Need Help/Ideas please oh please


Well-Known Member
One thing I have learned over my years as a smoker is that we potheads are a pretty imaginative group of people, one thing that most of us share is a sense of ingenuity. That's what I'm looking for today from you my friends. I need help figuring out how to put some sort of door on this cage that I'm building. Something cost effective is of course very important, but even before that comes something that is cat proof. That's the entire reason I am building this to begin with. I have two cats that get into EVERYTHING. My plants especially. The cage will be covered with gardeners fencing, it looks like chicken wire but it's plastic so it's a little easier to manipulate. I haven't decided if i'm going to cover the roof with chicken wire or a piece of plywood when I'm done, but that's really irrelevant unless someone has a door idea that requires some specific type of roof. The wood used are 2X2's and I'm going to add that last horizontal beam, I just ran out of screws so I took the pic mid construction.
I've thought about putting a screen door on it, but those are like 100 bucks and I don't need something so fancy that the cats are no doubt going to tear up. I also plan on putting a DR120 inside this cage pretty soon, so I'd like to be able to use the entire opening for entry/exit. I've also thought about building my own door into the front, but I'm sure that will be the hardest part especially because the wood is all bowed and bent it every direction. The dimensions are 4X4X7.
Perhaps the best thing I can think of is a way to attach the gardeners fencing that will allow me to unfasten it and move the entire thing to the side, like door beads sorta'. But it still gotta be cat proof, I don't want to waste my time and money on the most amazing cat nip the world has known.
Any idea's? Suggestions? Links? I'm wide open and counting on you guys and gals,... thanks for your time! :-P



Well-Known Member
What's wrong with just building a regular swinging door?
Well, I don't know if I'd be able to, to save money I used the cheapest wood I could find (like 80 cent for a 11' beam) so by the time this stuff was dried it was super bowed. I'm not sure I could get a door to work on those bent ass pieces of wood. Do you think that's my only option? There has to be some kinda fix out there...
Thanks for your input..


Well-Known Member
Is there any kinda clamp that I could use to hold the fencing onto the frame? I think I'm gonna use zip ties instead of staples to attach to the frame and that got me thinking about some other type of removable tie, or clamp.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
thats really gonna limit the space you have for your plants. Is that whole room gonna be devoted to growing? If so just find a way to keep the damn cats out of the room.

if not make a rectangle frame the size of the open front end attach chicken wire or some kind of screen and hold it into place with little bungee cords. I don't think you can make a legit door with hinges cuz the wood wont hold.


Well-Known Member
thats really gonna limit the space you have for your plants. Is that whole room gonna be devoted to growing? If so just find a way to keep the damn cats out of the room.

if not make a rectangle frame the size of the open front end attach chicken wire or some kind of screen and hold it into place with little bungee cords. I don't think you can make a legit door with hinges cuz the wood wont hold.
Bungie cords are a great idea! I hadn't thought of that yet...
The entire space will be devoted to growing yes, a 4X4X7 space isn't that small, so i should be able to get enough for personal use, and like I was saying, I'm gonna put a DR120 in there, that's why i made the dimensions big enough to enclose a DR120... As for the cats, this is there room, the room they are kept in. If it wasn't for that I would just throw a DR120 in there and shut the door. These cats will be in there all day long almost everyday with plenty of time to test the cage for weaknesses, and believe me they will. I don't have another room to do this in, this is my man room/grow room to do as I please with... the Mrs already thinks i'm crazy for making this chamber as big as it is,... goes to show what she knows...
Anyway, thanks for the bungie suggestion , i'll check to see what that would cost me, any other idea's out there?