L.E.D lighting


Active Member
detchurd no disrespect but those plants look ill , look at how skinny and stretched they are , there is hardley any leaf structure , and look at the massive space between nodes ....all classic signs of poor /not enough lighting , a plant that tall should be a mass of leaves .
Look how far away his lights are... of course its gunna stretch.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Look how far away his lights are... of course its gunna stretch.
im pretty sure he dosent leave them that far away ,if he does he is dumb cuz thats what these led chumps go on about 'howw close they can get to the plants without burning '
anyway look at other led grows, where they have the lights right on top of the plants , exactly the same thing happens .


Active Member
my lights are 4" away from the tops of my tallest plants. I have started 2 week cycle following AL.B's model, so I have plants a various heights. My plant is Master Kush, and is a tall and lanky plant. I have had this exact strain for 2 years now, both under 1000w HPS and now led, its just a tall strain, shit under a 1kw I had 6' tall plants. Now I keep em under 3. I am starting a new strain that hopefully will be more compact. And with LED's proximity isnt as important as with HID, as you dont measure by lumens.


Active Member
As far as my plants looking ill, well my friends who grow under HPS come over and are amazed at how healthy and green my plants are. I just put 2 of my new strain into flower at 8" tall and they have 8-9 nodes each, so an inch between nodes? sounds pretty great to me!


Active Member
The Strain of plant i have is very lanky, it stretched over 12" going into flower under the hps.... Its a tall plant, nothing I can do about it. oh and in these pics, with the much lauded 1kw lamp and 6' plus plants, I still averaged 3/4oz per plant dried... this is the exact same strain I have under my led's in the previous pix.



Active Member
Yall can hate all you want. Im gonna sit here n smoke my dank kush that cost me almost nothing to grow. and Ill continue to do so for another decade under the same lights. LED's work. I'm Done.


Active Member
brought her out into the sun so you could see her color better. I just cut the top off and 3 more cuttings went into the aero. Clones root in 4 days under 10w of led, with 95% success. I cut my cuttings with a ceramic blade, cut again under water, then into aero-cloner.



Active Member
Hey guys... You are all putting your LED's too far away from the plants... 4 inches? LED light diminishes dramatically inch by inch. you want them pretty much TOUCHING the plants. no space between it... if the plant grows into the light, thats fine. there is no burning or heat that could damage them. try it out. It worked great for a grow I am helping with.


Well-Known Member
co2 is only needed as a supplement under hi-heat lighting, without the elevated temps the plant dosent aspirate enough to warrant any added co2
"I read a thread that said co2 wasn't helpful in low temps, but I am going to have to disagree" Quoted from Subcool. C02 is that shit. Plus yeah i have leds and they can lick my balls. I hate them. They look cool to take pictures with thats it. use HID lights or cfls if you have to Seriously!!! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Someone said: "i tried leds for a minute, it was sad to watch the plants straggle their way toward one single blue led over another on the light array. rofl. So i went out and bought a 400 wat hid and i am a lot happier."

ROFL is right. What kind of "gardener" would expect to see any plant response by using a single blue dot, even at 10W? I'm sorry if that sounds antagonistic. But really? Were you trying to DIS-prove LED lights efficacy? My LED unit draws 330W and replaces a 600W HPS. I'm happy that I don't have to run AC or do much venting. Uh, as for all this extra heat people above have said LED puts off... mine has a heat sink and four nearly silent computer fans to move air over the sink. The heat sink itself is only warm to the touch and is the hottest part of the light. On a mover, it's pretty effective for us. UFOs are crap, unless you only have a locker to grow in, then two of the new tri-band ones might work well.

With HID, about 80-90% of the electricity used to run the lamp is wasted as heat, only the remainder is usable by the plant. My plants use about 85% of the energy expended by running the light. Only 15% is lost as heat, this is because it doesn't need to make light in extraneous wavelenghts, just the several the plants want.