Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
LOL made me think about my 1st wife ,, I joined a bowling team.. every wensday night I got outtta the house ,, I never bowled 1 game in 2 years

I hated and still hate that CUNT .. Thats right I said the C word .. cause her picture is right next to it in the dictionary .


New Member
I was in that spot twice ... It'll never happen again.. Im very happy at home now ... Its funny 3rd time is always the charm
thats awesome.
It's all about enjoyin the life you live, right?
I can't wait to get a job again, only 20 more days...
I'm excited to almost be back on the saddle again

Plus im really high right now.


smoked a fat cone spliff this mornin


New Member
I'm comfortable at home, gonna fry up some bacon here shortly, then get my salisbury steak browned and in the crockpot to cook. Family is comfy too, they're well fed.


New Member
got my trunk full of groceries Friday night, I'm stocked until this coming Friday. Got food, weed cigs, everything I need. bongsmilie, let's get toasted before you shop, getting groceries is always more fun when you're ripped. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
got my trunk full of groceries Friday night, I'm stocked until this coming Friday. Got food, weed cigs, everything I need. bongsmile, let's get toasted before you shop, getting groceries is always more fun when you're ripped. bonsmilie
I'll get stoned with you but Im not going to town Till I have too ,,Im holding out till after I drop China off at school tomorrow


New Member
I don't have the TV on. Usually I have on news or History, but haven't bothered this morning yet. I was having quiet time, but then people woke up and were yapping at me. Damn, can't a bitch get just one day off, geez, what happened to kids wanting to move out as soon as they turned 18?


New Member
That's why I like talking to you, you share my housewifery pain.

The husband isn't too demanding, he can get shit for himself, and entertain himself, it's the daughter.......... when am I starting the bacon, when are we watching this movie, when this, when that......... "when you gonna STFU" Dayum...............


Well-Known Member
Here Im a slave to the dogs .. If Murray barks I gotta let him out ,,he is old ,,Fucker always wants to go out when im into something,, He goes out about once every hr ,,, If you dont let him out he just keeps barking ,, Sometimes I wanna kick him ,But he is an OLD man .. what can ya do?


New Member
My dogs are like little kids, if they're out they want in, if they're in they want out.

All the snow melted here and the back yard was so squishy yesterday, muddy dog feet all over the house.... :(