2 x 150w hps 53 days flower w/pics *BAGSEED*


Well-Known Member
Ok bitches are responding well to the 6tsp sugar daddy & 1/2 tsp cal-mag. Density is increasing & more trichomes are visible. Here are some updated pics...probly about 3-5 days away from the chop. The nugs are so hard you can't even squeeze them anymore.

This is my plant that has / had the root problem....not nearly as good as the others but should be able to pull at least a half 0 off 'er.

& this is the money shot of my 2 best

& another money shot

Up close nuggy vision.....kinda blurry

This one is the smallest of the 3 but the entire plant is 1 cola....it's going to yield well over an 0 by itself.

& 1 last up close nuggy vision

Trichome scope should be in today. I'm waiting for 100% amber trichs. I don't want none of that "heady high" bullshit. I get stoned to get stoned.


Well-Known Member
Then your girls are in major need of some P and K. Mine got like that once, nice dose of 0-10-10 Liquid Koolbloom did the trick.

Just gave the girls a full blast of b.c. bloom and awesome blossoms w/ a healthy dose of sugar daddy for good measure. I'm really hoping tomorrow they show some signs of recovery. Keeping my fingers crossed....will post new pics tomorrow hopefully showing a healthy bounce back. bud growth is healthy & vigorous on 2 of the 3 but the 1 is really locking up a bit....the buds are frosting over but not really getting nearly as big as her sisters nextdoor.

btw, I made the mistake of ordering a 30x magnifier off ebay to save a few bucks well lemme tell ya, just go to fucking radioshack b/c I maybe saved 3 bucks for what appears to be an inferior product & it's coming from hong kong which at 14 days after ordering, i'm still waiting so anybody looking to save money....avoid ebay on magnifiers.


Well-Known Member
Tough break on the magnifier.

But don't expect your girls to look much better for at least 3-5 days though.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I got fucking had on ebay...I can't believe I didn't scrutinize the description well enough. It was advertised as a 30x magnifier and it's actually an 8x magnifier. The 30x is just the height of the loupe...fucking hong kong retailers. off to radioshack today. Will post new pics tonight for yall


Well-Known Member
Damn girls already drank a good amount of the feed yesterday as the pots are much lighter & girls looking good. I got my scope today. 60x-100x and fucking neat....a bit frustrating to get used to using at first but totally worth it b/c i've still got a lot of clear trichs but some are turning milky so I think she's got another week to go and I will not chop one bit soon. Here are some good pics of my smallest girl but I think she might yield more or as much as her sister in a pot thats 1 gallon larger. Tell me what you guys think!

and the 2nd money shot

i'll post pics of the rest in a few days. I want there to be some dramatic difference next show n tell :)


Well-Known Member
the nugs look really nice, but the plant looks really unhealthy

Good thing at this point, the nugs are the important part eh :)

The deficiencies you're seeing in the large fan leaves is not on the smaller leaves nor is it affecting the bud development on 2 of the 3. 1 I believe i'm having an issue with too much vermiculite which was a mistake from the get go but tell me you wouldn't smoke that ;)


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen, we have landed on the "milky way". All trichs are milky & 1 girl has made the transition to amber. I've got mad patience so right now i'm hoping to chop on sunday but if they aren't 80% amber, they'll wait. I've decided to do a 3 week cure on these babies so I want to really remember this as the best i've ever had & I don't want my expectations to be shot down :)

More pics tonight....buds thickening well. They all got a dose of plain RO distilled water & will continue to get only plain water for the remainder of the cycle. I've decided to let them go more dry between waterings as I think I can go 4 days in between waterings on the bigger pots & 3 days on the smaller pot instead of the 3/2 schedule i've been doing.

Seems like growth is more vigorous when you let 'em dry out a bit....more pics later! peace

Crispiness on leaves has not changed but they don't look any worse either. Bud sites seem completely unaffected by whatever issue the leaves are dealing with (suspected nute burn) which is very very nice. Buds on my most developed girl are frosting unbelievably.....like high times centerfold shit. (like 1/10 the size of a centerfold tho)...much smaller popcorn buds on my girl w/the root issues but frosting away she is!


Well-Known Member
lol very nice lookin buds for bagseed.....
Thanks for stopping in guy!

I'll assume you're laughing b/c I'm growing some dank w/seeds I didn't have to pay $50 for? Yes, it's pretty sweet i know :)

For those of you who don't understand the concept of genetics:

You do not need to buy your seeds from a seedbank to grow good weed!

You DO need good genetics & a strain appropriate for indoor growing. I just saved a few seeds from a good bag o chron & planted & that's all you have to do.

The only benefit of buying from a seedbank is a gaurantee of which strain it is you're growing. By all means, if you have some disposable income, order 'em. However, if you're like me & growing w/ $20 econolights....save your seeds from your chronic & grow what you see here.

Then you can snidely poke fun at the folks who spent lots o dough on their seeds :)

Next time I'll admit it, I will be buying som ppp seeds from nirvana but this is a prime example of the point I made above. Peace....


Well-Known Member
There are some great strains that come from bagseed, nothings wrong with it. But I prefer to grow seeds im guaranteed to be PURE dank


Well-Known Member
Bitches harvested! 71 days flowering (I think). I think i'll get about 2 z's off of all 3....not bad for a poorly planned bagseed grow :) Here are some pics to salivate over. The girls are frosted & sticky as shit. I must say, harvesting is such sweet sweet pleasure.

This girl weighed 54 g's so I'll figure it to be about 12-16 dry....half ounce bud is pretty sweet eh :)

I'll get some better shots when they're dry....some smaller buds have shades of purple in them which is very cool. A few of the others are so frosted, you'd think it was mold if you didn't know better. (it's not) Next time i'll be upgrading to a 600w & doing ppp in a grow tent with some extra bells & whistles I didn't have this time around. TD/s & ph meters are definitely going to be in the arsenal next time in addition to a high quality pre-fab carbon filter & a new air cooled hood for my light. But it's all a pipedream right now (no pun intended :). Anyways, I smoked a test bud and lemme tell ya....she does the trick just fine! Can't wait for the dry/cure :)


Well-Known Member
at 1 and 1/2 days of drying @ 23% RH & 2 fans circulating air indirectly, the first true test nuggie was dry enough to smoke today and it was good. grass smell going away & frost is becoming more glistening as it dries...smoke is smooth for not being cured yet but there will most definitely be at least a 2 week cure to bring out all that she's worth. You can smell this really chronic fragrance that comes from the buds that you can tell with a good cure would be somethin viscous. A few smaller nugs will b ready for jars tomorrow so i'll snap some close-ups then. peace