1st grow seedling concern


Active Member
Hey ya all....

New member....with noob question.

My 1st indoor grow.

Seedlings are 10 days old and some have leaves curling down. (see pics) Other then that they look healthy but NOT growing as fast I thought they would.

Soil germ. Soil grow

Temps 73 to 75 Day....62-64 @ night

Lots of ventilation!

Humidity 40-50 (sometimes a little lower and higher)

I have well water with a PH of 8.0, adjusted down to 6.4 with vinegar.

4 days ago I added 1/4 strength Fox Farm Big Bloom (leaves were fine then, possibly too early for ANY nutes?) Fox Farm feeding schedule has Big Bloom use 1st week.

Watered when soil was very dry.

I just noticed the pearlite is stained brown, is this normal? possible hard water? Too much iron?

I use a T5 grow light about 3 inches above seedlings. 18/6

I would be grateful for input from this observation and any recommendations.



South Texas

Well-Known Member
Flush the ferts out, quick like, with 75 degree water. No nutes for now. Try to keep temp around 78 at all times. Once they perk up, 1/8th nutes, but not "Big Bloom". I would mix liquid seaweed & molasses 1/4 strength, 1/4 tablespoon per gal & 1/4 whatever the seaweed says, after a week from now.


Active Member
Thanks....that was what I was thinking. When I flush should it about 4-5 times size of container? also, is hard water going to be an issue?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
it could be but the hard water is going to load up your plants on calcium and block out magnesium. If you have really hard water you will even see a white residue on the plants after misting or watering. If its hard water add a little epsom salt to your water and it should be fine

South Texas

Well-Known Member
3 times the size of container. Hard water has calcium in it.. I like it for my babies. Organic makes PH a non-issue. Add a little pinch of Epsom salt, 1 table spoon per gal. for little babies, to balance your soil & add minerals. You can do the salt, molasses & seaweed all together. What's in the soil that the babies are in?


Active Member
Black Gold organic soil with Vermiculite and pearlite.....1/2 soil ..1/4 Verm...1/4 Pearl


Well-Known Member
Hey ya all....

New member....with noob question.

My 1st indoor grow.

Seedlings are 10 days old and some have leaves curling down. (see pics) Other then that they look healthy but NOT growing as fast I thought they would.

Soil germ. Soil grow

Temps 73 to 75 Day....62-64 @ night

Lots of ventilation!

Humidity 40-50 (sometimes a little lower and higher)

I have well water with a PH of 8.0, adjusted down to 6.4 with vinegar.

4 days ago I added 1/4 strength Fox Farm Big Bloom (leaves were fine then, possibly too early for ANY nutes?) Fox Farm feeding schedule has Big Bloom use 1st week.

Watered when soil was very dry.

I just noticed the pearlite is stained brown, is this normal? possible hard water? Too much iron?

I use a T5 grow light about 3 inches above seedlings. 18/6

I would be grateful for input from this observation and any recommendations.

I would get a heat pad for them , seedlings and young plants like to have warm bottoms. I would not give nutes this early ,I USE FOXFARM GROW BIG , NO PROBLEMS.
The rust color on the perlite is probably the bark/wood in your soil mix leaching out color, I would not worry about that.:leaf:


Active Member
I do have a heat pad. So would you still recommend flushing? and does it matter if it is light or dark cycle when it's done?



Well-Known Member
i do have a heat pad. So would you still recommend flushing? And does it matter if it is light or dark cycle when it's done?

it's kind of a pain in the ass to flush when it is dark, so i would recommend doing it with the lights on.
but i would just back off on the nutes for a while, let them rest.:P


Active Member
you have a lot of plants mate. flushing might be exhaustive you only added nutes once and you didnt do the full recommended amount right? i know alot of people say they are very fragile as seedlings, but they are actually pretty resilient mofos. BTW why did you use big bloom on your little week old plants thats for flowering stage. if you dont wanna flush because that might be too much work and since they are so young you might lose alot of your plants anyways i would just give them some time and dont water them for like 4 days or so and use water-only for a month if you want.


Active Member
Yeah....Big Bloom is very light and Fox Farm has it 1/2 strength in week one on their feeding schedule....Kind of doubted it but did it anyway thinking it was so light it couldn't hurt. Live and Learn........Flushed them anyway. Took about 3 hours..LOL

Thanks Man,



Active Member
Yeah....Big Bloom is very light and Fox Farm has it 1/2 strength in week one on their feeding schedule....Kind of doubted it but did it anyway thinking it was so light it couldn't hurt. Live and Learn........Flushed them anyway. Took about 3 hours..LOL

Thanks Man,


durr week one of flowering.