first time getting stoned


Well-Known Member
would like to hear the stories of who it was that got you baked for the first time. so here is mine, the first time i got baked it was with my mom. yes i said my mom . after that i use to pinch her bag till i could aford my owen.still don't know if i will get my son baked or not . he is 17 now.he might already be smoking idk. will have to talk to him after he gets back from chef school


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Second day of HS, with Dave and crew while skipping school and reenacting Reservoir Dogs lines. Ever since then it's been a wonderful hazy trip!


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I was with my friends at their low-income house (go figure). I smoked once before that and nothing happened. I told them that I must be inpervious to the stuff, man I was wrong. I got baked. During being in and out of conscienciousness, I remember eating like 4-5 peanut butter sandwiches. Man, I was stoned and I loved it!!!!!!!! I still like just peanut butter sandwiches to this day.


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my first time ever was while i was night fishing, my m8t bought an 1/8 of bud, we had pure weed buckets, i was in my owt little world buzzing of my tits....


Active Member
first time i got high was in..... 8th grade wit my friends dad smokin on the back porch pure dank hitting it outta a sneak-a-toke


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1971, My brother came back from Vietnam and had some Highland Thai, I was at the tender age of nine. I have been smoking weed ever since.


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my friend knocks on my door and comes up to my room, i'm twelve... he surprises me with a half ounce baggie of sum green shit, he whispers coco-puffs...we smoked it all that day:joint: ... ahhh found memories:roll:


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Was 19 yrs old, Step-brother and friend invited me and my friend over to smoke. We smoked about 6 bowls After about 30 min. I started feeling different, but didn't think it was anything special. (I was baked and didn't even realize it). I remember thinking that it's just like a light alcohol buzz. Then I decided to get up and get a drink (dry mouth), as soon as I stood up, the feeling changed. I felt my body pulsating, then when I went in to a dark kitchen I started seeing colors flying around everywhere. When I turned on the lights the walls looked like they were breathing. It was amazing...

I remembered that I brought CD's with me. I sugested to my more experienced co-smokers that we should listen to Pink Floyds Darkside of the Moon. They all happily agreed. We smoked about another 5 bowls turned the music on and the lights off. I then drifted off in to the most beautiful and intense dream I ever had. Most of my friends said they don't feel that way on Weed. They told me that my experience resembles more of an Acid trip. My first experience was my favorite one, It was then, I decided that MaryJane and I are going to be life long friends.


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8th grade. I was afraid to smoke anything because I had asthma so i grabed my inhaler and took 2 or 3 puffs. 4 years till this day I love pot and smoke it everyday. and no matter what anyone says pot has never induced a asthma attack.


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Lol topps, my first time was when i stole a guy across the roads 1/2 oz, me an a m8 smoked it n dat was it i was hooked. oh yea got da munchies 8 like half kilo of chilli buiskits lol knew bout it the next mornin.


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18 in College...Joined my roommate and some friends and went into the woods. The first few times I didn't get anything other then cotton mouth and the munchies, I was not keeping it in the lungs long enough...Then on Halloween night of all nights, we finished up and went to our dorm and I FELT SO ALIVE. Everhthing was all music and I was walking to a drum beat and I felt the blood rushing throughout my body...Then when i got back to the room, I started laughing, but I forget about lasted for 10 minutes.....It felt so good, especially after being such a straight edge kid for all my life.

Thanks Roomy!!!!


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i was 9 me and my freind kent seen my dads bag on the tabble we knew what it was, so we took it smoket all of it and put some eregno in it he was so pisset. but didnt know it was us.
13 years old and going to one of my first away games (football) with a bunch of hooligans.
Interesting, I used to support Leeds when I was 16 but we just got pissed never high. I guess the alcohol made us a bit feisty but wouldn't weed just make you chill out?

I work with a guy now, who's been in prison and a mental health facility (fuckin agressive bastard), he sneaks off and rolls a joint and comes back and is as calm as calm could be. I like him and I think he's going to twat the (encargado - supervisor) in weeks to come, I think I will laugh a little and then stop him. The encargado is a tosser and deserves all he gets - its difficult though knowing what to do.....

off topic sorry......


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My first time, I heard a voice in my head that said quite loudly "Oh I am not a stupido." I laughed so hard I. My friend looked at me and said "Dude you are so wasted." I had a grin for quite a while and pushed two cubes of 8" cinder blocks off a 2 story building. You see, I am a powerlifter and also studied jiu jitsu for 8 years and really do not care. I smashed blocks and tore half of the jobsite apart for a while. I am sure the gram of flake we snorted didn't help matters either. After that I told myself that weed is it for me. I feel the need, the need for WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDD,. No shit!!!


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7th grade. my friend had a bit of weed and weed packed a bowl in the cemetary on the tombstone. and went home. i saw a fat chick on the way back and i couldnt stop laughing. now, i smoke everyday. mary jane and i, we are lovers.