Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

This is the active ingredient of Tomato bloom spray" Cytokinin as kinetin based on biological activity 0.00008% . A very small amount, but it seems to do the trick if used properly.
I don't know if it's already been said, but I think GA3 encourages your plants to change sex.

A lot of the growth hormones are similar in structure, so it's possible they may do similar things.

None the less, I'll be interested. I have about 5g of GA3 that I've not been using in a drawer.

I've seen what it'll do to plants, it can be really impressive.

Although, something else to think about is that things like GA3 commonly cause extensive etiolation (node stretching).
I don't know if it's already been said, but I think GA3 encourages your plants to change sex.

A lot of the growth hormones are similar in structure, so it's possible they may do similar things.

None the less, I'll be interested. I have about 5g of GA3 that I've not been using in a drawer.

I've seen what it'll do to plants, it can be really impressive.

Although, something else to think about is that things like GA3 commonly cause extensive etiolation (node stretching).

You have to read whole thread............ But great to have you here and hope you can give some input.......

I Want some people for feed&dose experiment soon.... grow journal, same grow different hormones.
This is the active ingredient of Tomato bloom spray" Cytokinin as kinetin based on biological activity 0.00008% . A very small amount, but it seems to do the trick if used properly.

So you sparay at first sign of buds ? How many times and how much of it ? Sry if ive asked this -stoned

Cytokinin as kinetin
Which are the adenine-type cytokinins that are synthesised in stems, leaves and roots.
Adenine-type cytokinins represented by kinetin ARE; zeatin and 6-ben to name a few.

As per bottle:
Tomato bloom II
Active ingredients:
Cytokinin as kinetin based on biological activity 0.00008%
Inert ingredients 99.99992% INERT- MEANS its clean fill.(plasebo)

Tomato Bloom Spray II has natural hormones that provide biological grow power to promote flowering, increase blossom set and increase fruit yield. In addition to tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplants, melons, okra, peppers and many other vegetables will often bear earlier when treated with this product. Spray the flowers and adjacent foliage with Tomato Bloom Spray II until thoroughly wet. No mixing, no fixing, just point and shoot! Repeat as blossoms appear at weekly to 2-week intervals.
Here is the some intresting Chemicals/hormones/pgr that Ive not heard anyone speak much of........ From link above:
Hempseed can be induced to sprout within 12 hours if it is soaked in a solution of Mg-sulfate (0.8 % Epsom salt) or MgCl and then steamed with ether.
Treatment with a 1% solution result in damage to the seeds. Germination occurs within 10 hours when hempseed is soaked in Mn-sulfate (1.5%) plus ether treatment, or with Pb-nitrate (0.5%) without ether treatment.
Sprouting takes place within 6 hours when seeds are soaked in a solution of oxalic acid (1%) [which is a natural ethylene producer], with or without ether treatment. The germination percentage is higher in darkness than in light.
The resulting plants produced up to 88% increase in the dry weight of stems, and the plants’ height increased up to 26%.
The dry weight and height of the stems varied with formulas of the solutions; therefore this method can be used to improve plants in a systematic manner. Dry ether alone has no such influence; it is effective only in combination with the chemical solutions.

Treatment with carbon dioxide or ethylene before sowing influences positively the growth, budding, flowering, and ripening of hemp. Root development, seed production and total yields also are greatly increased by such treatment.
Ethylene, Im still highly curious about it, time and time again I see it in grow journels from univercities and PHD papers found........but I cant find any grows on RIU useing it.. like Co2 i mean.... Its been seen on here to help germinate seeds in the way of rotting banana peel. But a proper dose schedual ?????? Ill put my research up...
isnt that what your eventually gonna put together :)

Ethylene Gas C2H4

A flammable, colorless, Gas with a characteristic sweet odor
Technical Data
Mol. Wt.: 28.05
Sp. Volume: 13.8 cf/lb
Flammability Limits: 13.1-32% in Air
Toxicity: Simple asphyxiant
Compatibility: Noncorrosive
Valve outlet: CGA 350, LB CGA 170Shipping Information
DOT Name: Ethylene, Compressed
Hazard Class: 2.1
DOT No.: UN 1962
DOT Label: Flammable Gas
CAS No.: 74-85-1​
source: http://www.specialgas.com/ethylene.htm

Ethylene gas (C2H4) is an odorless, colorless gas that exists in

nature and is also created by man-made sources.
Not easily detectable, it exists where produce is stored. In nature, the largest producers are plant and plant products (ie. fruits, vegetables and floral products) which produce ethylene within their tissues and release it into the surrounding atmosphere. It is also a by-product of man-made processes, such as combustion.
As is often the case, the role of ethylene and its effects on produce was discovered by accident. . .( I found that too later in post)

Ethylene, also known as the 'death' or 'ripening hormone' plays a regulatory role in many processes of plant growth, development and eventually death. Fruits, vegetables and flowers contain receptors which serve as bonding sites to absorb free atmospheric ethylene molecules. The common practice of placing a tomato, avocado or banana in a paper bag to hasten ripening is an example of the action of ethylene on produce. Increased levels of ethylene contained within the bag, released by the produce itself, serves as a stimulant after reabsorption to initiate the production of more ethylene. The overall effect is to hasten ripening, aging and eventually spoilage. A refrigerator acts in much the same way. Kept closed to retain the desired temperature, it also enables an increased concentration of ethylene to accumulate. Any closed environment, such as a truck trailer, shipping container or warehouse, will have a similar effect.
source: http://www.marathonproducts.com/products/ethyover.html 27jul01

So the Closed/sealed grow room comes into play again, Considering the greater success from The SEALED room concept, then would it not be hard to pin Ethylene as a major contributing factor as well as the Co2 injected. If sealed the plant will naturally produce it and the room sealsit increasing over time you WILL HAVE A SATURATION TOWARD END OF FLOWER, HELPING WITH IT ABSCISSION AND MATURITY.

Ethylene Sensitivity Chart
VH=Very High
VL=Very Low
a.Temperature C / F>> b. Ethylene Production>> c. Ethylene Sensitivity

ie: Apple (non-chilled)a. 1.1 / 30 =TEMP b.VH = production c. H = sensitivity

Fruits & Vegetables
Apple (non-chilled) 1.1 / 30 VH H Apple (chilled) 4.4 / 40 VH H Apricot -0.5 / 31 H H Artichoke 0 / 32 VL L Asian Pear 1.1 / 34 H H Asparagus 2.2 / 36 VL M (Toughness) Avocado (California) 3.3 / 38 H H Avocado (Tropical) 10.0 / 50 H H Banana 14.4 / 58 M H Beans (Lima) 0 / 32 L M Beans (Snap/Green) 7.2 / 45 L M Belgian Endive 2.2 / 36 VL M Berries (Blackberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Blueberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Cranberry) 2.2 / 36 L L (Mold) Berries (Currants) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Dewberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Elderberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Gooseberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Loganberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Raspberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Berries (Strawberry) -0.5 / 31 L L (Mold) Breadfruit 13.3 / 56 M M Broccoli 0 / 32 VL H (Yellowing) Brussel Sprouts 0 / 32 VL H Cabbage 0 / 32 VL H Cantalope 4.4 / 40 H M Cape Gooseberry 12.2 / 54 L L Carrots (Topped) 0 / 32 VL L (Bitterness) Casaba Melon 10.0 / 50 L L Cauliflower 0 / 32 VL H Celery 0 / 32 VL M Chard 0 / 32 VL H Cherimoya 12.8 / 55 VH H Cherry (Sour) -0.5 / 31 VL L (Softening) Cherry (Sweet) -1.1 / 30 VL L (Softening) Chicory 0 / 32 VL H Chinese Gooseberry 0 / 32 L H Collards 0 / 32 VL M Crenshaw Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Cucumbers 10.0 / 50 L H (Yellowing) Eggplant 10.0 / 50 L L Endive (Escarole) 0 / 32 VL M Feijoa 5.0 / 41 M L Figs 0 / 32 M L Garlic 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Ginger 13.3 / 56 VL L Grapefruit (AZ,CA,FL,TX) 13.3 / 56 VL M (Mold) Grapes -1.1 / 30 VL L (Mold) Greens (Leafy) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Guava 10 / 50 L M Honeydew 10 / 50 M H Horseradish 0 / 32 VL L Jack Fruit 13.3 / 56 M M Kale 0 / 32 VL M Kiwi Fruit 0 / 32 L H Kohlrabi 0 / 32 VL L Leeks 0 / 32 VL M Lemons 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold) Lettuce (Butterhead) 0 / 32 L M (Russet Spotting) Lettuce (Head/Iceberg) 0 / 32 VL H (Russet Spotting) Lime 12.2 / 54 VL M (Mold Degreen) Lychee 1.7 /35 M M Mandarine 7.2 / 45 VL M Mango 13.3 / 56 M H Mangosteen 13.3 / 56 M H Mineola 3.3 / 38 L L Mushrooms 0 / 32 L M Nectarine -0.5 / 31 H H Okra 10.0 / 50 L M Olive 7.2 / 45 L M Onions (Dry) 0 / 32 VL L (Odor) Onions (Green) 0 / 32 VL M Orange (CA,AZ) 7.2 / 45 VL M Orange (FL,TX) 2.2 / 36 VL M Papaya 12.2 / 54 H H Paprika 10.0 / 50 L L Parsnip 0 / 32 VL L Parsley 0 / 32 VL H Passion Fruit 12.2 / 54 VH H Peach -0.5 / 31 H H Pear (Anjou,Bartlett/Bosc) 1.1 / 30 H H Pear (Prickley) 5.0 / 41 N L Peas 0 / 32 VL M Pepper (Bell) 10.0 / 50 L L Pepper (Chile) 10.0 / 50 L L Persian Melon 10.0 / 50 M H Persimmon (Fuyu) 10.0 / 50 L H Persimmon (Hachiya) 0.5 / 41 L H Pineapple 10.0 / 50 L L Pineapple (Guava) 5.0 / 41 M L Plantain 14.4 / 58 L H Plum/Prune -0.5 / 31 M H Pomegranate 5.0 / 41 L L Potato (Processing) 10.0 / 50 VL M (Sprouting) Potato (Seed) 4.4 / 40 VL M Potato (Table) 7.2 / 45 VL M Pumpkin 12.2 / 54 L L Quince -0.5 / 31 L H Radishes 0 / 32 VL L Red Beet 2.8 / 37 VL L Rambutan 12.2 / 54 H H Rhubard 0 / 32 VL L Rutabaga 0 / 32 VL L Sapota 12.2 / 54 VH H Spinach 0 / 32 VL H Squash (Hard Skin) 12.2 / 54 L L Squash (Soft Skin) 10.0 / 50 L M Squash (Summer) 7.2 / 45 L M Squash (Zucchini) 7.2 / 45 N N Star Fruit 8.9 / 48 L L Swede (Rhutabaga) 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Corn 0 / 32 VL L Sweet Potato 13.3 / 56 VL L Tamarillo 0 / 32 L M Tangerine 7.2 / 45 VL M Taro Root 7.2 / 45 N N Tomato (Mature/Green) 13.3 / 56 VL H Tomato (Brkr/Lt Pink) 10.0 / 50 M H Tree-Tomato 3.9 / 39 H M Turnip (Roots) 0 / 32 VL L Turnip (Greens) 0 / 32 VL H Watercress 0 / 32 VL H Watermelon 10,0 / 50 L H Yam 13.3 / 56 VL L Live Plants Cut Flowers (Carnations) 0 / 32 VL H (Sleepiness) Cut Flowers (Chrysanthemums) 0 / 32 VL H Cut Flowers (Gladioli) 2.2 / 36 VL H Cut Flowers (Roses) 0 / 32 VL H (Open Sooner) Potted Plants -2.8-18.3 / 27-65 VL H Nursery Stock -1.1-4.4 / 30-40 VL H (Slower Start) Christmas Trees 0 / 32 N N Flowers Bulbs (Bulbs/ 7.2-15 / 45-59 VL H Corms/Rhizomes/Tubers)

Ethylene is a plant hormone that differs from other plant hormones in being a gas. It has the molecular structure: H2C=CH2 When fruits approach maturity, they release ethylene. Ethylene promotes the ripening of fruit. Among the many changes that ethylene causes is the destruction of chlorophyll. With the breakdown of chlorophyll, the red and/or yellow pigments in the cells of the fruit are unmasked and the fruit assumes its ripened color.
How the role of ethylene was discovered.
As is so often the case in science, the discovery of the role of ethylene was made by accident. When first harvested, lemons are often too green to be acceptable in the market. In order to hasten the development of a uniform yellow color, lemon growers used to store newly-harvested lemons in sheds kept warm with kerosene stoves. When one grower tried a more modern heating system, he found that his lemons no longer turned yellow on time. Research soon found that the important factor in the ripening process was small amounts of ethylene gas given off by the burning kerosene in the heatersm

1901 Neljubow in St. Petersburg Russia:
Coal gas = illuminating gas in cities (gas lights)
Causes triple response: dwarf stem, fat stem, agravitropism in stem in peas also leaf abscission in nearby trees
Identified ethylene from the gas as the causative agent. (OLDEST IDENTIFIED GROWTH REGULATOR)
1910 Oranges cause bananas to ripen prematurely (natural ethylene?)

1934 Ethylene is a natural product (plant hormone?)
Forgotten for many years as possible hormone....
1959 Burg & Thimann rediscover old research and begin studies showing ethylene as possible hormone

What is ethylene Synthesis:

Methionine->S-adenosylmethionine->aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid->ethylene
Pathway elucidated completely in 1979 (Adams & S. F. Yang)
ACC synthase (usually limiting enzyme in path)
Ethylene Forming Enzyme (sometimes limiting, esp fruit senescence)

Ethylene -> Ethylene oxide C2H4O -> oxalic acid HOOC-COOH -> 2 CO2

Transport:Gas generally diffuses rapidly but not under waterlogging immersion.
ACC is transported in nonpolar way

Adsorption on charcoal and KMnO4 (potassium permanganate)
Ventilation important!
Conjugation:ACC ---> Malonyl ACC--NOT STORAGE...irreversible

Pool Size:1 uL/L (= 1 ppm) is active in most responses

Stress and IAA stimulate ethylene biosynthesis at ACC synthase
Receptors: Bind Ag+ ions and CO2 as well as C2H4 and contains Cu cofactor
(IAA as we know as Rooting hormone)

Fruit Ripening
Abscission; leaf flower fruits (thinning, harvesting)
Triple Resonses
Hook Closure Maintenance
Initiates Germination in Grains
Activates dormant buds (potatoes in storage)
Stem elongation in deep-water rice
Induces Flowering in Pineapple
Promotes Female Expression in Flowers Flower and Leaf Senescence: Ag preventative (vase life)

Ethylene was used medically as a anesthetic in concentrations

significantly greater than that found in a ripening room. However, ethylene is often targeted as the reason for difficulty in breathing in ripening rooms; what can affect some people is usually either:
a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2,) levels: CO2, is produced by the ripening fruit in the room and levels increase over time, or
b) Oxygen levels: The oxygen in the room when loaded is taken in by the ripening fruit. This sometimes will make breathing in a ripening room difficult. The increased CO2, and decreased oxygen levels are the main reasons for venting the ripening room.
It will permeate through produce cardboard shipping boxes, wood and even concrete walls.
While ethylene is invaluable due to its ability to initiate the ripening process in several fruits, it can also be very harmful to many fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants by accelerating the aging process and decreasing the product quality and shelf life. The degree of damage depends upon the concentration of ethylene, length of exposure time, and product temperature. One of the following methods should be used to ensure that ethylene-sensitive produce is not exposed: a) Ethylene producing items (such as apples, avocados, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, and tomatoes) should be stored separately from ethylene-sensitive ones (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens, lettuce, etc.). Also, ethylene is emitted by engines. Propane, diesel, and gasoline powered engines all produce ethylene in amounts large enough to cause damage to the ethylene-sensitive produce items mentioned; b) Ventilate the storage area, preferably to the outside of the warehouse, on a continuous or regular basis to purge the air of any ethylene; c) Remove ethylene with ethylene absorbing filters. These have been proven in reducing and maintaining low ethylene levels. If ethylene damage is suspected, a quick and easy way to detect ethylene levels is with hand held sensor tubes. This will indicate if the above steps should be followed.
Ethylene is explosive at high temperatures. When using as directed the products of Catalytic Generators, reaching the explosive level is not possible. The explosive level is about 200 times greater than that found in ripening rooms. As a matter of fact, it would take 20 - 30 of the Easy-Ripe Generators on the highest setting in a one-load room to reach this level.
Ethylene was used historically as an important anesthetic until less flammable compounds were developed. It is a colorless gas with a sweet ether-like odor. As an anesthetic, it was used as a concentration of 85% with 15% oxygen. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon gas and quite flammable and explosive at concentrations above about 3%. Remember, a non-toxic anesthetic for humans at a concentration of 85% or higher, yet as a fruit ripening hormone, ethylene gas is effective at 0.1 to 1 ppm. One part of ethylene per million parts of air that's one cupful of ethylene gas in 62,000 gallons of air - is enough to promote the ripening process in fruits.
Using tomatoes as an example, the life of a tomato fruit begins with fertilization of the flower ovules. After fertilization, the young fruit goes through a short period of cell division which is then followed by a rapid period of growth as these cells enlarge. During the final stages of growth and development, the tomato fruit reaches its full size and is now mature. This period of growth and development, from fertilization to development of the mature fruit, requires about 45-55 days, depending on the cultivar and the season. During the growth and development period, there are many chemical and physical changes occurring that have an impact on fruit quality and ripening behavior after harvest. Ripening is the final stage of the maturation process when the fruit changes color, and develops the flavor, texture and aroma that makes up what we define as optimum eating quality. The biological agent that initiates this ripening process after the fruit is mature is naturally produced ethylene - this simple plant hormone described and understood over 40years ago. While there are other factors involved in this "triggering" of the ripening process by ethylene, it is essentially a universal ripening hormone. When this internal concentration of naturally produced ethylene increases to about 0.1 - 1.0 ppm, the ripening process is irreversibly initiated. The process may be glowed, but it cannot be reversed once it is truly under way. So, here is the key point: additional and externally applied ethylene, provided prior to the time that the naturally produced internal concentration reaches the required 0.1 - 1.0 ppm level, will trigger or initiate - "promote" if you will - this natural ripening process at an earlier time.
The additional externally applied ethylene (the "gassing" so frequently referred to in the popular press) merely accelerates the normal ripening process. Numerous studies have shown that there are no important biochemical, chemical, or physiological differences between fruit ripened where the naturally produced ethylene has been the triggering mechanism or where additionally externally applied ethylene has triggered the process in the mature but unripe fruit.
For example, tomato fruit are not and cannot be "artificially reddened" by ethylene. The normal tomato ripening process, which includes pigment changes - the loss of green chlorophyll and conversion of carotenoids into red lycopene pigments - can be accelerated and brought about earlier by externally applied ethylene, but this is a normal process. In fact, some of the components of nutritional quality, such as Vitamin C content, benefit because of the fact that the fruits will be consumed after a shorter time interval from harvest as a result of ethylene treatments and hence, the initial level will not have degraded as far as the longer, unaccelcratcd process. Ethylene is actually used commercially on only a few crops, including: (a) bananas, (b) for removing the green color from citrus fruits, (e) almost all honeydew melons, and (d) to a limited extent, with tomatoes.
another snippet
from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6612723/All-About-Hemp
~ Growth Stimulants
The B-vitamins (1 ppm solution) increase the yield of hempseed and its fat content, but somewhat suppresses the growth of leaves, stems, and seed hulls. Potassium permanganate in weak solutions stimulates the development of cannabis in all its phases. Dilute camphor also stimulates plant growth. Vitamin C (1-5 parts in 10,000 water) has the same effect. The ripening of cannabis flowers can be accelerated by addition of a tablespoon of sugar per gallon of nutrient solution. Do not use this treatment during the initial stages of the flowering cycle, because flowering will be delayed instead. Auxigro, manufactured by the Auxein Corp. (Lansing, MI; www.auxein.com; US Patent 5,840,656) contains 4-aminobutyric acid, L-glutamic acid, etc.). It increases fertilizer efficiency severalfold and improves plant growth up to 50%. Nutrient accumulation also is increased dramatically. Triacontanol is a fatty alcohol found in many plants. It increases growth rates and yields up to 25%, and increases the protein content, even during darkness when plants usually are dormant. Triacontanol seems to enhance the growth of plants without increasing their consumption of nitrogen. The simplest way to use triacontanol is to plow under a crop of alfalfa, which contains relatively large amounts of the substance. Triacontanol is extracted from sunflower seeds or alfalfa by chloroform; filter and evaporate the solution to yield crude triacontanol. The dosage is 1 ppm in water.
Carbon Dioxide
--- Plants utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide to supply their carbon. The current level of atmospheric CO2 is about 350 ppm. If the level of CO2
in a closed growing space decreases to below 200 ppm, growth will cease. Levels above 2% can be injurious to both plants and animals. When cannabis is cultivated indoors, the rate of growth and photosynthesis can be enhanced by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide to about 0.2%. The effects are most influential in the second month of growth. The rate of growth can be increased about 50% by increasing the level of CO2 to about 700 ppm. If the level is increased to 1,500 ppm during the vegetative phase, the growth rate will increase up to 80%. The number of females also increases slightly under the influence of CO2 . When extra CO2 is supplied during the flowering phase, the flowers will mature about 2 weeks sooner, and they will increase in weight about 20%. To alculate the amount of CO2 required to enrich a growroom, first select the level of CO2 you desire (assuming 300 ppm atmospheric CO2 ). Multiply the cubic feet of the grow space with the corresponding factor (given below) to determine how many cubic feet of gas are needed to raise the level for each cycle of enrichment. The cycle is repeated as the plants absorb the gas or it is vented outdoors (necessarily when the room temperature rises to 85o
F). Commercially available equipment will do this automatically. For 1,000 ppm, factor (.0007) x cubic feet to determine the requisite volume of gas. 1,100 ppm = (.0008); 1,200 ppm = (.0009); 1,300 ppm = (.0010); 1,400 ppm = (.0011); 1,500 ppm = (.0012).
--- When seeds absorb water, the hormone gibberellin (gibberellic acid-A, GAA) appears in the embryo and activates the metabolism to initiate sprouting. GAA has been widely tested in applications to hemp. When applied to cannabis at a rate of 100 ppm in water for 2 months, GAA increases the thickness and internodal length of the stock. The terminal nodes are weak, branching is suppressed, and the roots develop poorly. Germination is stimulated by GAA, but leaf growth and the production of chlorophyll and cannabinoids are reduced proportionately. GAA treatment does not hasten the generative development of hemp, but does promote plant growth. The stem diameter increases about 250% over control plants, and the fresh weight of the stem increases 300%. Treated plants have a higher ratio of bark:wood. The number of fibers increases up to 100%. According to G. Davidyan, the greatest effect is achieved with 0.005-0.01% GAA applied before the buds form. R. Herich tested the histological reactions of hemp by soaking the seeds in 5 ppm GAA for 24 hours with these results: "The plants showed the following differences from untreated controls: decrease of stem thickness, less lignification, decreased bark development especially in lower parts of stems, decrease in number of secondary bast fibers, increase in number and size of primary bast fibers, and increased differentiation of parenchymatous pith tissue".
(63)C.K. Atal also described the effect of GAA on hemp: "Gibberellin-treated plants showed a greater number of fibers as compared to controls. The individual fibers were larger in diameter, more lignified, and up to 10 times as long as the fibers from the untreated plants."
(64)F. Yanishevskii studied the effect of GAA on the nitrogen metabolism of hemp: "Stem lengthening took place mainly by cell extension. Net weight even decreased somewhat. Chlorophyll concentration decreased noticeably... Plants treated with GAA contained less N than controls. GAA exerted a considerable influence on the N metabolism of hemp plants: in treated plants the amount of protein N decreased 2-fold, but, in contrast, the soluble forms of N increased markedly. Treatment with GAA had almost no effect on the content of N fractions of cell components (nuclei, plastids). Nucleic acid content decreased mainly owing to decrease in the amount of RNA. Accumulation of soluble forms of N under the influence of GAA would indicate that the introduction of nitrogenous fertilizers (as recommended by Witter and Bucovac) would hardly make up for the unfavorable effect of GAA on the N metabolism of hemp."
(65)N. Yakushkina and L. Chuikova also tested the action of GAA and Indole-Acetic Acid (IAA, auxin) on hemp: "GAA intensified the growth of the plants, the average dry weight per plant, the photosynthesis rate, the sugar content (especially of the stem) and that of total N, and the respiration rate, but decreased the content of chlorophyll in the leaves. The separate application of IAA caused a decrease in the growth and yield of the plants, and a considerable increase in the chlorophyll content, but decreased the photosynthesis rate. The simultaneous application of GAA and IAA was accompanied by the highest increase in yield, but this addition of IAA did not exert any substantial influence on the physiological processes.
" (66 )GAA also increases the length of the growing season. GAA will inhibit the formation of flowers on Cannabis; it must not be used during the flowering phase of growth. GAA will accelerate the onset
of budding by about 7 days. Treatment of plants with 25 mg GAA/liter results in 80% of the plants being male. Female hemp usually undergoes sex reversal to a male expression, but few of the male plants produce female flowers. Thus, G. Davidyan and S. Kutuzova reported: "Gibberellin causes the formation of male flowers, containing fertile pollen, on genetically female plants."
(67)V. Khryanin treated dioecious hemp with GAA (25 mg/liter) and produced monoecious feminized staminate hemp from the common pistillate form: "Gibberellin, as a hormone of the plant organism, probably depresses genes which participate in the formation of flowers which have been repressed. "Thus GAA can be used by breeders to develop monoecious cannabis from dioecious forms. Preliminary tests are necessary to determine the most effective concentration and best timing for each cultivar.
The effect of GAA is removed by abscisic acid (ABA), which will initiate flowering. Treatment of plants with ABA (10 mg/liter) results in all plants being female or bisexual. The ABA can be overcome by increasing the concentration of GAA.
gibberellic acid-A, GAA & Abscisic acid ABA - IS GOING INTO MIX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still undecided on where............... will get back to you.
Which will be after the nxt harvest March 1st ish
Gibberellin is extracted from cucumber seeds, fresh cantelope seeds, dried corn kernels, and from pencil rod, lupine, and pinto beans. Soak 200 grams of powdered seeds in 110 ml of a mixture of acetone (10 parts), isopropyl alcohol (5 p), ethanol (2 p), and water (5 p). Filter the mush and rinse it with 20 ml acetone and 20 ml isopropyl alcohol. Combine the rinse and the mother liquor, then evaporate the solvent. Dissolve the gum in alkaline water for experimental use.
So you sparay at first sign of buds ? How many times and how much of it ? Sry if ive asked this -stoned

Cytokinin as kinetin
Which are the adenine-type cytokinins that are synthesised in stems, leaves and roots.
Adenine-type cytokinins represented by kinetin ARE; zeatin and 6-ben to name a few.

As per bottle:
Tomato bloom II
Active ingredients:
Cytokinin as kinetin based on biological activity 0.00008%
Inert ingredients 99.99992% INERT- MEANS its clean fill.(plasebo)

Tomato Bloom Spray II has natural hormones that provide biological grow power to promote flowering, increase blossom set and increase fruit yield. In addition to tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplants, melons, okra, peppers and many other vegetables will often bear earlier when treated with this product. Spray the flowers and adjacent foliage with Tomato Bloom Spray II until thoroughly wet. No mixing, no fixing, just point and shoot! Repeat as blossoms appear at weekly to 2-week intervals.
Back in the OG days, there was a grower that turned me on to this product. I spray them once right when I see buds forming, or around 2 weeks into flowering. If I spray at the right time, I get incredible growth in regards to the whole plant as it seems to promote bud growth and vegetative growth as well. I have tried using it at later times, one time it seemed to really mess with the plant. The others it seemed to do nothing. I did side by side comparisons with ak47 and chronic and both of the pants I sprayed increased in size and had bigger buds at the end. But then again I did side by side with WW, sprayed them around 3 weeks of flower and the one I sprayed was stunted. So it's hit or miss. In other words, use at your own risk. I have not used any other hormones, but I got into it and read up on them like crazy at one time. I'm a firm believer in the benefits of calcium, LST and the fact that calcium is the carrier of auxins. I get incredible growth supplimenting with Ca when I grow using LST. I have done side by sides with this as well and each and every time the ca. plants were much healthier and bigger.
Same goes with using alfalfa in veg-this is something I will never NOT use as an amendment, but only in veg.
Peace and good work.
to fully understand.... I would never have dwarf probs, sick plants, always grow beyond its parents, yeild better every time...etc



have seen around though.. should not be hard
Also use natural forms such as willow water, asprin etc

THE EXPERIMENT....................

-Measure the ripening of unripe BUD induced by the plant hormone ethylene, with increased light 19/5 example
-Determine if plant size could be increased by manipulating / regulating 6-ben,IAA,GA3 hormone,ETC
-What is the role of hormones in synchronizing ripening?
-The Effect of same Hormones on different strains
-The effect of different concentrations of the plant growth substance IAA and gibberellic acid on the growth of roots and shoots
-Compare rate of plant growth using two different growth hormones
-The effect of estrogen on the growth of veg
-The effect of Rootone hormone on plant growth - which i thinks been cover by PANHEAD & fddblk { Root gel and some experiments } with GOOD results
-Effect of Different Concentrations of IAA on Root Initiation
-Simple experiments to explain the role of phytohormones in plants
-The effects of plant regulators (auxins and cytokinins) on different strains
-Abscisic acid for seed germination and enhancement of its catabolism by gibberellin
-Phase breakdown of naturally produced hormones and ballster exsisting

Basiclly Bolster all hormones adn consintrate our efforts with the major groups..........auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and abscisic acid.


Take a few seeds...stick'em in some dirt...add water...big budz...Oh how we deceive ourselves...*l*
Why is silica so important for your plants?

Various research projects conducted over the past 40 years (coupled with regular feedback from users of SilikaMajic) have shown that the presence of silica (SiO2) in plant tissue produces many beneficial side effects:

+ Increased stem strength and rigidity - once silica is taken up by the roots, it is deposited in the plant’s cell walls as a solid silica matrix equivalent to quartz. This structure produces stronger and more rigid cell walls and hence a ‘mechanically’ stronger plant. This enables better leaf orientation for receiving light which in turn enhances photosynthesis and growth rates.
+ Improved healing of pruning wounds - silica enables pruning wounds to heal more quickly and neatly. This property is especially beneficial in commercial cropping of plants such as tomato and cucumber where regular pruning threatens the plant's survival.
+ Increased fruit weight - accumulation of silica in plant cells can result in higher fruit weight.
+ Increased leaf strength - improved resistance to wilting, particularly noticeable during hot weather. + Increased tolerance to high salinity - silica has been shown to reduce problems arising from nutrient toxicity (e.g. sodium, chloride) and/or imbalance.

Why silica additives are needed in hydroponics

The silica (SiO2) content in the leaves (etc.) of 'soil grown' plants ranges from 1-10% of their dry weight. This silica is potentially supplied from both the feed water and the soil:
Feed water: Natural (i.e. uncontaminated) waters commonly contain around 5 mg/L soluble silica. Hence soil grown plants potentially enjoy a feed of soluble silica each time the plant is watered.
Soil: Sand is composed largely of silica, therefore, the roots of soil grown plants are immersed in a potential "silica reservoir". Although this form of silica is very insoluble it does dissolve slowly - especially with alkaline waters.

However, plants grown in hydroponic systems without soluble silica supplements, typically contain much less silica in their cells. This occurs because, unlike soil grown plants, silica is virtually absent at the root-zone:
Recycling systems: Once the plant consumes the silica present in the make-up water, no more silica is available. Of course if either rainwater or RO (reverse osmosis) water is used, no soluble silica is present.
Inert mediums: Unlike 'soil', inert mediums are unable to yield silica.
Research shows that the absence of silica in hydroponics can cause plant health to be less than optimum.

*Note, silica cannot be included in concentrated nutrient formulations because stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline. It must therefore be added separately.

When to use Silica?

Silica should be used from seed to harvest: Consistent with predictions based on silica’s general insolubility, electron microscopy and x-ray analysis both confirm that once deposited, silica can no longer be redistributed within the plant. Consequently to benefit all growing areas of the plant, silica must be present at all times in the nutrient solution.




The ‘reactive’ silica in SilikaMajic is extremely stable. This ensures SilikaMajic is able to deliver all the benefits of silica. Be aware that many other silica supplements deteriorate in the bottle** such that the silica becomes unavailable to plants.
Commercial strength silica (20% silica as reactive SiO2) - 0.2ml per litre produces 40mg/L reactive silica.

Totally soluble silica - The silica is in the soluble/available form which ensures uptake by plant roots. This is a significant feature because clay products (powders) typically contain zero* silica that can be absorbed by roots.

Optimized for ALL substrates e.g. Coco-peat, soil, NFT, Rockwool, clay, perlite, etc.

Available in 250ml, 1L, 5L & 20L.

* As determined by the internationally recognised 'molybdosilicate' analytical method.
** Verified by being ‘milky’/turbid rather than clear liquids and will not dissolve when placed in the nutrient solution.

& includes silica dose as folia.

This is also a useable template for you to change to your own nute etc and print....
you know, you can edit, and upload file, to your previous post..., just FYI

that sounds like some potent hormones!
hormones work differently or, possibly, not at all, on various different plants.
if you narrow your search down by genus you might have a more pertinent,
condensed, list.:leaf:

I'd like to try just a few at once to see what the combined effect is, although,
by just increasing one hormone, the others will increase also, to catch up.
it would just be impossible to try them all at once. as I said before, I am utilizing ethylene during key stages of my grow. (well see how that works out, ha:!:)

and you might create that plant from "the little shop of horrors"!
you don't want your weed to 'smoke' you! LOL:bigjoint: