Need advice: 600 watt HPS cooltube


Well-Known Member

I'm getting a Digital Electronic 600 watt HPSGrow Light with a CoolTube 6 reflector. Does anybody have experience with this kind of setup? What exactly do I need to wire my cooltube's ventillation? It is from and I want to basically wire this cool tube up to work in a cabinet grow.

Please give me your input or growbox plans!!


Well-Known Member
I would suggest a good axial fan for starters, and some 6'' flexible ducting like the sort you would use for a dryer vent. Depending on your setup, you could get away with a cheap inline fan if your cool tube is going to have its own intake and exhaust separate from the intake and exhaust from your grow room.

I grow in a tent, so my carbon filter is attached to my axial fan which runs through the cool tube and out the tent. Negative static pressure inside the tent keeps temps down and smell from escaping.

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
What type of axial fan do you recommend? Where can I buy one, and how much are they? And do you have any information on how to wire this thing?


Well-Known Member
What type of axial fan do you recommend? Where can I buy one, and how much are they? And do you have any information on how to wire this thing?

check out the inline 6" duct fan they have at htg. I have the exact same light and cooltube and it works well. I keep it 8 inches from my tops no problem they love it. I'd suggest a more powerful fan if you plan on running alot of ducting tho. here is a picture of my light in action



Well-Known Member
check out the inline 6" duct fan they have at htg. I have the exact same light and cooltube and it works well. I keep it 8 inches from my tops no problem they love it. I'd suggest a more powerful fan if you plan on running alot of ducting tho. here is a picture of my light in action
Hey thanks! That picture looks pretty sweet. Have you got anymore you'd like to share??

What do you think the yields will be like if I flower like 12 plants in this thing???

And no, I won't have much ducting actually.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks! That picture looks pretty sweet. Have you got anymore you'd like to share??

What do you think the yields will be like if I flower like 12 plants in this thing???

And no, I won't have much ducting actually.
It depends on how long you veg your crop and what strain it is mostly. With a 600 watt light I'd hope you get at least 100 to 200 grams. with room for error. You could get alot more tho. The inline fan is only 25 dollars. I currently only have that picture of my light rig. here are my babies after one month and like 4 or 5 days from seed. I am trying to get a lb off of them doubt I will tho. I have 14 of them going with a 600w hps, 2 65w cfl, 2 68w cfl, 6 14w leds, and a 50w led panel. Im going to veg them for 2 or 3 months. I use Fox farms soil and all organic nutes. I'd like to hear more about your plans. Your time vegitating strain and amount of light you use is most important, tho balance of all environmental factors is the key to a great harvest. at least thats what I hear



Well-Known Member
oh good lord, those plants look amazing. i was hoping to get my hands on some clones, that way I can veg. for a while and then flower right away. i was going to SCROG them so all my light is used for bud production.

I'll keep ya'll posted and will probably post some pictures when i get this bitch up and running!


Well-Known Member
I don't want to rain on your parade, but how many grows do you have under your belt? SCROG is a great method, but is not ideal for someone with little growing experience. IMO it is necessary to do at least a couple of grows with a strain you like in order to know what it will tolerate and how it grows before doing a SCROG. To put it into perspective, if something goes horribly awry in there, you have to contend with removing a plant from a screen without damaging the others you already have trained. I wouldn't SCROG until I knew that particular strain inside and out so that I could minimize the chances of having to undo all of my hard work. But you don't have to take my word for it though......



Well-Known Member
I have grown quite a bit of weed in my lifetime, so I'm not really worried. It's been a good while so I'm rusty at it, but I basically know what I'm doing. I'll probably post some pictures so everybody could give me feedback at that time. I'll let you all know how it goes... It's in the mail now.


Well-Known Member
Alright today I went to Home Depot and bought some 2 by 4's. I constructed a very heavy-duty grow cabinet. I am still waiting for confirmation of shipping for the grow light, but it seems like the people at htg supply are taking a couple of days off or something. It still hasn't been shipped. Has anybody ordered from this place and had it delivered to california? How long does it usually take, standard ground shipping??


Well-Known Member
Alright today I went to Home Depot and bought some 2 by 4's. I constructed a very heavy-duty grow cabinet. I am still waiting for confirmation of shipping for the grow light, but it seems like the people at htg supply are taking a couple of days off or something. It still hasn't been shipped. Has anybody ordered from this place and had it delivered to california? How long does it usually take, standard ground shipping??

It took like 3 days or so before they shipped to me then only like 2 days to be shipped. i called them a few times and they upgraded my bulb for free. they kick ass. they also are closed like saturday and sunday or something it says their hours on the top of their site.

tell us more about your box!!


Well-Known Member
Okay they shipped my order today, should be here in about 5 days.

Right now I have 4 2x4's nailed together with some 2X2's on the top and bottom. So it's 4' X 2' X 2' if I'm not mistaken..and it looks like an Ikea wardrobe cabinet, only more amatreurish. The carpentry is all fucked up with nails sticking out of the sides from where I tried to nail it shut. So anyways, I'll install the Cool Tube system when it arrives, using a 6 inch duct fan for venting. I have yet to cut the holes in the side of the cabinet that I will need for vents, cause I have to wait for my friend to come over to use his power tools..

Oh and tomorrow morning I'm going to Harborside Health Clinic in Oakland to buy some clones and goodies. I hope to get about 6-8 clones and some baked goods. Since i updated my medical marijuana papers today, I feel like a trip to Oakland is justified.

I'll have to start a grow journal once I really get it going. I have a feeling the yield on a 600 watt will blow my mind. I have this theory that 1 harvest can give me enough bud to smoke for 1 entire year straight. Oh damn!


Well-Known Member
ooo very nice! I kinda envy you lol I live in a state that will jail me for at least 5 years for the "crimes" I am committing (supposedly). Killing me. But I wont let anything stop me from getting my meds. I hope to yeild a pound. Given proper circumstances it is completely possible to get an lb off a 600w hps. I keep my light 8 inches or less over my tops with no problem!! the lumens are rediculous. Just be sure you got a good bulb. I am wondering what strains are you considering/wanting? Because with the size cabnet you are making you should get a dense producer!
. Good luck and happy growing
~the good Dr


Well-Known Member

I consider the 350 something dollar investment to be well worth it. I will get back 10 times the amount in bud, so it will pretty much give me enough weed for personal use for an entire year. It's the ultimate self-sufficiency quest!

So I didn't go to Harborside while I was in Oakland and San Francisco yesterday. I went to Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Cooperative and I misinterpreted the directions they gave me... I walked back and forth for 2 hours looking for the place. Well anyways, I'll be fine because I am growing some bag seed and so far I have 10 healthy seedlings. Oh and everybody is still pissed off about Oscar Grant in Oakland, the people were about to basically riot downtown. The police were all marching downtown in riot gear. That's some crazy shit!

I think most of the bag seed were some kind of "purple" strain, but it was cultivated outdoors so it wasn't that great when I smoked it. I want something very dense. I believe that with a SCROG setup, I will be able to grow some very nice buds no matter what :)

On another note, I did manage to get 9 grams of purple kush for 90 dollars at Healthnet Cooperative on 9th street in San Francisco. It was right off Market street and the weed is absolutely amazing for this price. I will go back to them again!


Well-Known Member
Update: Using the tracking number, I can see that my grow light has been in transit all weekend. It's now in California with a scheduled delivery of Thursday. Keep checking back people; a grow journal with some fabulous pictures is to follow.