop off so that the remaining fruits grow larger. When NAA is sprayed directly on maturing fruits, such as apples, pears and citrus fruits, several weeks before they are ready to be picked; NAA prevents the fruits from dropping off the trees before they are mature. The fact that auxins can have opposite effects, causing fruit to drop or preventing fruit from dropping, illustrates an important point. The effects of a hormone on a plant often depend on the stage of the plant's development.
NAA is used to prevent the undesirable sprouting of stems from the base of ornamental trees. As previously discussed, stems contain a lateral bud at the base of each leaf. IN many stems, these buds fail to sprout as long as the plant's shoot tip is still intact. The inhibition of lateral buds by the presence of the shoot tip is called apical dominance. If the shoot tip of a plant is removed, the lateral buds begin to grow. If IAA or NAA is applied to the cut tip of the stem, the lateral buds remain dormant. This adaptation is manipulated to cultivate beautiful ornamental trees. NAA is used commercially to prevent buds from sprouting on potatoes during storage.
Another important synthetic auxin is 2,4-D, which is an herbicide, or weed killer. It selectively kills dicots, such as dandelions and pigweed, without injuring monocots, such as lawn grasses and cereal crops. Given our major dependence on cereals for food; 2,4-D has been of great value to agriculture. A mixture of 2, 4-D and another auxin, called Agent Orange, was used to destroy foliage in the jungles of Vietnam. A non-auxin contaminant in Agent Orange has caused severe health problems in many people who were exposed to it.
Functions of Auxin
The following are some of the responses that auxin is known to cause (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates cell elongation
Stimulates cell division in the cambium and, in combination with cytokinins in tissue culture
Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem
Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue culture
Mediates the tropistic response of bending in response to gravity and light
The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds
Delays leaf senescence
Can inhibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission
Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants
Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem transport
Delays fruit ripening
Promotes flowering in Bromeliads
Stimulates growth of flower parts
Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers
Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations
Boric acid, also called boracic acid or orthoboric acid or Acidum Boricum, is a weak acid often used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, in nuclear power plants to control the fission rate of uranium, and as a precursor of other chemical compounds. It exists in the form of colorless crystals or a white powder and dissolves in water. This is also inhibitor But be f@#ked if Im putting this near my plants..... Nuclear, control fusion...... We will steer clear of this to start till ive got more studies reviewed. Still part of Auxin family..
ORGANS are the relating factor:
Growth and division of plant cells together result in growth of tissue, and specific tissue growth contributes to the development of plant organs. Growth of cells contributes to the plant's size, but uneven localized growth produces bending, turning and directionalization of organs- for example, stems turning toward light sources (phototropism), roots growing in response to gravity (gravitropism), ETC
Organization of the plant
As auxins contribute to organ shaping, they are also fundamentally required for proper development of the plant itself. Without hormonal regulation and organization, plants would be merely proliferating heaps of similar cells. Auxin employment begins in the embryo of the plant, where directional distribution of auxin ushers in subsequent growth and development of primary growth poles, then forms buds of future organs. Throughout the plant's life, auxin helps the plant maintain the polarity of growth and recognize where it has its branches (or any organ) connected.
A number of other effects of auxin are described. (Indoleacetic acid was called heteroauxin in the older literature. The hypothetical auxin a and auxin b have never been isolated and are now generally considered invalid.)
Antiauxin (synonyms: auxin inhibitor, auxin competitor, auxin antagonist). A compound which competitively inhibits (in the biochemical sense) the action of auxin.
Continued research on auxin has made it apparent that auxin physiology is much more complicated than it first seemed. Auxin appears to be present in all living parts of the plant, mature as well as immature. The amounts present are effected by at least three general processes: auxin production, auxin transport, and auxin inactivation. Many of the early investigations did not recognise the existence of these three processes and their results must be re-evaluated. For example, many studies of auxin transport did not take into account the probability of considerable auxin inactivation during the course of transport. Auxin is produced principally in young tissues, but can also be produced by mature tissues. The amino acid tryptophan, a common constituent of proteins, is the precursor of auxin, but the precise chemical steps of its conversion to auxin are not yet settled. The transport of auxin can be through the parenchyma, as it is in the oat coleoptile, but in more mature tissues transport is largely in the phloem. In the coleoptile transport is correlated with the streaming of protoplasm. Auxin inactivation is accomplished by an oxidative enzyme which can function either in the dark or under the influence of light. Mature tissues have relatively high auxin-inactivating capacities. In addition to these general processes other factors, still obscure, also influence the auxin in tissues. The interaction of these processes and factors determines the level of auxin which is available to influence growth and morphogenesis
for MORE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxins
Named because of their discovered role in cell division (cytokinesis), the cytokinins have a molecular structure similar to adenine. Naturally occurring zeatin, isolated first from corn ( Zea mays), is the most active of the cytokinins. Cytokinins are found in sites of active cell division in plantsfor example, in root tips, seeds, fruits, and leaves. They are transported in the xylem and work in the presence of auxin to promote cell division. Differing cytokinin:auxin ratios change the nature of organogenesis. If kinetin is high and auxin low, shoots are formed; if kinetin is low and auxin high, roots are formed. Lateral bud development, which is retarded by auxin, is promoted by cytokinins. Cytokinins also delay the senescence of leaves and promote the expansion of cotyledons.
There are two types of cytokinins: adenine-type cytokinins represented by kinetin, zeatin and 6-benzylaminopurine (mentioned), as well as phenylurea-type cytokinins like diphenylurea or thidiazuron (TDZ). The adenine-type cytokinins are synthesised in stems, leaves and roots, which is the major site.Cambiumand possibly other actively dividing tissues are also sites of cytokinin biosynthesis.There is no evidence that the phenylurea cytokinins occur naturally in plant tissues. Cytokinins are involved in both local and long distance signalling, the latter of which involves the same in planta transport mechanism as used for transport of purines and nucleosides.
retail names:
6-Furfurylaminopurine (Kinetin), Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, trans-Zeatin, Thidiazuron (TDZ), Zeatin Riboside
Cytokinin Functions
A list of some of the known physiological effects caused by cytokinins are listed below. The response will vary depending on the type of cytokinin and plant species (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates cell division.
Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud formation) in tissue culture.
Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical dominance.
Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell enlargement.
May enhance stomatal opening in some species.
Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis.
Effects are Latrial growth giving it thicker and stronger stems, healthier and larger leaves (more surface area to capture light) at 300 ppm. Plant will have more branches, foliar spray of 2000ppm. The advantage is that you don't need to pinch of the plants growing tip (thus decreasing the gibberrelins), the plant stays healthy and doesn't stop growing to repair the tip. But dosent gain hieght.
Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide , the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.
6-Benzylaminopurine, benzyl adenine or BAP is a first-generation synthetic cytokinin which elicits plant growth and development responses, setting blossoms and stimulating fruit richness by stimulating cell division. It is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and increases post-harvest life of green vegetables.
6-benzylaminopurine was first synthetized and tested in the laboratories of plant physiologist Folke K. Skoog.
retail names:
6-(y,y-dimethylallylamino)purine (2ip). 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BA, BA, BAP), 2-carboxylphenyl 3-phenyIpropane 1,3-dione (CPD),
Ethylene is a simple gaseous hydrocarbon produced from an amino acid and appears in most plant tissues in large amounts when they are stressed. It diffuses from its site of origin into the air and affects surrounding plants as well. Large amounts ordinarily are produced by roots, senescing flowers, ripening fruits, and the apical meristem of shoots. Auxin increases ethylene production, as does ethylene itselfsmall amounts of ethylene initiate copious production of still more. Ethylene stimulates the ripening of fruit and initiates abscission of fruits and leaves. (this is really intresting could be whats in LAFEMME ) In monoecious plants (those with separate male and female flowers borne on the same plant), gibberellins and ethylene concentrations determine the sex of the flowers: Flower buds exposed to high concentrations of ethylene produce carpellate flowers, while gibberellins induce staminate ones.
WIKIPEDIA DEF:Ethylene is produced at a faster rate in rapidly growing and dividing cells, especially in darkness. New growth and newly-germinated seedlings produce more ethylene than can escape the plant, which leads to elevated amounts of ethylene, inhibiting leaf expansion. As the new shoot is exposed to light, reactions by photochrome in the plant's cells produce a signal for ethylene production to decrease, allowing leaf expansion. Ethylene affects cell growth and cell shape; when a growing shoot hits an obstacle while underground, ethylene production greatly increases, preventing cell elongation and causing the stem to swell. The resulting thicker stem can exert more pressure against the object impeding its path to the surface. If the shoot does not reach the surface and the ethylene stimulus becomes prolonged, it affects the stems natural geotropic response, which is to grow upright, allowing it to grow around an object. Studies seem to indicate that ethylene affects stem diameter and height: When stems of trees are subjected to wind, causing lateral stress, greater ethylene production occurs, resulting in thicker, more sturdy tree trunks and branches. Ethylene affects fruit-ripening: Normally, when the seeds are mature, ethylene production increases and builds-up within the fruit, resulting in a climacteric event just before seed dispersal. The nuclear protein ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2) is regulated by ethylene production, and, in turn, regulates other hormones including ABA and stress hormones
The hormone ethylene is responsible for the ripening of fruits. Unlike the other four classes of plant hormones, ethylene is a gas at room temperature. Ethylene gas diffuses easily through the air from one plant to another. The saying "One bad apple spoils the barrel" has its basis in the effects of ethylene gas. One rotting apple will produce ethylene gas, which stimulates nearby apples to ripen and eventually spoil because of over ripening.
Ethylene is usually applied in a solution of ethephon, a synthetic chemical that breaks down and releases ethylene gas. It is used to ripen bananas, honeydew melons and tomatoes. Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits often remain green when they are ripe. Although the fruit tastes good, consumers often will not buy them, because oranges are supposed to be orange, right? The application of ethylene to green citrus fruit causes the development of desirable citrus colors, such as orange and yellow. In some plant species, ethylene promotes abscission, which is the detachment of leaves, flowers, or fruits from a plant. Cherries and walnuts are harvested with mechanical tree shakers. Ethylene treatment increases the number of fruits that fall to the ground when the trees are shaken. Leaf abscission is also an adaptive advantage for the plant. Dead, damaged or infected leaves drop to the ground rather than shading healthy leaves or spreading disease. The plant can minimize water loss in the winter, when the water in the plant is often frozen.
Ethylene Gas C2H4
A flammable, colorless, Gas with a characteristic sweet odor
Technical Data
Mol. Wt.: 28.05
Sp. Volume: 13.8 cf/lb
Flammability Limits: 13.1-32% in Air
Toxicity: Simple asphyxiant
Compatibility: Noncorrosive
Valve outlet: CGA 350, LB CGA 170Shipping Information
DOT Name: Ethylene, Compressed
Hazard Class: 2.1
DOT No.: UN 1962
DOT Label: Flammable Gas
CAS No.: 74-85-1source: http://www.specialgas.com/ethylene.htm
Ethylene gas (C2H4) is an odorless, colorless gas that exists in
nature and is also created by man-made sources.
Not easily detectable, it exists where produce is stored. In nature, the largest producers are plant and plant products (ie. fruits, vegetables and floral products) which produce ethylene within their tissues and release it into the surrounding atmosphere. It is also a by-product of man-made processes, such as combustion.
As is often the case, the role of ethylene and its effects on produce was discovered by accident. . .( I found that too later in post)
Ethylene, also known as the 'death' or 'ripening hormone' plays a regulatory role in many processes of plant growth, development and eventually death. Fruits, vegetables and flowers contain receptors which serve as bonding sites to absorb free atmospheric ethylene molecules. The common practice of placing a tomato, avocado or banana in a paper bag to hasten ripening is an example of the action of ethylene on produce. Increased levels of ethylene contained within the bag, released by the produce itself, serves as a stimulant after reabsorption to initiate the production of more ethylene. The overall effect is to hasten ripening, aging and eventually spoilage. A refrigerator acts in much the same way. Kept closed to retain the desired temperature, it also enables an increased concentration of ethylene to accumulate. Any closed environment, such as a truck trailer, shipping container or warehouse, will have a similar effect.
source: http://www.marathonproducts.com/products/ethyover.html 27jul01
So the Closed/sealed grow room comes into play again, Considering the greater success from The SEALED room concept, then would it not be hard to pin Ethylene as a major contributing factor as well as the Co2 injected. If sealed the plant will naturally produce it and the room sealsit increasing over time you WILL HAVE A SATURATION TOWARD END OF FLOWER, HELPING WITH IT ABSCISSION AND MATURITY.
Ethylene Sensitivity Chart
VH=Very High
VL=Very Low
a.Temperature C / F>> b. Ethylene Production>> c. Ethylene Sensitivity
ie: Apple (non-chilled)a. 1.1 / 30 =TEMP b.VH = production c. H = sensitivity
Fruits & Vegetables
Apple (non-chilled) 1.1 / 30 VH H Apple (chilled) 4.4 / 40 VH H Apricot -0.5 / 31 H H Artichoke 0 / 32 VL L Asian Pear 1.1 / 34 H H Asparagus 2.2 / 36 VL M (Toughness) Avocado (California) 3.3 / 38 H H Avocado (Tropical) 10.0 / 50 H H Banana 14.4 / 58 M H Beans (Lima) 0 / 32 L M Beans (Snap/Green) 7.2 / 45 L M Belgian Endive 2.2 / 36 VL M Berries (Blackberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Blueberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Cranberry) 2.2 / 36 L L (Mold) Berries (Currants) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Dewberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Elderberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Gooseberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Loganberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Raspberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Strawberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Breadfruit 13.3 / 56 M M Broccoli 0 / 32 VL H (Yellowing) Brussel Sprouts 0 / 32 VL H Cabbage 0 / 32 VL H Cantalope 4.4 / 40 H M Cape Gooseberry 12.2 / 54 L L Carrots (Topped) 0 / 32 VL L (Bitterness) Casaba Melon 10.0 / 50 L L Cauliflower 0 / 32 VL H Celery 0 / 32 VL M Chard 0 / 32 VL H Cherimoya 12.8 / 55 VH H Cherry (Sour) -0.5 / 31 VL L (Softening) Cherry (Sweet) -1.1 / 30 VL L (Softening) Chicory 0 / 32 VL H Chinese Gooseberry 0 / 32 L H Collards 0 / 32 VL M Crenshaw Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Cucumbers 10.0 / 50 L H (Yellowing) Eggplant 10.0 / 50 L L Endive (Escarole) 0 / 32 VL M Feijoa 5.0 / 41 M L Figs 0 / 32 M L Garlic 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Ginger 13.3 / 56 VL L Grapefruit (AZ,CA,FL,TX) 13.3 / 56 VL M (Mold) Grapes -1.1 / 30 VL L (Mold) Greens (Leafy) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Guava 10 / 50 L M Honeydew 10 / 50 M H Horseradish 0 / 32 VL L Jack Fruit 13.3 / 56 M M Kale 0 / 32 VL M Kiwi Fruit 0 / 32 L H Kohlrabi 0 / 32 VL L Leeks 0 / 32 VL M Lemons 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold) Lettuce (Butterhead) 0 / 32 L M (Russet Spotting) Lettuce (Head/Iceberg) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Lime 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold Degreen) Lychee 1.7 /35 M M Mandarine 7.2 / 45 VL M Mango 13.3 / 56 M H Mangosteen 13.3 / 56 M H Mineola 3.3 / 38 L L Mushrooms 0 / 32 L M Nectarine -0.5 / 31 H H Okra 10.0 / 50 L M Olive 7.2 / 45 L M Onions (Dry) 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Onions (Green) 0 / 32 VL M Orange (CA,AZ) 7.2 / 45 VL M Orange (FL,TX) 2.2 / 36 VL M Papaya 12.2 / 54 H H Paprika 10.0 / 50 L L Parsnip 0 / 32 VL L Parsley 0 / 32 VL H Passion Fruit 12.2 / 54 VH H Peach -0.5 / 31 H H Pear (Anjou,Bartlett/Bosc) 1.1 / 30 H H Pear (Prickley) 5.0 / 41 N L Peas 0 / 32 VL M Pepper (Bell) 10.0 / 50 L L Pepper (Chile) 10.0 / 50 L L Persian Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Persimmon (Fuyu) 10.0 / 50 L H Persimmon (Hachiya) 0.5 / 41 L H Pineapple 10.0 / 50 L L Pineapple (Guava) 5.0 / 41 M L Plantain 14.4 / 58 L H Plum/Prune -0.5 / 31 M H Pomegranate 5.0 / 41 L L Potato (Processing) 10.0 / 50 VL M (Sprouting) Potato (Seed) 4.4 / 40 VL M Potato (Table) 7.2 / 45 VL M Pumpkin 12.2 / 54 L L Quince -0.5 / 31 L H Radishes 0 / 32 VL L Red Beet 2.8 / 37 VL L Rambutan 12.2 / 54 H H Rhubard 0 / 32 VL L Rutabaga 0 / 32 VL L Sapota 12.2 / 54 VH H Spinach 0 / 32 VL H Squash (Hard Skin) 12.2 / 54 L L Squash (Soft Skin) 10.0 / 50 L M Squash (Summer) 7.2 / 45 L M Squash (Zucchini) 7.2 / 45 N N Star Fruit 8.9 / 48 L L Swede (Rhutabaga) 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Corn 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Potato 13.3 / 56 VL L Tamarillo 0 / 32 L M Tangerine 7.2 / 45 VL M Taro Root 7.2 / 45 N N Tomato (Mature/Green) 13.3 / 56 VL H Tomato (Brkr/Lt Pink) 10.0 / 50 M H Tree-Tomato 3.9 / 39 H M Turnip (Roots) 0 / 32 VL L Turnip (Greens) 0 / 32 VL H Watercress 0 / 32 VL H Watermelon 10,0 / 50 L H Yam 13.3 / 56 VL L Live Plants Cut Flowers (Carnations) 0 / 32 VL H (Sleepiness) Cut Flowers (Chrysanthemums) 0 / 32 VL H Cut Flowers (Gladioli) 2.2 / 36 VL H Cut Flowers (Roses) 0 / 32 VL H (Open Sooner) Potted Plants -2.8-18.3 / 27-65 VL H Nursery Stock -1.1-4.4 / 30-40 VL H (Slower Start) Christmas Trees 0 / 32 N N Flowers Bulbs (Bulbs/ 7.2-15 / 45-59 VL H Corms/Rhizomes/Tubers)
Ethylene is a plant hormone that differs from other plant hormones in being a gas. It has the molecular structure: H2C=CH2 When fruits approach maturity, they release ethylene. Ethylene promotes the ripening of fruit. Among the many changes that ethylene causes is the destruction of chlorophyll. With the breakdown of chlorophyll, the red and/or yellow pigments in the cells of the fruit are unmasked and the fruit assumes its ripened color.
How the role of ethylene was discovered.
As is so often the case in science, the discovery of the role of ethylene was made by accident. When first harvested, lemons are often too green to be acceptable in the market. In order to hasten the development of a uniform yellow color, lemon growers used to store newly-harvested lemons in sheds kept warm with kerosene stoves. When one grower tried a more modern heating system, he found that his lemons no longer turned yellow on time. Research soon found that the important factor in the ripening process was small amounts of ethylene gas given off by the burning kerosene in the heatersm
1901 Neljubow in St. Petersburg Russia:
Coal gas = illuminating gas in cities (gas lights)
Causes triple response: dwarf stem, fat stem, agravitropism in stem in peas also leaf abscission in nearby trees
Identified ethylene from the gas as the causative agent. (OLDEST IDENTIFIED GROWTH REGULATOR)
1910 Oranges cause bananas to ripen prematurely (natural ethylene?)
1934 Ethylene is a natural product (plant hormone?)
Forgotten for many years as possible hormone....
1959 Burg & Thimann rediscover old research and begin studies showing ethylene as possible hormone
What is ethylene Synthesis:
Methionine->S-adenosylmethionine->aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid->ethylene
Pathway elucidated completely in 1979 (Adams & S. F. Yang)
ACC synthase (usually limiting enzyme in path)
Ethylene Forming Enzyme (sometimes limiting, esp fruit senescence)
Ethylene -> Ethylene oxide C2H4O -> oxalic acid HOOC-COOH -> 2 CO2
Transport:Gas generally diffuses rapidly but not under waterlogging immersion.
ACC is transported in nonpolar way
Adsorption on charcoal and KMnO4 (potassium permanganate)
Ventilation important!
Conjugation:ACC ---> Malonyl ACC--NOT STORAGE...irreversible
Pool Size:1 uL/L (= 1 ppm) is active in most responses
Stress and IAA stimulate ethylene biosynthesis at ACC synthase
Receptors: Bind Ag+ ions and CO2 as well as C2H4 and contains Cu cofactor
(IAA as we know as Rooting hormone)
Fruit Ripening
Abscission; leaf flower fruits (thinning, harvesting)
Triple Resonses
Hook Closure Maintenance
Initiates Germination in Grains
Activates dormant buds (potatoes in storage)
Stem elongation in deep-water rice
Induces Flowering in Pineapple
Promotes Female Expression in Flowers Flower and Leaf Senescence: Ag preventative (vase life)
Ethylene was used medically as a anesthetic in concentrations
significantly greater than that found in a ripening room. However, ethylene is often targeted as the reason for difficulty in breathing in ripening rooms; what can affect some people is usually either:
a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2,) levels: CO2, is produced by the ripening fruit in the room and levels increase over time, or
b) Oxygen levels: The oxygen in the room when loaded is taken in by the ripening fruit. This sometimes will make breathing in a ripening room difficult. The increased CO2, and decreased oxygen levels are the main reasons for venting the ripening room.
It will permeate through produce cardboard shipping boxes, wood and even concrete walls.
While ethylene is invaluable due to its ability to initiate the ripening process in several fruits, it can also be very harmful to many fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants by accelerating the aging process and decreasing the product quality and shelf life. The degree of damage depends upon the concentration of ethylene, length of exposure time, and product temperature. One of the following methods should be used to ensure that ethylene-sensitive produce is not exposed: a) Ethylene producing items (such as apples, avocados, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, and tomatoes) should be stored separately from ethylene-sensitive ones (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens, lettuce, etc.). Also, ethylene is emitted by engines. Propane, diesel, and gasoline powered engines all produce ethylene in amounts large enough to cause damage to the ethylene-sensitive produce items mentioned; b) Ventilate the storage area, preferably to the outside of the warehouse, on a continuous or regular basis to purge the air of any ethylene; c) Remove ethylene with ethylene absorbing filters. These have been proven in reducing and maintaining low ethylene levels. If ethylene damage is suspected, a quick and easy way to detect ethylene levels is with hand held sensor tubes. This will indicate if the above steps should be followed.
Ethylene is explosive at high temperatures. When using as directed the products of Catalytic Generators, reaching the explosive level is not possible. The explosive level is about 200 times greater than that found in ripening rooms. As a matter of fact, it would take 20 - 30 of the Easy-Ripe Generators on the highest setting in a one-load room to reach this level.
Ethylene was used historically as an important anesthetic until less flammable compounds were developed. It is a colorless gas with a sweet ether-like odor. As an anesthetic, it was used as a concentration of 85% with 15% oxygen. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon gas and quite flammable and explosive at concentrations above about 3%. Remember, a non-toxic anesthetic for humans at a concentration of 85% or higher, yet as a fruit ripening hormone, ethylene gas is effective at 0.1 to 1 ppm. One part of ethylene per million parts of air that's one cupful of ethylene gas in 62,000 gallons of air - is enough to promote the ripening process in fruits.
Using tomatoes as an example, the life of a tomato fruit begins with fertilization of the flower ovules. After fertilization, the young fruit goes through a short period of cell division which is then followed by a rapid period of growth as these cells enlarge. During the final stages of growth and development, the tomato fruit reaches its full size and is now mature. This period of growth and development, from fertilization to development of the mature fruit, requires about 45-55 days, depending on the cultivar and the season. During the growth and development period, there are many chemical and physical changes occurring that have an impact on fruit quality and ripening behavior after harvest. Ripening is the final stage of the maturation process when the fruit changes color, and develops the flavor, texture and aroma that makes up what we define as optimum eating quality. The biological agent that initiates this ripening process after the fruit is mature is naturally produced ethylene - this simple plant hormone described and understood over 40years ago. While there are other factors involved in this "triggering" of the ripening process by ethylene, it is essentially a universal ripening hormone. When this internal concentration of naturally produced ethylene increases to about 0.1 - 1.0 ppm, the ripening process is irreversibly initiated. The process may be glowed, but it cannot be reversed once it is truly under way. So, here is the key point: additional and externally applied ethylene, provided prior to the time that the naturally produced internal concentration reaches the required 0.1 - 1.0 ppm level, will trigger or initiate - "promote" if you will - this natural ripening process at an earlier time.
The additional externally applied ethylene (the "gassing" so frequently referred to in the popular press) merely accelerates the normal ripening process. Numerous studies have shown that there are no important biochemical, chemical, or physiological differences between fruit ripened where the naturally produced ethylene has been the triggering mechanism or where additionally externally applied ethylene has triggered the process in the mature but unripe fruit.
For example, tomato fruit are not and cannot be "artificially reddened" by ethylene. The normal tomato ripening process, which includes pigment changes - the loss of green chlorophyll and conversion of carotenoids into red lycopene pigments - can be accelerated and brought about earlier by externally applied ethylene, but this is a normal process. In fact, some of the components of nutritional quality, such as Vitamin C content, benefit because of the fact that the fruits will be consumed after a shorter time interval from harvest as a result of ethylene treatments and hence, the initial level will not have degraded as far as the longer, unaccelcratcd process. Ethylene is actually used commercially on only a few crops, including: (a) bananas, (b) for removing the green color from citrus fruits, (e) almost all honeydew melons, and (d) to a limited extent, with tomatoes.
Ethephon is the trade name of a plant growth regulator (basic manufacturer Rhône-Poulenc). Upon metabolism by the plant, it is converted into ethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and maturity. It is often used on wheat, coffee, tobacco, cotton and rice in order to help the plant's fruit reach maturity more quickly. In cotton, which initiates fruiting over a period of several weeks, ethephon is used to make all bolls open simultaneously in order to enhance harvest efficiency.
Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low, and any ethephon used on the plant material is converted very quickly to ethylene. Im not sure on getting the stuff yet... But plenty around.. Could this be the next CARBON type boost ??
- use of ethlyene
- real intresting read...
Thiamin or thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 and aneurine hydrochloride, is the term for a family of molecules sharing a common structural feature responsible for its activity as a vitamin. It is one of the B vitamins. Its most common form is a colorless chemical compound with a chemical formula C12H17N4OS. This form of thiamin is soluble in water, methanol, and glycerol and practically insoluble in acetone, ether, chloroform, and benzene. Another form of thiamin known as TTFD has different solubility properties and belongs to a family of molecules often referred to as fat-soluble thiamins. Thiamin decomposes if heated. Its chemical structure contains a pyrimidine ring and a thiazole ring
is one of the compounds that can be called vitamin B6, along with Pyridoxal and Pyridoxamine. It differs from pyridoxamine by the substituent at the '4' position. It is often used as 'pyridoxine hydrochloride'.
Water soluble
B vitamins
B1 (Thiamine) · B2 (Riboflavin) · B3 (Niacin, Nicotinamide) · B5 (Pantothenic acid, Dexpanthenol, Pantethine) · B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal phosphate, Pyridoxamine)
B7 (Biotin) · B9 (Folic acid, Folinic acid) · B12 (Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Methylcobalamin, Cobamamide)
C (Ascorbic acid) · Choline
Plant Hormones
By Frederick T. Addicott*,
Fullbright Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Victoria University of Wellington
Growth Hormones: Gibberellins. The gibberellins produce effects on growth, particularly cell elongation, which are very similar to the effects of auxin, but they function in situations where auxin does not promote elongation. Although physiological and biochemical knowledge of them is still fragmentary, they are growth factors which are probably hormones and hence should be included here. The chemicals derive their name from the fungus Gibberella, from which they can be obtained. Immature seeds are also very rich sources.
One of the most interesting series of experiments with the gibberellins was conducted with a dwarf corn (maize). This particular mutant dwarf had been the subject of an intensive auxin study, and its auxin physiology was found to be completely normal. That is, auxin production, transport and inactivation were identical with those of normal corn, and applications of additional auxin did not affect its growth; the plants never grew more than a few inches tall. However, weekly sprays of gibberellins stimulated the mutant to the normal rate of growth and practically normal appearance. The results of a similar experiment conducted several years earlier, which were at the time puzzling, can now be interpreted as due to gibberellins: an extract from immature bean seeds was applied to a bush variety of beans (Phaseolus); the stems then elongated in the manner characteristic of the tall varieties of beans. In other experiments, gibberellins sprayed on pasture grasses have induced abnormally rapid growth.
Another effect of gibberellins is in relation to both growth and flowering. Hyocyamus is one of the typical long-day plants. It grows as a rosette with its leaves clustered about the very short stem until it has been exposed to a period of cold followed by a period of long days. Then the stem rapidly elongates and produces flowers. It has been found that gibberellins can replace the cold treatment; sprays followed by long days stimulate stem elongation with flowering.
Wound Hormone. Following an injury to a plant, the parenchyma cells underlying the injured area are stimulated to divide and form a protective callus. Under the stimulus, cells divide which would otherwise remain intact to the death of the plant. Early experiments showed that if the injured area is washed immediately, cell division is prevented; this suggested that a hormone might be involved. Such a hormone was isolated by Bonner and English. Starting with 100 pounds of string beans they isolated a small amount of a chemical which they called traumatic acid (chemically, decene dicarboxylic acid) which is the wound hormone of beans. However, this compound does not stimulate cell division in other species. So there remain other chemicals yet to be identified as wound hormones.
Root Growth Hormones. Knowledge of root growth hormones has come largely from experiments with the culture of isolated roots. The repeated attempts to culture isolated tissues of plants were successful in 1933 with tomato roots and a culture medium consisting of sucrose, salts, and yeast extract. Yeast extract is a very complex mixture of chemicals and attention was immediately given to determination of the active components. These were soon found to be thiamin and pyridoxin which in small amounts (a few parts per million) could completely replace the yeast extract. Thus tomato roots, which in the field would live only a few months, have been kept growing in culture in a synthetic medium since soon after 1933. Thiamin and pyridoxin were first called growth factors, since their role in the intact plant was not known. However, Bonner showed that they are produced in leaves and transported downward to roots, thus establishing them as hormones.
Other experiments showed that niacin is a root growth factor, and is presumably also a root growth hormone. In various combinations thiamin, pyridoxin or niacin will support the indefinite growth of isolated roots of many species. For a few species other factors are required such as the amino acids glycine, lysine and arginine.
Although the roots of many plants will grow rapidly (at rates at least equal to the rates of roots on intact plants) and indefinitely in synthetic culture media, important problems still remain unsolved. One is the culture of isolated roots of monocotyledonous plants. In spite of numerous attempts, these have never been established in culture. Another is the development of the cambium, which has not been induced in roots of established
cultures. Further, branching of cultured roots is often abnormal. Thus the knowledge of root growth physiology is far from complete and much work lies ahead.
Experiments with root cultures brought to light an important interrelationship of vitamins and hormones. The chemicals thiamin, pyridoxin and niacin are vitamins, necessary in the diet of animals and other heterotrophs for normal growth and maintenance. In the green plant these same chemicals function in the physiological role of hormones. And within the cells of organisms they each function as a part of a vital enzyme. Thus the same chemical may function in any of three physiological roles: vitamin, hormone, enzyme.
Leaf Growth Hormone: Phyllocaline. In a search for hormones other than auxin Went performed an extensive series of grafting experiments. He worked with varieties of garden peas which differed markedly in their growth habits. The results showed, for example, that leaves of different varities differed in their ability to stimulate root growth. Similar differences among roots and buds were observed. Went postulated that these differences in growth were the result of differences in production of special hormones by the varieties. One of these postulated hormones was called phyllocaline. It is produced in cotyledons and mature leaves, and stimulates the growth of young leaves. This hormone was isolated and identified as adenine. Another property of adenine was later discovered; tissue cultures of plant callus ordinarily grow indefinitely as an undifferentiated, or at best, slightly differentiated mass of cells. In the culture medium adenine stimulates the differentiation of leafy buds.
Adenine too has multiple physiological roles: It is a vitamin B for some organisms and within cells functions as a part of several enzymes and of the energy-storing phosphate compounds. Flowering Hormone: Florigen. Flowering is influenced by many factors including mineral and carbohydrate nutrition, temperature, photoperiod, and a postulated hormone, florigen. This hormone is produced in leaves (under particular conditions) and is transported to buds where it brings about the conversion of a vegetative stem apex to a reproductive stem apex (flower bud). Numerous experiments indicate its existence, but attempts to isolate florigen have not yet been successful. For further discussion of flowering see the recent article by Sussex.
Reproductive Hormones. In the lower plants a number of hormones influencing reproductive processes have been described, as well as nutritional factors which can be called reproductive vitamins.
One of the best known examples of reproductive hormones is in a heterothallic species of a water mould, Achlya, where Raper in extensive experiments found four hormones:
Growth Factors. Experiments have demonstrated growth factor requirements for many plant parts. Many, possibly all, of these growth factors are plant hormones, but present knowledge is too fragmentary in most cases to permit positive statements.
Pollen germination and tube growth factors. Pollen of some species will germinate and grow well in artificial media; pollen of others will grow poorly or not at all. Stigmatic exudates are usually very stimulatory and presumably provide hormones required by the pollen. Chemicals which have been found to promote germination or tube growth of various species include: boric acid, manganous sulphate, ascorbic acid, aminobenzoic acid, indoleacetic acid, inositol, lactoflavin, guanine, pyridoxin, thiamin.
Growth factors of tissue and organ cultures. Since the successful establishment of root cultures, other organs and several types of tissues have been successfully cultured including embryos, shoots, and callus. Often successful culture has required the use of complex mixtures such as malt extract, young seed extracts, or coconut milk. The latter is a potent source of important growth factors; its use has enabled the culture of very small embryos, but the active chemicals in coconut milk have not been identified. Growth factors which have been identified include: ascorbic acid, adenine, biotin, indoleacetic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin. It is of interest to note that each of these is already known to have functions as a vitamin and/or hormone.
Growth Inhibiting Hormones. The discussion to this point has dealt with hormones and other factors which in the main promote growth and development. (A few of these, such as auxin, will under some conditions inhibit or retard growth.) In addition, there is now an increasing list of chemicals whose principal function appears to be the inhibition of growth. Since these chemicals are endogenous, often act at very low concentrations, and move from a site of production to a site of action, they should be considered hormones. Only seed germination inhibitors will be mentioned here; knowledge of others is very fragmentary.
Germination inhibitors act variously: (a) to prevent premature seed germination; (b) to extend the period of germination by permitting only a fraction of the seeds to germinate at any one time; and (c) to suppress germination of competing species while permitting germination of a favoured species. Evenari has described over 120 inhibitors; these are produced in fruit pulp, fruit coats, endosperm, seed coats, embryos, leaves, bulbs, and roots. Identified inhibitors include: hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, ethylene, mustard oils, aldehydes, alkaloids, essential oils, lactones, organic acids. It is of interest that an inhibitor can sometimes stimulate germination. Inhibition or stimulation may result from different concentrations, but sometimes one follows the other from the same concentration.
In a few decades the subject of plant hormones has expanded to a broad and amazingly complex field of plant physiology, at least equal in complexity to the field of animal hormones. This research received much of its initial impetus from Sachs' postulate that plant morphogenesus is regulated by specific organ-forming chemicals. Indeed, there is now much evidence on the effects of specific chemicals (or groups of chemicals). However, the impression should not remain that morphogenesis is regulated solely by such chemicals (that is, by hormones or vitamins). Temperature, light, water, mineral nutrients, foods, and other factors are also important in the development of plants and at times one or more of these factors may have a decisive influence on growth, acting either directly or through intermediate effects on plant hormones.
Growth and Plant Hormones - Plant Biology
All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will continue dividing and differentiate into cells with various roles to carry out within the organism. This is life and plants are no different. Plant growth can be determinate or indeterminate, meaning some plants will have a cycle of growth then a cessation of growth, breakdown of tissues and then death (think of a radish plant or a tomato plant) while others (think of a giant cedar tree) will grow and remain active for hundreds of years. A tomato plant is fairly predictable and is said to have determinate growth, while the cedar tree has indeterminate growing potential. Development refers to the growth and differentiation of cells into tissues, organs and organ systems. This again all begins with a single cell.
Plant Growth Regulators and Enzymes
Genetic information directs the synthesis and development of enzymes which are critical in all metabolic process within the plant. Most enzymes are proteins in some form or another, are produced in very minute quantities and are produced on sitemeaning they are not transported from one part of the organism to another. Genetic information also regulates the production of hormones, which will be addressed shortly. The major difference is that hormones are transported from one part of the plant to another as needed. Vitamins vital in the activation of enzymes and are produced in the cytoplasm and membranes of plant cells. Animals and humans utilize plants in order to provide some vitamin resources. In general, hormone and vitamin effects are similar and are difficult to distinguish in plants, and both are referred to in general as plant growth regulators.
Groups of Hormones
Plant hormones are chemical messengers that affect a plant's ability to respond to its environment. Hormones are organic compounds that are effective at very low concentration; they are usually synthesized in one part of the plant and are transported to another location. They interact with specific target tissues to cause physiological responses, such as growth or fruit ripening. Each response is often the result of two or more hormones acting together.
Because hormones stimulate or inhibit plant growth, many botanists also refer to them as plant growth regulators. Many hormones can be synthesized in the laboratory, increasing the quantity of hormones available for commercial applications. Botanists recognize five major groups of hormones: auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and abscisic acid.
Other Growth Regulators
Many growth regulators are widely used on ornamental plants. These substances do not fit into any of the five classes of hormones. For example, utility companies all over the country often apply growth retardants, chemicals that prevent plant growth, to trees in order to prevent them from interfering with overhead utility lines. If is less expensive to apply these chemicals than to prune the trees, not to mention safer for the utility workers. Also, azalea growers sometimes apply a chemical to the terminal buds rather than hand-pruning them. Scientists are still searching for a hormone to slow the growth of lawn grass so that it doesn't have to be mowed so often.
Plant movements
Plants appear immobile because they are usually rooted in one place. However, time lapse photography reveals that parts of plants frequently move. Most plants move too slowly for the passerby to notice. Plants move in response to several environmental stimuli such as: light, gravity and mechanical disturbances. These movements fall into two groups: tropisms and nastic movements.
A tropism is a plant movement that is determined by the direction of an environmental stimulus. Movement toward an environmental stimulus is called a positive tropism, and movement away from a stimulus is called a negative tropism. Each kind of tropism is named for its stimulus. For example, a plant movement in response to light coming from one particular direction is called a phototropism. The shoot tips of a plant that grow toward the light source are positively phototropic.
Phototropism, as mentioned, is illustrated by the movement of sprouts in relation to light source direction. Light causes the hormone auxin to move tot he shaded side of the shoot. The auxin causes the cells on the shaded side to elongate more than the cells on the illuminated side. As a result, the shoot bends toward the light and exhibits positive phototropism. In some plant stems, phototropism is not caused by auxin presence or movement. In these instances, light causes the production of a growth inhibitor on the illuminated side of the shoot. Negative phototropism is sometimes seen in vines that climb on flat walls where coiling tendrils have nothing to coil around. These vines have stem tips that grow away from the light, or better put, toward the wall. This brings adventitious roots or adhesive discs in contact with the wall on which they can cling and climb.
Solar tracking is the motion of leaves or flowers as the follow the suns' movement across the sky. By continuously facing toward a light source, moving or not, the plant maximizes the light available for photosynthesis.
Thigmotropism is a plant growth response to touching a solid object. Tendrils and stems of vines, such as morning glories, coil when they touch an object. Thigmotropism allows some vines to climb other plants or objects, thus increasing its chance of intercepting light for photosynthesis. It is thought that an auxin and ethylene are involved in this response.
Gravitropism is a plant growth response to gravity. A root usually grows downward and a stem usually grows upward; that is, roots are positively gravitropic and stems are negatively gravitropic. Like phototropism, gravitropism appears to be regulated by auxins. One hypothesis proposes that when a seedling is placed horizontally, auxins accumulate along the lower sides of the root and the stem. This concentration of auxins stimulates cell elongation along the lower side of the stem, and the stem grows upward. A similar concentration of auxins inhibits cell elongation in the lower side of the root, and thus the root grows downward.
Chemotropism is a plant growth response to a chemical. After a flower is pollinated, a pollen tube grows down through the stigma and style and enters the ovule through the micropyle. The growth of the pollen tube in response to chemicals produced by the ovule is an excellent example of chemotropism.
Nastic Movements
Plant movements that occur in response to environmental stimuli, but that are independent of the direction of the stimuli are called nastic movements. These movements are regulated by changes in water pressure in certain plant cells.
Growth Stimulants The B-vitamins (1 ppm solution) increase the yield of hempseed and its fat content, but somewhat suppresses the growth of leaves, stems, and seed hulls. Potassium permanganate in weak solutions stimulates the development of cannabis in all its phases. Dilute camphor also stimulates plant growth. Vitamin C (1-5 parts in 10,000 water) has the same effect. The ripening of cannabis flowers can be accelerated by addition of a tablespoon of sugar per gallon of nutrient solution. Do not use this treatment during the initial stages of the flowering cycle, because flowering will be delayed instead. Auxigro, manufactured by the Auxein Corp. (Lansing, MI; www.auxein.com; US Patent 5,840,656) contains 4-aminobutyric acid, L-glutamic acid, etc.). It increases fertilizer efficiency severalfold and improves plant growth up to 50%. Nutrient accumulation also is increased dramatically. Triacontanol is a fatty alcohol found in many plants. It increases growth rates and yields up to 25%, and increases the protein content, even during darkness when plants usually are dormant. Triacontanol seems to enhance the growth of plants without increasing their consumption of nitrogen. The simplest way to use triacontanol is to plow under a crop of alfalfa, which contains relatively large amounts of the substance. Triacontanol is extracted from sunflower seeds or alfalfa by chloroform; filter and evaporate the solution to yield crude triacontanol. The dosage is 1 ppm in water.
Carbon Dioxide
--- Plants utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide to supply their carbon. The current level of atmospheric CO2 is about 350 ppm. If the level of CO2
in a closed growing space decreases to below 200 ppm, growth will cease. Levels above 2% can be injurious to both plants and animals. When cannabis is cultivated indoors, the rate of growth and photosynthesis can be enhanced by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide to about 0.2%. The effects are most influential in the second month of growth. The rate of growth can be increased about 50% by increasing the level of CO2 to about 700 ppm. If the level is increased to 1,500 ppm during the vegetative phase, the growth rate will increase up to 80%. The number of females also increases slightly under the influence of CO2 . When extra CO2 is supplied during the flowering phase, the flowers will mature about 2 weeks sooner, and they will increase in weight about 20%. To alculate the amount of CO2 required to enrich a growroom, first select the level of CO2 you desire (assuming 300 ppm atmospheric CO2 ). Multiply the cubic feet of the grow space with the corresponding factor (given below) to determine how many cubic feet of gas are needed to raise the level for each cycle of enrichment. The cycle is repeated as the plants absorb the gas or it is vented outdoors (necessarily when the room temperature rises to 85o
F). Commercially available equipment will do this automatically. For 1,000 ppm, factor (.0007) x cubic feet to determine the requisite volume of gas. 1,100 ppm = (.000; 1,200 ppm = (.0009); 1,300 ppm = (.0010); 1,400 ppm = (.0011); 1,500 ppm = (.0012).
ref: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6612723/All-About-Hemp
A Sketch of an 8 Part Plant Hormone Theory
New Group Of Plant Hormones Discovered
ScienceDaily (Aug. 13, 2008 Scientists from the Wageningen University Laboratory of Plant Physiology and an international team of scientists have discovered a new group of plant hormones, the so-called strigolactones. This group of chemicals is known to be involved in the interaction between plants and their environment.
The scientists have now proven that strigolactones, as hormones, are also crucial for the branching of plants. The discovery will soon be published in Nature and is of great importance for innovations in agriculture. Examples include the development of cut flowers or tomato plants with more or fewer branches. These crops are of major economic and social importance worldwide.
The growth and development of plants is largely controlled by plant hormones. Plants produce these chemicals themselves, thus controlling the growth and development of roots and stems, for example. A number of plant hormones, such as auxins, giberellins and cytokinins, were discovered by scientists decades ago. Now a new group of hormones has been found: The so-called strigolactones.
Previous research by institutes including Wageningen UR has shown that strigolactones plays a major part in the interaction between plants and their environment. As plants cannot move, they commonly use their own chemicals to control the environment as best as they can.
Strigolactones are of major importance to the interaction between plants and symbiotic fungi, for example. These fungi live in a symbiotic relationship with plants, lthat is mutually beneficial. They transport minerals from the soil to the plant, while the plant gives the fungi sugars in return.
Unfortunately, the strigolactones have also been hijacked by harmful organisms: They help seeds of parasitic plants to germinate when plant roots are in the vicinity. The seedlings of the parasite attach to the root of the plant and use the plants nutrients for their own growth and reproduction. Unlike the symbiotic fungi, however, they do not give anything in return. On the contrary, the parasitism often causes the host plant to die, eventually.
The international research team consisting of French, Australian and Dutch scientists, coordinated in France, found mutants of pea that were branching without restraint. It turned out that these pea plants were not capable of producing strigolactones. When the plants were administered strigolactones, the unrestrained branching stopped. The same effect occurred in an entirely different plant, thale cress. The mutant plants also caused a significant lower germination of the parasitic plant seeds and induced less interaction with symbiotic fungi.
The scientists also showed that a specific receptor reaction for the strigolactones occurs in plants, a phenomenon that is characteristic for plant hormones. Although some previously discovered plants with unrestrained branching turned out to be producing strigolactones themselves, their receptor connection was disturbed: Strigolactones administered from the outside could not stop the uncontrolled branching.
It has also been shown that the plants are capable of transporting strigolactones internally and that the chemicals work at very low concentrations, two other typical characteristics of plant hormones.
It is expected that this new knowledge will be applied in agriculture and horticulture, for example in breeding and the development of branching regulators.
Cut flower varieties and potted plants with either more or less branching may have special ornamental value, while crops with more or less branching may be beneficial in cultivation. Tomato plants in which less branching occurs can benefit the greenhouse horticulture, for instance.
Another good read
Genes Key To Hormone Production In Plants Identified
MY 5 HORMONE PLAN ...........
Very small concentrations of these substances produce major growth changes. Concentrations of these substances usually are measured in parts per million (ppm) and in some cases parts per billion (ppb). So im still HIGHLY UNSURE of quanties and timeing - it will be trial and error.... giving about 4 plants a month to the cause.......
So Hormones are produced naturally by plants, while plant growth regulators are applied to plants by humans.
Some of the growth regulators i may be useing are synthetic compounds (e.g., IBA and Cycocel) that mimic naturally occurring plant hormones, or they may be natural hormones that were extracted from plant tissue (e.g., IAA).
I will use :
1. Forms of Auxin, it is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation IAA, IBA. The forms i will be useing: YATES Cutting powder (IAA) and or willow water... During all times of growth a germination. (NOT BUD) in minute quantities
2. Gibberellins (ga3) to break seed dormancy, and speed germination. Veg tests also...
3. NAA - for fem attributes in seed germ
And on cuttings.....
for application I will probably follow this study
6wks veg for It will increase a plants resistance to stress and will increase production of root mass.
6-8wk veg & 4th week of flowring for bud growth
+ ALL ordinary NUTES.
Here a couple of sites that sell all of them....
Biologists close in on the hormone 'florigen,' the signal that causes plants to flower....... induced flowering..........???????????......
When each hormone is produced......
Auxin would be released when a root or shoot meristematic (young) cell finds that it contains more than enough shoot derived nutrients mainly sugar, and all other environmental conditions are favorable for growth.
Cytokinin would be made when meristematic cells are bathed in more than enough nutrients of the sort normally provided by the root, mainly water and minerals and all other conditions are favorable for growth.
Gibberellin/Brassinostreroid would be made when mature cells have less than enough shoot nutrients, i.e. sugar and Oxygen to survive especially if environmental conditions are poor.
Finally Ethylene might be released when mature cells are receiving less than enough nutrients normally received from the roots, mainly minerals and water, to support life at all, thus senescence of the cell is warranted. Again this effect may be accentuated by poor environmental conditions.
Abscisic Acid might fulfill the role akin to adrenaline or cortisol in animals, signaling a need emergency action under most kinds of rapidly developing environmental stress, not just water shortages.
Complimentarily, Salicylic Acid may be the hormone released when things are running normally and no special rapid response is needed from the plant. It might be the "feel good" hormone.
Quick summary on what they are:
Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation.
Gibberellins stimulate cell division and elongation, break seed dormancy, and speed germination. The seeds of some species are difficult to germinate; you can soak them in a GA solution to get them started.
cytokinins stimulate cell division and often are included in the sterile media used for growing plants from tissue culture. If a medium's mix of growth-regulating compounds is high in cytokinins and low in auxin, the tissue culture explant (small plant part) will produce numerous shoots. On the other hand, if the mix has a high ratio of auxin to cytokinin, the explant will produce more roots. Cytokinins also are used to delay aging and death (senescence).
Ethylene is unique in that it is found only in the gaseous form. It induces ripening, causes leaves to droop (epinasty) and drop (abscission), and promotes senescence. Plants often increase ethylene production in response to stress, and ethylene often is found in high concentrations within cells at the end of a plant's life. The increased ethylene in leaf tissue in the fall is part of the reason leaves fall off trees. Ethylene also is used to ripen fruit (e.g., green bananas).
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a general plant-growth inhibitor. It induces dormancy and prevents seeds from germinating; causes abscission of leaves, fruits, and flowers; and causes stomata to close. High concentrations of ABA in guard cells during periods of drought stress probably play a role in stomatal closure.
Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are chemicals that are designed to affect plant growth and/or development. They are applied for specific purposes to affect specific plant responses right?
Although there is F@#k load of scientific information on using PGRs in the greenhouse, it is not an exact science. Achieving the best results with PGRs is a combination of art and science - science tempered with a lot of trial and error and a good understanding of plant growth and development.
Selecting and Using Plant Growth Regulators on Floricultural Crops
Authors: Original is by Joyce G. Latimer, Extension Specialist, Greenhouse Crops; Virginia Tech Publication Number 430-102, November 2001, i have summarized most of it.
Optimizing Results
Read the Label
Plant Growth Regulators for Height Control
Plant Growth Regulators for Lateral Branching
Plant Growth Regulators for Flowering Application Guidelines
Treat All Recommendations as Starting Rates for Your Own Trials
Costs of PGRs
Conclusions and Rate Recommendations
Recommended Resource
Appendix. Helpful conversions
Optimizing Results
1. For best results, PGRs should be handled as production tools, like water and fertilizer.
2. They should not be used as crutches for poor management of other cultural practices.
3. PGRs should be an integrated part of your crop production cycle.
4. They are most effective when applied at the appropriate times to regulate plant growth or development. In other words, growth retardants cannot "shrink" an overgrown plant. They must be applied before the plant is overgrown to avoid plant stretch.
1. Do you want to reduce the growth rate of the plant, improve its color and general condition (toughness)? If so, you probably want a growth retardant such as B-Nine, Cycocel, A-Rest, Bonzi, or Sumagic.
2. Do you want to increase plant branching for enhanced cutting production, or for a more bushy potted plant or hanging basket? If so, you probably want to use a branching agent or "chemical pincher" such as Atrimmec, FlorelÆ Brand Pistill (Florel), or Off-Shoot-O.
3. Do you want to enhance flower initiation or synchronize flowering? If so, you probably want to use Cycocel, Florel, NAA, GibGro, or ProGibb.
Answering these questions will indicate which type of PGR you need to use to accomplish your goal. It also will determine the most appropriate timing of the application. Then you will need to select a specific PGR in that class and determine the appropriate dosage and the appropriate application method for the selected application. THESE are many Indsutry brands which I intend on useing at some point. As well as the pure forms mentioned in thread.
Read the Label
Plant growth regulators are classified as pesticides so use with care...
Is the chemical labeled for the crop you wish to treat? Most of the PGR labels have undergone recent revisions that apply to a broad range of similar crops not specifically listed on the label, with the user taking responsibility for determining appropriate rates. This provides label permission to use the compound on these crops without the manufacturer accepting the responsibility for the rate selection.
Look for information on the effectiveness and on the side effects (phytotoxicity) of the chemical on your specific crop. B-Nine is considered to be a safe, short-term growth retardant with few phytotoxicity problems. However, it has little effect on growth of petunias and may burn treated leaves of kalanchoe. Begonias are extremely sensitive to Bonzi and Sumagic, and the label warns you to avoid overspray or drift on these crops.
Notice any label warnings regarding the PGR's effect on plant flowering. Many branching enhancers delay flowering. Florel causes flower bud abscission prior to enhancing branching; therefore, it is not recommended within six to eight weeks of Croping.
Plant Growth Regulators for Height Control or SOG
Most of the PGRs used in the greenhouse are used to regulate shoot growth of bedding plants, garden mums, and other containerized crops. These PGRs are referred to as "growth retardants." Typical growth retardants are B-Nine, Cycocel, A-Rest, Bonzi, and Sumagic . These PGRs reduce plant height by inhibiting the production of gibberellins, the primary plant hormones responsible for cell elongation. Therefore, their effects are primarily on stem, petiole and flower stalk tissues. Lesser effects are seen in reductions of leaf expansion, resulting in thicker leaves with darker green color.
Other benefits of using these PGRs in plant production include improved plant appearance by maintaining plant size and shape in proportion with the pot. Plant growth retardants also increase the stress tolerance.
Remember, growth retardants do not reduce plant size. They reduce the plant's growth rate. You must apply the growth retardant prior to the "stretch." Look for recommendations on the PGR label for time of application. These recommendations will be given in terms of plant development or plant size as opposed to production time. For example, the Sumagic label specifies that pansies should have attained a minimum height of four inches prior to application. The Bonzi label says that bedding plant plugs should be treated at the one to two true leaf stage and bedding plants (after transplanting) at two inches of new growth or when the plants reach marketable size.
Generally, growth retarding PGRs should be applied just prior to rapid shoot growth. This is usually one to two weeks after transplanting a plug, after the roots are established and as the plant resumes active growth; on pinched plants, it is after the new shoots are visible, just starting to elongate. This is where the art of plant growth regulation is most important. You must learn how your crop grows and when to intervene to obtain the desired results. Remember to note details of crop development in your records of PGR treatments. For example, due to the weather conditions, next year you may need to treat at seven days after transplanting instead of at the ten days after transplanting that you used this year. Gauge when rapid elongation will likely occur and treat to counter it.
Many growers use multiple applications of growth retardants to better control plant growth. A single application at a high rate early in the plant production cycle may be excessive if growing conditions are not as good as expected. An early application at a lower rate provides more flexibility, but the tradeoff is in the additional labor involved with a second application if it becomes necessary. Some growers improve crop uniformity by using multiple applications of lower rates to affect small corrections in plant growth.
Be careful to avoid very late applications, especially of Bonzi or Sumagic as they may delay flowering .
Plant Growth Regulators for Lateral Branching
Another group of PGRs used in floricultural crops are those that enhance branching, including Florel, Atrimmec and Off-Shoot-O . These PGRs are frequently called "chemical pinchers" because they generally inhibit the growth of the terminal shoots or enhance the growth of lateral buds, thereby increasing the development of lateral branches. They can be used to replace mechanical pinching of many crops. Often this increased branching also will reduce the overall height of the plant. The ethylene released inside the plant by Florel also inhibits internode elongation, keeping treated plants more compact than untreated plants. Florel also affects flowering (see below). If you are looking for enhanced branching, you must have sufficient growth on the plant to allow for sites of lateral development. They cannot enhance lateral branching if there are no laterals on the plant. Again, read the label for details of when to apply for optimum response.
You may need to consider combinations of PGRs. For example, if you apply Florel to enhance the branch development of 'Wave' petunias in a hanging basket, you will probably need to follow up with a treatment of a plant growth retardant like Bonzi to control the elongation of those new laterals. Always consider the side effects of treatments. As mentioned in Tables 1 and 2, some of these PGRs affect flowering which is critical to the successful production of floricultural crops.
Plant Growth Regulators for Flowering
Plant growth regulators can be used to enhance flowering (GibGro) or to remove flowers (Florel). To improve flowering, GibGro, which contains the growth promoter gibberellic acid, can be used to substitute for all or part of the chilling requirement of some woody ornamentals typically forced in the greenhouse, including azalea. [A broad use label was submitted for EPA approval in 2001 for Pro-Gibb (Valent USA) which would include camellia, hydrangea, and a variety of other floricultural crops.] Special attention must be given to the stage of flower bud development for successful treatment. In addition to overcoming dormancy, these compounds can improve flowering and/or bloom size of camellia, geranium, cyclamen, spathiphyllum, statice, and calla lily (see product labels for specific uses). Again, timing is critical since late applications, or excessive rates, may cause excessive plant stretching resulting in weak, spindly stems. Cycocel used to control stem height of hibiscus and geranium also improves early flowering.
Flower removal is especially desirable for stock plants maintained for cuttings of vegetatively propagated ornamentals, like geraniums, fuchsia, begonias, or lantana. Florel (ethephon) is the primary compound used for flower removal. Once ethephon is absorbed by the plant it is converted to gaseous ethylene, a natural plant hormone effective in many plant processes. Ethylene is the primary hormone responsible for flower senescence and fruit ripening. It is the "postharvest" hormone. With proper rates and timing, it will remove unwanted flowers from stock plants or from plugs or young bedding plants.
Flower removal diverts more energy into vegetative growth, increasing the number of laterals available for cuttings on stock plants, and promoting increased branching of plugs and finished plants, which increases fullness in hanging baskets or other containers. Early flower removal also allows synchronization of flowering of a container for a more dramatic appearance or for flowering on a specific marketing date. Since initiation and development of flowers requires time, Florel should not be used on crops within six to eight weeks of marketing.
Application Guidelines
Spray Applications. The pesticide label not only contains information on restrictions but also much information on using the product effectively. The label will identify the target tissue for that PGR - B-Nine is only effective as a foliar spray whereas Bonzi and Sumagic sprays must reach the stems or roots. When making spray applications, look at the physiological development of the plant to see that there is sufficient plant material at the correct stage of growth to make the treatment effective and to accomplish your goal. Generally, there should be sufficient foliage or stems to absorb the PGR. Uptake and effectiveness of a PGR also depend on selecting the application technique that will ensure proper coverage of the target tissue. B-Nine is not soil active and is fairly mobile in the plant. Therefore, a foliar spray application, wetting most of the foliage, will provide a fairly uniform reduction in growth of sensitive crops.
However, the triazoles, Bonzi and Sumagic, are absorbed primarily by stem tissue and then translocated upwards in the plant. Therefore, consistent and complete coverage of the stems is necessary for uniform effects. In other words, if the stem of one lateral receives an inadequate amount of spray, it will grow faster than the others, resulting in a poorly shaped plant, most noticeable in potted crops like poinsettia or chrysanthemum. The triazoles also are very "soil active" which means they may be adsorbed to particles in the media and become available to the plant through root uptake. Therefore, drenching is a very effective application method for these chemicals in crops where it is economically feasible (see How to Apply Drenches below).
The label will provide a recommended application volume for sprays or drenches, especially for chemicals that are soil active. All foliar applications of PGRs should be applied on an area basis, i.e., uniformly spray the area where the plants are located with the recommended volume of solution. Do NOT spray individual plants or spray to reach a subjective target like "spray to glistening." Since every applicator will have a slightly different definition of these goals, there will be no way of recommending appropriate rates or obtaining predictable results. For soil active PGRs, dosage equals the concentration of the solution multiplied by the volume applied in the treated area. Therefore, to improve predictability, the label-recommended spray application rates are generally set at 2 qt. finished spray per 100 sq.ft., a comfortable walking pace for applicators with hand-held sprayers.
Since Bonzi and Sumagic are soil active, precautions should be taken to avoid over-application with sprays. Spray applications require more attention to detail, because overspray material lands or drips onto the medium. Remember that dosage equals concentration times volume. Figure 1 shows the effect of Sumagic application volume on growth of vinca (Catharanthus roseus) at four weeks after treatment. A 1 ppm spray solution of Sumagic was applied at the label recommended volume of 2 qt. per 100 sq. ft., at 3 qt. per 100 sq. ft., or at twice the label rate, 4 qt. per 100 sq. ft. This high volume application was comparable to the amount of spray you might apply "to runoff." These vinca plants were effectively treated with 0, 1, 1.5, or 2 ppm Sumagic (dose = concentration x volume).
Recognizing that stem coverage is necessary for the triazoles, you may need to apply a higher than recommended volume to large or dense plants to obtain adequate coverage. In fact, the Bonzi label recommends 3 qt per 100 sq.ft. for "larger plants with a well developed canopy." Adjust the concentration you apply accordingly. This suggests the importance of record-keeping (see below).
Spray Equipment. To assure proper spray volumes, your compressed air sprayer should be equipped with a pressure gauge and regulator and you should consistently use the same nozzle for all PGR applications. Your sprayer should be calibrated by determining the output of the chemical with the selected nozzle at the selected pressure within a specified time period. Using this information, you can apply a known amount of material to a known area. Spray droplet size also affects response with smaller droplet sizes providing better coverage, but only up to a point. Mist or fog type applicators do NOT provide adequate volume for coverage of plant stems and have not been effective when used with compounds like Bonzi and Sumagic.
The way I tested was to capture your spray for a certin period.
Applying Drenches. Drenches have several advantages over sprays. Drenches generally have less effect on flower or bract size and tend to provide longer lasting growth regulation than sprays. Drenches are easier to apply uniformly than sprays because the drench volume is easily measured, and when applied to moist media, it is easy to obtain good distribution of the PGR in the media. Therefore, the resulting growth regulation is frequently more uniform. The label specifies the recommended volumes for drench applications to different size pots or types of media. Read the label. In general, 4 fl. oz. of drench solution is applied to a six-inch "azalea" pot, and that volume is adjusted up or down with pot size to obtain a volume where about 10% of the solution runs out the bottom of the pot when the media is moist.
Remember that the amount of active ingredient applied to plants using soil-active PGRs is a product of the concentration (ppm) of the solution and the volume applied. Label recommendations for drench applications give solution rates (in ppm) and volume recommendations. In some cases, drench application recommendations are given in terms of milligrams of active ingredient (mg a.i.) per pot. For Bonzi, the label provides mixing directions for mg a.i. solutions for Bonzi, or, you can use the NC State University "PGR Calculator" (See Resources below) to obtain solution directions for drench recommendations using this format.
Other methods of applying PGRs directly to the media have been developed and labeled. For example, Bonzi and A-Rest are labeled for chemigation or application through the irrigation system. These are generally limited to flood (sub-irrigation) or drip irrigation, not overhead sprinkler systems. Again, rates vary with the volumes used and method of application. Bonzi applied once by sub-irrigation requires 50% to 75% of the amount of Bonzi that is applied in a typical drench application. Read and exactly follow the label for chemigation applications.
Other Types of PGR Applications. Three other methods of providing a drench type application of soil-active PGRs on a more economical scale are being used by growers. One is media surface application sprays. These are spray applications made to the surface of the media of filled flats or pots. The treatment is applied at normal to high spray volumes, but since it is applied to the media surface it is activated by irrigation and is available to the plant in the root zone. Both Bonzi and Sumagic are labeled for this method of application. Rates are lower than used for sprays, but higher than used for drench applications.
A second method is called "sprenches" which is a high volume foliar spray that results in runoff into the media, providing a drench effect. Rates are lower than those recommended for sprays.
A third technique is called "watering in" where the PGR, A-Rest and Bonzi are currently labeled, is injected into the irrigation water and applied in each irrigation at very low rates of active ingredient.
All of these application methods use the relationship between rate and volume to provide the desired control and preferred application methods. Again, you must develop techniques that fit your production methods and your growth management preferences.
Beware of Bark. For all media applications, be aware that soil-active PGRs tend to be tied up by bark particles in the media which makes it less available to the plants. Therefore, if your media mix is high in bark you will need to compensate for this unavailability by adjusting your application rates up for any type of drench or media applications.
Growing Conditions. Look also for label recommendations on time of day or condition of the plant for optimum treatment response. Generally, a healthy, unstressed plant growing under low evaporative conditions, e.g., early in the morning or late in the afternoon, is most responsive to treatment. To maximize uptake, the chemical must remain in contact with the leaf long enough to be absorbed. This time varies for the different PGRs. Plants treated with B-Nine or Florel should not be overhead irrigated for at least 12 hours after treatment, but plants treated with Bonzi or Sumagic may be irrigated one hour after treatment. Spraying when the treatment will not dry quickly increases absorption of the active ingredients and increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Read the label for any warnings on how irrigation or environmental conditions will affect plant response to the PGR treatment.
Treat All Recommendations as Starting Rates for Your Own Trials
The multitude of variations possible in application methods, cultivar and species grown, and growing conditions make it impossible to recommend specific rates for all operations. There are a couple of general rules for using rate recommendations from other sources:
Southern growers use higher rates and more frequent applications than Northern growers. Rates for Virginia tend be closer to the Southern rates.
Outdoor applications usually require higher rates or more frequent applications than for plants grown inside the greenhouse.
Making notes on your application methods and the results of your PGR treatments will allow you to improve the consistency of your own application methods and establish rates and volumes appropriate to your production system. Note the concentration and the volume applied, the stage of development of the crop (number of leaves, approximate height, presence of flowers), and the environmental conditions under which the PGR was applied. It is always helpful to keep a few untreated plants for comparison, especially if you are new to using PGRs.
Costs of PGRs
Also consider the cost of the various plant growth regulators in developing your production program. You will need to add your labor and equipment costs to calculate the PGR application costs in your operation. You also will want to consider the costs of multiple applications vs. single applications when determining which PGR to use in a given situation.
Conclusions and Rate Recommendations
Plant growth regulators are valuable production tools that can enhance product quality and marketability while reducing labor for pinching and/or pruning and plant maintenance. They must be used with proper attention to other cultural practices, especially proper fertility and irrigation management. Plant growth regulators cannot correct poor production practices.
Plant growth regulator recommendations for a wide variety of floricultural crops are listed. These rates are label recommended rates and should be evaluated under your own growing conditions. For more information on rates for herbaceous perennials see VCE Publication 430-103, Using Plant Growth Regulators on Containerized Herbaceous Perennials.
Recommended Resource
For a ready resource on preparing PGR solutions, download the North Carolina State University Plant Growth Regulator Calculator from:
software allows growers to calculate the amounts of A-Rest, Atrimmec, B-Nine, Bonzi, Cycocel, Dazide, Downsize, Facination, Florel, Fresco, GibGro, Paczol, Piccolo, ProGibb, Sumagic, or Topflor needed to create any spray or drench solution you desire. If you enter your costs for each PGR, it will also calculate your materials cost per application as well as per plant treated. By entering plant dimensions and application rate per unit area, it will calculate the amount of active ingredient each plant received during application
Appendix. Helpful conversions.
1 gallon (gal) = 128 fluid ounces (fl oz)
1 fl oz = 30 milliliters (ml)
1 gal = 3785 ml = 3.785 liters
1 cup = 48 teaspoons
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
1 fl oz = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
1 ounce (oz) = 28.3 grams (g)
1 pound (lb) = 16 oz = 454 g
1% = 10,000 ppm
1 ppm = 1 milligram (mg) per liter
DATA SHEETS ON PGR`s (or man made hormones)
clofibric acid
2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid
α-naphthaleneacetic acid
naphthoxyacetic acid
potassium naphthenate
sodium naphthenate
calcium cyanamide
ethylene inhibitors
ethylene releasers
gibberellic acid
growth inhibitors
abscisic acid
jasmonic acid
maleic hydrazide
2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid
growth retardants
growth stimulators
unclassified plant growth regulators
lead arsenate
Here is a couple of PGR products ive been looking at.....
Dazide has numerous uses, the most important being to regulate plant size by reducing the length of internodes. A more compact plant has greater stem strength resulting in less breakage during shipping and handling. Dazide also reduces apical dominance, encouraging the development of early terminal buds that branch profusely. Treated plants have a compact growth habit and enhanced flower bud formation.
Dazide treated plants also tend to have deeper green foliage and a more developed root system. The latter provides firmer anchorage and better nutrient and moisture extracting capability. Consequently, plants are less likely to wilt and can recover more quickly from the stress of transplanting. Dazide is effective in a wide variety of ornamentals, including chrysanthemums, gardenias, azaleas, hydrangeas and poinsettias, along with petunias, marigolds and other flowering and foliage plant species. While the specific effects of Dazide vary with the situation, the results generated are very predictable and consistent, producing plants that look and sell at their best all year round.
Falgo contains gibberellic acid (GA3). Gibberellins are compounds that are naturally produced within plants to stimulate growth. Fine has developed a unique fermentation method of naturally producing GA3 and markets the compound for use in ornamental plants as falgro. Falgro has a huge variety of useful applications including elongation of peduncles in Pompom Chrysanthemums, earlier flowering and increased yield in Statice and accelerated plant growth with increased number of flowering stems in Gypsophila. Offering flexibility of use, falgro is formulated as easy to use liquid, powder and tablet formulations.
Pirouette regulates height and diameter in ornamental plants by reducing internode elongation due to inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis. Pirouette enhances the quality of bedding plants, flowering and foliage plants, bulb crops, perennials and woody ornamentals making them easier to market and more profitable to produce. Pirouette helps to produce attractive plants that are easier to handle and transport by producing more compact and sturdier plants.
Pirouette helps growers manage the marketing of plants by allowing control of growth rates to meet increasingly stringent customer led specifications.
FALGRO...... Not that expensive..... comes in large quantities and I need SFA....
Falgo contains gibberellic acid (GA3). Gibberellins are compounds that are naturally produced within plants to stimulate growth. Fine has developed a unique fermentation method of naturally producing GA3 and markets the compound for use in ornamental plants as falgro. Falgro has a huge variety of useful applications including elongation of peduncles in Pompom Chrysanthemums, earlier flowering and increased yield in Statice and accelerated plant growth with increased number of flowering stems in Gypsophila. Offering flexibility of use, falgro is formulated as easy to use liquid, powder and tablet formulations.
Hydroponic additives. 11 ways to help you plants
Additives, Hormones and Plant Growth Regulators at your local hydro store..
Here is a basic guide to producing better plants and understanding additives in order of priority.
1. Nutrients
You must use nutrients for Hydroponics.
2. Vitamins
Vitamins are our Number 2 most effective way to help a plant do well.
Vitamins for plants help a plant feel better when stressed, and keep a plant healthy.
Vitamins will help with resistance to fungal rots and insect attacks for instance.
While plants manufacture vitamins for themselves, if they have a supply of them, they can turn their energy to producing other elements they need, and thereby speed up growth.
Nutriboost is a concentrate that you add to nutrients, or spray onto the plants. 1ml per 10 litres whilst growing and for high performance, increase to 10ml per 10 litres for flowering/fruiting. 50ml $10, 100ml $15, 200ml $20 500ml $40 1litre $70 and 5litre $315.
Another vitamin additive is Superthrive, but is recommended for soil as it contains a glue to make it stick to soil, and in Hydroponics it just sticks to media and makes everything go green with super vitaminised algae!
3. Cleansing
Cleaning the water that comes through the tap and the water which is recycled from any pathogen helps keep the plants strength in growing not fighting.
Have you ever been fighting a cold, not really got sick, but just been a little slowed down. If you keep your system and root zone really clean you will see an improvement in the plants vigour.
Hydroshield cleans the water with two highly effective cleansers, Hydrogen peroxide, bonded with silver. The silver builds immunity while activates the Hydrogen peroxide to react and keep reacting with any single celled organism, such as green algae, fungal root rots, viruses, bacteria, and also removes chlorine from the water. Dose at 2ml per litre to prevent problems, or dose every 1-3 days to kill any fungal outbreak until plants are healthy again.
Hydroshield comes in 250ml $10 1litre $20 5litre $80 25litre $350
As an alternative to cleaning by sterilising, you can use a high dose of beneficial bacteria to keep nasties away. Power active and Stop wilt from Nulife are great for those not using sterlising agents like Hydroshield or Pythoff. They act like a plant tonic helping the plant by creating a biological barrier for plants root system.
4. Silica
Silica is not silicon, it is an element that cannot be put into the nutrient formula, due to instability, but it should be part of any plants nutrition.
Consider silica like a missing link between plant vitality, strength, resistance to infection, and increased harvests.
The silica helps strengthen cells, and plants are much healthier from the continual addition of silica.
Ensure you have a highly soluble form and you will begin to see effect from around 2 weeks onwards. Budlink, Silica magic or Dutch Master silica are very good forms of silica.
5. Foliar spraying
Have you looked at the way fertilisers are added in commercial operations. Usually by injection of liquid fertilisers into the overhead sprinklers.
This is partly because it is quick and easy, however, you can find research that the same liquid added to the leaves (which them runs off into the soil), instead of just the soil is around 25% more in harvest yields.
Also things such as amino acids are more difficult to absorb through the roots than through the leaves.
We have made up Amino Sprays containing high quality mineral nutrients, vitamins, organic additives such as amino acids, as well a wetting agent to assist uptake and spreading.
Ready to use, just pour into a spray bottle and spray, preferably towards the end of the day, or when artificial lighting sources are about to switch off for the night.
Amino Acid Sprays come in Grow, Flowering and Harvest formulas to ensure nutrition is improved for the particular stage of the plants life.
A 1litre is $8, and 5litres is $24.
Its an inexpensive way to increase crops without increasing your system size.
Remember that spraying should be done around twice a week in cooler months, and once per week during humid hotter months. Discontinue if any chance of mould or fungus on leaves (e.g. poorly ventilated greenhouses/ grow rooms)
6. Cell dividers
Some additves help the plants grow quicker by making their cells divide quicker.
Organic additives such as monsta bud, psychobud and megabud cause plants to grow faster in this way
Monstabud and Psychobud are the same except Psychobud is more concentrated.
Both are available in an additive to nutrient in separate formulas for grow, flower and harvest/final stages.
Megabud is used only in the fist and third week of flowering and is very high performance.
Bio Earth Sea Acids are a unique product that can be used alongside the other products for very fast plant metabolism, meaning faster growth and flowering
7. Weight Adders
Potassium is stored in the flower/fruit during the flowering process.
To add weight, products like weight plus use potassium to add weight
Weight plus 1ltr is $20 and is added at 1ml per liter
Other potassium products are Potash plus and Canna PK1314 but are not as pH stable as weight plus which is fully balanced and should not affect your pH
8. Harvest activator
Superbud is a hobby derivative similar to products used in stonefruit commercial farming.
It causes extremely rapid fruiting and flowering and makes fruit very firm immediately.
It stops ALL Growth, and plants will NOT grow more than 1 inch once added.
Do not add until the final height and size required.
Recalculating use 3ml of each part per litre, if hand watering or run to waste use 5ml per litre of each Use for 7-9 days no more and no less.
It is $165 for a litre.
9. Height Controllers
Bonza bud creates the same effect as âtipping' a plant without removing the top growth, which would eventually produce much more branches and flower/fruit points
It blocks the hormone that causes a plant to grow taller, and instead of growing , say 5cm and producing a branch it will produce less, maybe 2-3 cm thus making a plant shorter
A shorter plant has more even light from top to bottom and thus increases yield on lower branches
Bonza Bud encourages more side growth and these branches will produce extra fruiting/flowering points per plant also increasing yields
50ml $25 use at 2ml/litre for extremely stretched out plants, or 1ml/litre for normal plants to be shortened slightly
Respray to improve effect as desired or every 4 weeks.
Spray over plants until liquid runs off.
10. Rootzone accelerant
A large root zone creates a healthier plant and helps uptake
Rootzone accelerant helps roots, especially for new plants/clones to get them established
11. Feminizing products
Female products come in two varieties
Male suppressants such as la femme and feminizer, used to reduce the chances of a male as a seedling is raised
Hermaphrodite treatments such as Budwise, which make male flowers shrivel up and drop off.
Notes for Sick Plants :
Use additives carefully when plants are sick.
If any root rot, spray vitamins onto plant. Vitamins around roots will strengthen the fungus that is attacking your plant.
If mould or fungal attacks on leaves discontinue sprays
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is a water molecule with an extra atom of Oxygen attached (2H2O + O2 = 2H2O2).
H2O2 is a clear sharp smelling substance very similar in appearance to water (H2O). Like water it is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen, however H2O2 has an extra Oxygen atom in an unstable arrangement. It is this extra atom that gives H2O2 its useful properties. H2O2 has been used for many purposes including cleaning, bleaching, sterilizing, rocket fuel, animal feed treatment and in addition many miraculous claims about its health benefits have been made. This article isn't about any of these; instead it will concentrate on horticultural applications. H2O2 is of great use for both hydroponics and dirt/soilless gardening.
1. What Does Hydrogen Peroxide do?
H2O2 is an unstable molecule, when it breaks down a single oxygen atom and a molecule of water is released. This oxygen atom is extremely reactive and will attach itself to either another O- atom forming a stable Oxygen molecule or attack a nearby organic molecule. Both the stable and O- forms will increase the level of dissolved oxygen. This is the method by which H2O2 is beneficial. Pretreating the water supply with H2O2 will drive out the Chlorine many cities use to sterilize it. This will also degrade any pesticides or herbicides that might be present as well as any other organic matter. Well water can be high in methane and organic sulfates, both of which H2O2 will remove. Many disease causing organisms and spores are killed by Oxygen, the free Oxygen H2O2 releases is extremely effective at this. H2O2 will help eliminate existing infections and will help prevent future ones. It is also useful for suppressing algae growth. The free Oxygen atom will destroy dead organic material (i.e, leaves roots) in the system preventing them from rotting and spreading diseases.
2.Over Watering
Roots require Oxygen to breathe and low levels are the main cause of almost all root diseases. Both soil and hydroponic plants often fall prey to the same syndrome although it is rarely recognized as what it really is. Hydroponic crops often fail due to "root rot" and soil crops succumb to "over watering." The real cause of both these problems is a shortage of Oxygen at the root zone. In a soil system the soil consists of particles, a film of water on the particles and air spaces between the particles. When too much water is put into the soil the air spaces fill with liquid. The roots will quickly use up what Oxygen is dissolved in the water, if they haven't drunk enough of the liquid to allow air back in to the soil spaces they will stop working. In this situation roots will start dying within twenty-four hours. As the roots die the plants ability to drink water and nutrients will decrease, this will cause symptoms of nutrient deficiencies (mostly pale, slow, weak growth), and strangely they will start to wilt like they don't have enough water. It is easy to make a fatal mistake at this point and add more water.
In a Hydroponic system the cause is a more direct simple lack of oxygen in the solution, this may be from inadequate circulation and/or aeration. High reservoir temperatures also interfere with Oxygen's ability to dissolve in the water. Temperatures above 70F (20C) will eventually cause problems, 62F-65F (16C-18C) is recommended. The same symptoms will appear as with soil plants but you can also check the roots. Healthy roots should be mostly white with maybe a slight yellowish tan tinge. If they are a brownish colour with dead tips or they easily pull away there is at least the beginnings of a serious problem. An organic dirtlike rotting smell means there is already a very good chance it is too late. As roots die and rot they eat Oxygen out of the water, as Oxygen levels are even further depleted more roots die, a viscius circle may be well under way. Reduced Oxygen levels and high temperatures both encourage anaerobic bacteria and fungi. The plants may still be saved but you will have to work fast.
3. How Hydrogen Peroxide prevents root rot/overwatering.
When plants are watered with H2O2 it will break down and release Oxygen into the area around the roots. This helps stop the Oxygen from being depleted in the water filled air spaces until air can get back into them. High Oxygen levels at the roots will encourage rapid healthy root growth. In a Hydroponic system H2O2 will disperse through out the system and raise Oxygen levels as it breaks down. Strong white healthy roots with lots of fuzzy new growth will be visible. This fuzzy growth has massive surface area allowing for rapid absorption of the huge amounts of water and nutrients needed for rapid top growth. A healthy plant starts with a healthy root system.
4. How to use it.
H2O2 comes in several different strengths 3%, 5%, 8% and 35%, also sold as food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. The most economical is 35% which we recommend be diluted to three percent before using, as at this high concentration it can cause damage to skin and clothing. When working with food grade H2O2 it is very important that you clean up any spills or splashes immediately, it will damage almost anything very quickly. This is extra important with skin and clothing. Skin will be temporarily bleached pure white if not washed cleaned. Gloves are strongly recommended when working with any strong chemical.
Food grade H2O2 can be diluted to three percent by mixing it one part to eleven parts water (preferably distilled). The storage container should be opaque to prevent light from getting in and it must be able to hold some pressure. If three-liter pop bottles are available in your area they are ideal for mixing and storing H2O2. There are twelve quarter liters (250ml) in three liters, if you put in one quarter liter H2O2 and eleven quarter liters (250ml) water in the bottle it will full of three percent H2O2 and the bottle can hold the pressure that the H2O2 will generate. Three percent Hydrogen Peroxide may be added at up to three ml's per liter (2 1\2 tsp. Per gallon), but it is recommended that you start at a lower concentration and increase to full strength over a few weeks. Use every watering even on fresh cuttings. For hydroponics use every reservoir change and replace twenty-five percent (one quarter) every day. Example: In a 100L reservoir you would add three hundred ml's (3%) H2O2 when changing the nutrient. You would then add seventy-five ml's more every day.
5. Where to get it.
35% food grade: called food grade because it has no toxic impurities
Of course your local hydroponics retailer, whom you can locate over the web at www.hydromall.com. Direct order off the web (there may be shipping restrictions on high strength peroxides). H2O2 is used to bleach hair so the local hairdresser may have a source. The local feed supplier may have it in small towns. Prices range from fifteen dollars per quarter liter to eighty dollars a gallon. One gallon will treat up to fifty thousand liters of water.
3%5%, 8%
Can be found at most drugstores or pharmacies, prices start at a less than a dollar for a one hundred-ml bottle that will treat one hundred liters.
6. What to do if you already have root rot.
In Dirt:
Use peroxided water with anti-fungicide (benomyl) and a high Phosphate fertilizer (9-45-15, 10-52-10, 0-60-0) for root growth. Root booster (5-15-5) or any other product with rooting hormone dissolved in it is helpful in regrowing roots and is strongly recommended. If a plant is wilty adding Nutri-Boost may save it. Water heavily until liquid pours out the bottom of the pot. This sound like bad idea, but it flushes out stagnant dead water and replaces it with fresh highly oxygenated water. Don't let plants sit in trays full of water, the soil will absorb this water and stay too wet. Don't water again until the pot feels light and the top inch or two of the soil are dry.
In Hydro:
Change your nutrients. Add H2O2 to the system. This will add oxygen and chemically eat dead roots. If roots are badly rotted and can be pulled away by hand you should pull them off. They are already dead and will only rot, causing further problems. Add a fungicide to kill any fungus that is probably present in the rotted tissue to prevent it from spreading. Root booster will speed recovery. If plants are wilty Nutri-Boost may help save them. Increase aeration of the water, get an airpump and air stones, or more of them, for the reservoir. An air stone under every plant is usually very effective, but will require a larger air pump. Models that will do from forty to four hundred stones are available. Decrease the reservoir temperature, oxygen dissolves better in cold water and disease causing organisms reproduce slower as well. A good temperate range is 62F to 65F; anything above 70F will eventually cause a problem. It is also a good idea to remove any wilty plants from the system and put them on a separate reservoir so they don't infect plants that are still healthy.
The key to big productive plants is a big healthy root system and Hydrogen Peroxide is a great way to keep your roots healthy. It is a must to ensure the biggest best crops possible and to increase the chances of your plants thriving to harvest. Peroxide users will rarely lose plants or crops to root disease and will harvest larger and more consistent crops.
REF: http://thegardenguy.tripod.com/omma/id15.html
There are three main types of Molasses:-
Unsulphured Molasses are the finest quality, they are taken from the juice of sun-ripened Sugar Cane whihc is then clarified and concentrated.
Sulphured - These are made from green sugar that has not been matured enough, it is treated with sulphur fumes during the sugar extracting process. It then goes through a first boiling process - the Molasses from this first boil are the best as only a small amount of sugar has been removed. The process then goes into it's second boil which makes the Molasses a much darker colour, they are also not as sweet and are not distinctively flavoured.
Blackstrap - These are Molasses that have gone through the third boil. There main use is in the manufacturer of Cattle Food and Industrial Uses. Saying that these Molasses are extremely high in Iron and are also used in the health food industry.
Molasses and our plants!
Molasses is a syrupy, thick juice created by the processing of either sugar beets or the sugar cane plant. Depending on the definition used, Sweet Sorghum also qualifies as a molasses, although technically its a thickened syrup more akin to Maple Syrup than to molasses. The grade and type of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane or beet and the method of extraction. The different molasses have names like: first molasses, second molasses, unsulphured molasses, sulphured molasses, and blackstrap molasses. For gardeners the sweet syrup can work as a carbohydrate source to feed and stimulate microorganisms. And, because molasses (average NPK 1-0-5) contains potash, sulfur, and many trace minerals, it can serve as a nutritious soil amendment. Molasses is also an excellent chelating agent.
Several grades and types of molasses are produced by sugar cane processing. First the plants are harvested and stripped of their leaves, and then the sugar cane is usually crushed or mashed to extract its sugary juice. Sugar manufacturing begins by boiling cane juice until it reaches the proper consistency, it is then processed to extract sugar. This first boiling and processing produces what is called first molasses, this has the highest sugar content of the molasses because relatively little sugar has been extracted from the juice. Green (unripe) sugar cane that has been treated with sulphur fumes during sugar extraction produces sulphured molasses. The juice of sun-ripened cane which has been clarified and concentrated produces unsulphured molasses. Another boiling and sugar extraction produces second molasses which has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.
Further rounds of processing and boiling yield dark colored blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutritionally valuable of the various types of molasses. It is commonly used as a sweetner in the manufacture of cattle and other animal feeds, and is even sold as a human health supplement. Any kind of molasses will work to provide benefit for soil and growing plants, but blackstrap molasses is the best choice because it contains the greatest concentration of sulfur, iron and micronutrients from the original cane material. Dry molasses is something different still. Its not exactly just dried molasses either, its molasses sprayed on grain residue which acts as a carrier.
Molasses production is a bit different when it comes to the sugar beet. You might say birds know beets because one of our flock grew up near Canadas sugar beet capitol in Alberta. Their family worked side by side with migrant workers tending the beet fields. The work consisted of weeding and thinning by hand, culling the thinner and weaker plants to leave behind the best beets. After the growing season and several hard frosts - which increase the sugar content - the beets are harvested by machines, piled on trucks and delivered to their destination.
At harvest time, a huge pile of beets will begin to build up outside of the sugar factory that will eventually dwarf the factory itself in size. Gradually throughout the winter the pile will diminish as the whole beets are ground into a mash and then cooked. The cooking serves to reduce and clarify the beet mash, releasing huge columns of stinky (but harmless) beet steam into the air. Sometimes, if the air is cold enough, the steam will fall to the ground around the factory as snow!
As weve already learned, in the of sugar cane the consecutive rounds of sugar manufacturing produce first molasses and second molasses. With the humble sugar beet, the intermediate syrups get names like high green and low green, its only the syrup left after the final stage of sugar extraction that is called molasses. After final processing, the leftover sugar beet mash is dried then combined with the thick black colored molasses to serve as fodder for cattle. Sugar beet molasses is also used to sweeten feed for horses, sheep, chickens, etc.
Sugar beet molasses is only considered useful as an animal feed additive because it has fairly high concentrations of many salts including calcium, potassium, oxalate, and chloride. Despite the fact that its not suitable for human consumption and some consider it to be an industrial waste or industrial by-product, molasses produced from sugar beets makes a wonderful plant fertilizer. While humans may reject beet molasses due to the various extras the sugar beet brings to the table, to our plants its a different story. Sugar beet molasses is usually fairly chemical free as well, at least in our experience. Although farmers generally fertilize their fields in the spring using the various arrays of available fertilizers, weed chemicals (herbicides) are not used for this crop due to the beet plants relatively delicate nature.
There is at least one other type of molasses we are aware of, and that would be sorghum molasses. Its made from a plant known as sweet sorghum or sorghum cane in treatments somewhat similar to sugar beets and/or sugar cane processing. If our understanding is correct, sorghum molasses is more correctly called a thickened syrup rather than a by-product of sugar production. So in our eyes sorghum molasses is probably more like Maple Syrup than a true molasses.
In the distant past sorghum syrup was a common locally produced sweetener in many areas, but today it is fairly rare speciality product that could get fairly pricey compared to Molasses. Because sorghum molasses is the final product of sweet sorghum processing, and blackstrap and sugar beet molasses are simply waste by-products of sugar manufacturing, its pretty easy to understand the difference in expense between the products. The word from the birds is - there isnt any apparent advantage to justify the extra expense of using sorghum molasses as a substitute for blackstrap or sugar beet molasses in the garden. So if you find sorghum molasses, instead of using it in your garden, youll probably want to use it as an alternate sweetener on some biscuits.
Thats a quick birds eye look at the differences between the various types and grades of molasses and how they are produced. Now its time to get a peek at the whys and hows of using molasses in gardening.
Why Molasses?
The reason nutrient manufacturers have discovered molasses is the simple fact that its a great source of carbohydrates to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Carbohydrate is really just a fancy word for sugar, and molasses is the best sugar for horticultural use. Folks who have read some of our prior essays know that we are big fans of promoting and nourishing soil life, and that we attribute a good portion of our growing success to the attention we pay to building a thriving micro-herd to work in concert with plant roots to digest and assimilate nutrients. We really do buy into the old organic gardening adage - Feed the soil not the plant.
Molasses is a good, quick source of energy for the various forms of microbes and soil life in a compost pile or good living soil. As we said earlier, molasses is a carbon source that feeds the beneficial microbes that create greater natural soil fertility. But, if giving a sugar boost was the only goal, there would be lots of alternatives. We could even go with the old Milly Blunt story of using Coke on plants as a child, after all Coke would be a great source of sugar to feed microbes and it also contains phosphoric acid to provide phosphorus for strengthening roots and encouraging blooming. In our eyes though, the primary thing that makes molasses the best sugar for agricultural use is its trace minerals.
In addition to sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of potash, sulfur, and a variety of micronutrients. Because molasses is derived from plants, and because the manufacturing processes that create it remove mostly sugars, the majority of the mineral nutrients that were contained in the original sugar cane or sugar beet are still present in molasses. This is a critical factor because a balanced supply of mineral nutrients is essential for those beneficial beasties to survive and thrive. Thats one of the secrets weve discovered to really successful organic gardening, the micronutrients found in organic amendments like molasses, kelp, and alfalfa were all derived from other plant sources and are quickly and easily available to our soil and plants. This is especially important for the soil micro-herd of critters who depend on tiny amounts of those trace minerals as catalysts to make the enzymes that create biochemical transformations. That last sentence was our fancy way of saying - its actually the critters in live soil that break down organic fertilizers and feed it to our plants.
One final benefit molasses can provide to your garden is its ability to work as a chelating agent. Thats a scientific way of saying that molasses is one of those magical substances that can convert some chemical nutrients into a form thats easily available for critters and plants. Chelated minerals can be absorbed directly and remain available and stable in the soil. Rather than spend a lot of time and effort explaining the relationships between chelates and micronutrients, we are going to quote one of our favorite sources for explaining soil for scientific laymen.
Micronutrients occur, in cells as well as in soil, as part of large, complex organic molecules in chelated form. The word chelate (pronounced KEE-late) comes from the Greek word for claw, which indicates how a single nutrient ion is held in the center of the larger molecule. The finely balanced interactions between micronutrients are complex and not fully understood. We do know that balance is crucial; any micronutrient, when present in excessive amounts, will become a poison, and certain poisonous elements, such as chlorine are also essential micronutrients.
For this reason natural, organic sources of micronutrients are the best means of supplying them to the soil; they are present in balanced quantities and not liable to be over applied through error or ignorance. When used in naturally chelated form, excess micronutrients will be locked up and prevented from disrupting soil balance.
ref: http://forum.grasscity.com/general-i...ur-plants.html
Why is silica so important for your plants?
Various research projects conducted over the past 40 years (coupled with regular feedback from users of SilikaMajic) have shown that the presence of silica (SiO2) in plant tissue produces many beneficial side effects:
+ Increased stem strength and rigidity - once silica is taken up by the roots, it is deposited in the plants cell walls as a solid silica matrix equivalent to quartz. This structure produces stronger and more rigid cell walls and hence a mechanically stronger plant. This enables better leaf orientation for receiving light which in turn enhances photosynthesis and growth rates.
+ Improved healing of pruning wounds - silica enables pruning wounds to heal more quickly and neatly. This property is especially beneficial in commercial cropping of plants such as tomato and cucumber where regular pruning threatens the plant's survival.
+ Increased fruit weight - accumulation of silica in plant cells can result in higher fruit weight.
+ Increased leaf strength - improved resistance to wilting, particularly noticeable during hot weather. + Increased tolerance to high salinity - silica has been shown to reduce problems arising from nutrient toxicity (e.g. sodium, chloride) and/or imbalance.
Why silica additives are needed in hydroponics
The silica (SiO2) content in the leaves (etc.) of 'soil grown' plants ranges from 1-10% of their dry weight. This silica is potentially supplied from both the feed water and the soil:

However, plants grown in hydroponic systems without soluble silica supplements, typically contain much less silica in their cells. This occurs because, unlike soil grown plants, silica is virtually absent at the root-zone:

Research shows that the absence of silica in hydroponics can cause plant health to be less than optimum.
*Note, silica cannot be included in concentrated nutrient formulations because stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline. It must therefore be added separately.
When to use Silica?
Silica should be used from seed to harvest: Consistent with predictions based on silicas general insolubility, electron microscopy and x-ray analysis both confirm that once deposited, silica can no longer be redistributed within the plant. Consequently to benefit all growing areas of the plant, silica must be present at all times in the nutrient solution.

The reactive silica in SilikaMajic is extremely stable. This ensures SilikaMajic is able to deliver all the benefits of silica. Be aware that many other silica supplements deteriorate in the bottle** such that the silica becomes unavailable to plants.

* As determined by the internationally recognised 'molybdosilicate' analytical method.
** Verified by being milky/turbid rather than clear liquids and will not dissolve when placed in the nutrient solution.
ref: http://www.flairform.com.au/Products/silica_hydroponics.htm** Verified by being milky/turbid rather than clear liquids and will not dissolve when placed in the nutrient solution.
PLEASE FIND Attached a Excel spread (zipped)with
Everything is from label recommendations or successfull experiments ive read about....(except penatrator)
Here is the some interesting Chemicals/hormones/pgr that Ive not heard anyone speak much of........ From link above:
Hempseed can be induced to sprout within 12 hours if it is soaked in a solution of Mg-sulfate (0.8 % Epsom salt) or MgCl and then steamed with ether.
Treatment with a 1% solution result in damage to the seeds. Germination occurs within 10 hours when hempseed is soaked in Mn-sulfate (1.5%) plus ether treatment, or with Pb-nitrate (0.5%) without ether treatment.
Sprouting takes place within 6 hours when seeds are soaked in a solution of oxalic acid (1%) [which is a natural ethylene producer], with or without ether treatment. The germination percentage is higher in darkness than in light.
The resulting plants produced up to 88% increase in the dry weight of stems, and the plants height increased up to 26%.
The dry weight and height of the stems varied with formulas of the solutions; therefore this method can be used to improve plants in a systematic manner. Dry ether alone has no such influence; it is effective only in combination with the chemical solutions.
Treatment with carbon dioxide or ethylene before sowing influences positively the growth, budding, flowering, and ripening of hemp. Root development, seed production and total yields also are greatly increased by such treatment.