Best way to deal with a theif.

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Well-Known Member
what would you suggest? Dude just broke into my house, and took my 360. Just bought the damn thing like, three days ago. I know exactly who it is too. He didn't think I would know because I avoided him.

Story is, dude came by yesterday tryin to sell me weed. I told him hell no, and his shit was bunk anyways. So, today I saw him out in public, and didn't want to talk to him, so I pretended like I didn't see him. I guess he saw that as an oppurtunity, so he came over and stole it. I already drove by his house and talked to his grandma, and told her what was goin on, and that he was sellin weed. I also told her that if I see him I will beat the shit out of him, and if I don't get my xbox back then (Which I know I won't) I would wait till I saw him again and beat the shit out of him again. Long story short I know that he is most likely going to be living on the street (His granny is a religious nut who thinks drugs are satan)

He's gonna try and be cocky by coming up to my job tommorow so I am gonna tell me boss what's goin on and he is the type that will tell me to clock out and go beat his ass.

I think I will break a few fingers or somethin. Anyone got any better ideas?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
major dick move narcing---you just dropped down pretty low in my book---beat his ass don't go snitching.

Okay now that the preamble is out of the way there is a new revenge method that I have been recently enlightened to---swatting. Get an internet phone and call the police on his house saying a horrific crime was being committed there. The swat team will come and raid the house tossing everything and pointing guns and shit. If your really pissed you could tell the cops his grandmother is the perpetrator and she will shoot pigs on site. I would say having his grandmother killed would make you square for an xbox :)


Well-Known Member
Can't do that. That would get the law involved. I figure I can hurt him pretty bad and he won't call the law, but if I kill him (Which if I caught him in the act I probably would of.) then I have to deal with a murder charge.


Well-Known Member
i agree with thc but let him chill for awhile, let him think hes real fuckin smart, them say you wanna buy some bud off of him and end his shit. im from camden so ive seen some shitmgo down for way less than a 360 get that fucker be4 he comes back 4 your bud

by the way: i cant condone you snitchin to his grandma. no offense


Well-Known Member
Since this is the internet and all I could really give a fuck what who thinks about me, but I didn't narc, I snitched to his granny. Hope he uses that xbox to buy food, and ends up sucking dick on the street.


Well-Known Member
major dick move narcing---you just dropped down pretty low in my book---beat his ass don't go snitching.

Okay now that the preamble is out of the way there is a new revenge method that I have been recently enlightened to---swatting. Get an internet phone and call the police on his house saying a horrific crime was being committed there. The swat team will come and raid the house tossing everything and pointing guns and shit. If your really pissed you could tell the cops his grandmother is the perpetrator and she will shoot pigs on site. I would say having his grandmother killed would make you square for an xbox :)
LOL funny s#it.

If this was back home you could get his hand chopped off, but... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
major dick move narcing---you just dropped down pretty low in my book---beat his ass don't go snitching.

Okay now that the preamble is out of the way there is a new revenge method that I have been recently enlightened to---swatting. Get an internet phone and call the police on his house saying a horrific crime was being committed there. The swat team will come and raid the house tossing everything and pointing guns and shit. If your really pissed you could tell the cops his grandmother is the perpetrator and she will shoot pigs on site. I would say having his grandmother killed would make you square for an xbox :)
you must be one hardcore motherfucka! I say beat his ass and rob him for 200$-300$ however much he got you for.

edit:Nahhh wait a week and see if he is still at granny's. If he is then creep up in there at night with a ski-mask then jack him for 200$-300$ or however much he got you for. No threats just get your money back and keep moving if he comes at you then thats when you get violent.:fire:

Seriously that's what I'd do except for me I'd put more thought into it I don't really know your whole situation.

green livin

Well-Known Member
fuck that fucker i hate thieves i caught a guy thring to steal my motorcycle out of my drive way and i broke his knee cap with an axe handle. then i called the copsit tuned out he was an elegal mexican. id fuck him up and steal it back.


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to steal your shit. Thought about stealing his car though. Only problem is the damn this is worth about $30


Well-Known Member
well i suppose there is no honor among theves but seriously let him chillout for awhile and let him think hes real slick then call him up randomly 4 bud and you know the rest

green livin

Well-Known Member
or sice he sells bud steal his bud make sure he doesent know its you. id just get rid of the weed after words. he will have some real angry people on his dumb ass. i really hate thives alot:evil:


Well-Known Member
let me guess, this guy just loves prescription medicine right? (i dont like using strereotypes but round me adicts are the only scumbag doin shit like this)


Well-Known Member
or sice he sells bud steal his bud make sure he doesent know its you. id just get rid of the weed after words. he will have some real angry people on his dumb ass. i really hate thives alot:evil:
yea...basically get your money back! I'd help you for shits and giggles but I'm not buying a plane ticket. I'd make an elaborate plan but seeing as how its ultimatly your choice as what to do I'll just read on.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Go all Count of Monte Cristo on his ass---i.e. frame him as a sex offender---you would destroy his life forever :) You would take everything from him---just like the many hours of gaming bliss he took from you :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a pill head. I love the Ideas that are flowing in. If I didn't think it would ruin my son for life I would try the sexual predator idea. The HIV one is nice also. Too bad I don't know anyone with aids. :( I'd pay whatever it took to scar him for life. I wonder how hard it is to get ahold of the cuban mob down here? It's not the money that pisses me off it's the fact that he walked into my house.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
go down to the methadone clinic and get one of the whores to insert his toothbrush into her crouch and then put it back. He came into your house go into his---but return what you take :)
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