Perpetual grow 4oo watter. Carnival ministry of cannabis


Well-Known Member
you should do a perpetual grow, its the only way to make a 400 watter worth it especially with soil. I get between 4 to 7 oz every 15 days
WOW, you've inspired me to do that. My lease ends in april at my crib, so after i find a new spot, i want to become your student. Seriously, teach me your ways, that is fucking unreal man, 4 to 7 ozs every 2 weeks, i'd be shitting myself with that. And man, if it was really dank, i could sell a qp for like 1600!!!!!! lets do this shit


Well-Known Member
hey man props on the grow, its coming along beautifully. I was just wonderin a couple things.
1) What kind of lights do you use for veg?
2) how long are you going to flower the ministry carnival strain?


Well-Known Member
what up guys, thatnks for the compliments. Getting some new pics up today, I think they are ready to be chopped, I might put them in the dark for the next three days. You guys ever tried that?


Well-Known Member
nah i've never tried it for 3 days, just 1, and noticed a small difference from the times i didn't. maybe with 3 more??


Well-Known Member
They have been flowering for 64 days. the nugs are super dense. I am going to end up cutting them 3 days early, but they are ready.


Well-Known Member
I opened up the dark closet I have the girls in and DAAAAAAMN they stink so good. Looks to be around 5 oz maybe six. At least 6 full mason Jars.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Sweet, I'm not doing a perpetual grow but with 30 plants i should have enough to last til next grow. I will be trying my hand at Haze strains. I'm looking for 4. Any suggestions from past experience?


Well-Known Member
my career includes white widow, dp blueberry, ministry of cannabis "Carnival" and I have my cross of carnival and blueberry, I have one in the flower room checking on sex. I am excited if I get my first cross.