new grower


Active Member
hi new grower. I have 16 plants under 1 400 watt hps metal halide conversion. also 4 40 watt shoplites on the sides. 720 watts in all. Just added the metal halide. they are on average 8 inches and bushy.26 days old so how much longer should veg these guys. thanks in advance for any input


Well-Known Member
hi new grower. I have 16 plants under 1 400 watt hps metal halide conversion. also 4 40 watt shoplites on the sides. 720 watts in all. Just added the metal halide. they are on average 8 inches and bushy.26 days old so how much longer should veg these guys. thanks in advance for any input
id go about 15-17", all depends on how quick you want to harvest, and how much height restrictions your growspace has tho.


Well-Known Member
6 feet or so big room. they all look good no bugs

I''d say max, veg until it's 3 feet tall. they will almost double in height duringTflowering. Height isn't the only issue though. Make sure you have enough width. They'll get bushy as they get larger. Also, you'll need to add more lights as they get larger or the growth will start to slow.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Im with NoobRyder. I would go at least 15 inches in a room that tall 24 max! sativas can get 3 times bigger during flower!


Active Member
thanks 15 inches sounds good. i have an hps for the flower. should i run nutes every other water or every grow


Active Member
hi do my plants need more vent if I go in the room about 7 times a day and I have a fan. the door can be left open about 5 hours a day


Well-Known Member
hi do my plants need more vent if I go in the room about 7 times a day and I have a fan. the door can be left open about 5 hours a day

Most people do every other water. I've done both. Every other time is probably best. Flushes out the old and then ya bring in the new.


Active Member
when I did my transplant I got some shock on some of the fan leaves. just 2 plants turned a little yellow on the edges. they are all big enough and just kept right on growing. should I cut these guys off or just let them do whats natural


Well-Known Member
when I did my transplant I got some shock on some of the fan leaves. just 2 plants turned a little yellow on the edges. they are all big enough and just kept right on growing. should I cut these guys off or just let them do whats natural

Well, it would be better to leave them on there. The more leaves means the more light being drawn in. If they're still mostly green, leave them.


Active Member
i have what looks like spider mites on 2 fan leaves of my crop. what should I do. does anybody have some good advice. i have a horticulture degree but would still love some advice for my first crop of this kind. thanks in advance... please anybody


Well-Known Member
i have what looks like spider mites on 2 fan leaves of my crop. what should I do. does anybody have some good advice. i have a horticulture degree but would still love some advice for my first crop of this kind. thanks in advance... please anybody
Spider mites spread extremely quickly. If you're for sure you have them, you will want to get rid of them fast. Spider mites like warm dry climate. One way to get rid of them slowly would be to make the grow area humid. (It should be slightly humid anyways so that the chance of getting spider mites is low.

Also, it's said that spraying the spider mites with a 1:1 ratio of water and rubbing alcohol will kill them on contact. I've never had an infestation of anything however,andI haven't tested it.


Well-Known Member
hi new grower. I have 16 plants under 1 400 watt hps metal halide conversion. also 4 40 watt shoplites on the sides. 720 watts in all. Just added the metal halide. they are on average 8 inches and bushy.26 days old so how much longer should veg these guys. thanks in advance for any input

Yo man, unless you know the strain its hard to say a certain height you should veg to. There are ways to tell when the plant has matured and is in pre flowering mode. For example, do you see any hairs or pods? Towards the end of my veg stage I usually see signs of hairs. Also, are the nodes coming out exactly opposite of each other on your branches? They will start to separate when they become mature. So a branch will come out on the left only, then a little up comes the next one on the right. I usually veg for about 6 weeks, growing Power Plant, Power Skunk, and Durbon Poison.


Well-Known Member
Also, not sure how your growing, but you might want to experiment with 4 of the 16 and top them off. Sounds like about the time since they are that height. Check out Uncle Bens thread. He recommends when you have at least 5 nodes off the main stem you should top it off just above the 2nd real node. This will give you Two Main Colas instead of just one. Depending on your strain you might yield more!l


Active Member
Hi, I recently grew a small 30 plant crop in harsh conditions in the forest...the soil was poor and the plants did not grow very big. I also grew others(same stain, no seeds) in good conditions and they turned out great. Some of the plants in the poor conditions seeded I have since germinated 15 of those seeds...and they are growing healthy. My question is, will they be hermi's? the original plants were cloned from female mothers. I need to know if I am wasting my time growing them as I plan to clone from the 15 I have now for an out door crop. What are the odds of them all being hermi's? Should I trick one of them into budding to see if they are? If I do, what is the best and quickest way? I am just using regular florescent lighting. What do I look for to know they are no good? If the one I use is a Hermi, will they all be?

I would appreciate as much help as possible.

Thank you kindly.


Active Member
I got the seeds from a two of the plants....only two of them seeded. the rest remained female. they all were originally clones from a female mothers. I since then germinated 15 of the seeds and have 15 small plants. My question is, Will I be able to use those plants as mothers? they are too small at the moment to know if they are Hermi's. I want to know if they are no good for mothering. I only want female clones. if the seeds came from a hermied plant, is it most likely that they will be hermi's as well? Am I wasting my time growing them? should I trick a young plant into flowering to see if it will hermi? and if that ones does, will all the rest be hermi's as well? how big does a plant have to be before I can start the flowering?

thank you


Well-Known Member
Hi, I recently grew a small 30 plant crop in harsh conditions in the forest...the soil was poor and the plants did not grow very big. I also grew others(same stain, no seeds) in good conditions and they turned out great. Some of the plants in the poor conditions seeded I have since germinated 15 of those seeds...and they are growing healthy. My question is, will they be hermi's? the original plants were cloned from female mothers. I need to know if I am wasting my time growing them as I plan to clone from the 15 I have now for an out door crop. What are the odds of them all being hermi's? Should I trick one of them into budding to see if they are? If I do, what is the best and quickest way? I am just using regular florescent lighting. What do I look for to know they are no good? If the one I use is a Hermi, will they all be?

I would appreciate as much help as possible.

Thank you kindly.

If you cloned from a female, then chances are you'll get a female. It all depends on genetics. Genetically, the clone is exactly the same as the female plant. So, if you had a good female, and you grow the clone really well (by this I mean don't stress it, especially during flowering) then you'll get a female that's just the same as the mother. You should get a hermie.


Well-Known Member
I got the seeds from a two of the plants....only two of them seeded. the rest remained female. they all were originally clones from a female mothers. I since then germinated 15 of the seeds and have 15 small plants. My question is, Will I be able to use those plants as mothers? they are too small at the moment to know if they are Hermi's. I want to know if they are no good for mothering. I only want female clones. if the seeds came from a hermied plant, is it most likely that they will be hermi's as well? Am I wasting my time growing them? should I trick a young plant into flowering to see if it will hermi? and if that ones does, will all the rest be hermi's as well? how big does a plant have to be before I can start the flowering?

thank you

If the seeds came from a hermie plant, then chances are they have bad genetics. That's not a garauntee that you'll get hermies, but chances are they turn hermie easily and unless you're a pro at growing, they'll probablt turn hermie. Like I said in the previous post though, if you took a clone from a mother plant, and it was a good mother, then chances are that your clones are ALL females... Unless you stress them too much. Like suring flowering, the light has to be exact, and they can't get any outside light when they need to be in darkness. Basically, if you grow in your bedroom like I do, and its time for the lights to be off, you cant let any light from your room or any other room seep in.