Seeds not sprouted rockwool


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I recently had one seedling come out of the rockwool then it almost died because it dried out over night. So I brought it back to life with water and I struggled with it and eventually threw it away after 3 weeks.

I have lowryders II's that have been in rockwool for almost 2 weeks and have not come out of the rockwool yet.

Any suggestions, how do you water? When do you not water, and when is the soonest you would fertalize? Do you think it is too cold to sprout, probably 60 -70 degrees.

Should there be lights above them before sprouting?

I am confused why they haven't come to surface yet, and don't want to lose that money I invested in seeds.
THANKS !!!!!
60-70 degrees is probably a bit too cold. A seedling needs a damp, warm and dark place to germinate. Try to keep the temp at around 80 degrees, keep it dark until they've sprouted and it must stay damp at all times. If that advice doesn't help, you may want to try germinating in paper towels instead of rockwool.

To germ in paper towels do the following:

- Get a dinner plate
- Take 2 paper towels, fold them to lay on top of each other and fit on the plate
- Saturate the paper towels with water (warm)
- Spread the seeds out on the paper towels
- Take another layer of paper towels and lay them on top of the seeds
- Saturate the top layer of paper towels with water (warm)
- Put the germination plate in a dark warm area (at least 80F)
- Check them daily and make sure that the paper towels NEVER dry out

Within 3 days, you should see some sprouts.
thanks specialist!
I will try to warm them up.
should I just wait till they come out of the rock wool, or should I try to move them into paper towel?
I will be putting them into DWC.... so I need the rockwool.
Any suggestions on how to start in paper towel and move into rockwool?
thanks specialist!
I will try to warm them up.
should I just wait till they come out of the rock wool, or should I try to move them into paper towel?
I will be putting them into DWC.... so I need the rockwool.
Any suggestions on how to start in paper towel and move into rockwool?

I see no reason why they can't sprout in rock wool (other than having dead seeds). If you raise the temp and keep it damp at all times, it should be fine. First try it in the rock wool again and if it fails, go to paper towels.

Its easy to move sprouts from paper towels to any medium. Simply pick the sprout up (try to grab it by the seed casing) and put the sprout into the hole in the rock wool. Its important to put it in the hole ROOT FIRST. The white thing growing out of the seed is the root btw. Then pinch the rock wool so that the hole is closed... and water the rock wool thoroughly.

Note: Don't leave the spouts in germination for too long. you don't want the root to get too long. Don't let the root get any longer than a 1/2 inch before moving to the medium. I've let the root grow to 2 inches long before and they didn't make it. In my opinion, the optimal root length is 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch long.
I seem to have a 95% success rate.

1) Has the root come out of the seed enough???

2)I use Volvic bottled water

3)Put between tissue ---> In Grip seal bag ----> Inbetween upturned plate

4)Stick ontop of your computer tower (just above psu)

All will be good blazinboudsforever.


When i put in rockwool i alway make sure i can see the top of the seed (no matter what people say, see my current blueberry grow)
I did a little research on grow plugs and think that they might be the best because the are made from plant material and have "micronutrients" and are "faster" than rockwool.

Thanks for your help so far.

These don't degrade after a while in DWC set-up, do they?
I did a little research on grow plugs and think that they might be the best because the are made from plant material and have "micronutrients" and are "faster" than rockwool.

Thanks for your help so far.

These don't degrade after a while in DWC set-up, do they?

Grow specialist gave u some good advice. why would u take advice from someone who doesnt have the erperience to know what they are talking about. or at least back up what they say-throw out the rockwool,LMAO. what a joker. ur plants will not need any nutes, micro or whatever, for some time. peat and anything organic is a big no-no for DWC-is the easiest way to invite bacteria and inevietabley root rot. use ur brains