First Grow (AG PRO 200)


Well-Known Member
Only one of them had problems shedding seed, thats the one from 1/28, other one is like 3 days behind.

I just switched to 18/6 and theres about 1/3 of a tab of nutes in there so we'll see how this week of 18/6 goes.

Last night was the first amount of extended darkness these plants have ever seen, they look a little bit better now.

I can only fit ~20" plants in my grow space (AG chops off like 12" in max height because of the base/hood.) I was going to top my plants and snag clones anyways though.

Yea that sounds good, keep us posted :leaf:


Well-Known Member
So, my plants are still growing, but they are really sad looking and starting to curl up.

I know this isn't normal, could it be because I have my pump running 24/7?

I know plants sag when they are over-watered but can you over-water a hydro setup like this?

The brown colored stuff seems to have gone away and the leaves are looking healthier in color but not in shape/form.

I'll post some pics later tonight or tomorrow morning (second set of real leaves should be out by then).


Well-Known Member
So, my plants are still growing, but they are really sad looking and starting to curl up.

I know this isn't normal, could it be because I have my pump running 24/7?

I know plants sag when they are over-watered but can you over-water a hydro setup like this?

The brown colored stuff seems to have gone away and the leaves are looking healthier in color but not in shape/form.

I'll post some pics later tonight or tomorrow morning (second set of real leaves should be out by then).

well all the plants usually start offin the AG a grow a lil weird, but its hard to say with out pic's, probably a lil too paranoid if theres no signs of any problems excpet on how they look haha, im sure they will be fine man, again, its a big waiting game


Well-Known Member

plant is under some kind of stress, IDK what its from but I'm ready to pick up some new seeds and just start over. (I'm not saying I'm going to, but if it looks grim I have no problem doing so).

I just wish I had some kind of answer as to why these are growing so slow (heavy sativa mix maybe..), and now they are curling.

I am going to try to find an accurate pH meter so I can see if that might be the problem.


Well-Known Member
it dosnt look that bad, might just be the plant, i would personally keep them, i almost pulled one of my plants but a friend told me to stick with her, and thruough all the stress, shes is female, my platinum bubba kush, but thats just me


Well-Known Member
Well I wont be tossing them until I get seeds, friend of mine I was smoking with earlier said he got some dr chronic shipped around here so I guess I'll try that, if the plants are looking good by the time the seeds come, I'll just keep them and save seeds for next grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think she looks alright. I'd definitely wait to see how she's going when you get the other seeds. Why don't you just keep it and start the others when you get them? Just keep it going. No sense killing her just 'cause she's slow. Albert Einstein was slow in school and look how he turned out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think she looks alright. I'd definitely wait to see how she's going when you get the other seeds. Why don't you just keep it and start the others when you get them? Just keep it going. No sense killing her just 'cause she's slow. Albert Einstein was slow in school and look how he turned out.
Yea, but its not like one plant is slow, both of them just don't seem to be growing right, they are extremely slow, and not perky at all, saggy and sad looking.

Curling leaves are a defensive mechanism for plants, its like survival mode.

I need to find out what is causing this.


Well-Known Member
Just baby them! Let that "motherly" instinct kick in and nurse them back to health. If Newton's Law is in play, even if they're a slow strain they'll probably turn out to be your best smoke. If you don't want them taking up room in your AG, just transplant them into some soil in a 32 oz. cup and just play with them. Just see how they turn out naturally, don't even go crazy on giving good nutes, just give them some decent soil and water them. Pretend they're a house plant. Or let your roomies have them to play with. See if they can do something with them. I'd hate to see you regret throwing them out.


Well-Known Member
One of the plants perked up and is looking good now, other one is better but still not really happy looking.

I will post pics later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Okay so.. one plant is recovering very nicely, the other one not so much.

I dumped out and cleaned my res today and put a fresh half nute tab in there. (crushed it up into a nice fine powder then spoon fed it into the res right where my airstone was pumping bubbles)

Hoping tomorrow the OG plant will be rebounded when I wake up ;p

These girls are finally starting looking like dank plants now..



Well-Known Member
I told myself I was going to stop posting daily updates, but every time I do my plants go through some radical change and grow a shitload or something.

So.. Here they are..

Looking nice and short so far.


edit: man.. I can't help but just stare at that pic of seed #4.. I think thats going to be my new desktop.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're looking great! Good job, daddy! I told you if you just baby them, you're girls will come out to make you proud! Get ready! They're going to start taking off now!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I had like 30 minutes to kill while I was waiting on a prescription so I went to petco and they had just restocked the fish aisle (they didn't have ph test kits with adjusters last time I went). I picked up a 7.5-6.0 pH test kit. pH of ozarka spring water is around 6.4-6.5 right out of the gallon jug, so I put 4 drops of pH down in 2 of my full jugs (1 drop = -.1pH/gallon). My res was around 6.3, put 2 drops in there and 1 in my half gallon I had left.


Well-Known Member
Yea those ting don't go under 6, but i thought you need to read at least to 5? im not too sure cause i use the stock AG nute tabs, and never check the PH.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2071722]Yea those ting don't go under 6, but i thought you need to read at least to 5? im not too sure cause i use the stock AG nute tabs, and never check the PH.[/quote]

I'm aiming for 5.8-6.0 it goes from yellow to blue.

Yellow is 6.0 so I know when its has a tiny tinge of green (~6.05) I can add 2 more drops and lower it .2 more.

I'm going to check the pH of my jugs in a few hours to see how those are doing. ditto for the res.

I don't really think putting them straight into the res was a good idea but it was already really full and I didn't have any clean cups/glasses.


Well-Known Member
Yea its fine to drop it n the rez, it wont affect the plants, i need to read up on PH and its role in hydro, i kno a lil bit, but only from what i've seen in threads,


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2071758]Yea its fine to drop it n the rez, it wont affect the plants, i need to read up on PH and its role in hydro, i kno a lil bit, but only from what i've seen in threads,[/quote]

Yea I don't think the pH down stuff I got works very well, but its better than nothing.

4 drops lowered it from like 6.5 to 6.2 which is still a nice decrease.