Anonymity won't help if you've had any prior criminal history, because your fingerprints are now all over that money and they have records.
But otherwise, yea, you could be fine, unless the cashier looks at the defaced bill and says "We can't accept this." Just depends, some cashiers are smart, some are dumb. One guy had the SS on his ass because a cashier was too stupid and thought $2 bills weren't real.
HEY,I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!!Fuck anonymity, we need to do it to bring more attention to the issues than just random leaf stamps. I think a leaf with, or (or about would possibly even drive the curious to those sites and hopefully win converts rather than just people thinking that theres some crazie hippie with a rubber stamp doing all of this.
It was a joke. Not funny I guess.the stamp act is about taxes? What does that have to do with putting "i grew hemp" on dollar bills?![]()
Naw, it was just a joke. There was some kind of stamp tax act back in the early days, On things like Sugar etc. I believe it may have even caused a rebellion amongst the colonists. After it was passed by the British, the colonists refused to honor it and it eventually was repealedI just didn't get it. I thought it was some lame new law, I was seaching for it. Med, wild goose chase, you sassy man, you.......
hahaha... I can just imagine it making the "Most popular" of google news.You had me going there for a bit. I was ready to run to the grocery store with the new law that says you will be hanged in the town square for marking on money....![]()
with pics..........![]()
Anyone wishing to verify this, please go to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing website and select Money Facts. From there, select Defacement of Currency.[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Defacement of Currency
Defacement of currency is a violation of Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code. Under this provision, currency defacement is generally defined as follows: Whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, Federal Reserve Bank, or Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
Defacement of currency in such a way that it is made unfit for circulation comes under the jurisdiction of the United States Secret Service.[/FONT]
Anyone wishing to verify this, please go to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing website and select Money Facts. From there, select Defacement of Currency.
Considering forensics teams can lift fingerprints off of a rock that's been exposed to inclement weather for longer than I've been alive would say completely otherwise. Have you SEEN the scanning stuff they use nowdays for fingerprints? I have. They can filter out hundreds of fingerprints from just about anything. Software interpolation and interpretation, plus different methods of marking old and new fingerprints.You can tear a bill in half and as long as you have both complete serial numbers, they have to accept the bill.
Fingerprinting money? Yeah right, they'll find the prints of a thousand people on it. Even the cashiers prints will be on the money. Who's to say it didn't say that when I got it. The burden of proof is on them.
The cashier can't refuse to accept a bill solely because there is writing on it, especially when they pull out a permanant marker and mark on every bill that is a 20 or higher.
I think I might have gotten a cold sore from that money...Hey Growtech, there used to be the strip club in my area and they used to play the "lotion game" where the girls put on lotion and the men just stuck the money to them, like a warped pin the tail on the donkey. How would you like to end up with one of those bills? Nasty..........