Smoking When Sick Unenjoyable


Well-Known Member
This is the first time this has happened to me that I can remember... I smoke and I start to get an unenjoyable high, the most unenjoyable part is that I noticing my heart start racing.

Has this happened to anyone else or can anyone maybe explain?

PS: According to Firefox's spell check, unenjoyable is not a word... I could have sworn it was?


Well-Known Member
You smoking in a stressful environment? Somewhere you probably shouldn't be? Having a bad week? Seems like most of the time when people say they are having issues when they get high, especially anxiety stuff, it's because of some outside factor that isn't conducive to just chillin out.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Usually that is a subconscious sign that there is something vastly more important that you should be working on rather than chilling and getting toasty.

At least in my experience.

Pie Eyed

Active Member
This is the first time this has happened to me that I can remember... I smoke and I start to get an unenjoyable high, the most unenjoyable part is that I noticing my heart start racing.

Has this happened to anyone else or can anyone maybe explain?

PS: According to Firefox's spell check, unenjoyable is not a word... I could have sworn it was?
Well everyone i've been around had bronchitus, and hasn't been feeling good. I caught on with it, and I find the same thing, it's less enjoyable. Been short in my stash, so I havn't wanted to load the vape yet, I have a feeling i'm going to try more testing here in awhile, :hump: I'll give you a followup on how I feel I guess. Ahh the things you do for love, lol :leaf:

Pie Eyed

Active Member
Well everyone i've been around had bronchitus, and hasn't been feeling good. I caught on with it, and I find the same thing, it's less enjoyable. Been short in my stash, so I havn't wanted to load the vape yet, I have a feeling i'm going to try more testing here in awhile, :hump: I'll give you a followup on how I feel I guess. Ahh the things you do for love, lol :leaf:
Alright, well it was all good once I got stoned, the first couple hit's wern't as enjoyable as usual. But, when it set in, yeah, it was good! :-P I had some pressure towards the front of my head, whatever that means, but in time it went away as more of the effect set in later. Good luck with that, get well, and happy toking!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
my heart does that most times sick or no sick---I like it! :)
I guess that makes sense, but I don't enjoy my heart racing at almost 200 BPM, that's dangerous as far as I am concerned...

You smoking in a stressful environment? Somewhere you probably shouldn't be? Having a bad week? Seems like most of the time when people say they are having issues when they get high, especially anxiety stuff, it's because of some outside factor that isn't conducive to just chillin out.
Same place as normal...

Usually that is a subconscious sign that there is something vastly more important that you should be working on rather than chilling and getting toasty.

At least in my experience.
You might be right, I have been worrying recently about doing well in school and whether or not everything will be ok in my life.

However, I was thinking that maybe it had something to do with me quitting smoking cigs recently. I will try smoking a bowl here in a few minutes and I will let you everyone know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
ive had that a few times. its only happened when ive been really really really really really really really.........really high. i noticed it twice. id be smoking, everything is fine etc. then next minute id be smoking another joint and id start to get scared because it starts beating really fast so ive had to put the joint out and go get a glass of water and just try to calm down abit.

seemed to work... probably just me but could happen


Well-Known Member
I like smoking when I have the flu or the common usually makes me feel better. I had a mild respitory infection a couple years back and while smoking wasn't the most enjoyable (I coughed like a mule everytime I took a pull.) It got all that crap out and did reduce my symptoms a bit.


Well-Known Member
I think somehow I just may have gotten more stoned than I wanted to. That happened today too, but instead of having my heart race, this was pretty much the first time I could program. I got really worried I would never remember again.... yeah so it's all good again.


Well-Known Member
when i smoke when im sick it makes me twice as high... maybe cuz my body is already kinda fucked up lol