Anyone know how to spin hemp?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to spin hemp thread or know where I could find out how? I assume you dry out the stalk and comb out the threads but there has to be more to it than that.


Well-Known Member
no but i'd be interested to find out, that'd be somethin fun to do with the stems.

maybe google knows...we should ask it...


Well-Known Member
no but i'd be interested to find out, that'd be somethin fun to do with the stems.

maybe google knows...we should ask it...
This is one thing Google knows little about. I have tried, all I know is that it is usually done by machine. But there must be a way to do it by hand, hemp rope has been around forever. I just need ideas for a comb to separate all the fibers.


Well-Known Member
Cool. Looks like the first step is going to be rotting the stalks in a bucket of water for a few weeks.