whats this smell. read this


Well-Known Member
i took a single bud from my sweet cream caramel dank ass female. just wanted a small sneak peek at taste and smell since was my 1st. time. its been hanging for about 3 days and its almost dryed out. but my question is it smelt really good growing, now thats it almost dryed, it smells like hay or dead grass or something. why is this. i did everything perfect?????????


Well-Known Member
that happens alot. Its either not dried enough or too dry if it smells like hay. Curing helps alot with the overall taste and aroma. If its too wet (which it sounds like, i airdry for atleast a week) let it dry out some more. If its ever too dry, you can add an orange peel into the mason jar, or a fan leaf or trim to add some moisture


Well-Known Member
Drying is only 1 part of the grow process. You will need to properly dry, then cure in air tight jars for another few weeks before the hay smell and taste goes away.

You can smoke it as soon as its dry but it normally tastes like shite but will still get you buzzed :hump:

Its up there in the GrowFAQ.


Well-Known Member
have to cure it..i recommend water curing if you really cant wait that long..only takes 7 days

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
You did everything perfect?

It smells like that because you harvested early, the bud is full of nitrogen, has not been flushed. You dried it too fast, short of a humidor it is just about impossible to properly dry a single bud. The plant should be kept whole as possible and dried as such for at least a week in a humidity controlled environment. If your bud is dried out 3 days off the plant, it is fucked. It should be several weeks before it is smokeable.

There will be many people who disagree with this but, bud is not truly ready to smoke until at least four weeks of drying and curing. It may be smokeable before that but it is not at it's full potential.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, not trying to sound like an asshole, but this question gets asked 100 times a day, everyone should have to read, and then be tested on the growFAQ before being allowed to post. its all right there for you.

You have to have patience. The longer you cure your bud, the better it is going to taste. without a proper cure, the chlorophyll will be trapped in your nugs and give you that fresh cut lawn smell perpetually.
Don't waste your time water curing, especially if you're at all concerned about flavour, it removes all traces of the marijuana taste we know and love, also it looks like shit and loses weight, IMHO a complete failure of an idea.
I do agree with Smiley D that about 4 weeks of dry\cure should be considered as part of the process, why do everything "perfect" then fuck the dog on the last step?
Having said that, you can cure as much or as little dope at a time as you want, and 3 day dry time will not "fuck" your bud. This is misinformation that is well meaning but not accurate.
anyhow, good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
have to cure it..i recommend water curing if you really cant wait that long..only takes 7 days

water curing kills your overall yield... its a wastefull process and it murders your thc... thc aint soluable but its a waste of time!


Well-Known Member
so i take it wha ya are saying is let it dry another couple days and then put it in a airtight jar and open it up a couple times a day to allow moisture to leave. and in 3 to 4 weeks it will be at its best. damn, another 3 or 4 weeks, fuck man


Well-Known Member
so i take it wha ya are saying is let it dry another couple days and then put it in a airtight jar and open it up a couple times a day to allow moisture to leave. and in 3 to 4 weeks it will be at its best. damn, another 3 or 4 weeks, fuck man
good things come to those who wait :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have to use the jars a min of a week, 2-4 weeks tastes and smells better, open them 2 times a day

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Having said that, you can cure as much or as little dope at a time as you want, and 3 day dry time will not "fuck" your bud. This is misinformation that is well meaning but not accurate.
Yes, it was a hyperbole.

However, there are certain standards to be met. Anything "dried" three days off is trash. Might as well throw it in with the trim and hash it. It should be worth the loss to most anyone simply by virtue of not being associated with such a product.

I thinks that everyone has their own interpretation of what "dried" and "fucked" mean, making topics such as this tough to convey concisely.


Well-Known Member
One of my early grows I had a bunch of bag seeds. When they were done I had three plants out 9 that were good. I did the exact same thing with all of them but some didn't do as well as others. Some of the other stuff smelled ok but didn't do much for you at all and some smelled like hay and got me high. This made very confused. They all dried in the same place and I cured it over about 4weeks treating each jar with the care it needed. . Hell if I know?? In any case, I can tell you since then I have been using better seeds and if you don't take your time and pay close attention the best stuff can smell like hay but still give you a great high.

My question is do you wait for the bud to be dry to the touch and a little crisp or do you wait for the stem to snap? Because everything I read says one or the other. And most of what I have done dries to the touch but the stem still needs another day or two. I tend to just start curing and let the stem dry then. It works ok for me but should I try and let it just hang another day?


Well-Known Member
i just know that i go out and pay over 100 bucks for something and it smells like fruity pebbles. mine is not bag seeds, it dank, so y is mine smelling like that. i mean what do they do to make it smell like that


Well-Known Member
so i take it wha ya are saying is let it dry another couple days and then put it in a airtight jar and open it up a couple times a day to allow moisture to leave. and in 3 to 4 weeks it will be at its best. damn, another 3 or 4 weeks, fuck man
dood see that "growfaq" go up there and take a look... it will tell you when is time to harvest... how to dry and how to cure........ or you can search for threads with that info....


Well-Known Member
i did and it didnt help with my question. everybody says " faq" "faq" "faq" but i personaly like to ask not read the faq because it never helps me. i looked and looked for this answer and the only thing that i got of it is the smell and tatse is from genetics. thats not all and i know it


Well-Known Member
i think it has to do with the dissipation of the chlorophyll. that is the grassy smell, like those wheat grass shots they serve at jamba juice. i keep hearing about people with herb that smells grassy, but mine only smell that way for a day or 2 while hanging, after that they smell like the dank that they are. mine has a very potent smell, maybe it makes a diff. i cure what i can, but mostly it is smoked before a good cure can be done. as i understand it the smell is in the turpines that the plant produces, this means it is the crystals and oils that smell...so just give it a squeeze.