nail through stalk

please dont just copy and paste, I have at least ten different scientific studies which show a direct link with potency and water...I know some things are controlled by the plants genotype but many things are affected by enviroment.

I do not neccesarily think this will increase overall yield or potency more than a normal undisturbed plant, but I really believe the plant would finish earlier. So if you sampled both plants at the same time, one would have alot of cbd or cbn and the other one will have thc. The problem would come when you took samples at the same time and compared them...and also few experiments are done with clones and as we all know, seeds vary greatly
I have tried almsot every different way to harvest..add potency and cure weed in the 15 years I have been growing the same strain

Watering less does nothing for potency...just as harvesting after a 24-48 dark period does nothing for potency...just like a nail in the stock does nothing for potency.
THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. How the hell is anyone suppose to test potency than? I doubt many people on this website have the machines to test the % of THC........

they got home kits now! but smoking is a accurate way to test for potency just as long it ur first blunt of the day for each of them!!!
But its not.. If you don't believe me, don't smoke anything for 3 weeks then hit some schwag.. It'll blow your mind..:)

well no shit thats cuz ur tolerance is nothing! but your tolerance is the same every morning! so some the one one morning the smoke the one blunt the next morning smoke a blunt of the other shit!!! thats the most accurate way to test potency! u cant smoke them back to back bcuz the first one is going to fuck u up more!!!!!!
I have tried almsot every different way to harvest..add potency and cure weed in the 15 years I have been growing the same strain

Watering less does nothing for potency...just as harvesting after a 24-48 dark period does nothing for potency...just like a nail in the stock does nothing for potency.

Sounds like all the factors for a great control group. If you're serious, then your daily smoking of your strain is a valid potency test for me.
can this be used as a form of supercropping by using a needle to puncture the stalk and stems, an idea ive had
lol made me laugh
The method is the following: Leave a nail in bleach 24h in order for it to rust. Drive it through the stem right near the bottom, few days before harvesting time.

The logic: The plant will realize that it's dieing and will secrete a protective hormone that accelerates bud production, not cannabinoid production. You'll end up with more buds, not with a higher THC concentration.

I did not try this, so I have no idea if it does work, but I have read some posts around here from a guy who says that it does have a big impact in the buds...
I can't provide any evidence to disprove the nail-through-stem theory. Despite this, i still laugh at it. Hahahahahahaha.... Sooooo many myths that come from lazy people trying to justify witchcraft and snake-oil.
The best way to grow weed: Take good care of it! Save the nails!
If it sounds like you shouldnt do it to your plant, don't do it. I'm not trying to hate on progress, but this is just silly. CMON!!!!
like try stabbing the branch a few times near one spot on the branch ,with a needle it causes the plant to produce what looks like a hard knuckle as it repairs..inducing auxin flow..
like try stabbing the branch a few times near one spot on the branch ,with a needle it causes the plant to produce what looks like a hard knuckle as it repairs..inhibiting auxin flow..

Makes sense... +rep for the cool new info:weed:

A few more questions: Do you have to leave the needle in for some time? Does anything gush out of the wound?

Again, thanks for the info...
i would think just puncture all the way threw then take it back out. if u went threw the middle straw thing in the stem i donno if it would kill the plant or not, supercroppings breaking it so seems a little more precise if it worked
I know the rusty nail works on fruit trees that are not producing or not producing what they should be. A weed is another matter.