Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
We got a shitpile of snow here too, My little dog can't potty, the snow is higher than his weiner :( We're going to have to shovel a "potty path"
hahahahaha thats hilarious! We always shovel like two feet out the door for my dog then its up to her to find her way around in the snow. She usually climbs the biggest hill she can find and sits on it for like two hours.


New Member
well it's a chore when the snow is higher than your butthole. We usually make a path through they yard for the little guy. The big dog is out there romping, she'll be a pain all day long, in - out -in -out -in -out.....she needs a revolving door.


Well-Known Member
thats the same way my big one is back home, it snows and all day shes constantly either running around in the backyard or coming in the house to check her bowl and then right back out.


New Member
Mine comes in, gets her towel (she likes to be dried off) she checks her bowl, lays on her chair for a bit, then wants right back outside. She's like a big furry child.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice that you can't give neg. rep anymore unless your elite? Someone started a thread about it, and, sure enough I just checked and all you can do is leave positive rep.....Chchchchanges....


New Member
Stoney said something to me yesterday about the -rep being gone. I thought is was a glitch or something. It may be a good thing, people did abuse it in some ways. I got a -rep for my dog being "gay" :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think it will cause more fighting. I think some people hold back on lashing out on people because they don't want neg. rep. Now that they know they can't get it, well, I think we will see more fighting....At least it will make it interesting.

I am going for a run, or a walk, depending on my knees...lol

Have a good day everyone.


New Member
I wanted to ask on the thread about it why it was disabled but the thread was already closed with the answer of, "it's disabled, end of story" Are we dealing with the federal government here? This "because I said so" bit doesn't fly to well with me.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to ask on the thread about it why it was disabled but the thread was already closed with the answer of, "it's disabled, end of story" Are we dealing with the federal government here? This "because I said so" bit doesn't fly to well with me.
Me either, that is why I have been exploring other avenues.....:shock:


New Member
if you find a better place, let me know, I don't want to be left behind.........

Hey look, I got the medal back again...........I'm surpised it wasn't disabled :roll: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if you find a better place, let me know, I don't want to be left behind.........
To be honest, I am stalking Twisty and following him around...lol.

I don't like being governed, and, this site has gotten so large that they can dictate what will go on out here, right or wrong. They are making too much money, imo. Then people will jump on and say "It is free, show some respect" Bullshit!!! We, the posters, is what brings in the money! Without us there is no more money....We do matter!


Well-Known Member
LOL, Rick left me! I guess I took too long to get on my tennis shoes. He left!! Wow, what a punishment...I can't run with him until I puke...that will teach me to be late...


New Member
I think my girlfriend of 4 years is leaving me for my dealer.

i dont even know what the fuck to say.

i knew something was fishy so i looked at her phone, and its all endless texts about how they should move in together and shit like that.

im so fucking sad.


Well-Known Member
I think my girlfriend of 4 years is leaving me for my dealer.

i dont even know what the fuck to say.

i knew something was fishy so i looked at her phone, and its all endless texts about how they should move in together and shit like that.

im so fucking sad.
Wow Dude, I am sorry.


New Member
Dude :hug: I'm sorry, but if she's going to be like that, best to be done with her. A cheater always cheats, but look on the bright side, if she'll cheat with him, she'll cheat on him.........kick her to the curb, you're worth more than that.