Seed Production. A Tutorial

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
great thred very interesting but i do have a ques.
So if i got the pollen off one plant say AK47 and applied that pollen to a White Widow plant for seeds would i then in theory have an AK47/White Widow cross?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I harvested the pollen from 2 males and will use it to pollenate a select few females. I also had another one that suddenly threw out pistols. Will this hermie's pollen, if used to cross another plant turn out fem seeds?


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'll get rid of it with the males then. Also i have a plant that has 3 sets of leaves thus 3 buds growing at each node. Have you seen this before. Can i breed this trait and try to bring it out in the seeds by backcrossing? It has bigger buds and is more densly covered in tric's than the others and I was going to breed it anyway. Thanks again.....


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'll get rid of it with the males then. Also i have a plant that has 3 sets of leaves thus 3 buds growing at each node. Have you seen this before. Can i breed this trait and try to bring it out in the seeds by backcrossing? It has bigger buds and is more densly covered in tric's than the others and I was going to breed it anyway. Thanks again.....
that happens once in awhile. think of it as a "four leafed clover". :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
fdd,i have a male that is from a double back cross,it is the first male that i have put in 12/12 cycle,i found that the stretch was unbelievable,it makes me not want to use it,but before i put into 12/12 it had nice spaceing,it is the last of my males in that seed lot because of off gassing so i want to use it and back cross to the original mother,is it normal for a male to stretch like hell in you mentioned at the beginning lanky plants are not what we want.


Well-Known Member
fdd,i have a male that is from a double back cross,it is the first male that i have put in 12/12 cycle,i found that the stretch was unbelievable,it makes me not want to use it,but before i put into 12/12 it had nice spaceing,it is the last of my males in that seed lot because of off gassing so i want to use it and back cross to the original mother,is it normal for a male to stretch like hell in you mentioned at the beginning lanky plants are not what we want.
maybe your lights were too high. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
maybe your lights were too high. :mrgreen:
you could be right i did put it in the corner,it is a mutant but that i believe was caused from off gassing,i then cloned the seed plant when it was 3 weeks old and dieing,then put it back into the gas tent aftere rooting,it survived so i have high hopes for this second generation mutant.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
f1 seeds are quite uniform usually and show similar height branching yield etc.. equal amounts of traits of both sexes are shown. some will outshine others of the batch but mostly they are consistent so i would say they are stable they also have 'hybrid vigor' meaning they ussualy grow stronger than either parent because of the refreshed genetics. almost all good strains are a bit inbred from backcrossing to get desirable traits. when you use a f1 male to pollinate a f1 female of the same cross you get f2 these will be unstable and show charecteristics that are more varied either more like the mom or more like the dad you can then find your favorite charecteristics in a male and female f2 and cross again to promote these features or backcross to the original male or female used to get the f1s if you want more traits from one strain than the other. this has to be done a few times to get the traits you want stable. it is very time consuming most breeders do this until they have f5 or f6s at which point all plants should be more or less uniform. there are many ways to go about producing new strains or stabilized crosses.