Quick question for the computer nerds


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to send downloaded songs/movies???

i've downloaded a bunch of movies and realized that my laptop doesn't burn dvds! :wall:

if its possible... i want to send them to my desktop so i can burn them...


Well-Known Member
both XP? you can make a shared folder on the laptop, put all teh movies in then conenct to the shared folder on the desktop and copy all teh files out of the folder. i can help you out.

what operating systems are the 2 computers and are they on the same network?


Active Member
english please :-o
That is english. A protocol is a practice/method. Transferring is transferring. Files are files. It's a practice/method for moving files. In this case, the practice relates to the network. there are other protocols (HTTP, which has you on this site, for example).

1. Find some very cheap or free file hosting
2. Download what's called an FTP client which allows you to use FTP
3. Transfer Files on the Protocol

Google it next time :)


Well-Known Member
Just use a usb cable or a netowrk cable if your a computer newbie and then access the laptop like another drive.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
just get yourself a portable harddrive and put all of the movies on there and then take it to your computer
^^ if that will work, that will be the easiest way i would think. i have a 2 gb flash drive. might have to do one movie at a time.... but fuck it.

sharing folders would be easy too

thanks guys :!:


Well-Known Member
sharing folders would be the fastest, easiest method. and if you ahve a 360 you can connect it to the computer with movies and watch in your tv.


Well-Known Member
i havnt done it yet. im off at college so i wont be able to get to my desktop netime soon.

and about watching them through the xbox... i finally got it to work at home using TVersity. bout cant seem to get it to work here. o well


Well-Known Member
Just use a usb cable or a netowrk cable if your a computer newbie and then access the laptop like another drive.:leaf:
If you're doing computer to computer USB cable is not the way to go, because then you'd have to install NetBEUI and more crap that the poor guy probably could not do, not to mention the terrible overhead involved in a USB data transfer.