The triangle offense: Alaskan ice, trainwreck & mazar-i-shariff! 1st gro


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";1829543]how many ladies you got goin?[/QUOTE]

i got 3 tw 2 ai 2 mazar and 5 bag seeds in cups. im goin to take 2 or 3 clones from each known strain and put the 7 in the flowering room.


Well-Known Member
I just started with some TW and AI so i'll be keeping up to date with this, good work and good luck
good lookin out my dude i hope u enjoy many fruits of your labor as well:leaf::leaf::leaf:

IM BAC IM BAC!!!! its been a minute cuz i had no email but i have been writin down the progress every 2-5 days so when i did get back online i could give a play by play so ill just run it down from 1/1/09 to present day so we all caught up:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
DAY 40

whoooa! A forest is in the veg room!! But.....the bagseeds were over shadowed:sad: had to chuck 2 of them. The first bagseed to sprout is goin strongso we'll see I think it might be a sativa (my friend im growin it for will be happy!) Tomorrow the rest of the gear for the flowering room should be here (600 watt hps 6" inline fan ff open sesame earth juice rooting gel and cloning kit:-P)



Well-Known Member
DAY 42 1/3

(Fed girls 2 gallons of DW, 4 tsp of tiger, 2tbl of big bloom ,2 tsp of hygro and a half tsp of open sesame.)

The girls look sweet! 2 TW 16", the AI and 1 TW are 14" 1 MAZ is 13" and the other is 11"!!! I set up the floweringroom "hood style" hung the bw ploy from the ceiling and 1 sheet of mylar(ran out of ploy lol). The girls have room to breath and get maad lumens! I found outmy helper goofed and put some big bloom in my humidifyer(whaaaaaat?:confused:) so i gues thats why they so big lol. Then my box fan burnt out so now i need 2 fans daaaam! But all is well tonight i will be poppin the 12/12 cherry my dumb ass cant figure out the timer so ill do it manual until then on at 8am off at 8 pm lol i took clones from each strain but i dont think that went well.....the girls are leant over and1 withered:wall: so we'll see ill keep sprayin them but i dont know i hope theyll pull through!



Well-Known Member
DAY 44 (BAG & BBS 19) DAY 2 FLOWER!!

So ill start with the "learnin experience" then the high points lol The clones died 1 by 1 and the final 2 met theyre demise today withered to nothing:wall: so maybe it was too early to take clones or rh or i just suck either way i did something wrong. Then i just realized i should have been givin the BAG and BBS girls some nutes.....days ago!!! so now they are on my day bar so i wont forget:bigjoint: NOW..... 2 TW 17" the AI and 1 TW 15 1maz is 14" and the other is 12"!!! In veg: BAG 5" and the BBS are 3". ill feed them tomorrow and will read up on cloning so i wont have anymore problems.



Well-Known Member
DAY 46 (BAG & BBS 21) DAY 4 FL!!!

(Fed girls yesterday 3 gal DW 6tsp tiger, 3 tbl big bloom and 3 tsp of hygro. VEG: 4 cups of dw 1/4 tsp grow and 1/8 tsp hygro)

the girls are doin great: 2 tw 19", 1 tw and 1 maz 18", the ai are 17 and the last maz is 15"!! i trimmedsome broken/damaged leaves and got a 6" clip fan to get the air circulatin (i really need to put this in veg and get a 15" at least for the flowering room but my ends say not now lol ) in veg the bag is 4" and the bbs are 3" (i was floatin doin the last measurements my bad lol) thay seem to like the nutes!!heres a nice tw and ai top shots.



Well-Known Member
DAY 49 (BAG & BBS 24) DAY 7 FL!! 1/10

(Fed girls 3 gal dw 6 tsp tiger, 3 tbl big, 3 tsp hygro and 1/2 tsp open sesame. VEG: 4cups dw 1/4 tsp grow 1/8 tsp hygro)

The girls are doin great: 1 tw 23", 2tw 22", the ai are 20", 1 maz is 19" and the other is 16". The female pistals are startin to show so i know there females.....except 1 maz im not so sure about:?:



Well-Known Member
DAY 51 (BAG & BBS 24) DAY 9 FL!!

My thoughts were on the point 1 of the Maz is a male!:-( So he was escorted off the property yesterday R.I.P. As for the "real" girls: 1 TW 25", 2 TW and AI 23" in the Mazand the other AI are 21"
In veg: Bag is 5.5 BBS is 4.5
The white hairs keep showing and the girls look very healthy. I will water the girls tomorrow maybe tonight (1 TW looks dry already) and we'll see what the days bring.



Well-Known Member
DAY 54 (BAG & BBS 27) DAY 12 FL!!

(Feeding Schedule)
Fed girls on the night of Day 51 3 Gal. DW, 6 Tsp Tiger, 3Tbl Big B and 3 tsp Hygro
Veg:4 Cups DW, 1/4 tsp Grow & Hygro

Well the bulb in FL blew :cuss:so I had to replace it (80 F-in Bucks!!) but the new one is better and brighter than the cheap one I had:-)! The girls didn't seem to suffer ( I switched from 8 am/8 pm to 6/6 I noticed the light was off at that time): 1 TW 27" 2 TW and the Maz 25" 1 AI 24" and the other is 22" I tried my hand at cloning again (2 TW) they areon day 2 if they last I'll put them one the next day bar.



Well-Known Member
DAY 56 (BAG & BBS 31) Day 14 FL!!

(Fed girls yesterday 2 Gal of Baby Water w/ Fluoride? 4 tsp Tiger 2 Tbl Big B 2 tsp Hygro 2 tsp Open Sesame 2 drops of PH down)

The girls are doing great: 1TW 30" 1 TW 29" 1 TW 28" the Maz and 1 AI 26" the last AI 24"
In veg: Bag 7" BBS 5" The clones still look soggy, so we'll se what happens in days to come. I got 2 TW 2 AI and 1 Maz seeds germing, so I should be planting those soon. I had to use some baby water with fluoride cuz my water-getter goofed. It had a high PH so I added PH Down. The next feeding I will be giving the girls Beastie Bloomz and I will be transplanting the Bag & BBS to 3 Gal bags.



Well-Known Member
DAY 59 (BAG & BBS 34) DAY 17 FL!! 1/20

(Fed girls yesterday 3 gal spring water: the tw and maz got 4tsp tiger 4tsp grow 2 tbl big b 2 tsp hygro 2tsp beastie bloomz & 4 drops ph up. The ai got 2 tsp tiger 1tbl big b 1 tsp hygro 1 tsp open sesame and 2 drops ph up.VEG: 4 cups sw 1/4 tsp grow 1/8 hygro)

Wooooow! the girls have bud sites all over! Only the ai is a lil slow but theyll be done a week later so i guess thats why(thus them gettin one last dose of open sesame). 1 tw 34", 1tw 31", 1 ai 33", the last tw is 30",the maz is 29" and the other ai is 25". The BAG is 8" 1BBS is 7" and the other is 6". I had to flush one of the tw clones cuz it witherd away(RIP) the other is still fightin i think she will make it. I planted 2 tw beans that popped. My boy gave me a 20" stand up osillating fan so i moved the 6" to veg where it belongs lol i cant wait to see the results of the comin weeks!!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
DAY 62 (BAG & BBS 37; TW 2) Day 29 FL!!

(Fed girls yesterday 3 Gal DW, 6 tsp Grow, 6 tsp Tiger, 3 Tbl Big B, 3 tsp Hygro. Veg: 4 cups DW, 1/4 tsp Grow, 1/8 tsp Hygro)

The stats: 1 TW 36" 1 AI 35" 1 TW 32" the last TW 31" the Maz 30" the final AI 26"
I transplanted the BAG into a 3 Gal bag of Ocean Forest/Light Warrior mix today and will transplant the BBS when I get more soil in a few days. I planted 2 AI and 1 Maz for another shift lol. And I got 4 Randoms germing.



Well-Known Member
DAY 67 (BAG & BBS 42;TW,MZ & AI 8 ) Day 25 FL!!

I fed girls on 1/25 3 Gal DW 6tsp Tiger 6 tsp Grow 6 tsp molasses 3 Tbl Big B 3 tsp Hygro 3 tsp Beastie: 1 AI got Open Sesame. In veg: 4 cups DW 1/4 tsp Grow, 1/8 tsp of Hygro for BBS and 2 cups DW for MZ and AI.

Our new ingredient is organic molasses to increase bud size around 20%. A couple bumps in the road: The BBS is gettin big and I wasn't realizing so they got droopy twice from lack of water! they are recovering. And for the last 2 days there was no heat so the temp was in the 50's high 40's (very bad) but the girls still look good and grew: 1 AI 41" 1 TW 37" 1 TW 36" and the last AI is 29" In veg BAG is 14" 1 BBS 9.5" and the other is 8" I still need to transplant the BBS but will solve that problem soon.


Well-Known Member
DAY 73 (BAG & BBS 48;TW,MZ & AI 14 ) Day 31 FL!!

(Fed girls on 2/1 after leaching each with 6 Gal tap water: 6 tsp Tiger 6 tsp Grow 6 tsp molasses 3 Tbl Big B 3 tsp Hygro 3 tsp Beastie: 1 AI got Open Sesame. In veg: 4 cups DW 1/4 tsp Grow, 1/8 tsp of Hygro for BBS and 1/2 Gal DW 1 tsp Grow 1 tsp Hygro for BAG & 2 cups DW for TW and MZ .

The girls are doing good but they could do better. I over fed them Beastie (especially 1 AI) it shows! The tallest AI's leaves curled under and some dried a lot :cry:. I re-leached it and MZ. Other wise: 1 AI 44" 1 TW 39" and all the other girls are the same height don't know if that's good or bad but yea. In veg I disposed of the TC because it never grew roots:-(. I tapped the bag a little too much but its ok. The TW and MZ are doin, well anf growing very nicely. I still haven't trasnplanted the BBS so I been watering every other day until I do.


Well-Known Member
DAY 78 (BAG & BBS 53;TW,MZ & AI 19 ) Day 36 FL!!

(Fed girls 3 Gal DW 6 tsp Tiger 6 tsp molasses 3 Tbl Big B 3 tsp Hygro. In veg: 1 Gal DW 1 tsp Grow, 1/8 tsp of Hygro for BBS and 1/2 Gal DW 1/2 tsp Hygro.)

I clipped the overly burnt/damaged leaves off each plant and they seem to be doin well. The heights are still the same but each girl has many more/larger bud sites :smile:. I need to transplant asap but it looks like the 20th but we'll see. Also need to get Cha-Ching for the final weeks of FL and Gravity also is needed. I will also be getting a digital Ph joint cuz I only know colors and drops but I'd rather see numbers lol.