Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone!

Miss, I am hooked on Google maps. I was amazed yesterday when I discovered they have close ups of your house. But, the picture they had for my house, wasn't mine?? It was a nice house though! I think it is down the street, don't know. The details are amazing and you can pan around and move up and down the block, pretty cool. I do have Google earth, but, I really am liking the google maps. Cool stuff.


Well-Known Member
Diem when you get back out here....check your pm box. Thank you for your help yesterday, it did get VERY bad for me!:( I believe my problem to be solved, I hope and pray!! It will probably end up with a restraining order, the hubby is demanding one before he leaves. Pretty scary stuff and thank you for your help! If I could rep you again, I would. :hug:

Vette-Doctors appt.? I hope it is just a physical!


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would like being a proctologist. I can't stand poking around in peoples mouths....could not imagine what it would be like to have to poke around on the other end, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


New Member
OMG, my husband just came in here and said "where's your phone"

answer - "daughter took it with her to work"

husband " :shock: :o I was using the Nextel walkietalkie asking you if you want to fuck" *runs away embarrassed*

I can see her on the bus, with the driver and her purse in a deep male voice yelling "you wanna fuck?"


Well-Known Member
restraining order? That's not sounding good. If you're getting a restraining order, get a big gun to go along with it.
Yeah I know! I am on another forum, it is a local forum. Myself and some other ladies go there to talk and some of us have a 'walking' club that we do daily. I have known these ladies for 5 years and we are all friends. We meet up everyday to walk and once a month for lunch and an occasional family bbq. Good group of ladies. About 6 months ago we had a troll that would frequent in on our conversations...We all disregarded him, thought he was pretty much harmless...NOT. He started posting pics of us walking, pics of us gardening in our front yards. He also posted all of our personal info....now if that wasn't bad enough, he started threatening some of us. He would describe how he was going to torture some of us when he had the opportunity. It scared me. One of the pics he posted was of me just the other day walking with a couple of other ladies. Then he went on to post how my hubby is military and that I reside by myself 90% of the time. It got ugly, and come to find out he does this elsewhere too. He has a restraining order out on him now from another forum he frequents. He has also been arrested for stalking. So, yes, I am going to the sheriffs office today and filing a restraining order. Good riddance to him.

OMG, my husband just came in here and said "where's your phone"

answer - "daughter took it with her to work"

husband " :shock: :o I was using the Nextel walkietalkie asking you if you want to fuck" *runs away embarrassed*

I can see her on the bus, with the driver and her purse in a deep male voice yelling "you wanna fuck?"
Now that made me laugh!!:bigjoint:


New Member
OMG Sunny, do you gals carry tazers or pepper spray or anything when you walk? Is there anyway to find out who he is and what he looks like?

OK, she's home for her break and she couldn't hear it. I asked in a vague way, she didn't hear anything....... Whew.


Well-Known Member
OMG, my husband just came in here and said "where's your phone"

answer - "daughter took it with her to work"

husband " :shock: :o I was using the Nextel walkietalkie asking you if you want to fuck" *runs away embarrassed*

I can see her on the bus, with the driver and her purse in a deep male voice yelling "you wanna fuck?"
Hahahahahahaha:) Funny:)


Well-Known Member
Diem- Hay, hadn't hugged you since I got back. :hug:

MissH- That was some seriously funny shit. You should post a gaggin warning, I'm tryin to smoke here!!:bigjoint:

Sunny- I don't know the whole situation, but I been needin a trip to the sunny state. Whose ass am I kickin for you?:fire:

Me, I am just getting goin this morning, I was up ALL nite and slept ALL morning. So my wake and bake is later than it's usual time (like 5 in the morning...)

BUT I am outta my beverage of choice, NO TEAS! It was ok when I got up, I had coffee, but now I NEED my Lipton, Man, what am I gonna do?:shock::o


Well-Known Member
Just got some cheesy Mango, its good, nice head high, but, im tring to finish it haha, i got some Master OG as well, bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
"Any bake is a good bake."

Words of wisdom, my friends, from the McSmokemeister.;-)

Was gonna +rep you for that, Smokey, but it says I gotta spread the love.