Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Being female, I know something about my anatomy.

That is also the same part the doctor would slash open with a scalpel during childbirth. I lived that twice.......ouch, talk about being afraid to pee for 3 weeks......


New Member
hey dude...go ahead and get drunk...don't listen to the women...get drunk and go get some pussy, even if you have to pay for it. the sooner the better....8)


Well-Known Member
hey dude...go ahead and get drunk...don't listen to the women...get drunk and go get some pussy, even if you have to pay for it. the sooner the better....8)
AMEN to this man! And boink one of her friends while ur at it..Maybe not the best thing to do but it will make u feel better!


Well-Known Member
Yea man..Boink the ugly one too it all makes sence.If theres a fat friend they are always the most sympathetic and im sure the first one's that would be happy to help get some revenge..The fat friends know they are just around to help with the hot ones confidence.. If u boink her fat friend this will prolly do the most damage.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Guess I could add my lil joke here..I actually did ask the doc to throw an extra stitch in..she didnt like it one bit and actually said a cuss word..How professional is that!


New Member
They frown upon things like that. It would be like saying, hey could you chop an inch or so off when you circumsize?

It's bad enough to be cut there and then sewn up, but then to have a man that is supposed to love you make a bonehead remark like that?

If my husband said something like that, he would be saying goodbye forever to my fun parts.