Why does everyone want purple buds???


Well-Known Member
Honestly purple strains are some of the lowest producers of thc, but yet everyone seems to want purple buds. Ill take the bright green with orange or red hairs any day over purple buds. There is an exception for blueberry but other then that there isn't a strong purple strain out there. Feel free to discuss!
im with u bro

its all about the bling theses days if it looks good to the buyer then u tell me the outcome
lol, its all just a style man, its like a name, if its fuckin purple it must be bomb!
people do the same thing with names, take some regular old nugs and call it "orange budd" or something like that, just to sell it for more, its all marketing.

and to the others that like it, purple budds produce the most resin, less thc per amount of resin, but double to tripple the amount of resin.

and are you talking about budd thats purble or budd like grand daddy purp? cuz "purple" strains are not alwayse purple, you have to lower the overall temp durasticaly toward the end of growth to make it turn more purple. so its really more like why do people want weed that was grown in a colder area over the same grown in regular temps? makes no sence,besides the fact that it makes it push more resin from the stems and branches to the budds. but either does the color or name. thats why i go by smell.
Honestly purple strains are some of the lowest producers of thc, but yet everyone seems to want purple buds. Ill take the bright green with orange or red hairs any day over purple buds. There is an exception for blueberry but other then that there isn't a strong purple strain out there. Feel free to discuss!
you must not be in cali then, we have some very potent purple strains here that are sought after from all over...however its not the best there is or the only thing there is...the purp craze started in the sf bay area with the local rappers talking about the purp and grapes in all there songs...it became the big thing to have the purp or grapes...since most people are trend whores and sheep they tend not to stray from the popular choice...:joint:
im just talking about purple strains. Not other strains that turn purple due to cold weather. for example im talking about strains like purple power, purple widow, Da purps, and so on. Those can give maybe 15% thc tops Ill take some nothern lights or grapefruit over a purple strain any day. Just my 2 cents.
So, the fact that the purple urkel and grape ape that I'm growing has the tendency to comatose ppl, that isnt a good enough reason to grow it? Not offended or trying to offend! :peace: But the purp I smoke gets me higher than any other strains I've found. And the post about droppin temps WAS about purple strains. Not all purp grows purp automatically. I've smoked some damn good purps that were dark ass green/deep orange hairs, still as yummy as if it looked purp, too!:mrgreen:
I know that you have to drop temps to get purple buds even with purple strains. I dont doubt you have smoked good purp im just saying theres better stuff out there. Im just sick of the non grower (i know this is a grow forum) asking where to get purple buds when they have no clue that the shit they have already will be better. Im on the east coast by the way. I dont have the luxury of california.
I know that you have to drop temps to get purple buds even with purple strains. I dont doubt you have smoked good purp im just saying theres better stuff out there. Im just sick of the non grower (i know this is a grow forum) asking where to get purple buds when they have no clue that the shit they have already will be better. Im on the east coast by the way. I dont have the luxury of california.

I am on the east coast as well and purple is mostly hype over here. I have taken up my own project because I am kind of disgusted at prices charged for most of this hype here on the east coast. I am going to be starting with some white strains as well as some G13+Haze in hoping to better my smoking experience.

Over here its mostly diesel, piff, or whatever is hanging around. I don't have the luxury of picking my bought stock ever, I usually just find someone who tends to get more potent buds....

I did however pick up some purple strains because if they are grown properly and with care...who said comatose?
Ya i never seen or got the trip on the purps.....and price and all i started my first grow..and flowering has begun....and i have noticed the leaves look oily and not all of them but up near the buds it almost like i could squeeze it out, is it over watering?
Ive got a purple bud.. and he loves me.



I think we can blame this one on JIMI HENDRIX
agreed man! but you have to admit at the time, purple haze, must have been nuts!

me myself, i dont know what the best shit ive smoked is called, but it made me strait tripp out! all i know is it was swiss... i think maybe a haze, but damn man every time i opened the bag it was like trying to peal two pieces of tape off of one another... it was awsome.

i grow white widdow, i love all the white strains, they strait fuck my world up.

lets not forget here that different measurements of canabanoids effect different people in different ways, something that knocks someone on theyre ass may not even get another person high, it all depends on theyre medical needs, its like someone that is prescribed aderol, it doesnt make them speed out but if a normal person takes it its like meth. you may react differently than others with purple strains.
^^^^^^ i cant believe i watched that whole clip of that song expecting something to happen besides them singing that damn song and nothing happened...
I can tell you one thing.....they sell lol
last year I had a 1lb 1/2 of some crazy purple shit and it was gone in an hour, one person told someone and they told someone lol it was gone sooooooo fast and I sold over 3/4s of the shit in grams :)
It really was a good day for me :)
Yeah, I have nothing against growing purple strains but I would look for more info about the high it gives you. Don't get carried away just because it's purple, it's a trend and it will pass eventually.
I can tell you one thing.....they sell lol
last year I had a 1lb 1/2 of some crazy purple shit and it was gone in an hour, one person told someone and they told someone lol it was gone sooooooo fast and I sold over 3/4s of the shit in grams :)
It really was a good day for me :)

I know what you mean. If i can get purple stuff ill buy it just to sell because it goes so fast. Other then that i have no real intrust.
a few years back it was blueberry(mostly cause of ludacris) and now its all about the purple bud, shit weed goes through fads like everything else....