no, with regular seeds you will usually git about 50% females> unless u git extremely lucky. I got 8 females out of the 10 visc seeds i germed! thats lucky!!
no, with regular seeds you will usually git about 50% females> unless u git extremely lucky. I got 8 females out of the 10 visc seeds i germed! thats lucky!!
50%. Well I only have room for four mature plants anyway, so out of the ten I just germed, five would be just fine! Ha if i get only two viable fems I'll be thrilled.
I was thinkin if I have too many I'll find some nice stealthy place outside. Damn but I would like to plant an outside crop in the backyard! Well maybe someday...
regular seeds wont produce all fems, if ur buying from a reputable breeder then just get all feminized beans. otherwise gotta be honest, if ur ordering a regular 5 pack expect to see at least one male. if u dont mind that tho, get regular beans. there are ppl on both sides of the fence