Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
rollitup started this site over 2 years ago as a "hobby". he has a real job. he is alone. he can't trust anyone to come in and start trying to fix things. look at the problem we have just trying to find a sane mod. if rollitup could fix it, he would. the man is doing his best. i've been a mod for almost 2 years and i can't even access anything. i fully understand his worries. i have seen a lot of people just drop nuts outta their skulls for no reason. it scares me. he is working on find a competent admin to help straighten everything out. our server is full again as well. :leaf:
Thats all it takes fdd.... you just did it..:clap:.. you just explained the issue and you didn't turn into a pumpkin... I know a site of this topic can't go to the dell 24hr. help line... but just a this/that the other is the prob.
I don't want to be a mod per se but can I get a destroy button.... I thought I'd seen it all till the other day... "can I flower a seedling" it had two fucking leaves for gods sake..... I NEED A DESTROY BUTTON FOR THOSE... or send me a rubber brick I can throw........ PLEASE....!!! :shock:

Thanks fdd........... :clap:


Well-Known Member
the time is exactly 8 hours off. i have set mine to hong kong time in my user controls and it is correct now. try it. :)


Well-Known Member
i was with rollitup in chat the other night talking about the time. he fixed it. it was right for almost a day. then all the sudden it just changed. we were in chat again the other night. he fucked with it for almost an hour. it said it was all correct on the sever end, but my end was 8 hours off. he tried everything he could think of and couldn't get it to the correct time. he is aware of the problem and is doing his best. i'll poke him again.


Well-Known Member
i was with rollitup in chat the other night talking about the time. he fixed it. it was right for almost a day. then all the sudden it just changed. we were in chat again the other night. he fucked with it for almost an hour. it said it was all correct on the sever end, but my end was 8 hours off. he tried everything he could think of and couldn't get it to the correct time. he is aware of the problem and is doing his best. i'll poke him again.
Yeah it was OK the other day.. I'm using Eniwetok, Kwajnein time now ..its 1 hour ahead so its close enough not to be that bad.this week I felt like that damn Aussie (Hi Gryphonn) 20 head or 2435 weeks behind... I thought you guys were poking the stoned peeps...


