First Grow (AG PRO 200)


Well-Known Member
Alright well most of the recent progress has been in the roots.

Roots are getting really long and growing side roots out of side roots etc.

The baby leaf from the seed #1 looks like its going to die and fall off, is this normal for a seedling thats only been sprouted for 1.5 weeks?

My leaves have a very slight browning at the tips, thinking it was from all the heat it got last night, (was about 85-90 in my grow room). I had a sit down with my roommates and told them to stop fucking with the a/c and leave it at 70.

Both plants have a second set of leaves forming now.

Here is a picture of the roots from this morning.

I'm hoping the brown tinged leaves will get green again tomorrow.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I picked up a 42w (150w equiv) CFL bulb that I am using now.



Well-Known Member
Well, they didn't get any better, looks like they got worse. I'm not too worried just yet, I'm thinking about giving them half a nute tablet though, since they about 1.5 weeks now..

Its a really small amount, but here are some pics.

I picked up a 10" airstone so now I have a tons of bubbles =]

Went to petco and they also only had pH meters that only covered ph 7.5-6.0 (which they were out of stock of anyway)

They had pH up, but not pH down..



Well-Known Member
I broke up what was probably about 1/3 of a small nute tab and let it sit in water for a few min and poured it in my res. Hopefully they will start looking a little better.


Well-Known Member
Yea its just a big waiting game, mine got really burnt at about 3 weeks, but they all recovered fine,


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2050785]Yea its just a big waiting game, mine got really burnt at about 3 weeks, but they all recovered fine,[/quote]

Yea, I'm not too worried atm they should bounce back, unless there is some other huge problem I'm not seeing.

I have noticed these nutes aren't very soluble. The crushed up stuff is still sitting in the bottom of my res.

I spent like 20 mins messing around with my new airstone. Moved it so its now horizontal in the res, directly below the front pods =]

Its a bitch having to try to find some place to put that 10" beast.


Well-Known Member
haha yea i use a water bottle to fill my rez, i sit there and swirl the water around until its fully dissolved, only a couple of mins, then i add into the AG.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2051667]haha yea i use a water bottle to fill my rez, i sit there and swirl the water around until its fully dissolved, only a couple of mins, then i add into the AG.[/quote]

Hmmmm, never thought of that. I always just pop mine in the reservoir. Does that change things up a bit. I've never had too many problems with nute burn.

You may want to note that Korvette, who has done a few of these grows, (I'm sure you're familiar with him SICC) said that it's normal for the first few leaves to get kind of ugly. For some reason the AG just does that to it. But the plant seems to move beyond it and grows beautifully.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, never thought of that. I always just pop mine in the reservoir. Does that change things up a bit. I've never had too many problems with nute burn.

You may want to note that Korvette, who has done a few of these grows, (I'm sure you're familiar with him SICC) said that it's normal for the first few leaves to get kind of ugly. For some reason the AG just does that to it. But the plant seems to move beyond it and grows beautifully.

with letting it dissolve, it gives a better distribution through out all the plants, when i first put my tab it, it sunk to the bottom of the rez and was tangled in the roots, which burned all of my plants. I not break the tab in half and add it on Sunday, and Wendesday, seems to be working fine. The odd coloring i think happends either because of the PH of the water, or the plants need nutrinets, so about two weeks is good to add nutes, but it can always be different.


Well-Known Member
I'm really hoping its not the pH.

I have been using nothing but spring water that I have been letting sit out.

Thats the only kind of water I have ever used since day 1.

So.. IDK what could cause a pH shift if I didn't put any nutes in there until now.

I thought the nutes were all dissolved, I crushed up like 1/3 of a pill in a red solo cup and put some spring water in there, stirred it and let it sit for a few mins but there were still kind of large grainy chunks I could see in my res at the very bottom. But, thats better than one huge chunk.

Going to start looking around for some real pH meters and adjustment kits instead of this wimpy aquarium stuff.


Well-Known Member
Your plants do seem a bit on the slow side for being at 1.5 weeks. I wonder why? Are these bag seeds or did you buy them? If bag seed, was the smoke good? Maybe it's just a slower strain. Here's my girls at 2.5 weeks. I can't imagine that one week would make that big of a difference.



Well-Known Member
I've been wondering why they are growing so slow too, but I figured it just seemed that way because I'm impatient.

They were bag seeds from some pretty dank bud. Me and my buddy picked up 2gs of it and found out it had a few seeds after we cracked a nug open.

They started growing pretty fast once the first set of leaves opened up but then its like they stopped growing. But the roots have been growing at insane speeds.

Went from like 1 6" long root to 3 11" roots (plus a bunch of 1" nodes coming off of it) in a matter of 2 days.

I'm starting to wish I had bought some identified strain seeds but oh well.

I'm talking to a few of my dealers to get some grape ape or blue cheese seeds for next grow =]


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering why they are growing so slow too, but I figured it just seemed that way because I'm impatient.

They were bag seeds from some pretty dank bud. Me and my buddy picked up 2gs of it and found out it had a few seeds after we cracked a nug open.

They started growing pretty fast once the first set of leaves opened up but then its like they stopped growing. But the roots have been growing at insane speeds.

Went from like 1 6" long root to 3 11" roots (plus a bunch of 1" nodes coming off of it) in a matter of 2 days.

I'm starting to wish I had bought some identified strain seeds but oh well.

I'm talking to a few of my dealers to get some grape ape or blue cheese seeds for next grow =]
Good luck on that. Most dealers aren't going to want you to grow your own.

Can you send a pic of your whole set up again. I want to see the whole thing. Doesn't make sense that they're THAT slow.


Well-Known Member
Good luck on that. Most dealers aren't going to want you to grow your own.

Can you send a pic of your whole set up again. I want to see the whole thing. Doesn't make sense that they're THAT slow.
Well, the guy who has the blue cheese seeds is growing now so he offered me some.

But I think I'm waiting for his first harvest then he can sell me some clones.

This is what I'm working with.

I just raised the hood to show how high I can get it, its normally as low as it goes



Well-Known Member
Man I'm racking my brain and I can't think why they're tiny like that. How old are they again?


Well-Known Member
there not that small, he had probelms with them shedding the seeds, mine did the same thing, give em another week, set up looks fine, you could probably keep them in that same back if you flower a lil earlier, how tall exactly can it go up?


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly, it can go up 24 inches. Oh, but if he has the Pro 200 I think that one can go 36 inches, right?

I guess all we can do is give it a week and see if they've gotten bigger.


Well-Known Member
Only one of them had problems shedding seed, thats the one from 1/28, other one is like 3 days behind.

I just switched to 18/6 and theres about 1/3 of a tab of nutes in there so we'll see how this week of 18/6 goes.

Last night was the first amount of extended darkness these plants have ever seen, they look a little bit better now.

I can only fit ~20" plants in my grow space (AG chops off like 12" in max height because of the base/hood.) I was going to top my plants and snag clones anyways though.