mondo reflector vs smaller reflector?


Well-Known Member
an employee at the hydro store says i should go with a mondo reflector to have a larger reflection area for my 4x4 grow area and 1000w light.

im wondering if it will cause the light reflected to be less intense? or is it a good idea?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Not with a 1kw light as your over the 50w/sq ft guideline. A standard reflector will do you fine, although an air cooled hood would be a worthwhile investment to help keep your temperatures manageable.


Well-Known Member
dude no. a 1000w is said to be able to do 6x6, 4x4 will be easy with a 1000w, even with the shitty reflector that comes with it


Well-Known Member
i cant even find anything that says how much area the mondo reflector covers. another guy at worms way says i should get the ultra large hydrofarm reflector for a 4x4. that would be comparable to the mondo reflector


Well-Known Member
dude u dont need any special reflector to cover a 4x4 space with a 1000w. just set that shit up and it will cover it fine


Well-Known Member
i mean with whatever reflector comes with it. doesnt it come stock with a ballast and some kind of reflector?


Well-Known Member
appearently i can choose from alot of setups but the sales guy says " well if you are covering a 4x4 area than i would reccomend the mondo reflector with lense and all that shit. and worms way pretty much said the same thing.


Well-Known Member
well man, i guess you should trust them. half the time they know their shit and are tryin to hook it up for u, half the time theyre just tryin to make a sale. but go ahead and take his recomendations i guess. might as well

fat sam

Well-Known Member
personally i find that with a big reflector you can have the light closer to the tops and still have a wide footprint, while a smaller reflector is more efficent because the less the light has to travel before it is bounced down to the garden the more efficent it will be but you have to hang it higher in order to get light out to the sides


Well-Known Member
i cant even find anything that says how much area the mondo reflector covers. another guy at worms way says i should get the ultra large hydrofarm reflector for a 4x4. that would be comparable to the mondo reflector

Heys guys havent read the thread yet so somebody might have already said this, but a guy named pico did a lot of research with a light meter and like 13 hoods and sun system 2 blew everything else away for average footcandles on a 4x4 grid for 1000 and 3x3 grid for 600. So a large hood actually will not benifit you for 4x4 area just get sun system 2 here is the forum I got the inforation.(may be one of the best threads ive read)


Well-Known Member
1000 watts is a lot of power for that small of an area, reflector won't change things, shit I'd go with a 400 watt system, unless you got a "mondo" plan for the heat problem you're going to have on your hands.

A 1000 watt system is no joke, you may want to rethink your purchase.


Well-Known Member
1000 watts is a lot of power for that small of an area, reflector won't change things, shit I'd go with a 400 watt system, unless you got a "mondo" plan for the heat problem you're going to have on your hands.

A 1000 watt system is no joke, you may want to rethink your purchase.

A 400 for a 4x4? you MUST be running a mondo reflector. lol j/k, but a 4x4 is more suited for 2x2, maybe 3x3 thats pushing it. Theres alot of bogus information out there about light coverage though. High times says a 4x4 is suitable for 4x4, and a 1000 watt can cover a 10x10 area!:shock:


Well-Known Member
oh yeah a 400 over a 4x4 is only 25 watt per square foot, you should shoot for about 60 watts/sq. foot, a 1000 watt gives you 62.5 watts per sq. foot, perfect!


Well-Known Member
i currently use a 1000 in a room above a 4x4 garden , and i use a 4x4 hood. Man it is ALOT of light , i am startin to think 1000 is too much for a 4x4 area ?? the "chart" says if you can get the 1000 12" above canopy without burning then do it...... but i disagree , i am doing it right now and i am pretty sure that is what has been robbing all my cloraphil , so now i am 30" away from canopy , so we will see.
i think a 400 or 600 will suit a 4x4 just fine.