Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Hiya, Vette! Damn, good to see you!

MissH, Tips and Stoney (((BIG HUG))) I SHORE missed ya'll!

Good to be home, waking and baking with my freinds.

Had rugrats all weekend, and one in diapers this time! Thank goodness I don't hafta do emergency babysitting often. So good to be back to abnormal......

I got some of da DANKITDY DANK, just a pinch, good god how that shit ripped my burnt-out head off! Don't know what it was, or where it came from, but it was guuuuuuuuuud. I have a tiny bit left to go with the regular mud bud I have been getting lately, but it will make the baking better. A bit of better bud makes the baking better, not bitter. Bitter bud makes the baking bitter, but better bud makes the baking better (a spin on the 'bitter-batter-butter' tongue twister.)

I am still tryin to come up with ways to grow, but none make me comfortable. If I was payin rent instead of a mortgage, it wuddn't be so bad, but you get caught growin (specially in Redneckville where I live) I loose the horses, the land, the vehicles, everything. I HATE it, but can't change it just yet (give me awhile to get myself hooked up with wind and solar and I'LL be the one posting bud porn, beleive me, and happy and bleary eyed allus time.)


Well-Known Member
Morning Puff and Twisty!:hug:

Nice to see you back Puff!! Now, don't go leaving again!!! We need all the women out here to stay! I am so glad you are back.

Twisty how is the grow? You are getting close, yes?


Well-Known Member
Good morning, wake and bake bongsmilie

the harrassment of the groundhog is complete, since they pissed him off by waking him up early, six more weeks of winter.
LOL, the visual just made me laugh! One pissed off groundhog being disturbed so humans can use him in some dumb ritual! I bet if that groundhog could talk he would tell all the humans to fuck off! Too funny. I didn't know they really did that with groundhogs, I always thought it was a myth! Learn something new everyday! Mornin Miss.:hug:


New Member
Oh hell Sunny, it's a big thing in Gobblers Knob PA, that puxatawany Phil thing from the Groudnhogs day movie really goes on. They have lights and cameras and a huge crowd. The dudes come out in tuxdeo's and top hats wearing their maddonna phone headsets and knock on this cage that looks like a tree trunk, then they open it and drag the ground hog out and hold him up in the air. I always hope he pees on them.

They just showed the whole deal on CNN, poor groundhog, they'd better give him some treats or something.

and Morning Sunny :hug:


Well-Known Member
Poor groundhog. :-( Hope he takes a dump on them.

Besides being the ancient Pagan festival of Candlemass, it is also a weather-working day (most pagan festivals are). Even before the groundhog legend, you could tell if the day was beautiful, you better like it cuz it would be all the beautiful weather you would see again for awhile. If the weather sucked, all pissy and cold and rainy or snowy, then the beautiful weather would be very soon.

I am gonna enjoy this pretty day, I spent all yesterday with my gorgeous stud colt (he is so good) and today I am taking the gelding out with his apple princess for a ride. I am being bad, so don't tell my doctor.....

But I got 6 weeks to be indoors and get better.....:fire:


Well-Known Member
I am having a rain day here, and, I love it. I am so freakin sick of sunshine. I am getting ready to get the birds up, they are sound asleep because of the rain. They are usually awake and playing by now. I have them in their bedroom with a baby monitor and all I hear is silence! Again, I LOVE rainy days, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hiya, Vette! Damn, good to see you!

MissH, Tips and Stoney (((BIG HUG))) I SHORE missed ya'll!

Good to be home, waking and baking with my freinds.

Had rugrats all weekend, and one in diapers this time! Thank goodness I don't hafta do emergency babysitting often. So good to be back to abnormal......

I got some of da DANKITDY DANK, just a pinch, good god how that shit ripped my burnt-out head off! Don't know what it was, or where it came from, but it was guuuuuuuuuud. I have a tiny bit left to go with the regular mud bud I have been getting lately, but it will make the baking better. A bit of better bud makes the baking better, not bitter. Bitter bud makes the baking bitter, but better bud makes the baking better (a spin on the 'bitter-batter-butter' tongue twister.)

I am still tryin to come up with ways to grow, but none make me comfortable. If I was payin rent instead of a mortgage, it wuddn't be so bad, but you get caught growin (specially in Redneckville where I live) I loose the horses, the land, the vehicles, everything. I HATE it, but can't change it just yet (give me awhile to get myself hooked up with wind and solar and I'LL be the one posting bud porn, beleive me, and happy and bleary eyed allus time.)
Hey Puff , Welcome Back ..


New Member
Hubby gets to work today :clap: I hope he gets to work tomorrow too, she works tomorrow and then maybe I can get something done without these people underfoot.

Vette, Is China on a delay today? The news said something about some schools being on a 2 hour delay because the Steelers won or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Hubby gets to work today :clap: I hope he gets to work tomorrow too, she works tomorrow and then maybe I can get something done without these people underfoot.

Vette, Is China on a delay today? The news said something about some schools being on a 2 hour delay because the Steelers won or something like that.
No delays today , But China's Mom got sick over the weekend (bad cold I think) and This morning she(China) woke up and felt like crap so she took the day off.. She prob has what her mom has .. I only go into the ""West Wing "" for sex and sleep so Im hoping I dont catch it .. I'll stay in the East wing Today


Well-Known Member
SCHOOL is on delay cuz of the superbowl? Oh my god....

WHy oh why cuddn't they have done that when I was in school? You had to barf up a lung to stay out, they didn't want a holiday for MLK even. I was always pissed we couldn't take Halloween off, but they now let out cuz of a FOOTBALL game?

I need to smoke some more.:leaf:


New Member
:shock: Vette has the plague in his house.......everybody run........ :bigjoint:

My kids were always pissed because they weren't allowed to dress up for Halloween for school. They never in their lives got to wear a costume to school. :(

I guess that's not true, I used to dress my daughter in "subliminal" costumes, torn jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket, presto, Joey Ramone costume, on the sly. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Hay Vette and Sunny, ya'll snuck in while I was typing.
Good to see you puff....

Morning Puff and Twisty!:hug:

Nice to see you back Puff!! Now, don't go leaving again!!! We need all the women out here to stay! I am so glad you are back.

Twisty how is the grow? You are getting close, yes?
Babies are great... they should be ready in early March..... I sent away for HPS friday so I'll finish them with HID.... although these T5 &12's flower well.. the buds are pretty tight and looking frosty...:weed:


New Member
Twisty's girls have got that frosty bud look. I loves me some frosty buds. My Sun plant is getting some frosty about her. I love to look at her, she is beautiful...... :weed: