Start counting flowering from 12/12 or when the flower?


Active Member
Question for all...have two lovely ladys 29
days into 12/12...flowering 22 days.Do you start counting the flowering days based on 12/12 or actual flowering? Have them under cfls and a flourecent tube and they are stinky and thriving!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Question for all...have two lovely ladys 29
days into 12/12...flowering 22 days.Do you start counting the flowering days based on 12/12 or actual flowering? Have them under cfls and a flourecent tube and they are stinky and thriving!
from when you switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
You should count from when you see it start to bud. Lets say it takes 2 weeks to show sex and start budding. Now if you counted from when you switched to 12/12 your going to come up short at the end by 2 weeks. So instead of flowering lets say 8 weeks you only flowered 6. You really should count from when it starts to flower. Not from when you switch the lights. Plants don't go right into flowering cause the light cycle changed. They need time to adjust and start flowering.


Active Member
You should count from when you see it start to bud. Lets say it takes 2 weeks to show sex and start budding. Now if you counted from when you switched to 12/12 your going to come up short at the end by 2 weeks. So instead of flowering lets say 8 weeks you only flowered 6. You really should count from when it starts to flower. Not from when you switch the lights. Plants don't go right into flowering cause the light cycle changed. They need time to adjust and start flowering.
Thanks man thats what I thought .... they started flowering about a week + after I switched to12/12 ... I'm figuring probably mid March. Both good bag seed I think ones Indica and ones Sativia(budded a little later).


Active Member
The satvia will have a longer flowering time than the indica in most cases.
I know this thread is OLD as hell. BUT!!!!!! After reading a bunch of different websites, I decided to write a breeder myself, and see if they would respond. I decided to go with Greenhouse Seeds, and they replied my email in less than 24 hours. I am only posting this to help any future people wondering when the breeders themselves start counting. I hope this help someone in the future. Now I know that this is only 1 breeder, and I will try to email a few more, but for now....... Here is a copy of my email from Greenhouse Seeds.
Happy Holidays,
Dear XXXXXXXXXXXXXX(my name doesn't matter),

Thank you for your email.

You start counting from the moment you switch the light to 12/12. The
flowering time depends on which strain you are growing. If you completed the
flowering weeks and the hairs are still quite white you can leave them a bit
longer. When 20-30% of the hairs become brown they are ready.

Kind regards,


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I♥BUD;3564985 said:
I know this thread is OLD as hell. BUT!!!!!! After reading a bunch of different websites, I decided to write a breeder myself, and see if they would respond. I decided to go with Greenhouse Seeds, and they replied my email in less than 24 hours. I am only posting this to help any future people wondering when the breeders themselves start counting. I hope this help someone in the future. Now I know that this is only 1 breeder, and I will try to email a few more, but for now....... Here is a copy of my email from Greenhouse Seeds.
Happy Holidays,
Dear XXXXXXXXXXXXXX(my name doesn't matter),

Thank you for your email.

You start counting from the moment you switch the light to 12/12. The
flowering time depends on which strain you are growing. If you completed the
flowering weeks and the hairs are still quite white you can leave them a bit
longer. When 20-30% of the hairs become brown they are ready.

Kind regards,

Glad someone finally got a breeders opinion...thanks!

20-30% still seems on the "quite white" side if you ask me...but to each their own.


Well-Known Member
I♥BUD;3564985 said:
I know this thread is OLD as hell. BUT!!!!!! After reading a bunch of different websites, I decided to write a breeder myself, and see if they would respond. I decided to go with Greenhouse Seeds, and they replied my email in less than 24 hours. I am only posting this to help any future people wondering when the breeders themselves start counting. I hope this help someone in the future. Now I know that this is only 1 breeder, and I will try to email a few more, but for now....... Here is a copy of my email from Greenhouse Seeds.
Happy Holidays,
Dear XXXXXXXXXXXXXX(my name doesn't matter),

Thank you for your email.

You start counting from the moment you switch the light to 12/12. The
flowering time depends on which strain you are growing. If you completed the
flowering weeks and the hairs are still quite white you can leave them a bit
longer. When 20-30% of the hairs become brown they are ready.

Kind regards,

WOW, not what I would have expected there response to be. Thanks for writing them and then posting there response.


Active Member
Glad someone finally got a breeders opinion...thanks!

20-30% still seems on the "quite white" side if you ask me...but to each their own.
Thank u. From the bottom of my heart u R the first person who ACTUALLY understood the purpose of my post! I myself think that a little to early for harvest, BUT I went and asked a BREEDER, and got an answer. Dude, I posted this info on about 10 different threads..... WHY DID I DO IT????? Only arguing and pure ignorance. As bad as to people saying I'm a liar, that Greenhouse never emailed me. I am 36 years old. What would I gain by lying about wat a breeder wrote me???? Seriously! I also Emailed Barney's Farm, DNA Genetics, G13 Labs. Lets see if any of those email me back. And when/if they do, I'll copy and post those emails. I never was trying to say follow the breeders way. I felt like we needed some answers on what the breeders do. Thank u for understanding that, unlike majority of the people in these forums. Much love!


Active Member
WOW, not what I would have expected there response to be. Thanks for writing them and then posting there response.
Another Kind person who sees my purpose, of the post. Thank u so much. Why can't majority of these people on these forums be like the last 2 people on this thread. Much Love! And as I said, when I get any info from the other breeders I emailed, I will copy and post those 2. Much love!


bud bootlegger
yeah, i too appreciate you taking the time and emailing the breeder.. i too am a lil suprised by this answer... as i would have thought that say you vegged a plant for one week, then flipped the lights, and you have another plant that you vegged for say three months.. i would have thought that the plant with the longer veg would flower or atleast reach flowering stage much sooner than a plant with only one week veg time, but i guess i was wrong...
but thanks again for taking the time to clear this up. i had made a thread on this very topic on my first grow, and also got varying answers..
plus rep for taking the time to a) write the breeder, and b) taking the time to post the results... thanks again for the effort..


Well-Known Member
Flowering has to do with with the maturing of the plant. If its not mature enough it will take longer for it to start showing flowers. That's why 12x12 from seed still takes a while for them to show sex.


Active Member
Flowering has to do with with the maturing of the plant. If its not mature enough it will take longer for it to start showing flowers. That's why 12x12 from seed still takes a while for them to show sex.
I agree with u. If u veg a plant long enuff, it will show it's pre-flowers before even flipping to 12/12. A lot had to do with maturity, and stress levels! So I agree with u 100%


Active Member
yeah, i too appreciate you taking the time and emailing the breeder.. i too am a lil suprised by this answer... as i would have thought that say you vegged a plant for one week, then flipped the lights, and you have another plant that you vegged for say three months.. i would have thought that the plant with the longer veg would flower or atleast reach flowering stage much sooner than a plant with only one week veg time, but i guess i was wrong...
but thanks again for taking the time to clear this up. i had made a thread on this very topic on my first grow, and also got varying answers..
plus rep for taking the time to a) write the breeder, and b) taking the time to post the results... thanks again for the effort..
Thank u....... As I stated before. I was just trying to get some answers from breeders... And I did. I though tI would share it with everyone. This is the ONLY thread that I have gotten GREAT response from. People in here realize that I didn't have to write anyone an email. I did it, because I 2 wanted 2 know, and once I got an response(whether we agree with the response or not, cause honestly I don't think it was a 100% correct answer. Never the less, that is what they told me. Does that mean I'm gonna follow their way. I'm a leader not a follower, LMAO. J/K) But anyways, u guys should see some of the ignorant responses I got from other threads. One guy said I was lying and that Greenhouse Seeds never emailed me. So I posted the email to Greenhouse seeds, and told him to email them himself. I have better things to do with my time(like tend to my garden) instead of lying about an email from Greenhouse. Like that would prove something! Like Greenhouse seeds is a famous band or actor. Can someone please explain to me the reasoning, behind that idiot thinking I would lie about an email from a breeder????????? Can anyone make sense of that?????? LMAO! So anyways from the bottom of my heart...... I thank ALL of u for READING my post, and realizing that I wasn't trying to say "this is the way!" I was just sharing info that I received from the breeders themselves. And as I stated earlier. I am waiting response from Barney's Farm, DNA Genetics, and G13 Labs. If any of them respond me, U CAN BET I WILL SHARE THAT INFO WITH U MY BROTHERS/SISTERS! Thanks all, and have a great holiday. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect.