8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
Just an updated.
No single pictures of the ladies until I give them a shower when lights go out tomorrow. They're way to dusty for show...stupid drywall dust making it through the air vents.. Thats ok it didnt hurt them before I hope it doesnt now..

Anyways, Im getting some leaf curling. The outside edges is curling toward the light on a couple leaves.. how do I get this to stop?
ALSO, from top to bottom, left to right, 2nd row, 2nd one, you see the tweak in the leaf?? Is that from my powering going out for a couple hours the other night??

Nice and BIG picture .. You can see the leaf curl im talking about in the plant 2nd from the left closes to camera. Look at all the leaves and you'll find the one im talking about.. a couple more also, you can see in the pics..

hey, atleast they're growing... :D :D



Well-Known Member
Can you snap a pic or two with the light off? I want to see how dark green your leaves are.

I found that these plants couldn't handle too much nitrogen. They don't have big ol' fan leaves like the more indica strain that I'm growing with them. When they were given too much in nutrients (esp. nitrogen) my leaves "twisted" on the margins and they started to get too dark.

Likely you are having the same issue. When that started I just watered with plain ph5.5 water for every other watering for a about a week and it straightened it out, but then I'm growing hydro...


Well-Known Member
I will snap a picture in a couple hours with lights off after a good shower.

I dont think its too much nitrogen but it could very possibly be...

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I will snap a picture in a couple hours with lights off after a good shower.

I dont think its too much nitrogen but it could very possibly be...

Thanks guys!
That will help. I had my nutrients at 800ppm and any time I tried to bump them up I got this reaction. I normally have them at about 1000 - 1200ppm by the same stage of life, but this strain just doesn't seem to like it. I'm going to try bumping them up in flower and see how they react. I certainly do love growing hydro for the ability to make minor adjustments. In your case I would probably just leave it alone and as they grow they will "grow into" the amount of nutrients that you are supplying. They just seem to have a smaller threshhold of how much nitrogen they can store in the skinny little leaves.


Well-Known Member
hey those lower branches are looking pretty sturdy and healthy..might wanna start thinking about topping those aswell here in a few days, start working on the full canopy hah..


Well-Known Member
Ya, I was wondering if its nutrients but usually too much nitrogen shows signs of yellow/white/browning at the TIPS of the leaves.. Thats what i've been taught anyway, and noticed, too.

Littlegrower, thanks man. I actually topped/fimmed most of them a couple days ago. The shorter ones are NOT topped yet as I didnt think they had as much root-mass, but they will be topped/fimmed in a couple days.



Well-Known Member
empty promises with this...LST you speak of ;)

in the meanwhile....all my seedlings are dying and my banana is showing pre-mature amber hairs.....and i LSTed the shit out of the whole plant haha..camera is dead though.

sooo FUCK FoxFarm soils...


Well-Known Member
yeah all u did was top/fim the top right??? the lower branches beneath the top that have shot up from being topped, can now be topped making those spli off in two different shoots


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I see! Maybe i'll just supercrop / LST the lower branches. I want big fat buds on my tops, not scattered popcorn. :D :D

Great idea though...

PS: I defiently need to clean my room/space.. Will be doing so today.


Well-Known Member
yeah with the lights u have i doubt u will get popcorn buds and topping on the lower branches wont cause that, it will cause alot more shoots though for future bud to be grown on


Well-Known Member
ive never really harvested anythign yet but im pretty sure your gonna get popcorn buds anyways. I think everyone does, with the small buds that grow on the bottom portion of the plant.

oh man i just made the best pizza...


Well-Known Member
The objective is to cut all the popcorn buds off in like week 2 of flower, so the plant focuses on the top nugs that are getting the light..., getting even bigger then they were going too.

I will be back in approximately 2 hours with pictures :D


Well-Known Member
no dont do that. Cut off the lower leaves when the plant is old/ big enough. Dont cut off buds though :(


Well-Known Member
All lower side growth with buds is coming off if IMO its not getting enough light.


It'll make up for it up top.


Active Member
yea thats what i did on some of mine and they are looking beautiful! youll get some awesome tops that way!