watering with rooting hormones


Well-Known Member
Be funny if your plant pushes through the pot and roots into your concrete floor lol. Good luck, will watch.


Well-Known Member
I have some wal-mart brand rooting hormone and I just started seeds today. I'm gonna do the same thing as you are and see if we can compare notes or something. I'm only growing it under a flouro until I can move it outside though in 1 or two months.


Well-Known Member
southernsmokejuggalo thanks for the rep :) i just went and watered me little guys with some indole-3-butyric acid. no idea how much but probably a shit ton. like 2 tablespoons in a gallon. ill do this ever watering. I also watered another plant with 1.5 tablespoons of it but it just got yanked out of its pot and lost alot of roots now it is droopy. so i will not include it in my expirament. I have to water my little girls every 3 to 4 days tops in 5 gal buckets with a gallon each, they drink water like they live in the desert. I accidentally forgot my fucking camera when i went and watered my plants today.. but here is a picture of the bucket i am doing it on about 5 days ago. they are a bit bigger now. I dont think a picture would matter too much right now anyways becaue its not like it would immediatly show signs of change.

for the love of science i will leave a spare camera at my op next time to ensure photo documentation.

also for everyone to know, My plants are one month 8 or 9 days old. they are being grown under a 600w HPS in ffof with a lil guano (10-2-3 or something close) and some extra worm castings. they are taking extra nutes really well and they are the most resilliant plants i've ever seen. I keep them on 18-6, they stay around 78 to 86 tops. low of 68 with no problems. they are some unknown strains from ky that i have smoked and kick ass. I will veg for one to two more weeks then flower..

I will keep adding indole-3-butyric acid untill 2 weeks from the end then i will flush the shit out of them. i am very excited to flower and see what kind of nugs i get. thanks for subscribing i am thrilled to have an audience to give me perspective...

~the good Dr.

oh and its the closest pot of plants to you. with the thermometer in it. they will get the treatment mwahaha



Well-Known Member
dude, just get some super thrive, its like ten bucks and you wont be guessing wether or not you are giving to much. You are probably using way too much. And remeber stop using that stuff before you switch them into flower


Well-Known Member
southernsmokejuggalo thanks for the rep :) i just went and watered me little guys with some indole-3-butyric acid. no idea how much but probably a shit ton. like 2 tablespoons in a gallon. ill do this ever watering. I also watered another plant with 1.5 tablespoons of it but it just got yanked out of its pot and lost alot of roots now it is droopy. so i will not include it in my expirament. I have to water my little girls every 3 to 4 days tops in 5 gal buckets with a gallon each, they drink water like they live in the desert. I accidentally forgot my fucking camera when i went and watered my plants today.. but here is a picture of the bucket i am doing it on about 5 days ago. they are a bit bigger now. I dont think a picture would matter too much right now anyways becaue its not like it would immediatly show signs of change.

for the love of science i will leave a spare camera at my op next time to ensure photo documentation.

also for everyone to know, My plants are one month 8 or 9 days old. they are being grown under a 600w HPS in ffof with a lil guano (10-2-3 or something close) and some extra worm castings. they are taking extra nutes really well and they are the most resilliant plants i've ever seen. I keep them on 18-6, they stay around 78 to 86 tops. low of 68 with no problems. they are some unknown strains from ky that i have smoked and kick ass. I will veg for one to two more weeks then flower..

I will keep adding indole-3-butyric acid untill 2 weeks from the end then i will flush the shit out of them. i am very excited to flower and see what kind of nugs i get. thanks for subscribing i am thrilled to have an audience to give me perspective...

~the good Dr.

oh and its the closest pot of plants to you. with the thermometer in it. they will get the treatment mwahaha
This is the active ingredient in SUPERthrive but using it during flower can extend your flowering time.

dude, just get some super thrive, its like ten bucks and you wont be guessing wether or not you are giving to much. You are probably using way too much. And remeber stop using that stuff before you switch them into flower
What he said :peace:


Active Member
yeah here you go

Fdd's thread about root gel experiments:


and some more advanced stuff:


Don't bother asking me about any of it, I'm just a newb who reads a lot

ok so ive read those posts and suggest everyone do the same. its a little lengthy but way worth it. everyone had different results based on the way they applied to rooting hormones. but dr. from what ive understood your best bet is to wait tilll theyre a couple weeks into flower and water them one time w/ a high concentration of some shit called "take root". its more detailed in the thread bro. check it out


Well-Known Member
Yeah Im 2 weeks top till flower. I watered one with about an ounce of cloning powder. no idea the concentration of indole-4. I plugged the drain holes to keep it in for a few days. I also made a thick paste and painted my stalk and stems from top to bottom. They are completely white now except for the leaves it looks really weird like a sycamore tree or something. I read the root gel and some expiraments like a month ago and it never left my mind. I want my whole stalk to swell up to hell like fdd's did. That would look cool as hell. I am going to paint it every few days!! It sounds stupid or just rediculous. But after seeing swolen stalks I want to swell my whole plant and see what it does. If this works Im gonna have one weird looking plant. I wonder if I can overdose my plant? Im doubting it but we'll see. I am actually considering flowering it right now. Ok i cant help it you guys gotta see this I am going to go take a picture of this shit it looks too weird. Tell me what you think guys!

God DAMN IT!!!! I just fucked up. Im a damn idiot. Ok Im so glad I just went and took a few snapshots because My plant fell and the top hit a cfl and it got burned it ruined like two leaves and now the whole plant is droopy. It looked great 30 mins ago look at the before and after. That fucking box! Wow that sucks I wanted to keep that plant as healthy as possible since it already has so many damn chemicals! Wish my little baby some luck! thanks for checking it out.
~the good Dr

Oh and the pictures are in the order of:
The good :)
the bad :(
the just plain ugly :-(
and some weird shit :-P



Well-Known Member
Maybe if you just used a whole can for potting soil? Mix some verm, per;ite, and rooting hormone. No dirt, will the plant root into the container, then through and into the concrete floor?


Active Member
fuck that leaving root hormones for what there supposed to do shit. after seeing the moose i think its a great idea. we just need to figure out the best brand and time to apply the shit. if someone figures that part out i have a feeling that yields could get a whole lot bigger, just a lil longer flowering


New Member
I'm sorry, you must think growing plants is a new thing. Don't think the AG Fert companies do research? If it was helpful at another stage...THEY WOULD WRITE IT ON THE LABEL.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
HORMONES HORMONES HORMONES....... spent many an our and alot of post on thread in signature......
But I subscribed , ill be intrested to see....again....

Heres what has been done scientifically...
N. Yakushkina and L. Chuikova also tested the action of GAA and Indole-Acetic Acid (IAA, auxin) on hemp: "GAA intensified the growth of the plants, the average dry weight per plant, the photosynthesis rate, the sugar content (especially of the stem) and that of total N, and the respiration rate, but decreased the content of chlorophyll in the leaves. The separate application of IAA caused a decrease in the growth and yield of the plants, and a considerable increase in the chlorophyll content, but decreased the photosynthesis rate. The simultaneous application of GAA and IAA was accompanied by the highest increase in yield, but this addition of IAA did not exert any substantial influence on the physiological processes.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah. well my plant is looking fucked ive never seen leaves do this shit. it is crispy black to deep red to green. really weird. It hasnot gottent bigger, except for the roots they grew so so fast and huge! also my stalk became hard as fuck! ha hard as fuck. also another really really weird thing is that the stalk is really cold to the touch, like really cold i think it is combatting the heat from my lights and doing a great job or something but yeah it was weird to discover


New Member
Ok I have 3 plants that I experiment on. Ive been considering watering one with one gallon of water mixed with one tablespoon of rooting hormone. The search option isnt working and google isnt helping so I am unable to research what others have done.

Anyone try this? I would like some input because I dont wanna smoke poison weed or turn it hermie or something ya know.. but in the name of science... guess we'll see.

Ill do this tonight. and post before and after pics. If I get input from some people on what it may do.

I remember reading that clone gel put on stalks causes abnormal growth. It can make a plant do weird shit.

so yeah type away please

peace out
~the good Dr:bigjoint:
Been doing it for years not a problem just bigger plants and bud and I use it every time I feed them


