Shit, I messed up


Active Member
So I really fucked up, left the lid open on one of my jars while i was gone (about 6 days) and now what was going to be about 3 oz of product is brittle has very little bag appeal.

The good thing is, the weed still works, it's not quite as good as it was before i fucked it up, but definitely better than the shit middies you'll find with a thug.

Anyway, let me first say that, I'm in no way interested in scamming anyone, or making anyone sick because sprayed windex on my shit. I care about my clients and selling something like that is completely out of the question and an absolute violation of the rules of the trade.

Is there anyway that I could rehydrate the pot and turn it back into a decent product. If not, i guess i'll just smoke about 600-700 bucks in lost cash and time.

Thanks, Erwin.


Well-Known Member
throw a peice of lettuce in each jar and close em up again. a day or two of this should juice em up without any other ill effects.


New Member
You could ad fresh leaves,or some ice berg littuce.A lil goes a long way.You can even put a orange peel, or orange zest,to give it extra aroma.


Well-Known Member
yeah, orange or apple peel will work but will leave a taste and aroma. not a bad one mind you, but the lettuce leaves no taste or odor. whichever you want.


Well-Known Member
If my nugs are too dry I usually just throw 'em in a jar and place a damp (not wet) folded piece of Bounty kitchen roll on the inside part of the lid. In a few hours they're all moist again.


Well-Known Member
can u put some orange peels when u cure your buds for the first time also is lemon peel ok too

scooby snacks

Well-Known Member
but I feel I have to defend myself,
I'll put a slice of bread in my mason jar "when my weed is too dry" for a half-an-hour at a time, in between "burps".

I know I'm a stranger to this website but I've delt with weed before(as many have) and depending on the strain, I'll add different moisturizer's, The other one I use is a "moist-ball"(designed for tobacco) I've used the orange peel and it just didn't "taste" wright
****bottem line is, depending on the strains is depended on the moisturizer****

using bread for "jailhouse" boose is different than "burping" with bread (it will have a hint of yeist aroma)
no disrespect just my 0.02 (cents)


Well-Known Member
no disrespect taken:bigjoint:, thats what this forum is for...figuring shit out.

yes, you can use a piece of bread w/o problems a hunded times. but if you plan on storing your herb for awhile i recomend the lettuce. lettuce will no affect the flavor at all.

if i can make hooch in 10 days with a couple oranges, some juice boxes, a handfull of sugar, and a slice of bread. there has to be enough live active yeast in the bread to turn the sugars in my mix into alchohol. this right there is enough to make me not want to store my buds with bread.

do whichever you feel is best for you. i prefer lettuce, folowed by orange peels. luck to all.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
but I feel I have to defend myself,
I'll put a slice of bread in my mason jar "when my weed is too dry" for a half-an-hour at a time, in between "burps".

I know I'm a stranger to this website but I've delt with weed before(as many have) and depending on the strain, I'll add different moisturizer's, The other one I use is a "moist-ball"(designed for tobacco) I've used the orange peel and it just didn't "taste" wright
****bottem line is, depending on the strains is depended on the moisturizer****

using bread for "jailhouse" boose is different than "burping" with bread (it will have a hint of yeist aroma)
no disrespect just my 0.02 (cents)
That's better, Welcome to the site man!
Don't forget to explain yourself here, or the wolves will chew ya up and spit ya out. Had it happen to me plenty times...LOL!!!!
You are right thoughm just shows a newbie isn't always a newbie to the hobby we all love.
Good luck to ya' man!!!:leaf: