Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know.But they really are all large strong cats.Not declawed.The longest friggen teeth.

We used to do it when I worked at the vet's office, make a cat taco with a towel. If they were little bitches still then we would just sedate them with Iso gas.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any gas.I wish I did, cuz I think they think I'm being mean to them.
Nope you just gotta pin them down as little cat tacos. Most cats just give up and chill out once you have them in taco mode for a minute or two. You are not being mean you are getting rid of worms, yuck

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Mine really don't.I put my big siamese in a cat carrier, and he started spining in there like he was on a rotisserie, all four sets of claws out.I'll make the old man help me when he gets home so he can get scratched too, muahahaha.
Nope you just gotta pin them down as little cat tacos. Most cats just give up and chill out once you have them in taco mode for a minute or two. You are not being mean you are getting rid of worms, yuck
Too much hair for my liking...
mmmmm.....cat taco...I'm hungry


Well-Known Member
I used to sell "shiners" i caught from the hoosatonic river to the local chinese store when i was little. Not sure if i spelled that right. it was contaminated i guess.


Well-Known Member
You can scruff them too. Hold them by the extra skin on the back of their neck and there is a technique to imobilize all four legs with your hand. Then you flip them on their side and pop the pill down their throat. Did the vet give you a piller? Its a piece of plastic that holds the pill so you can shove it to the back of their throat without being bitten. I used to be really quick with the piller cats did not even know what hit them.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No....I never got a piller because I self treat all of my cats.Usually, with herbs.These cats are part feral.
You can scruff them too. Hold them by the extra skin on the back of their neck and there is a technique to imobilize all four legs with your hand. Then you flip them on their side and pop the pill down their throat. Did the vet give you a piller? Its a piece of plastic that holds the pill so you can shove it to the back of their throat without being bitten. I used to be really quick with the piller cats did not even know what hit them.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've given them shots before, that's not as hard.The blind one I sneaked up on and gave him his pills,then I wrestled the others and they managed to get away.It's hard to do it all by yourself.


Well-Known Member
My cat's already a stoner. She hops up in my lap the minute I light up, hangs out in the smoke (I shotgun her now) and then goes and cleans out her food bowl and wants to go outside. I think she might be smokin crack down the street with the meth heads......:sad: